Thursday, June 16, 2011

San Fransisco

The no Fun Zone.

First kittens, then puppies and hamsters and now goldfish?

Her name

Is Nadia G.
From the Food Channel.
She's cute and perky, but I can's stand watching her (even with the sound off) because she's from Jersey..with the whole Jersey thing going on.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Remember that sick-out in Wisconsin?

Where those union thugs who are getting big bucks for not teaching kids?
Which dragged on for endless weeks of hippies, drum circles and lies about non-union states and their education systems?

...And the mis-spelled signs and historical mistakes?

Now we have some comparisons from school testing results from the overachieving unionized teachers unions in Wisconsin and that semi-literate state of Texas where the non-unionized teachers don't haul in over $100K of pay and bennies.

I added the blue line in the math graph for Texas to make it a little easier to compare graphs.
I'd like to add something that everyone else forgets in their head-to-head comparisons, that being the 76.3% of lily white kids and 8% hispanics in Wisconsin schools compared to the 34% white bread and 47.9% hispanics in Texas schools.
I might ad that a lot of those vatos don't habla anglis muy bueno, either...

The leadership poll

Since the previous one was pretty much a blowout for Rufus T. Firefly, we have a new and hopefully more divers poll.
Since we need someone with positive ideas for America- that's the question: free polls
Who has better ideas for America?
Rufus T. Firefly 
A girl (Margaret Thatcher) 
President "Gutsy Call" 0bama 

Does president 'Gutzy Kall' have anything to say about this?

It looks like everyone that helped him personally kill OBL is being rounded up by Paki intelligence and then disappearing.

It's like he doesn't care what happens to anyone who puts their lives on the line to help him. I'm sure anyone else who may have been inclined to help us are watching this non-intervention go on and making a lifesaving decision about now.

But then, if we did do something we might make the muzzie Pakies mad and have to send them another billion Dollars to pacify them...

Ok, John- then what?

Yesterday John Boehner gave president Chicago Jeezus a letter informing him that if he didn't come clean about his Libyan adventure by Friday- something bad was going to happen.

As Bill Cosby used to say- Riiight.

0bama's untouchable in his cloak of Liberal white guilt. Anything you try to do even if you have some token Dems on your side will be met with a wall of outrage.
That is if you have the cajones to DO anything when the iWONness blows you off.

Hope you have fun on your golf outing that's tearing the presidents family apart.

I'm going to go out on a limb here

But I feel pretty safe in knowing it's one of those main branch limbs.

Out of these 22 most dirty cities in America (actually it's 21 +San Juan, PR*)-
I'd have to hazard a guess that probably 95% of them are either screaming Liberal or Democrat controlled.
I know Houston and San Antonio have a good healthy population of Dems...

*But then, maybe that wasn't one of those 57 states that the Worlds Smartest Negro hadn't gotten around to until yesterday...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just to give you Libs something to whine about

and try to out patriot a retired Lt.Col. and disabled vets-


...AND you Liberal doosh, he's taking it INTO the water, not letting it drag in a puddle. Just like the Apollo missions took it INTO the vacuum if the moon.
For glorifying it- not degrading it.

there is a difference, but I figure I shouldn't have to school a Lib in the fine art of "Nuance."

And now for something completely different

 Fiddles and strings= Deep Purple

A money saving PSA

If you're into woodworking.
Lets say you have some found wood that would look real good cleaned up and made into furniture and you have a planer in your shop.

No matter how much you sand and scrape, there is always going to be something that'll ruin those planer blades.
So what you want to do is buy you another good set and be ready to ruin that set for the first several passes until it's clean or the blades are too dull. Then you use the other side until they're unusable.
What you do now will save money down the road.
Take those dull ones out and bring them over to your belt sander!
Put on a semi-fine belt and with a board backing it, make about six passes on the back of each blade. That takes the dull off, and makes them available for more destructive prep work...and saves your new sharp fine finish blades.

If you don't mind the distressed wood look, you can make some niiice furniture out of oak pallets and dunage.

Happy Flag Day!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Self delusion is a painful thing to see

Isn't it?

But- we all know he doesn't mean it.


I just got these pics from a friend I just re-found via facebook.

Rota, Spain- NMCB 133  line crew:

Setting transformers-

OSHA? Who's that?
(I'm on the bottom)

Demoing an H-frame.
It looks like it's by the VP hangers.

Weekly poll- The Warriers edition

Yes, I know we did this once before, but it doesn't count because that HTML completely screwed up the blog. free polls
who would make the better war leader?
Rufus T. Firefly 
Adenoid Hynkel 
Dennis Rodman (The Worm) 
Barack (president kick-ass) Obama   

To refresh your memories:
Rufus T. Firefly (Grouch Marx)
Adenoid Hynkel (Charlie Chaplin)
Dennis Rodman (The Worm)
Barack (President Gutsy Call) Obama

Did they get this copy from the Onion?

I mean, I know I have a crappy blog full of garbled and mangled english- but I'm not a college grad with a BS in verbiage... or layers and layers of editors and fact checkers.

So, read this first paragraph:
Six in 10 Americans don't think the U.S. should be involved in Libya, according to a new CBS News poll. It found that only 30 percent of Americans think we're doing the right thing by intervening militarily in that country. That includes majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents. As a point of comparison, 51 percent of Americans and a majority of Republicans think we're "doing the right thing" in Afghanistan. The Libya numbers are bad news for the man in the Oval Office.

And tell me how 30% can be a majority of anything?
Much less if you include three groups. Wouldn't that dilute it down even farther?

Or- am I reading that wrong?
Because the rest of the article seems to be saying how vulnerable president Gutzy Kall is about his Libyan adventure.

In new news this morning

We find via The Other McCain- that Joan Jett is suing a record company to stop the unauthorized distribution of her name and sound.

And the only reason I bring this up is that it's a good excuse for some Blackhearts!

Yes, I know the article was talking about the Runaways, but I like the Blackhearts better.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's good enough for you rednecks to live in

That's why the FEMA that works for the Chicago Jeezus thinks a house sucked off it's foundation isn't damaged enough for a FEMA grant.

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama -- The tornado turned Jonathan Stewart's house into a pile of rubble on April 27, nothing but bricks and debris scattered ovei a concrete slab.

Days later, an inspector from the Federal Emergency Management Agency came to Stewart's address in Pleasant Grove, and took some notes and pictures. Three days later, Stewart received a letter stating he didn't qualify for a FEMA grant. One of the reasons: Insufficient damage.

'Based on your FEMA inspection, we have determined that the disaster has not caused your home to be unsafe to live in,' the letter read.

But, hey! There's always an appeal!
FEMA spokeswoman Renee Bafalis said getting people to appeal has been the agency's biggest hurdle. "If you have a question why you received a determination of ineligibility, go in there (to a disaster recovery center) and let them look it up and help you file an appeal," she said.

An applicant has 60 days from the date of the determination letter to appeal.

Because everyone whose life is completely wrecked and disrupted has lots of time to sit around waiting foe a bureaucrat to make an appointment for a long and boreing hearing.

Oh? What's this, Urkle's FEMA is still as f*cked up as Bush's?

Stories about insufficient damage findings by FEMA, similar to the Stewarts' and Tabb's, abound in news accounts and blogs after nearly every recent disaster.

A 2011 tornado victim in North Carolina whose ravaged home was condemned by the city received an "insufficient damage" determination from FEMA. A Mississippi couple who received such a finding after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 posted before-and-after pictures of their two-story home, showing nothing left but foundation posts. A Slidell, La., Katrina victim posted an appeal to her "insufficient damage" finding, asking what kind of damage would be "sufficient," given that the house was gutted by an 8-foot-high storm surge and all possessions were lost.

That's really thinking ahead, Barney

PELHAM, N.H. (CBS) - Pelham police say they were justified in using a Taser several times on a cow, despite a complaint from its owner.
Sgt. Mike Pickles told WBZ he made the right decision.

“It blew through a wooden fence right next to me. That was the time a decision was made. I have to do something to try and control this animal,” he said.

“As a matter of public safety, that is a better option than just allowing things to happen and people get hurt.”

So, we're going to 'control' an 800+ pound animal using something designed for a 250 pound human.
Way to go Einstein. Did you even think to wonder how much MORE dangerous it would be to piss her off or scare her?
Don't they have ropes in New Hamster?

To all you top Dems out there

Who are trying to screw up enough outrage about Rep.Weiner (D-NYC ) and the people he represents.
Let me make it easier for you to see things a little more clearly

Anthony Weiner (D-NYC) (R-NYC)..see it's a lot easier to be outraged now, isn't it?

So, anTONy Weinres wife is preggers

No problem-
hey- they're both New Yawkers - and Liberals
A little vacuume and Huma will be back between Hills......
Oh, sorry- we're not supposed to go there....

Yeah, they're both big time abortion on demand Liberals, so I don't know why they don't just dump that 'unviable tissue mass' along with everything else anTONY stood for.

Just like the 51% of new Yawkers that think anTONY should represent them.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Well, I have to admit it

I just turned off "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" to cruise the intra tubze before going to bed.
I'm getting old.
I'm thinking of turning down an easy $250/day job so I can drive a truck for about $200/day because I'll have A/C in the summer and a dry warm cab in the winter.

If anyone knows any one who want's to live on the Texas gulf coast and make good money for not a whole lot of work, my e-mail is in my profile- because they're screaming for drop bury techs down Corpus way.

...And now- for something completely different

In the huge media nonevent

That's happening in Alaska right now shows how utterly fixated the Liberal lamestream media is on vetting a non-candidate who never wanted to be the President.
You've got 30+ reporters up their going over every official e-mail of Sarah's with a fine toothed comb just to see if there was anything out of order.

You'd think someone might have sent maybe ONE cub reporter to look into Teh iWON before he became the head Marxist.
OK, if it hurts your racial profiling bone about going after a brother- just send someone to check out his white half.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The mind of a Democrat

Via iOTW

Or not if you read Fur's comments.

You can tell this didn't happen in America

Because, even if you took out all the obvious British references, something still stands out in contrast.

Anybody want to hazard a guess?

It's a good thing she's on a billboard

Instead of running ammo for a free all you can shoot blogmeet...or something....

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Just wondering here...

I accidentally hit the "government" classification in the craigsList help wanted section - they wanted TSA agents.
I don't know where it came from, but just out of curiosity- who fondles the trannies?

So, the iWON is losing his base

Losing college kids.
Losing the illegals vote.
Losing the loonie Left.

So what to do?

Hey! Lets see how we can fool Cletus.
Those hicks in Flyover country aren't as sophisticated as some Vato with a third grade education, or even La'deshawn Washington.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

So- who are the 'tards here?

Just saying....

Busy day more later

I've been in and out of a bucket truck all day.
Sunburned, windburned, and tired of wrestling 60pound lights 40' in the air.