Monday, May 09, 2011

THUMP! Goes the rubber stamp

Of the FISA Court (lead by Eric Holder)as it approves all 1506 of the Obama machines DoJ requests for electronic domestic surveillance.
Which is 13% higher than 2009. But don't worry, they're Democrats:-)

There is no numbers about those evil warrantless wiretaps that BusHitler used when he was becoming a dictator.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Sunday, May 08, 2011


It doesn't mean what you're telling me it means.

Dear democrats who are smarter than me

That would, I guess be all of you. Even those who think the sun has nothing to do with how hot the earth gets.

According to the latest in the ever evolving story about the OBL raid, there was a mysterious video blackout of about 20 minutes of the raid.
That's why nobody knows what went on- so they tell us.

I wasn't there, never would have been because I was a SeaBee, not a SEAL.
But SEALs aren't stupid- no matter what you think of them. They have the same self-protection instincts as everyone else.

They follow things in the real world, they see what kind of threats are out there and take steps to reduce their risk.
They probably have a better handle on what goes in in the White House than those working there. So when they see this happening, they find a way to reduce their risk.

I'm not as smart as those SEALs, but if I were doing something that had a good chance of biting me in the @ss- I would find a way to not have a video record for prosecutors to use against me...

Saturday, May 07, 2011

I already told you Newt- NO!

Now you're hitting up another of my e-mail boxes for money?
NO! I don't want you on the ticket!
NO! I won't give you any money!

Really dude, I know you'r just another Washington Insider who likes to pretend for the ignrn't peons in unwashed-land that you 'care' and are some kind of conservative...but NO!
WE still remember your handholding with Nancy Pelosi while trying to get that Cap-N-tax abortion passed.

And now you're using the same words as the head Marxist of the United States---probably without even realizing it because you're so used to kegging insider crap without looking and then puking it back up without thinking about what the sh1t smells like.

Just out of curiosity- that bleached blonde you're standing next to- is she #3 or 4?
And did you start with her while you were still married to her predecessor?

Now, there's a protest I'd love to see in my area.


Hi Toni!
It's really nice to see you here :-)

The background is that some cop- somewhere said something about rape victims might want to think about how provocatively they're dressed.

Except that he didn't say it that way and the word slut slipped in. (heh)
Which, naturally gave a reason to those looking for an excuse to party rally in support of...sluts.
Usually there are some photo blogs that take care of bringing you these picks, but I haven't found them yet, so in the interests of furthering knowledge of important things I give you some protesters. Some of them are kinda NSFW, and others are REALLY NSFW. did that end up here?

Friday, May 06, 2011

Do you mean....

That treaty where we PAID for the land that we won?
The one where we made the Mexicans who didn't want to leave ,,,CITIZENS?

Via Ringo's Pictures of the LA May Day march, which if you scroll down- shows Obama has hid own brown-shirts.

...And NO! vato, those warrons came with the paperwork from YOUR government to emigrate. That means vato, that they were LEAGAL. Bendejo.

Fox just broke to Ft. Campbell,KY. for prez Kickazz's address.
They're singing the Star Spangled Banner now...
The podium is empty, 0bama is probably puking in revulsion at the way those soldiers revere that song.

I just hit mute because that's all I need to hear from Ft. Campbell.

More unforseen results coming up

The ICP at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. want's to give the Libyan rebels some money.
In addition to that military aid heading to A'stan that my first poll which only resulted in two sets of answers for.
-As soon as they could load the plane (83%- 25 votes)
-A week (17% -5 votes)

So lets see how much better at predicting the future than those overpaid .GOV 'experts' in DeeCee:

0bama wants to give the Libyan rebels $30 Billion of Gaddafies frozen assets.
It'll be a 50/50 split between al Queda-Libya and aQ-the 'Stan

It'll be a 60/40 split between al Queda-Libya and aQ-the 'Stan

It'll be a 75/25 split between al Queda-Libya and aQ-the 'Stan

NONE! They're freedom fighters, it'll all stay in Libya! free polls

I'm already being taxed by the mile

I don't need an intrusive (and expensive) .GOV tracking device on my car.

You see Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), the way it works now is that the more I drive and use more gas- the more taxes I pay at the pump. I felt you needed to know that since you probably haven't used a civilian pump since you were a hippie at Woodstock.

Now the 0bama clown posse want's to ad a GPS unit to track my movements and then send a signal to some expensive overpriced program in the pump to add mileage tax to my purchase.

This brainstorm that's scheduled to cost $300 million to replace something that's already working without a hitch ---doesn't even mention ELECTRIC cars.

Have you got anyone special in mind that'll be getting this $300 million dollars that we don't have?

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Coastal flooding alert

Because we're told by climate 'experts' that the melting arctic ice caps will flood the earth.

Ummm....not so much Mr. "Arctic ice specialist"
Because I remember my basic earth science...

If there ever was enough global warming to melt the arctic ice cap, the ONLY reason the sea level would rise was because it would be hot enough for the Antarctic ice cap to melt, too.

Remember when I wondered "why" the OBL raid happened when it did?

Because those Chicago pols don't do anything without political motivation.
Or to hide something,,,watch his other hand.

It looks like the guy who couldn't figure out he owed money on a million dollar salary is demanding that congress raise the figurative debt ceiling by two trillion dollars so they don't have to worry about that 'distraction' in the 2012 election cycle.

Now, ask yourself, who stands to benefit when the Dollar falls through the floor?

More unintended consequences from the OBL raid

(Alternative title: Move over Jim Morrison)

It looks like the clown posse at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. just made another terrorist shrine in Pakiland.
See, they didn't want to show the body because that would cause a martyr syndrome and increase terrorist recruits.
Instead they made an enclosed triangular shaped recruiting center for them, and they keep making it worse with their continuously changing story.

You know, the Republicans might be on the wrong end of the MSM, but at least they can get their chit mostly together before getting the Lamestream news involved.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Somewhere a Dalek

is missing it's Dalakeum panels.

You know she ripped them off with her bare hands, too.

0bama:"Americans can't handle that picture."

Because the American people would go off and do sump'in stupid if the ever had their precious sensibilities hurt...

He added: “Imagine how the American people would react if Al Qaida killed one of our troops or military leaders, and put photos of the body on the internet. Osama bin Laden is not a trophy — he is dead and let’s now focus on continuing the fight until Al Qaida has been eliminated.

Where were you in October of 1993- Barry?
Because obviously you didn't see this:

And who can forget those wackey Iraqi al Quida guys reverence to our sensibilities:

But, you know- maybe all those muslims are right about us disrespecting their rituals of burial....
We forgot that we were supposed to drag OBLs body through the streets while poeple mutilated it and then burned it before we wasted a coffin by dumping it into the sewer.

Her name

Is Paige Duke

She's a NASCAR trophy girl.

You need to trust us on this

Because we in government would NEVER lie to you. Believe us, it's for your own good that we don't show you those pictures.

Besides, we wouldn't want these pictures out so as not to inflame islamic extremists and increase the risk to our men and women who are putting it on the line.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

When you have a reputation for baldfaced lies

Changing the story about Bin-ladins final minutes don't help your credibility. Even to your sycophants in the MSM.

The White House backed away Monday evening from key details in its narrative about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, including claims by senior U.S. officials that the Al Qaeda leader had a weapon and may have fired it during a gun battle with U.S. forces.

Officials also retreated from claims that one of bin Laden’s wives was killed in the raid and that bin Laden was using her as a human shield before she was shot by U.S. forces

And now, after listening to this clusterf*ck of a story, are we going to say Osama was murdered? Or is the word assassinated? Terminated with extreme prejudice?
In another background briefing early Monday morning, a senior administration official also said bin Laden put up a fight. “He did resist the assault force. And he was killed in a firefight,” the official said.

However, during a background, off-camera briefing for television reporters later Monday, a senior White House official said bin Laden was not armed when he was killed, apparently by the U.S. raid team.

Another White House official familiar with the TV briefing confirmed the change to POLITICO, adding, “I’m not aware of him having a weapon.”

“The bottom line is the team that entered that room was met with resistance and took appropriate action,” said a third American official
UMmm...did you just admit that 0bama just ok'd something against the laws of war?
Now, are those SEALs going to be subject to the Hague? Or is Hte iWON going to get a pass for who he is?

But, Hey- lets get in the time machine and pretend like we haven't had those reports for over a week, the proles are gullible enough to forget we only broke the news a week after it happened.
“Two women were shot here. It sounds like their fates were mixed up,” said the U.S. official. “This is hours old and the full facts are still being ascertained as those involved are debriefed.”

For you electricians out there

The U.S. Postal service,

always looking out for the welfare of their clients.
That's what they tell us anyway.

Susan Savage, an actress, went to check on Vickers after noticing old letters and cobwebs in her elderly neighbor's mailbox.

"The letters seemed untouched and were starting to yellow," Savage said. "I just had a bad feeling."

Where she was lucky she wasn't charged (yet) with breaking and entering-
After pushing open a barricaded front gate and scaling a hillside, Savage peered through a broken window with another piece of glass taped over the hole. She decided to enter the house after seeing a shock of blond hair, which turned out to be a wig.

Where she found the mummified corpse (THAT Mr. Smartest Negro in America is a corpse) of the actress who played the 50 foot woman of that classic "The attack of the 50 foot woman"-Yvette Vickers.

But even more strangely, even after almost a year- her space heater was running.
Which means she hadn't payed her bills for over a year, but nobody shut off her power.

Monday, May 02, 2011

You knew this was coming, right?

Look who stopped by...


Anyone who has a blog probably got visited by him with this comment:

AWESOME POST! Thanks for putting this up!!


Ummm, Steve- I don't think I've ever had an awesome post.
Especially something that I just threw out about a power outage that only affected my area, and not even that much.
You *may* have seen a jump in hits, but anyone who looks at their posts is going to recognize cut & paste spam.

I know they say the way to get readers is to comment on other blogs, BUT that comment is supposed to actually- you know- have something to do with that posting.

The obligatory Osama post

The White House says they killed Osama bin Ladin.

I'm glad he's gone, but it doesn't really affect me all that much.
He had judgment coming, and all.
I just want to point out that 0bama sent them out as an assassination team, not to bring him to justice.

Now, I want to point out some things you won't hear from the lapdogs in the MSM.
-You wont hear about how this is going to inflame Jihadis and increase recruiting.
-You won't hear anything about war crimes connected to 0bama sending a hit team after Bin-laden like you would about BusHaliburtonMcHitler.
--You won't hear about the next shitty economic report that's probably coming out today or tomorrow.

But, hey- president Kickazz just did something else unprecedented in sending out an assassination team. we don't even have a body. The most honest administration in history says they dumped the body at sea....

It's May second

In south Texas, and I have to have the heater on. Happy global warming celebration are breaking out all over the ice caps.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Just throwing this out for discussion

Phobia- (n):
An exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation.

It's not a phobia if you have a real concern, caused by whatever you're talking about.
Understand that concept Cair? Eshaq Ale-Habib?

Happy May Day!

Now go out an punch a hippie who's celebrating whatever made-up festivity they have to hide the communist holiday they're really thinking about.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

You would think

That no matter how small a town is- that they'd put their two biggest stores on two different primary feeds. But not in Hondo.
The had a line on the ground on the east side of town and both Wal-mart and H.E.B. were out of power along with every gas station and fast food place along HWY 90.

You know guys, putting in switch gear to re-rout power isn't all that expensive- especially when your entire main drag was powerless for the entire time you were gloving it.

Which gives me an excuse to throw this up. Not that it was 500K because those insulators looked like no more than a 12470V range.

This is not a photoshop

I was looking for a nice image to go with what is coming out of the White House and this is what came uo on Google.

I guess it's not surprising seeing how popular they are to the Left, just to end up on that page...

Your laugh of the day

Faceplant on top of stolen beer.

And yes his pants were worn fashionably below his @ss.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Extorting Big Tobacco again

Or at least trying.
See, was a group of Missouri hospitals trying to sue Phillip-Morris again for the supposedly unpaid medical care of smokers going back to 1993.
1993? but didn't Bill Clinton's money grab happen in 1998?

Why yes it did! And those hospitals probably got a lot of specialized goodies from that billion dollar settlement, too.
Now, everyone knows, and has known since the sixties- 50 years ago- that tobacco has tar and nicotine that cause all kinds of respiratory problems, right?

That's why states are cracking down so hard on tobacco sales- and incrementally raising taxes, because it's bad and we need to punish smokers!
YEAH- and make them smoke outside!

On the other hand, we have a smokable product that has been illegal since they first declared a war on drugs- that is now becoming almost legal. It is legal in some states if you go to the right Dr.
BUT- it contains massively more tar and nicotine than tobacco. The stuff that the anti-tobacco people are raising hell about.

I smoked weed when I was young and stupid, and I knew back then that something that made you cough worse than a cigarette wasn't good for you, so I didn't do it that often.
(Yes Mr. 0bama, it's in my military records that I got a waiver for it- wanna see it?)

Now with all these states pretty much legalizing hemp, and all these people getting it through state ...weed Pharms- when people who never smoked cigarettes start getting the same respiratory problems as smokers--are we going to see trial lawyers going after states?
Because weed is bad, but cool-so we won't see huge law suits since it's not cool to harsh someones mellow like that, man.

Are you sure you want to go down that intelligence road, Valerie?

So the rich white man said "show me your birth certificate" and the black President did.
Now the rich white man wants to see his college transcripts, but the black mans mouthpiece says no.

Because he's the worlds smartest negro, and anyone who has seen him speak without a teleprompter can see that.

"He's almost 50 years old and he's president of the United States and I don't think anybody would debate his intelligence and so now we need to get serious..."

Just because he's over 50 and the president doesn't make him smart, Valerie- remember George BushChimpyMcHitler?
I've seen posts where people in your camp- the MSM have pegged his IQ to around 118-130. Since he took his LSAT and didn't earn the national Merit scholarship, we know he didn't come close to the top in scoring.

My ASVAB score from the Navy pegged me at 114.

You are smarter than Barack Obama!

You beat Obama at the IQ challenge. Tell all your friends. And maybe you can help fix the economy.

So, I guess that would make a good poll next week- When will Barry release his college records for the rich white man?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Her name

is Michelle Ryan.
She's some kind of starlet in the U.K.
But since I'm still on a Dr. Who premier mode- waiting on the last half of the opening show...

She was a gold thief on last years Easter special "The dead planet".