Thursday, December 07, 2006

This started it

This finished it 4 years latter.

It would have taken a lot longer if ALL of America hadn't pulled together to win.

Does America have the intestinal fortitude to win anymore?

OHHHH, By the way- Japan is now a fully functioning Democracy because we took off the gloves.
AND because we stayed there after it was over.
Germany the same.

Can someone please tell me

What is the absolute fascination that some people have with my trailer tires?

They're big, black and round. WHY would anyone want to sit there next to them for miles on an open road?
Let me tell you what they do, so you won't have to get alongside of me and take up one of my accident avoidance options.

The wheels on the trailer go round and round
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the trailer go round and round
All the way to town.

The wheels on the trailer go round and round
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the trailer go round and round
All the way to town.

The wheels on the trailer go round and round
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the trailer go round and round
All the way to town.

OK? Do you want me to repeat it for the 30 minutes it takes to go from Castroville to San Antonio?

Because driving something that's almost 70' long and weighs up to 80,000 pounds is a little different than driving your average 12'long 3,000 pound 4 wheeler.

When I go down hill, I can't ride the brakes and expect to have any when I get to the bottom. The way drivers are supposed to do it is to brake hard then ease-up and brake hard until at the bottom. If you're tailgating me on the way into town, you'll have a big surprise when I hit my brakes to drop 10 MPH below the speed limit so I can hit them again at 10 MPH over. ...And repeat until the bottom.

Driving is about space management. I have my lane, you have yours. My truck is about 8 feet wide, yours is 6 or less. Please use the extra 2 feet to stay in your lane because I can't jerk my truck out of your way when you drift into mt lane while texting on your phone. If you're on my right side, all I can see is the top of your vehicle, not how close you are to my wheels.

If I have someone on my trailer tires and some dork on the phone on my right, all I have is the brakes. At 70 MPH, it takes 3 times as long to stop my truck as it does your car. If you slam on your brakes in front of me, I can Guarantee that no matter what your wheels do, your vehicle WON'T stop until my truck does.
In addition to reaction time, my airbrakes take another second or so to actuate all the way back to my my trailer brakes.

To wrap it up: Pass me or stay behind me.
and most importantly... F*ing HANG-UP AND DRIVE!

This DOT test guardrail test film is interesting, too- with Flying cars!

I'd like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to all the Union workers the the International plant for their thoughtful attempts to ensure that I have plenty to listen to in my new truck.
Those annoying squeeks from ill fitted parts and especially the screwdriver y'all left in the dashboard where I can't get to.
I appreciate it.
Who needs to hear a radio, CD or CB when I can listen to your careful placement and securing results.

Nothing spells "UNION PRIDE" like a truck with less than 8,000 miles on it that the driver needs earplugs to drive. "Proudly made in America" buy our cr@p because we say so.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I'm not a highly trained firefighter, but I don't think I'd want to get anywhere near a 100,000 watt transmitter with a water hose.
Dumb ol' me would probably grab a type B/C dry chem fire extinguisher.

Yeah, I know- they *said* it was off...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Two questions on this story

1- Does ANYBODY in charge ever show up?

2- Are the Libs so far out of touch that they thought asking donations for illegals was OK?

Lets get to the first question:
He said only News Director Peter Roghaar could respond to those questions, and, "He won't be in until Thursday." WND also was told the reporter was off on Mondays and Tuesdays, and the general manager, Brian Lawlor, was out of the office today. Messages left for Lawlor, his assistant and Roghaar weren't returned.

So how many holidays do these people get? It seems like anytime the toss a PR bomb out that everyone and anyone who has ANY responsibility is 'out". You know on vacation, on assignment, out of the office, can't be reached...

On to the second question:
The top-rated television station in West Palm Beach, Fla., is calling on viewers to put aside their ''political beliefs'' to help 13 illegal aliens trying to "survive the American Dream" after being displaced by a fire at the home they rent in the city.

Jamie Holmes, a reporter for the NBC affiliate, WPTV-TV, avoided referring to the members of the Bravo and Morales families as illegal aliens or undocumented immigrants in an original on-air report, instead describing them as ''the hard-working kind of people which created such a controversy in America this year ... .''

Don't worry Jamie. I'm sure our tax dollars are going to provide them with more than their fair share of section 8 housing, food stamps, health care and the rest of the taxpayer goodies that bring them here like candy does to kids.

Monday, December 04, 2006

They already HAVE a prayer room

In every public place in America.

It's usually labeled "Men".

Now stop trying to force your bloodthirsty religion on the rest of the world.

Ciro Rodriguez cares about the law

This is what I saw when I went to the Hondo courthouse annex to vote.
It's a runoff between Henry Bonilla (R) who got 49% of the vote and Ciro Rodriguz (D) who got 18%. Henry didn't receive a 50+ percentile of the vote, so we have a's a Texas thing.

I must admit that he meticulously adhered to the electioneering demarcation line.
Even though you can see the door entrance ramp and handrail on the right side of this picture.

The Democrat Party.
Obeying the letter of the law.

Even if they have to use two parking spaces in a small parking lot.

Because they care!

Henry Bonilla- he remembers what it's like to look for a parking spot in a small lot.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

If you're going to do something illegal

Don't go bragging about it on MySpace.

Also in regard to MySpace. I have two teens with MySpace accounts. I think -in addition to the music downloads (limewire) that's why we're almost at our download limit.
Has anyone ever LOOKED at a teens MySpace site?
How can anyone enjoy looking at all that visual garish puke?
And the auto loading noise that they insist on showing their current *mood*.
I'm not even going to get into the intentional mis-spelling.....

Saturday, December 02, 2006

The semi-meme

I googled searched my name on Yahoo and came back with 33,200,000 for Kurt- including some drug addicted musician and a precision tool maker, along ith actors and writers.

My last name came back with 29,000 results, including somekind of factory that was bought-up by Fedders.
H/T to Rhianna for that,,,or is it Rihanna?

FYI- just to give anyone who's thinking of a new laptop for themselves or a gift. You probably want to stay away from the Compaq (HP) Presario. The only power supply (and battery charger) has an almost pre-engineered weak spot intenally that's almost guaranteed to break. It requires gong inside the computer to repair or replace the cheap plastic center pin holder.

Also, the keys are pretty f*cked up, they need a FIRM stroke all the way to the bottom of the contact or you'll spend as much time fixing missing letters as you do composing.

I like the youngests IBM thinkpad. If it wasn't crashing the Win98 all the time, I'd steal ittrade her for it. (it was pre- used)


If you go here, be sure your sound is on. If you want to do it, this is what you need to do.
This gets a 10 in coolness.

That should make him real popular with the voters- sounds like he's getting political advice from his buddy Jimmy carter.

...And this lucky guy's not even Mexican.

Hey, Barney- lets go get some Bronto Burgers.

Girls, are you lonely? Let your phone get stolen.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

More news you don't want to miss

You report this like it's a surprising ting?

But, is she sorry enough to NOT use the damn cell phone while driving....again?

Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this?

Disgusting in a kind of rabbit watching a snake way...definately NSFW

My tribute to the Hollywood lifestyle. Here's to ya Britney, Paris and Lindsey:

"Moderate" mooslimbs, please take note

This is how you show displeasure with your extremists.

Reaction to Phred Phelps Phobic Protests at cemetaries:

It's about time.

"Moderate" Islamists please note the lack of flames, gunfire and free flowing blood.

. . . Also the lack of chreographed "DEATH TO,,,(ummm-whoever)!!" chants.

I do, however hope you DO take note of the show of distain for something most Americans hold for this kind of behavior.
You, too can show your displeasure with your extremists--IF you want to.

H/T to Gawfer, and I guess it's old according to Roberts' comments.


I'm an Adorable Little Rodent in N.Z. Bears ecosystem.

Misc. news blurbs

Democrats, the most ethical party we've ever known

When critters attack!!!!! ... now with Sea Lions.

5 year-old kid 'Free to good home'.

More proof that Americans have too little to worry about.

Quick and easy Christmas gifts, all you need are CD cases. (or would that be cheap and cheesy?)

At last Video conversion downloads. Maybe NOW I can do something with the Nikon videos?

Naked sunbathers via Google Earth.

Global warming hurricane predictions..... oops- maybe next year we'll get it right.

We need to do *something* about the quagmire in Iraq- If that's your criteria, lets look at the death rate of Americans caused by Illegals.

A list of things to remember if you become an Evil Overlord.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Compare and contrast


Mole hill

Loudmouth dumb-ass

Race-baiting extortionist

Lets review:

Drunken dumb-ass

Truth in advertizing

I used to drive OTR

And I noticed that it seemed like the more leftist/Liberal the state was, the worse the roads were.
Texas, Wyoming, Oklahoma-Good roads.
Louisiana, Cali, New Jersy, New York, Mich., Minn.- Roads in .....not so great shape.

Now I see this nude "pothole" calender from Canada with canoes in their potholes. (SFW)
That pretty much verifies my Liberal=bad infrastructure theory.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Liberalism explained

If you don't think I'm right- just think about all the pro-abortion arguments.
Incest, abuse, pedophilia (oops, sorry NAMBLA), and all the rest of the excuses they make to hide bad decisions.

I've always thought that Most Libs I've seen on TV and read on ALGores internet were,,,,well basically rebellious teens in adult bodies with college vocabularies. They throw out ideas and accusations with (it seems) no anticipation of the end result.
I have teens. I was a teen ager. I know how absolute and unrealistic some of their ideas are. It took me going into boot camp to realize that I didn't know the answers to everything just because I had an answer to it and that there were usually reasons for answers without a question.

Gun control? OMG, they'll start shooting whenever someone pisses them off!!!!
What scares me most is the arbitrary nature of self-defense. What line must be crossed to signal to you that there is imminent danger or threat? Is it a criminal pulling a gun on you? In which case, unless you're a gunslinger, you're not going to outdraw him. Is it someone pulling a knife? Threatening words? Bad language or rude gestures? Where is that one point where you decide, "Yes, my life or the life of my loved ones is in danger and I must now take it upon myself to take the life of another person." What if the guy is reaching into his jacket, and you are sure, absolutely certain that it is a weapon. You pull your gun and shoot--and see he's reaching for his wallet. Or worse, you miss and hit a child running in the street. Where is that line?
I understand completely that you have the best of intentions, the best training, the best gun money can buy, and the best reasons in the world to want to defend yourself. But I'm sorry, I don't have insight into your character from my vantage point and I can't assume you can be trusted with a gun any more than I can assume you're not going to attack me anyway without a gun.


How about this explanation?
Projection concerns externalizing the issues that we need to deal with ourselves. Usually we project onto others issues and problems that we need to address within ourselves, or are unable to manage properly. Projection is irresponsible behavior as we dump our problem onto somebody else. We justify these projections by blaming someone or something outside for the emotions we do not want to feel. We project our disappointments and problems onto other people, it is somehow their fault, we become a blamer. Ultimately it is the person who projects that loses, as they never really sort out their own problems.

You've seen parents raging at their children demanding they meet requirements the parent has failed to achieve themselves. This is projection. The parent trains the child to do all the negative behaviors the parent has repressed for a lifetime. If the parent has a problem with addiction they will rage at the child until the child becomes addicted too. They see their own behavior mirrored back in the child and then rage against their own projection trying to get the child to change what they are not yet willing change and face in themselves. We try to change everything outside us when we are not willing to go inside and do the work we need to do to change ourselves. You see this with so called progressives. They try to change everything in the world rather than do their own inner work.

A history of the Mid-east in 90 seconds

Gives you something to think about.

If you want to.

Stolen from Aelfheld who has lots to steal from.

When he writes.

...And, yes those motorized carts DO beep when backing.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Does anybody recognize this?

No, don't cheat and jump down to the body.

I'll give you some stats on it.

When issued its battle sites were set at about 546 yards.

It was reissued during WWII.

It is a .30 cal weapon, with a revised ammo designation that was changed when the ammunition was made a little hotter- back in 1906.

Is that better?

Overall length is 43.20 inches, unloaded weight was 8 lbs-11 oz. The barrel is 24 inches and has a 4-groove 2 groove, left-hand twist barrel. The magazine holds 5 rounds.

According to this site, it was made in 1942.
(link is fixed)

But, according to the barrel it was made in July of 1944.

OK, it's a 1903 A3 Springfield in what appears to be - really good condition.
After looking, I think the stock is a replacement, because it doesn't have any factory markings on it.

This is the one that I can used to drop shots into the black all day long at 200Yds+. I haven't got it to the range yet, because my shoulder is still not right, and I'd like to be able to use the fingers on my right hand for a while yet.


Brought to you by, teletubbies.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The 18 yr-old had a visit from the recruiter yesterday

The Army recruiter.
She and her friend were thinking od going in under the "Buddy program".

Both of them took a practice ADVAP test.
All of a sudden reality is starting to slap both of them in the face.
Neither of them would have gotten above 35 on the real test.

As a measurement I use is that I scored 85 on mine.
They needed a 50 to get their Vet. MOS. So then they decided to check out the M.P.'s- be cause one girl couldn't handle giving a dog a thermometer up the butt.

OK, they're pretty clueless teens- that's life.
I'll let them make their own mistakes- the Army has plenty of experience in re-assigning inappropriate people.

The recruiter was here for about two hours. One thing that caught my attention was the "New and Improved" General orders.

I seem top remember that there was 5 or 7 general orders of a sentry.
She mentioned the THREE general orders.

When did they downgrade the basic tenants of the military?
I was under the impression that we had the best and brightest enlisting?
I guess we all need to lower our standards to accomodate those that live in these times,,,THREE general orders...??????

I question the timing

Here we have an ex-general telling a Spanish paper that Rumsfield authorized the Abu-Graib 'torture'.
I'd think that if it were true, it would have, and should have been exposed back in 2004 when everything was boiling.
It should have been made public last month to do the most harm to BushCo.

But then again, maybe ex-General Janis Karpinski was as lackadasical in her personal calender as she was in enforcing military discipline in her unit assigned to guard the prisoners in Abu-Graib.

I wonder if he even knew the word before he sounded it out

See, 50cent (some drug thug)is "appalled" that James Bond can show a gun on a poster, but a gangbanging rapper who glorifies anti-social behavior can't.
Gee, I just can't see WHY anyone would have a problem with seeing an advocate for the total breakdown of civilized behavior with a gun. Showing inluencialble (is that a word?) youth and immature adults that it's ok to solve *ANY* problem with violence.

Oh, and he wants Hollywood to do their Liberal thing and adopt a "Zero tolerance" policy on showing ALL guns on movie advertizments.

Friday, November 24, 2006

I wonder who was in front?

Steve-o or Robert?

I also wonder what kind of cologne they had on.

Our stalwart and stiff lipped British allies In the GWoT

Are trying to find how to get to Amarillo

Thanks to Rusty for the new video link


You can stop YELLING on your OxyClean commercials.

I have My volume down for a reason- I *don't* need your yelling about your snake oil wonder product.

I can hear the Tv just fine where my sound is set.

Did you usta sell used cars? Just curious because I think I'd trust you as much as a used car salesman.

I don't know how much extra it costs to double my volume on your TV ads, but believe me-You're not making any friends at my house (or on the internet it looks like).

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving

I hope that you stuffed yourselves well.
I hope you have plenty of white bread and Miracle Whip For those turkey sammiches.

Now- just in case you haven't been to Wallyworld in the past two months, it's time to think about Christmas.
And what would Christmas be without animatronic window displays?

How about a Kola doing the deed with a Wombat in a department store window down in Oz? (SFW- sort of)

Actually it was just one of those unforseen engineering mishaps. You know, those guys who went to collage for 4+ years and didn't take into account the movement affect on a makeshift connector.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Tavin tells you about what he has to be thankful for

Something else to be thankful for

The ability to HAVE the ability to take "Firm, resilient female flesh bravely resisting the recoil of heavy caliber weaponry..." for granted.

I'm sorry -really

But I just CAN'T get all worked-up about the impending fall of the Lebanese facade of a government.

I know, I know- at least it was a stabilizing influence over there.
I have a sneaking suspicion- given the history, that the ONLY way they'll get a stable government will be from Syria.

They gave Hiz b'Allah a veto over anything going on there. Syria has had their fingers in the pie for so long that there isn't any crust left.

As for the so-called Democratic movement over there last year?

Those people over there wouldn't recognize Democracy if they stepped in it up to their armpits.
They're actively opposed to the ONLY Democratic government in the region.

Tell me again- why should I care? Just keep sending Israel the tools to keep those terrorists on the fastlane to paradise.