Sunday, July 20, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Monday, July 14, 2014


I'll drink to that!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Friday, July 04, 2014

Happy birthday America!

Yeah, I know it's missing one....

Wednesday, July 02, 2014


From the ranch about 15 minutes ago.

Monday, June 30, 2014

This would really suck if it were true

Because SeaBees get the Marines hand-me-downs....

Sunday, June 29, 2014

This looks like the new viral video in my FB circle

I'm sure it would work at idle, but can anyone tell me how he got it to 55MPH just by letting the intake slurp vapors?

To my knowledge, to get more speed, you need more fuel.
If you take out the fuel pump and don't add a way to push more fuel- it'll stay at

And the dinosaurs in the Establishment roared their defiance

Because when Thad Cockran used Democrat voters to win over a Tea Partier...we're told "we have to join together and beat the Democrat" :-)

But when one of theirs gets beaten like a red-headed stepchild, it's we'll give our money to DeeCee in retubution for losing, and so what if a Dem wins next time.

"Virginia's Republican 7th District Committee, which is dominated by supporters of outgoing House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, voted to send most of its money to the national GOP,  The Washington Post reported.
The move means that Dave Brat, who deposed Cantor as the district's Republican congressional candidate, will not be able to tap the transferred $400,000 for his campaign against Democrat, and fellow Randolph-Macon College professor, Jack Trammell.

Brat supporter Robert Stuber said the committee's move was "retribution" so that the Brat campaign wouldn't have access to the funds that Cantor had raised.

The committee's decision indicates the difficulties Brat will have in uniting his tea party faction with the district's established Republican organization. It also shows that tensions between the two camps remain deep at the national level, according to the Post."

Saturday, June 28, 2014


Saturday, June 21, 2014


So I was spreading the last 20 yard load of rock in the driveway today and the neiggghbors decided they needed to get a close hand look at how I was doing.....


After that wind storm two weeks ago- (it's been that long since I posted?)

These are just the thing to take care of the only two things I'm worried about weather-wize Wild fire and wind storm.
All I need is a welder and cutting torch and no worries about structural integrity.
Plus it's weathertight as soon as it's here.............

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Fridays- they're like that

So I was staying at the ranch in Seguin and around 12:30 the wind picked up and the rain and thunder started.
Then I was in the middle of a HUGE wind storm, It felt like the 20x30 house on 10'poles was ready to lift off for Oz.
then the power went out.

What I found Fri AM when I went out to look was the top of my power pole hanging from the transformer feed.

Then I saw the three Oak trees on the ground.
Kooks like G-d want's me to build a timber frame house because he's giving me so much free wood...

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Oh! Look!


I bet it's not as big inside as the blue model....

Friday, May 30, 2014

Sing it like you mean it!

Just because there is so much negativism right now-

Remember what we were and can still be.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Don't feed the bears

Because if you do, they'll become dependent on handouts.

This was a school parking lot in an area of about 4.6% unemployment the day the San Antionio food bank was handing out free sh1t.
If you open it and look on the other side of the black fence, you might pick out A. Lot. of nice cars among the needy looking ones.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Misdirection much?

I but in the search engine... "naked chicks with guns" and expected something like this:

What I got was something completely Unsafe for Work, or home with a un-understanding wife....


But check out the trigger discilpine on most of them, it's better than some old Hag from Kaliforia,,, right Sen. Boxer?

Monday, May 19, 2014

That certainly sux

The only viable internet we have at the ranch is satellite.

We could have wireless broadband, but the new guy is putting his antennas up and jamming the original provider from our electric co-op.
Now there are two wireless providers jamming each other because the greedy new guy wants our co-op to buy him out at his asking price.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Friday, May 09, 2014

The newest 'pooter

I'm not backing off my wish that WIN-8 and it's even worse "upgrade" WIN-8.1 both die screaming in a fire.

But I found that you can still get brand new computers loaded with WIN-7, except that you have to order them.

Mine's a Dell, and I found out from IMing a tech that the touchpad non-scrolling thing is a FEATURE! of WIN-8.1 (Die in a fire while being skinned alive!).

You can go to the website of your big electronics box store and search for computers using OS as a requirement, and it will show you what you can still order.

Monday, May 05, 2014


Because I can.

From the redoubt in rural TX.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I bought a computer for the 'dog house' yesterday

The only options I had was what size laptop and what features?

I got an upper end, so we could use that as the main computer when this one dies.

I spent over three hours trying to find out how to enable scrolling on the pad and every time I swiped the pad I had two new unrelated tabs pop up.

I just want to say here and now..
Microsoft....DIE IN A FIRE!

Not only is it completely different- it's dumbed down so you DON'T have any way of changing the factory settings.

BTW, that DIE IN A FIRE goes for you too H-P.

I'm open for work-arounds.

EDIT to add:
05-01 (happy Workers Holiday!) -14
I took the thing back and got a Levotono notebook with Android.
It works like my fone, and someone said on FB that it's based on Linux-

If that's the case, I'll get that Win-8 and download linux........

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I broke a waterline last week

It wasn't marked and no-one even knew it was there. I was exposing our conduit and stuck a side tooth through the pipe.

It took then forever to find the right valve,,, and another couple hours to discover they forgot to turn off the back-flow preventer.
We couldn't get all the water out of the hole because the conduit was acting like a dam, so I went in (up to my knees in water) and dug under the conduit.

After we got the pipe fixed, I had to buy a new pair of boots as the others took three days to dry.
When I was wearing those new boots, my left heel started hurting- which I attributed to new boots.

Turns out that it's the way I'm sitting on the backhoe while gingerly feeling for unknown utilities.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Friday, April 18, 2014

F*ck politics for one night

In rememberance of old girlfriends;

And she wasn't so much fat-bottomed as pleasingly plump...

Then I got married...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Buy a Gun Day

Does anyone do that anymore?
Just wondering because I forgot until today.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Geting there

Some before and after shots of the workshop-

....I hope I don't have to tell you which is which.......

I had to murder one of the oaks right next to the house the other day, so I can get my midget penguin pr()n from one of the radio towers a couple miles away.
I spent last night out there so I could get things like dismembering the body for furniture or flooring when it's dried out and cremating the rest.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Technically... This is not a trench

Who knows why?

Edit to add:

And I found all four of those conduits scraping 1/4" at a time.
...WITHOUT even a cheek-full of Redman.