Saturday, December 01, 2012

No post

Just a filler to get that hateful, soulless bitch off my front page.

I got 125 hits for this post?

I am always reminded of this quote

Whenever I see Valerie Jarrett:
"And, you know, the thing about a shark... he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living... until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screaming..." Quint- Jaws

And the android looking skin on her face,,,, that just somehow looks unnatural.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Just not feeling it today

So lets get to Rule-5 Thursday

Fill 'er up! edition:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Giving credit where credit is due

So I opened the gate this morning on the way to work and noticed my right headlight was out. (that's an advantage of having to manually open and close gates- you can see what's not working every day)

So I drove to work with the brites on- hey with these modern illumination systems, who's going to care- right?

Anyway, we got sent home early because theSuper didn't show up and I got home about 7:15. I got around to hitting town about 1:30 and got the replacement (or what the owners manual said was the number- a choice of 3) for $10. I was thinking about getting a pair, because the next one is on the way- right?

So I got home and was expecting to at least pull the battery to get to the back of the light housing, when the book said something like "Pull the two black plastic tabs up and remove the housing from the front". Oh??? *Angels singing and harp music*
O-K! So I did- and it came right out- WOW! GM did something that I didn't need a $50 Genuine GM part for!

I got the old lamp out and tried to plug the new on in, but ti didn't fit. ???!!!???
I looked at the lamp socket and saw two ridges that didn't fit the trucks plug....BUT it worked everywhere else. NOW here is where it's nice that I keep my tools with me- including a utility knife (sorry MSM- box blade) and took care of those two ridges.

Poof- it's back in and the two black plastic strips are holding the fixture just like brand new!

Now, if we could only get the rest of our money from them, we'd almost be set.
---Or a tee shirt that says "$56 Billion and all I got was this shirt!"

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sorry girls- not in Germany

Because they banned it.

Muslims preparing to riot about the racism involved.

Monday, November 26, 2012

90 years ago

and three days- Howard Carter found the tomb of King Tut.

This discovery then cause arguably the most intense media blitz ...for quite a while and enabled me, hour humble host to enable you to marvel at the Boy King (the original, not the poseur in DC)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

AMC, are you serious?

The mid season finale?

WTF does that mean? Now we have to wait another 10 months to get the next FIVE episodes?

I quit watching Dr. Who because the BEEB kept making the seasons shorter and shorter- now AMC is doing it?

HEY as long as you're going to be down, how about feeding the women this time?

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Good by Major Nelson

And JR is gone too.

Oh well this looks like a good Jeanie themed Rule five day!

So Barry-

How's that "Smart Diplomacy" working for ya?

Seems to me that it's working as well for you as it did for the last Dem president who tried it-
But, HEY! his wife is in charge of it now.....
So anything we hear will be filtered through rose colored glasses and virgin usual.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving- the next day

All the dogs in the house got some leftovers:

Rule 5 thursday - on Friday

A day late because this blonde bimbo is so out of it, she thinks she's a Republican.

And because she fits the chubby thang so well- or more...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Rodney Dangerfield of world leaders

Getting the same greeting as a servant.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Since everything is a racial codeword- or dogwhistle

Let me try talking about this election without using any, and see if we have any Democrat complaints.

The election on November 6th was a                                    then we                       and           because                                but,                          !          might have                                then              ,              ,            and          , so                             Ohio                           ballot                                        .   If                      not                         because                                  .  Romney                                    Bane Capital                               disenfranchised                            home.      Since                                    Olympics                             .                reelection        SCoaMF              booing                      couch cover                   .

If we                 , then                     because                 - BUT-                                       .
Now that                                              FUBAR                    BOHICA                        then                 just like           .

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ropeyarn Sunday will now commence

And be in effect until Monday.

That is all.

Now- in News that's Not

This message is coming from a guy who never even heard of thanksgiving until he spent a year in America.

Another Liberal telling you how to live.

Here's a message to the Republican party

Their pollsters and other assorted ne'er-do-wells.

We keep hearing thar it wasn't Romney, it was the message...or something.
The same thing we hear when the Democrats are losing.

We hear that turnout this time was lower than even McCain got. Probably.
Because the ONLY reason I bothered to go to the polls in `08 was because of Sarah Palin and the hope that she could do something to help the Republicans.
I bet a lot of others that stayed home this time were Palin voters, too.

Then You threw her under the bus to try covering for that horrible campaign of McCain and your pros.
THEN you gave us Romeny.

Give us someone we can vote FOR this time, or I guarantee you that the results will be even worse next time-
Because we won't "have" to vote against the Democrat and for the smaller evil
Because this time it won't be THEMOSTIMPORTANTELECTION EVAR in your entire LIFE!!!!eleventy!!!! 

Yeah, you lost that one when you decided that Romney was the most electable one you liked.

Monday, November 19, 2012

S.E. Cupp

Rocking that sexy-smart schoolgirl uniform look

But not so much the Fudd Duds...

Taking this to the logical extention

It looks like I'm going to start hoarding hops and grain now, before the restrictions start.

Because this idea of a license to smoke has already been made- and we all know how much the 0bama administration loves to take a bad idea and run with it...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

So, is Andrea

Just a slut who like high powered men?
OR is she just in survival mode?

I knew she was going to be the Governors mistress last week, but wondered what the plot twist was.

I'm still wondering about that tea they made a point of mentioning last week in town.

And we get to Leshawn- she's some kind of operator, but what kind?

Like the song goes

Everybody's working on the week-end:

Oh? It's working FOR the weekend? Sorry.

Off to work- play nice.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Yeah Mckayla, I can totally understand

That you're not impressed.

What chu mean "not impressed?"

From FB

Friday, November 16, 2012

Congratulations to the Bakers and Confectionary union

You really showed Hostess who was boss.

I hope HR tells the State Workers Board that you all quit.
But, HEY- look at all those EBT cards you're eligible for now.

I'll tell you right now who's responsible

For that train crash that killed Wounded  Warriors in Midland.

And I won't have to take months of wasting  taxpayers money for the investigation and a 1,000 page report.
It was the driver of that flatbed who pulled onto the tracks without room to keep going to clear the tracks.

They were in a parade and the truck in front stopped and the trailing truck stopped on the tracks instead of behind the danger zone. The driver couldn't back up because there was probably someone behind him.

There, I just saved millions of Dollars in taxpayer money for overpaid safety consultants, travel and lodging.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday rule Five


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I still have a hard time believing

That we lost honestly to the party of this:

But then I remember this:

My what a huge media storm

That the Petraeus adultery scandal opened up.
The MSm is all besides themselves in using this to protect their Chicago Jeezus from the inactions of his administration.

SO--how many people died because of the Petraeus affair?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's days like this

That I kind of wish I had a desk job in a nice warm office.

Monday, November 12, 2012

This is obamas thanks- Ohio

I wish I could be an adult about this and be more forgiving- but you stuck America with a four year nationalization that will make Venezuela look like a monopoly game.

Sucks to be 0bamphiles on food stamps.
Yeah, and I feel the same way about those suckers in NYC and New Jersey who re-elected that fail that is Chicago-on-the-Potomac.