Friday, August 26, 2011

Late jumping on the newest meme

That all the cool bloggers are doing.

Here's my take on the thing:



"I'm the DoKtor"

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I can't help it

I saw this picture here, and the first caption I thought of was:
                                                   "  I want to have your baby!" (squeee)

Then I saw THIS picture that was begging for a caption, too:

                                                   "   DUDE! I so want to have your baby!"

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Now that gadaffi's gone

Can I ask a question?
It may be completely self explanatory to some, but I'm curious.

Why is it good, and why is it that Kaddafi needed to go?
I mean, yes he was a dictator that at one time was into terrorism (before being a 'militant' was cool).

BUT- after Reagan let him know in no uncertain terms that the US and the rest of the world was tired of his shit- he really did calm down. He actually in his own way seemed to try to stop antagonizing everyone just because he could.

Yeah, he got that Lockerbee terrorist back home, but that was more instinct (like a dog licking his b@lls) than outright transgression. Besides the Liberals in the place that used to be Great Britain actually pushed him on Libya.

So again- aside from oil-for-France and the theme of "all the cool kids are doing it"- why did we get involved in someone who hasn't really been a problem to us- the US in twenty years?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

By his enemies you will know him

I heard this today on the radio, and thought about that title.

How can having trial lawyers making a huge stink about how they hate your ideas be a bad thing?
I mean trial lawyers are the lowest scum in the legal world, aren't they?

Saying anything to get a favorable verdict- no matter how implausible it is- like channeling dead children to sway a jury into millions of legal fees.
Yes, lets get that attack apparatus set up.
I'm sure the IBEW and SEIU will be glad to help fellow bottom feeders.

Top Shot is on right now

I just can't really get into it this time.

Maybe it's the two TSA guys that I just can't get behind because I just can't see someone who doesn't give a shit about enabling the shredding of our Constitution by blue-shirted Nazis.

I know if I were in that house, I'd probably be sleeping outside because of the crap I'd be shoveling to those two jackbooted thugs.

Just to re-enforce my male chauvinist creds...

I like meat. Meat tastes good.
Just saying, and I'm not going to link a certain blog or show a pic of her wearing a certain tee shirt.

What I forgot this morning...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

did anyone realize they were missing the daily dose of KMA?

as opposed to the WTF coming out of the White House and the MSM.

Well, you're going to be getting an earfull of president Kickazz and how he personally save the Libyan peons from Gadaffi.

Because something needs to be done to take your mind off of the non-existent jobs bill coming out in two weeks.

NOTE- I'm not saying DeeCee did anything to push the timetable up, but sometimes even a blind pig finds an acorn.

For the f*ck sake people, it's a game

actually it was an exhibition game that didn't mean crap.

But you're in the gang-banger world of south Kali, so we should expect adult juveniles to be shooting and beating each other over nothing because we have no impulse control.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

So, this latest and greatest waste of taxpayer money

...the one where president white-guilt payed some $2.2 million (each) for Canadian urban assault vehicles and the associated costs for the standby planes, helos and transport was at least 10 million dollars of our money.

For a photo-op.
For three days.

That's at least $3 million of taxpayer money on the Chicago Jeezus's re-election archives.

Can you imagine a politician that actually acted like they gave half-a-shit about our money?

Friday, August 19, 2011's a WORKING vacation!

Remember when the LSM jumped all over Bush when he took some time to go back to Texas and did his presidential duties there?

Yeah- Bush --->home to Texas

Het iWON ---> $50K/wk in Marthas vineyard where 40 years ago he wouldn't be allowed to stay overnight.

But---he's getting daily briefings:

...before he does more important things...

If you have any humanity in you

This will piss you off...

And make you ask why we're sending our best and brightest over there to die and become maimed in order to protect these animals in human form.

Via IOTW we find how those islamotards treat their animals, and in turn their own people.
Because if your religion teaches you to torture a dog, what stops you from doing the same to say...women? Children? Infidels? Shia (if you're the other sect), Baath if you're shia?

Hell, lets stone a woman to death because she got raped.

Lets pull our troops out and level the Afghani hills into a melted, rolling green (and softly glowing) golf course for our vacationer-in-chief.

Just one more reason

Not to buy a Govt. Motors vehicle.

Not only did they get some $18 Billion in taxpayers money without me even getting a truck out of the deal. Shit, I didn't even get a TEE saying I didn't get a truck- or a tee for all that pissed away money.

Now they refuse to fix the shit they built wrong before the UNIONS got their payback from the 0bama machine.

"New GM's warranty obligations for vehicles sold by Old GM are limited to the express terms and conditions in the Old GM written warranties on a going-forward basis," wrote Benjamin Jeffers, a lawyer for GM. "New GM did not assume responsibility for Old GM's design choices, conduct, or alleged breaches of liability under the warranty."
Even though they're the same clowns that ran GM into the ground in the first place.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Run Paul run???

For all those who are waiting breathlessly for Senator Representative Paul Ryan to decide to drop his hat into the ring.

Can I remind you of some things?

SENATOR Barack Huessine Obama

Lets find someone who isn't responsible for getting us into this mess in the first place.

BTW- how many Representatives have run/won the presidency?

Where did I miss the tipping point in Syria?

When Assad was first going after his own citizens for wanting a "democratic" change in leadership, we were told that it wasn't like Libya (and blood wouldn't be spilt for their oil) because Assad was a 'reformer'.

But now that he's taking tanks into his own cities (just like dad)- Hillary and Oby are realizing that this isn't the reform they were looking for?
Now someone has to step up and write a firm letter of condemnation to Syria.

Good luck on that Cloud King.

So now they've gone and elivated the Sky King to a Cloud king

or something like that if you understand Leftie nuances.

Because someone with a dark cloud hanging over them used to be considered bad luck.

But now-a-days it means The Gawd-king himself, Gawds other son Barry.
So in that vein, lets sing to Barry the Cloud King-

15 months more!

HEH! Maybe Perry could use it for his theme song?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I spent almost all day avoiding wrecks

So I want to tell all of you newcomers-
"Welcome to Texa" Now quit driving like assholes.
You people from the Libera northeast and you d1ckheads from Kali can just chill out.
You came here to get away from the government you were responsible for and brought your crappy driving habits with you.

Stop trying to drive like you're in competition with everyone else on the road- and use some common sense...and your mirrors. I drive a big truck and one or three car lengths aren't going to make me any later than I would be already- and I let merging traffic use that space. When you can't look in your mirror to see a football field of space behind the car you're trying to force your way into-

this song is dedicated to you and all your fellow drivers.

I'm going to have to video some of my trips and put them to this music.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

If you're interested in some of the background rumors about Rick Perry

You need to head over to Texas Freds blog to get the story behind the talking points.
These include the Al Bore election campaign of ...........1988.
His Gardasil ideas.
The Trans-Texas corridor- and how he listened to his citizens and stopped it.
School rankings and spending.
How his detractors and the media are using illegals to smear the entire state- but what would you expect from Obama sycophants.

Anyway- if you're interested- Fred has done a good job in giving background about someone else I would vote for.

One thing he didn't mention is that Perry, being an ex-Dem knows how they fight and isn't afraid to use the same tactics against them.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Jeezus H. Krist on a pogo stick

two days ago we had Martin Luther Obama complaining about how badly hes being treated.
Today Abraham Obama is complaining about how badly people are talking about him.

At his campaign-style town hall meeting in Decorah, Iowa, President Obama compared the criticism he has received from Republicans and other political opponents to the troubles faced by President Abraham Lincoln during the civil war. "Lincoln," the president said, "they used to talk about him almost as bad as they talk about me."

Obama told the woman that "democracy is always a messy business in a big country like this." In addition, he said, "We kind of romanticize sometimes what democracy used to be like."

Yeah, like your ideological mentors:

It's a good thing for you that your tame media is still carrying your water.
If they were dumping on you like they did continually with "W" what do you think your approval ratings would be today?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A quick question for Mike Suckabee

Do you want to remind anyone where you came in on the `08 primary polling?
Because you really suck at being a political commentator- or prognosticator.

But, he advised Pawlenty to stay in the race.

"Whoever of the two Minnesotans comes out on top," he said, referring to Pawlenty and Michele Bachmann, "they come out of here on the shoulders of their teammates. The other one may go out on a gurney."

"It may be that some people are a little more positioned and are going to stay in and some who decide that their donor base is going to dry up," he said.

But, he advised Pawlenty to stay in the race.


But, Huckabee said, those who think Perry will come into the race and be able to knock Romney off his game easily are mistaken.

"The question may be what will Romney do to Perry. The one thing Romney's got going for him is it's not his first rodeo," Huckabee said.

The results of the Iowa Republican straw poll of August 13 are: (1) Michelle Bachmann 4,823; (2) Ron Paul 4,671; (3) Tim Pawlenty 2,293; (4) Rick Santorum 1,657; (5) Herman Cain 1,456; (6) Rick Perry 718 (write-in); (7) Mitt Romney 567; (8) Newt Gingrich 385; (9) Jon Huntsman 69; (10) Thad McCotter 35. There were another 162 scattering votes.

Notice that Huckabee, who does not like Romney, said "the one thing." He continued, and said of Romney, "He's been on the back of the bull before and it's a bruising experience, and he has the advantage of having ridden it for a while."

That's right Mike, if I can remind you that

Back to the important stuff

President every-man has been on top of digging the credit hole deeper the whole month of July.
Now that it's over until Dec. 2012 he can get back to the important things about being president.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

President photo-op

How disgusting-

And now, Sony is making a re-election movie about president kickass scheduled to open a month before election day.
"The Chicago Jeezus saves SEAL team 6"- played by Jim. Brown.

So, which unnamed party was responible

for the huge intrusion of the British privacy and well being if the Conservative party is dismantling them?

His Conservative-led coalition government — which took office in May 2010 — has been praised for overturning some of Britain's most repressive anti-terrorism legislation. Ministers have overhauled a program under which people who had never been accused of a terrorism offense could be held under virtual house arrest, and ended a practice that allowed police to detain suspects without charge for up to 28 days.

An unpopular national identity card program was scrapped and new limits were imposed on the retention of DNA profiles and the spread of closed-circuit TV cameras.

"The coalition has done great work in rolling back some of the most draconian laws imposed under Tony Blair, we have to hope David Cameron's administration doesn't now fall into the same traps," said Daniel Hamilton, director of civil liberties group Big Brother Watch.

I just noticed that in an article about the recent racial riots where great Britain used to be.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Remember way back this summer

When the Left and the MSM (but I repeat myself)was in a pantie wetting spasm of rage at an extended magazine...sorry Libs- A. Clip.

They asked "Why would any law abiding citizen need 30 rounds at a time?"

Here's one reason.

This would be another- except that it's against the law for any British SUBJECT to defend themselves against lawbreakers.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

So now we have a new debt committee

To replace the five that did nothing in the last three years.

We have six people who were fundamental in bringing this whole thing down on us.
And then we have six Republicans who are strong(ish) Tea Partyers.

So I guess that's a good reason for another poll of my astute readers.

What will the results be for Team Chapter 11? free polls
What will the newest Team Chapter 11 come up with for Americas financial future.
It'll be a stalemate.
Republicans want to STARVE old people and the needy!!!...AND blacks
They'll meet in private and talk about their squash scores at the exclusive Congerssional Club.
It'll end up like the dozens before them and offer some wishy-washy politalk It'll be forgotten about before the second week of november 2012 More taxes.

And as we all knew about the blow-out in the last poll- except for the two women and the Liberal who wanted HAL and the Kingfish--- Everyone with a pulse went for Kelly.
But as usual- you can still vote, but it doesn't count.

As an aside, I'm wondering if any bigger blogs might notice how accurate my dozen loyal readers are.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I mentioned something about one of our dogs on facebook

I said it there and In case it leaks out- I'll say it here, too:

IN RESPONSE TO THE EMAILS CONCERNING MY DOG Please be advised I am sick to death of receiving questions about my dog who mauled six illegals wearing Obama t-shirts, two rappers, ten Zynga programmers, five phone operators who asked me to press #1 for English, nine teenagers with pants hanging down past their cracks, eight customer service desk people speaking in broken English, and three flag burners.


Tuesday, August 09, 2011

What was that we just heard this week-end

About spoiled groups of people going out and breaking things because they don't get everything they want handed to them on a silver platter?
You know The movers and shakers of the Democrat party having a temper tantrum about being held (sort of) accountable for their ginormous spending spree these last two and a half years.

BUT WAIT- how about union thugs going on strike and sabotaging their own facilities?
Because Verizon isn't giving them what they want.

The telecommunications company said there have been 12 acts of sabotage to telephone lines and to Internet and television services in Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, and New York since the strike began.

Fiber-optic lines were intentionally cut in Tewksbury and several other municipalities on the East Coast, the company said.

Stolen equipment in Cedar Grove, N.J., affected service to a police department, and a heat system was tampered with at a central office in Manhattan.

Just to prove that the UNION is above the laws of common civility.

now come the disclaimers of responsibility:
Myles Calvey, a business manager with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers who is representing New England workers in the negotiations, said the union has no knowledge of its members committing any acts of sabotage.

“We don’t do that, and nobody in the union leadership supports any of that,’’ he said. The striking workers are members of the IBEW and the Communications Workers of America.

That's right Miles- because if the UNION BOSSES didn't let their thugs know they didn't want those emergency lines cut- they wouldn't have been cut.

Too bad there's no pictures, I wonder how many communists are supporting them.

I'm going to ask for a show of hands

How many of you took your lunch to school?
Now- how many got food poisoning from those lunches?

No, Poindexter- getting food poisoning every time you didn't study for a test doesn't count.

The reason I'm asking- and if anyone wants to research, it's fine with me- is that a bunch of busy-bodies did a study on pre-school lunches and found that sac lunches were (GASP!!! eleven) disease factories just waiting to make your kid sick.

...and you wouldn't even know WHY!!!one!1

Almansour says it's not clear how many instances of food-borne illness can be attributed to sack lunches, since tracing food poisoning back to a specific food or meal isn't always possible. But his team's eye-opening findings should encourage parents to rethink how they pack their children's lunches, he says.

"We don't always know what got us sick," he explains. "You can't easily point a finger at a particular food. But sack lunches could easily be the culprit."

So, who wants to guess what the Ledge. or some other Liberal who wants more control of your kids life is going to do with this study?

Because, after all if it saves just one child....

Monday, August 08, 2011

I wish I was a big enough person

that I could say that I feel badly for all the people involved in Bank of America, but after the way they drove me away with their increasing fees and credit card rate hikes...

It must suck to be you, and anyone stupid enough to stay as suckers for your rip-off fee schedule deserves what they get.

I'll be paying off that usurious credit card as soon as I get caught up with my other bills and then you can Kinetic Military Action this sucker.
...Since I got behind on payments for it when you started sending my bill to Orlando- and used that to raise my APR...go f*ck yourself.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

More Islamic peace and understanding

in the spirit of Rhamadon.
Targeting Christian churches in Iraq.

Keep spreading that religion of Peace(es).

So... it smells like

a combination of stale gas, mouldy wool, old sweat and grease?

That's what the new scent "Patton" would smell like if we wanted to keep it real.