Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day!

You thought I forgot, didn't you?

Oh,,,you want content?

Poor Keifer-
Got himself fired from a third rate Tv/interwebz channel for being a doosh-nozzle and now he's wandering around NTC aimless and lost.     Or did he join #OWS? Hard to tell from that description, isn't it?

Is he packing on the pounds,or does wearing a suit on TeeWee make you look thinner?

Friday, April 20, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

...OR- you could have ignored it for the next three minutes

That way instead of f*cking with your phone, you could have remembered to lower your landing gear!

If you weren't 'really' reading that flurry of text alerts you just got at 1,000 feet before landing.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

They don't have refrigerators in Chicago?

Or else Mooch is a really bad food shopper. -or their maid was a bad shopper....

Because id Barry ever wanted fresh fruit, he'd leave his car and take a subway to go to a store that had fresh fruit....or something.
Because taking one of your cars that two working adults had to go to work with would hurt Gaia (somehow) if you wanted a piece of fresh fruit and your wife was too  ...unhealthy to buy when she went food shopping- and you didn't have any fresh fruit in the refrigerator................

You know, I'm really into the meat and carbs thing- but even I have some kind of fresh fruit or veggies in the fridge.
It's probably destined for a side dish, or ingredient in my carnivorous diet, but you can still eat carrots raw.

Do they teach officers about addresses at the academy?

I'm just wondering if they even mention looking at the house address and the warrant, informants lie, or Sheriffs Hunch before entering the wrong address and shooting another dog.

AUSTIN, Texas (CBS Houston) – An Austin police officer fatally shoots a dog after showing up at the wrong address for a domestic violence call.
When police officer Thomas Griffin arrived to the address last Saturday, he witnessed Michael Paxton playing Frisbee with his dog, Cisco.
According to reports obtained by CBS Houston, the officer yelled at Paxton to show him his hands. The police car dashboard cam then caught Cisco coming to his owner’s rescue by barking at the officer. The officer responded by yelling, “Get your dog!”
Griffin then opened fire on Cisco, killing the dog.

So, I guess if you didn't have the means for putting a dog down, you just call in a domestic dispute at your neighbors house and the cops will show up at your door and shoot your dog for you, no questions asked.

Something to start your hump-day

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

...And something to lighten your day

Because, for some reason- the cold war is coming back:
With lyrics that I didn't know in Adak-

I always thought it was a kind of pretty song, but my German isn't all that good...
AND all the big bloggers are doing the Cold War meme....

So, just WHo is this "Union of Concerned Scientists"?

That Newsmax cited as a source - when they put this out about electric cars.

And how good they are for the environment.
Electric vehicles in the United States save money on fuel and are less polluting than most gasoline-powered vehicles, even in places where electricity is made by burning coal, the Union of Concerned Scientists said in a report released on Monday.

"Drivers should feel confident that owning an electric vehicle is a good choice for reducing global warming pollution, cutting fuel costs, and slashing oil consumption," said Don Anair, a senior engineer on UCS's clean vehicles program

Except that you don't make mention of the lakes of caustic chemicals and heavy metal pollution in the drinking water of the Chinese peasants who live near the factories supplying the electric guts to these Gaia friendly happy-mobiles.

Monday, April 16, 2012

I'm getting old

I didn't know the street slang for a bag of mixed Rx drugs was a "bag of Skittles"....

Can't remember where I saw that at, or I'd send you there.

Water, the wonder liquid

or is it a chemical compound, since there are two different atoms?

It's a universal solvent (it just takes a lot longer on some things).
It's life sustaining, and if you're a Wal-mart supplier- it's a perfect extender.

Inject it into meat, so the customer gets the same weight for less product (until they cook it).
Add more to the  beverage selection, and a pinch more concentrate- same amount for the same price.
In the store brand "preserves" add even more water to the 1 1/2 strawberries  and a touch more man made chemicals and poof- you have a peanut butter and strawberry soup sandwich.

The new culture wars

We went through at least one in the `60's-early `70's.

But that wasn't really a culture war, more like a scrimmage of those of divergent futures with the same history.
Both sides were coming from the same places (common history, schools, whole family's...), but the professors, union bosses and Hollywood gave the Hippies a different vision of the future.

Today- the entire education system, along with the race hustlers have taken our common history away and substituted their alternate vision of history and morals.
Now we don't have much -except for language and currency in common with the "urban" culture who has always been told by race hustlers and the education system that they have their own culture and to try to get ahead by working for it and getting a 'real' education is "acting white".

Because hate and resentment is such an easier emotion to manipulate than racial co-understanding and common outlook.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Guess what I'll be doing today

Except that it happened when I was going uphill and don't have a fully illuminated genUine accessory shift knob.

Wasn't that bad, last time I changed the pads -I put a loop in the rubber line and it rubbed against the wheel stop. Pads were fine and  didn't have to change the drivers side, so everything except one hose went back.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

You might want to bookmark this

This page is for Texas voters, but there is a box to click and save for your state.

Funny thing is, on the Democrat side you find more people running for more positions (at the same zipcode) than on the Republican side....


Naw...I can't imagine why I'd be the least bit suspicious.

Stating the obvious

Willard? Weren't you a little hard on the Bever last night?

So- the newest and best strategy the smartest negro 'IN the WORLD!!" has come up with a strategy of reminding us peaceful and ordered our lives would be (and less expensive) if Mitt Romney was president?

The new Democrat talking point is to compare Mittens with Ward Cleaver?
And 35 cent gas
And smart healthy kids
And actual civil discourse
And low taxes (where June didn't HAVE to work to help pay bills)
And affordable health insurance

...should I go on?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A perfect example of a watered down education system

As in- we have all these college degrees floating around and we need to make them mean 'something'- so we'll make a requirement for a METER READER to have a college degree to drive a truck with an automatic meter reader in it.

Because someone who didn't graduate college- even if they can tell our engineers what needs to happen on our power grid- isn't smart enough to drive a truck with a mobile computer that automatically reads electric meters...

Mxxxxx ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE - is looking for a highly motivated team member to join our Hzzzzz District Office located at 237 Hwy. ABC N as an Automatic Meter Reader Technician. We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits. Salary commensurate with education and experience; only qualified applicants will be considered. Pre-requisites: Must have an Associate’s degree or higher, at least 3 years experience in a technical capacity (electrical, communications or computers), and a valid TX driver’s license. Application available at or either Hzzzz office. Completed applications must be postmarked by Friday, April 20 and mailed to the address on the application. EOE. 4-12-1tc

BTW- I know I'm making more in this job, and most of my other jobs in the last ten years than this college grad will be, no matter what his credentials.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I thought strippers were supposed to be hot....

...and most were working there way through grad school while working on their Masters of astrophysics....or something.

In this story, straight from OKC. we have half of that hot thing, and another who'd be a shoe-in for the banjo-boy if they ever make a re-run of Deliverance.

SRSLY-  click the gallery under the map...

I see #OccupySharonTate had another parole hearing today

The original group of #Occupy who killed the 1%er Sharon Tate and her friends missed his parole hearing today, and won't be eligible again for 15 years.

Sorry Charlie:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Someone is looking to identify these youths

who mobbed an Exxon store in Portland.

There is no description except for the video, but if you recognize someone, be sure to let the po-po know that you're a snitch.

Personally, I think someone ought to ask 0bama if he knows where any kids who could be his sons were that night....

A quick question for all you "journalists" out there

Here's your story-
A New Jersey man who survived accidentally shooting a 4-inch ( 10-cm) nail into his heart while trying to clear a jammed nail gun said on Friday he feels like he won the lottery.

~snip~-money quote:
Hennis, a self-employed builder, was working with his son, age 28, on a neighbor's roof on Saturday when his nail gun jammed and he tried to clear it, mistakenly pointing it toward him.
The powerful tool was built to fire 4-inch nails at 120 pounds per square inch (8.4 kg per square cm), said hospital spokeswoman Lori Shaffer.

This is a framing nail gun:

How do you 'accidentally' aim it at yourself?
I know guys who keep the trigger pulled back so they could blow-and-go, or wired the safety back,,so they could blow-and-go- and I never liked working around them.

Now, they make them so you can't jimmy the safety- don't know what he was doing, but there wasn't any 'accidentally' about where that nail gun was pointed.

Monday, April 09, 2012

While you're getting tired of meatloaf

or spending your money on cheap PIZZA! PIZZA!

Obama will be sitting down with the .25%who own Little Caesars, and other 1%rs who will gladly pay as much as you might make in a year for pizza served on sterling silver plates.

President Barack Obama is coming to the Motor City for a $1 million pizza party being thrown for him compliments of Denise Ilitch, daughter of Little Caesars’ founders Mike and Marian Ilitch. Ilitch is opening her home April 18 for the fundraiser where movers and shakers are being asked to pony up thousands to add to his re-election coffer while getting a chance to rub shoulders with the most powerful man on the planet. “I’m honored to have been asked,” by the Obama campaign to host,” Ilitch said of the event she and husband, Jim Scalici, will hold at their Metro Detroit home.


When asked what she planned to serve, she said: “Pizza! But, we’ll be serving it on sterling silver plates!”

The price of admission isn’t for those on a budget. $40,000 buys access to the cocktail reception, formal photo with Obama and dinner. $10,000 buys dinner and a photo.

Yeah, just like the 99% #OWS he supports.

I know where I won't be buying pizza, pizza.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Not that it matters to Obamas ATF

But making copies of a FFLs sales books is illegal.
That's creating a registry of people who bought guns.

Not that it really matters, becauss all that data from gun show loopholes aren't getting deleted when they authorize (or not) a gun sale. Just because the law says they're supposed to....

Kinda like that law that says DON'T sell guns to known drug dealers.

Happy Easter from the RoP

The area has been the scene of a religious conflict in recent years that has claimed hundreds of lives.
There had been warnings of attacks in the region over Easter

No one has yet admitted carrying out the bombing, but the BBC's correspondent in Nigeria, Mark Lobel, says the radical Islamist group Boko Haram recently said it would carry out attacks in the area over the Easter holiday.

Obama expected to give a stern talk when he returns from his  93rd golf outing of his presidency.
He.....didn't want to disrupt anyone celebrating the Easter miracle by going to church today, I see....

Echoing "the Feral Irishman's" Easter post

Here ya go PISSED:

BTW--GOOGLE, even bing has a reference to Easter on their searchpage(today only).

Saturday, April 07, 2012

I'm watching "The matrix" agian

Well, it's the last Matrix, and I know -it's a crappy kind of movie, but it's one that you have to stop on,,,you know--those kind.
Those ATUs- why aren't the drivers more protected? And why do they have to hold their arms AND the controls without any arm support? It would seem a lot better to use joysticks like backhoe operators use for 8- 12 hours a day.

And the ammo-humpers are completely unprotected? With at that hot, sharp metal flying all over? WTF- I know they're not highly trained specialists, but dude- if they can't work, YOU can't get reloaded.

THEN the advertisement for the Cell phone company with the teen giving the guy a silent treatment- over the phone...Yeah, he doesn't know what to do-
- I'd hang up and make that problem worse.

Happy "Pillow Fight Day"!

Friday, April 06, 2012

The RINO Lisa Murkowski standing up for women

...Well at least some women-
Murkowski criticized GOP presidential candidates for not condemning Rush Limbaugh for calling Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute,” which he later apologized for. Fluke was rejected as a witness before a panel on the Obama contraception mandate chaired by House Oversight And Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) last February. . . .
“To have those kind of slurs against a woman. . . you had candidates who want to be our president not say, ‘That’s wrong. That’s offensive.’ They did not condemn the rhetoric,” she said.

Because according to certain search engines, the RINO Murkowski couldn't find it worth her while to defend a certain female Veep candidate from much worse attacks. As a matter of fact, she even joined the war on certain women.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

It's good to have a high opinion of yourself

It's kind of a rock that you can cling to when life throws you chit storms.

It's completely another thing to have an unrealistically high opinion and make sure everyone knows it.
-Then we get into the realm of the MSM where you're both the protagonist and victim, because - hey! Eyeballs are eyeballs.  Lets see how long we can run with this...poor little me.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

A question about MEEchelle's $500 a plate fundraiser

Mooch was preaching to kids to brainwash their grandparents:

"I mean, I can’t tell you in the last election how many grandparents I ran into who said, I wasn’t going to vote for Barack Obama until my grandson talked to me, until my great-grandson talked to me, and talked about the future he wanted for this country,” she said.
“You can get out there with your parents. You guys can knock on doors. I had one young lady who brought me a petition — she’s already working. You can convince wrong people. Sometimes we don’t listen to ourselves, but we will listen to our children.

Ok, it would be two questions-
  1. It was Friday, why weren't those kids in school?
  2. Who paid for those kids? 
Of course Mooch can't tell how many elderly told her that BS, because she probably didn't hear anyone say that.