Monday, February 21, 2011

Calling all John Edwards wannabes

Yes, all you trial lawyers who want to make a name for yourselves- and a financial killing at the same time.

All you have to do is find ONE person who was really sick or suffering that got one of those gimme excuses- that didn't get treated.

BINGO- with the way people feel about those Unions just won yourself a medical practice AND an insurance company.

Meanwhile,,,in Oz

If guns weren't outlawed, would it be a "shooty thing"?

That blonde is either clueless or a good poker player.

Via DPuD

When is Obama going to

call for Gov. Walker to step down?

Look it at it-
He's pro America
Was put into power Constitutionally
Has unruly mobs protesting him.
Team Obama is working with the Unions...

Because he's been on the wrong side of Americas interests on everything I can remember his entire Presidency.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Now we know why 0bama idolizes himself

It's all right there in the headline and header.

No need to say more.

I check my spam-mail every so often

Here is an e-mail and a reply:

> How are you?
> We happily announce to you the draw of the United Nations programs held on
> the 30th January, 2011 in Nigeria. Your e-mail address attached to ticket
> number: 564 75600545 188. You have been compensated with the sum of
> $500,000.00 USD and payment will be remitted to you via western union money
> transfer.
> USD$5,000 has already be send to you since last week but we were unable to
> give you the information on phone for the past days but due to bad network
> here, So we decided to send you the details via email today.
> Here is the western union information to pick up the USD5000.00.
> MTCN : 782 543 4236
> AMOUNT SENT: $5000.00 USD
> Thanks
> Mrs. Linda Hall


Talk about a coincidence! Just the other day I was telling the wife:
"Gee, I wish I could win half a million Dollars in a lottery that I never heard of>"

...And--POOF here you are!


Hey, I'm a giving kind of guy and would probably just turn around and hand it to some needy charity case.
So, since you people are always running to us in the U.S.- lets cut out the middle-man and you just keep that money.


Seoladh na longa Dragon!

agus nuair a bhíonn ár creach déanta, ceiliúradh againn le meá!

Bailigh leat-fhoghlaim chun brew ar na lámha ó shaineolaí!

As we watch with a laser like focus

on the Union temper tantrum unfolding in Madison and soon cities near you, things are happening in other places.

These things are really dictatorships- you union thugs and the DNC might want to learn about. They're out shooting their own people, not asking you to pay 5% of your OWN pensions.

In other important news

Sarah Ferguson will not be going to the royal wedding.

Poor Sarah, I'll be glad to let you party at my house.

Mmmmmmm. Redheads, with brains and bodies....

Saturday, February 19, 2011

For someone who grew up watching good British TeeWee

Like Benny Hill, Monty Python, The Two fat ladies, Top Gear, Dr. Who and the rest of the best of BBC.

She sure doesn't mind sitting on front of that overblown dialogue with fast repartee and the obligatory plot twists that are NCIS, CSI whatever City, and the rest of those police 'dramas' right Bones?

But what does it mean?

Who wants to take a stab at interpreting this sign/omen/portending,,,whatever.

Now, don't you feel bad?

This dedicated professional is using her life as an example of why public Unions need their fully paid bennies.

Just push that pen and paper aside, you don't need to do any math because we need to empathize with her predicament.

Stolen from Joel

Now stop laughing- she's serious!

This video from yesterdays taxpayer funded protest

I waded through the whole thing so you don't have to put yourself through the trouble.

You're welcome:-)

Wisconsin Government Worker Union Protests, February 17, 2011 from WPRI on Vimeo.

If you put it on full screen, you can enjoy almost being there, except for the lack of patchouli oil smell.
You won't miss much except for the worn out chants from the 60's if you want to forward to

5:14- what is that last word of the tolerant Liberals sign? "Walker not allowed in my classroom I won't tolerate....." what? Teacher, you get a D- in penmanship!

5:26 It wouldn't be a hippie anti-government protest without a DRUM CIRCLE!!! Yeayyyy!!!

The ten seconds between 6:30 and 6:40 Mr. Blue coat tells every one the REAL reason they're there.

6:53 Someone doesn't know her world history, or her cinematic lore. WTF?

And finally our star pupil of the day walks up with her sign at 7:30.
If you don't go anywhere else- go there. Srysly.

There are several comments about our stouthearted protesters that you might notice.

FIRST- Did anyone notice the color theme going on clothing-wize? (yeah, I know it's home turf for the Badgers,,,but that's not the only thing red represents)

SECOND- Did anyone notice a lot of people besides the protesters? Want to know why they weren't there? ...Because they were WORKING to earn money to pay those Union thugs.

THIRD- There don't seem to be a whole lot of racial diversity in those Unions does it?

Remember when it was 'bad' to target people?

Way back about a month ago...
Because it was a cheap sleazy way to attack Sarah Palin.

When putting a target on a MAP was an invite to kill?
But when you're a taxpayer funded Union thug, this-

Has no bearing on the snip I madeof this teachers Union rag.

Because overpaid Union thugs who can take time off from their non-necessary make-work job would NEVER go as far as committing violence against anyone who isn't in lockstep with them- right SEIU?

"It can't happen here"

Yes it can- and did.
69 years ago today.

A Liberal Democrat used his executive powers to strip the Constitutional rights of tens of thousands of the stroke of a pen. Because we don't want a crisis to go to waste.

I'd bet my next paycheck that anyone who's gone to our .GOV schools in the last 20 years wasn't taught about executive Order 9066 because it makes FDR look bad.
Because in retrospect- except for that whole showers and ovens and slave labor thing, there wasn't much difference between the Jews and Japanese.

But Kurt- you say- we didn't kill innocent people in massive numbers!
No, we didn't. that time.

BUT, give a listen to the unhinged hate from what's becoming the mainstream Democrats and wonder what would happen if they ever became guards in those camps?
OH, and they'll probably be members of the SEIU- given that purple is the new brown.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Dear overcompensated Union thugs

You have a Chicago political hack, a Democrat MINORITY leader in the House (who used to be a majority leader) all kinds of racebaitng extortionists, the DNC and probably your buddies the communist party all supporting you.

Guess what? There are A LOT more of us than their are of you.
You're not making a lot of friends where your money and votes come from.

Especially the ones that don't earn $50K+ for eight months of work plus another $50K of bennies.

But, hey Keep going- bring it to as many localities as you want, we'll appreciate the footage in two years!

Something else I just found out. The Wisconsin law says that if school is closed for any unscheduled event (like a teacher sick-out) ALL weekend school functions will be canceled. Just think "of the children".

And cheerleaders.
And the Chess club.
And the Debate team.
And thespians.
And the glee club.
And gymnasts.
And the remedial kids.
Did I mention girl gymnasts?

UPDATE part- the second

As noticed at Powerline-
When will the MSM notice that the vast majority of protesting Union thugs are white?

They're already done?

A one day protest is all they had the energy for?
That's some heartfelt commitment there guy.

Well no wonder they just dropped their cr@p where they stood and walked off.
I guess Madison will need to hire some private contractors to clean that mess, since the bussed in Union Hacks can't be bothered to pick up after themselves.


Ohhh....So they're still protesting.

My bad. Seeing all that trash just left there, I didn't know the Unions were making new signs every day.

A voice from the past

Far back to when the sun never did set on the British empire.

Alfred Lord Tennyson reading "The charge of the Light Brigade" on Edison's marvelous wax cylinder.

Just be warned of the downloads that may be required.

Something Scott Walker needs to say


The teachers Unions who shut down their underachieving school systems, we'll find someone else that wants to do their best "for the children".

You Union thugs on the public payroll who are here protesting and picketing private property and threatening women and children just proved that your jobs aren't needed.

Gov. Walker, it's too bad you just can't go all PATCO on them.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

If anybody is wondering "What pistol for a 77 year old grandma?"

Well, according to Bea, it's a Ruger .45 single six.

Because she can control it better than one of those "ladies guns."

Sidenote- Google doesn't recognize Ruger as legit, but thinks it should be Luger.

Dirty hippies reliving their youth

Up in Madison, Wisconsin right now there are union thugs harassing and threatening innocent women and children while their teachers union is closing schools in a sick-out.

The drama in Wisconsin unfolded in a jam-packed Capitol. Madison police and the State Department of Public Instruction estimated the crowd at 25,000 protesters, the largest number yet.

Demonstrators stood shoulder-to-shoulder in the building's hallways, sat cross-legged across the floor and made it difficult to move from room to room.

Protesters clogged the hallway outside the Senate chamber, beating on drums, holding signs deriding Walker and pleading for lawmakers to kill the bill. Some others even demonstrated outside lawmakers' homes. Hundreds of teachers called in sick, forcing a number of school districts to cancel classes. Madison schools, the state's second-largest district, with 24,000 students, closed for a second day

Because the duly elected Governor and Republican part of the State Senate were trying to do what they were elected to do...which was to try to save the states finances.

Except that they can't because they don't have a quorum, since the Democrats showed the same backbone as the did in Texas in our lawful redistricting- they ran away. Now, they're in hiding like the pussy's they really are.


They located those Dems in a brothel just over the Illinois state line. Of course we'd expect them to head towards the other band of thieves.

Now I have two questions-
  1. Are they doing to get paid for this crawfishing?
  2. Are they going to try expensing it? Or is the Perfessers Organizing for America going to pick up the tab?

Bush-0bama cagematch

Interesting poll from the Liberally slanted PPP poll. Which is a little ambiguous in its narrative.
Take this lead para:

44% of voters in the country say there's no way they'd support another Bush Presidency. Only 14% say they'd definitely favor one, and 39% say they'd consider it. The Republican base is decently open to the idea of another Bush- only 10% distinctly rule out the possibility. But a majority of Democrats at 73% and most notably a majority of independents at 50% shut the door to another President Bush. Perhaps those feelings will change in the coming years but it's unlikely they'd shift enough by next November to allow Jeb to win an election that soon.
Are they talking about another "W" presidency, another of the Bush family- or are they mixing it up to make it look worse?
My guess is the last.

When you look at this poll, remember two things-
  1. Teh WON has almost every lamestream media outlet cheering him on and sugar coating what they can't hide.
  2. W had that same Leftist media dogging and bad mouthing everything he did or said.
Interestingly though asked who they'd vote for if George W. Bush was allowed to run against Barack Obama for a third term next year, voters only go for Obama by a 48-44 margin

The raw data is here in PDF if you're interested.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Your Monday night Victory

From so far back that NBC didn't hide it's pride in American awesomeness:

This time it's beginning the march back to Japan...

Yes, the Sea Bees kicked ass here too...

So I've got "Sons of Guns" as background noise

It's that new show on the Discovery channel about coon-ass gunsmiths modding modern rifles and making repos.

Anyway, this episode has them recommissioning Tommy guns for a local sheriff.

Changing a semi-auto Thompson sub-machine gun into a selective fire automatic machine gun.

For cops.

Except for the ones that come in here, I haven't met a whole lot of ... ummm.....very mechanically inclined or ummm... well...competent po-po in my gas leak responses. You know, like being able to follow directions.

So here we have a marvel of 1920's ingenuity that has such tight tolerances that without being kept meticulously clean and lubed- won't work.

They found that out in WWII.
And it shoots a .45ACP.

Even that poodle shooter we've had since the 60's has more close up knockdown power because it's a RIFLE ROUND. And it's easier to fieldstrip.

Why, except for the cool factor, would anyone use a Tommy gun instead of an AR platform, or even an AK style?

When you listen to those talking heads

And they're praising the wonderful wisdom of the masses, or whatever the meme is that day, think of this video because that's real close to what "the Arab street" believes.

Sleep well.

The myth of Big Ed.

And why it's a lie.
I'm sure everyone reading this blog has grown up hearing that "without a college education, you won't be able to get a good job."

I didn't do much more educational wise than Naval courses after I graduated from High school. Some of them were college level, but probably not accreditable.
Right now I'm out of work. I've been offered a job whenever the Navy gets off it's collective @ss and finishes my background investigation, but I'm still applying for jobs.
There are quite a few that I could fill with my knowledge of electricity, construction, heavy equipment and background in the Natural gas industry- BUT I'm not eligible because I didn't spend two years going into debt so someone could sell overpriced textbooks to me.
Now that tuition is skyrocketing and Pefezzer 0bama has his .GOV claws in the student loan scam, the only people who are going to be able to pay off their loans will be working for the government. Because everyone else will be working for not much more than minimum wage because of the dilution of those useless degrees.

In construction, we have QC engineers that we have to call for compaction tests when we backfill. They come out with a machine that measures density via radiation. They also do slump tests on concrete pours. I learned how to do both when I was a Sea Bee. I can't even apply for an entry level position at $12/hr because I don't have an engineering degree- besides I'm used to making a lot more.

Because the time I would have wasted making rich professors even richer in college; I learned not only a trade in the Navy but just what kind of a sh1thole the rest of the world is- and how well America stacks up.
No wonder Liberals hate the military.

So, Clarence Thomas should recuse himself?

This entire article is talking about the possible conflict of interest that Clarence Thomas might have in the upcoming 0bamaKare hearing in the Supreme Court because his wife is a Teabagger. These must be serious charges because the writer keeps bringing up Democrat Lawmakers and their talking points.

Nowhere in the article is a mention that the *koff* distinguished legal mind of the 0bama insider--who WORKED ON the legalities--Elana Kagen even mentioned.
As long as we're looking at possible conflict of interest and recusing themselves. Ruth Bader-Ginsburg has cancer, how will this ruling affect her care?

And what about the wise Latina whose political base- LULAC, MALDEF, LA RAZA... are all going to be telling her how to rule?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In Texas we have a saying about loyalty

It's called riding for the brand.

Which pretty much means you'll do whatever it takes to keep the cows safe. That you'll put yourself in danger and even die to protect a cow worth $1.25.

Because You gave your word to the owner that you'd give your all for a fair return when the herd got to Kansas City.

Now that the owners of HuffPo got $315 million for the content their free writers built, will those same writers keep writing for free? Will the Liberal owners of the Huffington Post think about redistributing the wealth to those who gave their time and talents to make rich people more wealthy?

Or, as is more likely- those greedy rich owners of HuffPo will continue to hoard their excessive wealth from those that deserve it.

So, will those same writers keep giving free content? Making the rich even richer just so they can get whatever honors for writing for the brand?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Watch this video

Now, this video is old-ish. But now that they're in service, everybody wants one.

It's a 25MM cannon. Plus all the battery powered sooper scoping crap hanging off of it.

Does anyone remember the reason the reason the .GOV still makes our troops carry a poodle-shooter instead of something useful?



How much ammo each Troop can carry.


I'm still #1 on Google images for Chelsea Clintons nipples.

Is CNN catching any of these Iranian protests?

Because if not, then Prezident 'TEH GRIPPER' , his CIA nor his State Dept. will know that there are protesters in the Streets of Iran demanding---CHANGE.

Any bets on when the Slurpee King will call for the Mullahs to step down.
Before he demands a shift in leadership.
And then a gradual change by popular referendum.

Before Sarah Palin becomes the national focal point until this is done.