Friday, March 25, 2011

Our first American black President

Recycle- it's good for America!

John Cornyn just lost my vote

So I guess Since I'm not worthy of his staffs time to even ASK the people who supplied the background information to the NAVY - who they gave it to, so they might start looking.

Why should I throw my vote to someone who is so sure of his place and so anti- change that he actively works aginst Tea partiers?

Go piss up a rope John Cornyn.

Bye-bye Beaker

Even Liberal sycophants are warning Bashar Assad that he needs to go.

Drawing a parallel between the unrest in Syria and the protests that unseated Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s former president, Mr Gates said: “I’ve just come from Egypt, where the Egyptian army stood on the sidelines and allowed people to demonstrate and in fact empowered a revolution. The Syrians might take a lesson from that.”

Except there Bobby, maybe they don't WANT the Moslem Brotherhood taking over their country.

BTW, Sec. Gates- has anyone figured out who's in charge of Teh iWON's flusterf*ck in Libya yet?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's come to this

I wonder if anyone will have the balls to do this with Teh Won.

Redefining our bestiary

We don't have three dog, three cats and an iguana.

We have three dogs who are canines, two dogs that purr, one cat who doesn't appear in the kitchen when there's food being made- and an iguana.

Just thought I'd clear that up.

...And the dogs ans cats will eat pieces of mustard greens being prepared for the iguana- Petunia.

In the spirit of bipartisanship

I would like to put forward someone to be the face of the 'most open and ethical administration ever seen' (ver. 2.0).
He is one Lawrence Patterson, acting head of information technology for the Cuyahoga County (OH) fiscal recorder office.
This one dedicated .GOV employee takes his job so seriously that he cannot answer such an open ended question as to using a photocopier.

Here is some testimony from the court records.

Marburger: During your tenure in the computer department at the Recorder's office, has the Recorder's office had photocopying machines?

Cavanagh: Objection.

Marburger: Any photocopying machine?

Patterson: When you say "photocopying machine," what do you mean?

Marburger: Let me be -- let me make sure I understand your question. You don't have an understanding of what a photocopying machine is?

Patterson: No. I want to make sure that I answer your question correctly.

Cavanagh: Dave, I'll object to the tone of the question. You make it sound like it's unbelievable to you that he wouldn't know what the definition of a photocopy machine is.

Marburger: I didn't ask him to define it. I asked him if he had any.

Patterson: When you say "photocopying machine," what do you mean?

Marburger: Let me be clear. The term "photocopying machine" is so ambiguous that you can't picture in your mind what a photocopying machine is in an office setting?

Patterson: I just want to make sure I answer your question correctly.

Costello: Well, we'll find out. If you can say yes or no, I can do follow-ups, but it seems -- if you really don't know in an office setting what a photocopying machine is, I'd like the Ohio Supreme Court to hear you say so.

Patterson: I just want to make sure I answer your question correctly.

Cavanagh: There's different types of photocopiers, Dave.

Costello: You're speaking instead of -- you're not under oath. This guy is.

Cavanagh: I understand that, but I understand what his objection is. You want him to answer the question, but I don't think it's fair.

Costellor: It's not fair?

Cavanagh: It's not a fair question. A photocopy machine can be a machine that uses photostatic technology, that uses xerographic technology, that uses scanning technology.

Costello: I don't care what kind of technology it uses. Has your offices -- we don't have technocrats on the Ohio Supreme Court. We've got people like me, general guys --

Cavanagh: Objection.

Costello: -- or gals. I'm not really very interested in what the technology element of it is. I want to know --

Cavanagh: That's what's at issue in the case, Dave.

Costello: Not in my judgment. Do you have photocopying machines at the Recorder's office? If you don't know what that means in an office setting, please tell the court you don't know what it means in an office setting to have a photocopying machine.

Abbott: I would like to answer your question to the best of my ability.

Costello: I'm asking you to answer that.

Abbott: So if you could explain to me what you mean by --

Costello: I'm not going to do that because I want you -- I want to establish on the record that you really don't know what it is. I want to establish that.

Now, do you know what it is or do you not know what it is? Do you understand what that term means in common parlance or not?

Abbott: Common parlance?

Costello: Common language.

Abbott: I'm sorry. I didn't know what that meant. I understand that there are photocopying machines, and there are different types of them just like --

Costello: Are there any in the Recorder's office?

Abbott: -- there are different cars. Some of them run under gas power, some of them under electric power, and I'm asking if you could help me out by explaining what you mean by "photocopying machines" --

Costello: That's a great point.

Abbott: -- instead of trying to make me feel stupid.

Costello: If you feel stupid, it's not because I'm making you feel that way.

Cavanagh: Objection.

If you'd like to hear the whole thing, it's here.

Patterson makes $64,000 a year.

So, Mr. Nobel Prize winner

Just which unacceptable line was crossed in Libya?

I guess using nerve gas on your own people is ok?
Or turning heavy machine guns on someone who only want democracy is fine- as long as they don't have oil?

Maybe it was the air power that did the trick?

President Obama defended his Nobel Peace Prize on Tuesday, saying that Americans “don’t see any contradiction” in him ordering an attack on Libya to make sure “people aren’t butchered because of a dictator who wants to cling to power.”

But we DO notice the way you did it there Prezidente Kickazz.

...AND the almost aching silence from the Left- again- on what we know would bring howls of unhinged rage if anyone with an (R) behind their name did it.

Yes, we know, "it was a youthful indiscretion"

And being as this ex-Grand Dragon of the Klan will get a pass from his friends at the MSM.
Because when you are in your 40's- in the 1980's- we still don't have the maturity to make these kinds of decisions on a moral plane...or something. Besides he's a Democrat and the Liberal media will twist itself into knots to protect someone who sanctioned murdering a black kid.

Because, hey! That's how we roll!

And the mean spirited Rethuglican who brought it up will be accused of picking on an old frail elderly man.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Keeping that changieness going

A 24% increase from last week :-)

They have the same rights as everyone else


...Well, actually more because they're beyond criticism- aren't hey?

I see that Garth brooks still hasn't recovered

from that mental breakdown he had about ten years ago...

Since he's running his pie-hole about how- in spite of having an unbreakable majority for two years ...that the system won't let his black plastic Jeezus get anything accomplished.

Yeah, I think what President Obama is finding out is all that we want to do, the system kind of doesn't allow the most powerful guy in the world to kind of do his job and I'm sure nobody's more frustrated than him to complete those promises that he did and I think he's trying his heart out. I love him to death and I fully support him and I just wish him well because it's got to be hell in that office," said Brooks.

Like Jennifer said- just shut up and dance, monkey!

You don't say...

This command-and-control business is complicated, and we haven’t done something like this kind of on-the-fly before,” U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates told reporters in Moscow today. “It’s not surprising to me that it would take a few days to get it all sorted out.”

Especially when you have these people in charge of Prezident Kickazz's war-

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The 0bama doctrine,,,,

...And they keep calling Bush a clueless fuktard?

At least BusHitlerMcChimpey had his chit in one sock before he brought it in front of Congress for A VOTE- that Dems were on board for, until their lunatic base freaked out about "BLOOD FOR OIL" and that whole unilateral Barbra Streisand crap.

Her name

Is Sandra Rinomato

Yes you would...

In a heartbeat.
...and in case you've never been on HGTV, that's her show on the sign.

You're welcome.

Godwins law

A term that originated on Usenet, Godwin's Law states that as an online argument grows longer and more heated, it becomes increasingly likely that somebody will bring up Adolf Hitler or the Nazis. When such an event occurs, the person guilty of invoking Godwin's Law has effectively forfieted the argument.

We need to get some on our side to make some "Godwin says -you lose-" signs and stand next to some of those union thugs at the next astroturf event.

Something I've noticed about cats

Since we are temporarily boarding three of them.

They are chit manufacturing machines. We have two litter boxes and there is a constant stream of felines entering or leaving them. Where is all the...fuel coming from? they don't eat a third of the volume they cr@p out.

The dogs eat more than them and chit less.

Monday, March 21, 2011

It looks like we have a good TV signal tonight

so you don't have to hold on to the rabbit ears with a hanger in your hand.

Sit down next to dad and we'll watch history before the Libs got to it...
This time, we're going back to the islands

I'm not a soccer fan

As a matter of fact the only time I ever took any interest in the game was when America won some kind of woman's title and Brandi Chastain pulled off her jersey.

Now you know that I'm not anywhere near versed in the intricacies of soccer, but I'm sure I can tell you which one has never been near a soccer game in his life:

I hear there are some REAL ghettos down there in the slums, maybe you should stay there and put your community organizational skills to work. Don't worry, we're getting used to nobody making decisions over in DEECEE.

I see Sarah Palin is on tour

She's in Israel now with leaders we can respect.
Before that, she was in India and gave an energy speach where she also told the truth about the '08 elections. Naturally some people had a problem with this.

I wonder if she had any problems with misfiring?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I've had this new laptop for a couple days

It's a Compaq- which is the top of the HP line...maybe. This is it anyway,

There are three four things I don't like about it-
It has an extra column of (pretty much) redundant or un-needed shortcut keys that throw off your keypoints for typing- and I'm sending mail, or opening calculators when trying to capitalize letters.

Whenever the HP ... let-me-hold-your-hand-because-you're-a-submoron... help program comes up (and takes over my screen) They throw their boy's symbol in front of me-and I can't get it off my screen until 'little-o' is done making my computer...."better."

I'm going to call the trouble desk tomorrow and ask if there is any way to block their "Onely" propaganda.

Then I'll mention that Best Buy has a Toshiba without the annoying extra side keys and probably not the Obama tongue bath.
How do you think that will go over?

Then there are the right/left click ,,,,buttons below the touchpad. On this it's a one piece bar that you have to "hit" -after you find it.
No, really- you have to bury your finger to make it click- instead of just thumping it with your thumb.

Lastly the screen...who decided that it would be a good idea to make a screen for a media that is pretty much vertically organized (scroll up to see more) and make it so farging wide?

I'm not watching a direct to DVD movie, I want information.
So now I have width that I don't want (or need) without the height that I want (but can't have)

I sure am glad we have our betters making these decisions for us.

When your only tool is a hammer

Everything is labeled 'Domestic Terrorism.'
...Well unless someone yells "Allah Akbar!" right before he kills Americans.

From bitter clinger who think the Constitution means something-
To people who balk at the ever intrusive TSA theater,
To deepwater drillers,

To someone minting his own coins for barter...

Charges remain pending against William Kevin Innes, an Asheville man who authorities said recruited merchants in Western North Carolina willing to accept the “barter” currency, according to court records. Innes was indicted along with von NotHaus in 2009.

“Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism,” U.S. Attorney Anne Tompkins said. “While these forms of anti-government activities do not involve violence, they are every bit as insidious and represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country.”

I guess Buckwheat's DoJ thought they could hit the white guy harder with a terrorism charge that fraud.


Here are those confusing coins that are so confusing to us idiotic bitter clingers.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Play stupid games

Win stupid prizes.

Here we have an anti-hunting loon- who from the language I sort of thought might be from the Great White North (because of the Left tilt the whole country got from those 60's and 70's draft dodgers), but it came from OZ.

Which kind of puts the quote:
"She had blood streaming down her face, so my first thought was to get her out of the water," Ms Maxted said.
into perspective, given the freshwater crocks,

Anyway, there was an incident where a bunch of PETArds tried interfering with opening day of duck season down under, and one of them ended up with a face full of steel shot.
Witnesses claim they saw the 14-year-old boy taunting the victim, St Kilda woman Julia Symons, minutes before she was peppered with shotgun pellets at Lake Buloke in the state's northwest.
Those witnesses wouldn't happen to be anti- hunting hippies0 would they?
But police described the shooting as an accident after taking the teenage hunter and his uncle to nearby Donald police station for questioning and seizing the firearm involved.
When the Sunday Herald Sun arrived on the scene less than two minutes later, Ms Symons was bleeding heavily from several wounds in her face and hands, and apparently in shock.

"I've been shot. I've been shot ... I've lost a tooth. Will I be all right?" she screamed.

Steel pellets had entered her temples, left cheek, chin, nose, hand and lip.

Well you can thank your other friends of the earth that they weren't the more humane (for the ducks) lead shot.

The shooting happened at 9.10am yesterday as Ms Symons and about 150 other members of the Coalition Against Duck Shooting tried to disrupt the 1500-plus hunters on the lake for the opening of duck season.

And this...which proved the Australia is truly part of the British empire still...
While Ms Maxted said she did not see the incident, she did see the 14-year-old and an older man at the scene.

"I turned to the shooters and demanded their names. I said, 'She has been shot. What are your names?' And they just walked off," Ms Maxted said.

EGADS, really? Those utter CADs!

Barry, does this dress...

make my @ss look absolutely humongous?

Now that the Libyan descision's been made

I guess Code Pink and the all the other tools will be gearing up for their anti-war protests to protect dictators...


Or is it OK now because the French are taking the lead?

The last of the breed

The Huey, not that Communist biatch- that is.

There, that's better!

Friday, March 18, 2011

I heard part of Prez Kickazz's speech today

Where he was -finally- sending help to the anti-Kaddafi forces.

No I didn't listen to him bloviating in his arrogant way... It was a clip from a talk show.
It was pretty much this sound bite:
I also want to be clear about what we will not be doing. The United States is not going to deploy ground troops into Libya. And we are not going to use force to go beyond a well-defined goal, specifically the protection of civilians in Libya.

Ok...Mr. Nuance- that's a pretty 'Nam-like *well-defined goal* there.
"The protection of civilians in Libya."
Where's the cut=off in "protecting civilians in Libya"? From planes? From tanks?
Malnutrition? When are they going to be eligible for food stamps and AFDC?

Then we'll need to throw in some light rail so they can form a mobile commuting society that's the world's envy as they use mass transit from their homes to their jobs pumping oil for the blood of Europe.

We're really putting our hopes on the line

My alternate title was going to be "But- did it happen last time?"

About this hopeful story in the Green and their little woodie about how the cost of gas will force commuters onto public transportation.

Recently, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) predicted that rising gasoline prices could lead to a savings of $14,376 for commuters in New York City who choose to switch from personal to public transportation. However, keeping that amount of coin in one's bank account may not be as simple as it first seems.

An additional study released by the APTA claims that soaring gas prices will convince Americans to turn to public transportation in record numbers, possibly overloading the our transit systems. The APTA predicts that if gas prices hit $4 a gallon (it's $3.546 today), public transportation networks will need to add 670 million trips per year to keep up with rising demand.

I don't *know* for sure that in NYC and the other east coast Leftie cities- that gas already hit $4/gal about five years ago. I do know it hit $4/gal in San Antonio and I had to quit a good job because I couldn't afford to make a 110MI round trip daily.

Anyway- I'm sure they have records that show the increase in ridership that matches the cost of gas- right.
...And that it's not some Liberal wet dream that leads to:
William Millar, president of the APTA, is calling on Congress for investments aimed at addressing rising demand for public transportation:

We must make significant, long-term investments in public transportation or we will leave our fellow Americans with limited travel options, or in many cases stranded without travel options. Public transit is the quickest way for people to beat high gas prices if it is available.

When did they sneak that in?

I'm looking at Best Buy for a replacement laptop and just to see if it's worth making the trip in to San Antonio I clicked the "calculate tax and shipping" button- where I got a price for BOTH tax and shipping.

The last time I ordered something on line- all I paid was shipping.
When did that Tax Cheat Timmy Geitner inflict that on everyone?

I guess I'll see what's on e-bay.

That didn't take long

Probably longer than I expected, but....
I'll get the popcorn and we can watch the AOL/Huffpo Big Media against the overworked and unpaid slave-like contributors who only want to be treated fairly.

You know- like those Wisconsin teachers who shut down schools to protect their excessive benefit packages.
The downtrodden being used by the RICH to make even MORE money than they 'need.'

I wonder where Michael the Hut Moore will weigh in?
Will he land on the side of his rich fellow union busting media purveyors?


Will he throw his considerable weight behind those oppressed by the powerful rich who got that way by using non-union workers for their unethical profits?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My laptop just died

It was a quiet death, and expected.

I'm now looking at options and found some factory refurbed ones.
One thing I'm noticing is that almost all of them now have a cam in the lid,,,screen bezel. Which reminds me of those pedophiles that are jacking software so they can perv kids.

I don't care what kind of pedi-view you install, they don't make cameras that see through black electric tape- yet.