Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Material Girl

Wants you to buy a Mercedes.

That is all.


I expected this

I would have mentioned it in my prediction post if I would have thought about it.

Seems as if they're having problems with electronic voting machines because they weren't tried out first.

Ya know, it seems like it's mosly the blue states that have the problems.

Programming errors and inexperience dealing with electronic voting machines frustrated poll workers in hundreds of precincts early Tuesday, delaying voters in Indiana, Ohio and Florida and leaving some with little choice but to use paper ballots instead.

In Cleveland, voters rolled their eyes as election workers fumbled with new touchscreen machines that they couldn't get to start properly until about 10 minutes after polls opened.

"We got five machines — one of them's got to work," said Willette Scullank, a trouble shooter from the Cuyahoga County, Ohio, elections board

A precinct in Orange Park, Fla., turned to paper ballots because of machine problems. Voting was delayed for 30 minutes or more at some Broward County precincts, where electronic ballots were mixed up and, in one case, a poll worker unintentionally wiped the electronic ballot activators.

In Illinois, some voters found the new equipment cumbersome.

"People seem to be very confused about how to use the new system," said Bryan Blank, a 33-year-old librarian from Oak Park, Ill. "There was some early morning disarray."

In one of the worst fiascoes, Maryland election officials forgot to send the cards primary voters needed to activate electronic machines at their polling places, and some voters had to cast provisional ballots on scraps of paper.

Baltimore County election director Jacqueline McDaniel said the poll workers had a few problems on Tuesday — one left part of the equipment in his car; another was looking in the wrong place for the electronic poll books.

Several Florida counties stocked up ahead of the election with extra voting machines, paper ballots and poll workers on standby. Apart from the state's infamous chads in 2000, Florida voters have struggled with poorly trained poll workers and precincts opening late or closing early.


Aren't there SUPPOSED to be adults in charge?

I know that when I install brand spanking new and unfamiliar equipment- I make sure it works before I show it off to anyone. That includes walking my people through the entire procedure from clicking the button (or turning the valve) all the way to the final click (or turn).
Then we do it again.
Then they explain to me what they're doing and why.

Then we go over it one more time.
THEN we get it going.

But what should I know? I didn't graduate from college. I guess I'm just not "nuanced" enough to believe in magical cures.

Monday, November 06, 2006

How many people here read "Day by Day"?

I'm just curious to find out if any of you know where I could find a copy of the Xerox's Sam made the other day.....

Not that I'm a comic perve,,,,or anything- just wondering what a comic version looks like.

(UPDATE) Nov. 07 -2:35AM

Now I just have to wonder how a guy with a million hits a day found out I said something about his cutie?

I can tell the future

All I have to do is look at the past.

The girls can't understand *HOW* I can tell them exactly what they'll do/ask in certain situations.

It's the same with Sadaam. He won't hang. I said this as soon as I heard the verdict, and now AlReuters is reporting that the Euro Weiniees are betting their panties in a bundle about the death penalty.

AND, Condi will lean on the Iraqi government to ease-up on the punishment. Just to, ya know, show how 'nice' we are. How we don't *really* want to hurt anyones 'feelings'- especially the Communists and Socialists who run the Liberal organizations that are actively working against real peace in the Mid-East.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

So, is the John F'ing Kerry thing over?

Why? Did the Legacy Media decide that he'd had enough?
I hope it's not over. Remember that Trent Lott (R) couldn't grovel enough to stay in the Senate (much less as a leader) because of something even MORE innocuose than Senator (and DEM prez candidate) Kerry.

At least keep him in the news so that 13-year olds can make fun of him, too.

Equal time

I bashed one company, now it's time to praise one.
Joseph is telling about his experience with Red Wing boots.
It's really good to hear that there are some companies like that still around.

I Iost $50 yesterday

No, I didn't loose a 50 dollar bill.
I was supposed to deliver a load of sugar (corn syrup) to Oak Farms Dairy at 10AM.
I left the new Hondo yard at 5AM to deliver a load to another client(3 hour round trip) and headed out to Oak Farms.
I knew I'd have the usual 2 hour wait as they got their chit together- emptying the sugar tank and moving a reefer van from bay 3.
Well yesterday they blew a 6 hour hole in my day by giving me a 4 hour wait. Then came the unloading time.
I finally got back to the Hondo yard about 4PM, swapped trucks and started on my last load (I should have been heading home), but when I got on the highway, the top 4 gears decided to go- so back to the yard I go at 20MPH. I swapped truks and trailer--again and headed out to be sent back because I wouldn't have enough time to legally do the delivery. I'd be over my 14 day.

I told the foreman that I had to redo my logbook anyway, so would be able to make it in the legal time,,,,,,,,,,not that *I* would ever think of falsifying my logs, ya know.

So back to the yard I go to put everything back where it belonged.

Do me a strange favor, instead of BUYING Oak Farms products-- DON'T buy Oak Farms products, it'll keep us from going over there so often.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

As ye sow, so shall ye reap

No this isn't so much about religion. Rather the lack of standards set by religion.

This post is basically about sportsmanship and well, self control.

A Wallkill girls' varsity soccer player was arrested last night and charged with punching a Cornwall player in the face, knocking out three teeth and fracturing her jaw.

Cornwall police charged Jasmine Crespi, 16, with second degree assault — a Class D felony — for her actions after Tuesday's Section 9 Class A quarterfinal in Cornwall.

According to police, Crespi punched Cornwall junior defender Ashley Thorpe once in the face during postgame handshakes.

Cornwall police Sgt. Philip Sinagra said last night the incident was unprovoked.

After absorbing Crespi's blow, a bloody Thorpe collapsed to the ground, and was assisted by her stunned teammates. Thorpe's mother rushed her to an orthopedic surgeon, where she underwent nearly two hours of surgery Tuesday night. Ashley Thorpe also suffered a fractured palate.

Her jaw was wired shut and her face is badly swollen. Not surprisingly, Thorpe, who scored her first goal of the season in the 2-0 win over Wallkill, won't play in Cornwall's semifinal against top-seeded Red Hook today.

And then, we have the immediate consequences for the thugette:

Officials from Cornwall called police after the attack, but Crespi had already left on the team bus when authorities arrived. Cornwall police asked Crespi's parents to bring her in for processing Tuesday night. They refused. Sinagra said a warrant for her arrest would have been issued if her parents didn't produce her last night. Crespi was also accompanied in court last night by her lawyer, Brandon Ozman.

This happened in NY state, BTW.
So lets look at this shall we?
The bitch offending female player was probably a result of either a "win-at-any-cost" house or a homestead where "Princess" got away with whatever she wanted.
I'd also bet that the bitch didn't hear alot of "NO's" when she was growing up.

I aslo not that the team bus wasn't held up to wait for the police to get there- why?
I'd bet it was full of rich, snobby kids with influential parents judging by the way the bitch's the gir (and her parental units) in question acted.

There are also three other examples of assaults or potential violence cited- I know that three of the four states are very blue states with out those unelightened and backwards parents teaching the difference between right and wrong.

...But we don't want to burden anyone with the fact that in spite of Liberals moral relativism- there is Right and there is WRONG.

Here is a quick Clif's Notes version for for you people who don't say "NO!" alot in the house....

To help out with those with a decision to make- the Right way to go is usually the hardest one.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


The perfect example of what happens when a bunch of Liberals take over.

Remember how blogger was kinda screwed-up, but ended-up working in the end?
Then GOOGLE took over and decided to make it "Better". Now, instead of just clicking the picture icon, you have to jump through all kinds of hoops to get ONE picture up.
Before GOOGLE, you could post as many pics as you wanted, now GOOGLE decided that for your own good, you're limited to how many they'll let you put up. ~ IF you can put any up without "system errors" coming up EVERY time you try.

See, I was going to steal THIS picture from Bullwinkle, but GOOGLE has run into more "technical problems"- again.

I guess this being the accelerated microchip age, it just speeds up the invetable results of Liberal tinkering. It used to be that it took years, or decades for the results of Socialist "enhancements"
to show up in cities, states and nations. Now on the internet it's measured in --months.

A how-to on Emergency Rooms

Confabulator tells of a simple and effective way to get faster help in a hospital receiving room.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I got a troll!

I'm so happy, it means I'm almost in the big time mainstream.
His name is Johnny, go read his comments in the last weeks worth of posts.
Some of them weren't really coherent, so I helped him say what he ment as much as I could while still leaving his wonderful gift of individualistic spelling.

As far as Iraq goes Little Johnny, I guess you're right. It's here on You-Tube, and you just can't make videos lie, can you?

I guess the secret is out, now we WILL have to scoot away like a beat dog ala John Murtha and John Kerry.

Video stolen from Rockyfort

Monday, October 30, 2006

101 American servicemebers died in Iraq this month

And we don't need to be thinking the Liberal media is in any way trying to sway the election at all, do we.
According to the AP article:

A member of the 89th Military Police Brigade was killed in east Baghdad on Monday, and a Marine died in fighting in insurgent-plagued Anbar province the day before, raising to 101 the number of U.S. service members killed in a bloody October, the fourth deadliest month of the war. At least 2,814 American forces have died since the war began in March 2003.
Ok,that's 2.814 in a country that hasn't seen anything but a bloody dictator for about 30 years.

IF the AP really wanted to highlight government policies gone wrong- they could look at this data table showing 2.394 homicides in Grey Davis' California of 2004- one year alone, under a functioning, Democratically controlled Executive and Legislative branches of government.

One of the more truthful quizes out there

It's amazingly accurate.

Stolen from Alfheld.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Halloween Eve tommorrow

so now would be a good time to start downloading the grand-daddy of all Dracula films.
Bullwinkle has Nosferatu on MooseTube in it's 1922 entirety!

Go enjoy a singularly creepy movie who's only sound effects are music.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Who are you?

Which South Park kid are you most like?


You're pretty normal. Infact you're usually the sane voice of reason when everyone else is going crazy.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.

You know what's REALLY depressing?

All those hot chicks with the "free love" motto that you just watched are in their Grandma years now- and America will never see the mixture of niavetty and really disease free sex mixed with virel anti-Americanism. What's really bad is that they are STILL out there acting like they're 18.. Sorry guy, the bald spot and grey hippy-hair tell me that you've been down this protest before.

At least the babes at the original anti-(Republican) war rallies were willing to ummm,,,'give to the cause,,,' and could be hot....
Today there is no free 'box' lunch,,, everything is hermetically sealed, just like their emotions- except where Chimpy McHaliburton comes into the picture.

Friday, October 27, 2006

I swore I'd stop using NOJEW You-tube

But I can't find this anywhere else.

It was on a post about ummmmm...humorous (read: giggles time) in intimate circumstances.

Anyway, this song reminded me of the '86 bronco I was going to do a frame-off restoration,
It's name was going to be Dirty sweet.
The reason I call it an IT instead of a "he" or "she" was because I really didn't know what it would turn out to be... kinda like Dr. Frankenfurters creation....(if you get the movie...COMMENT!)

Like I said, it was/used to be an 86 Ford Bronco I bought for $400, with an oil burning motor.
In Port Aransas, Texas. (salt-air city, babyyyyy---vehicles rust from the inside out.)

OK, a $50 bid in my landlords name got me a 1998 302 police interceptor motor (with sand in the water pump!) [on a chase it "rear-ended a sand dune].
An '87 F-150 pick-up w/ blown engine (but good sheetmetal)

I even got the rear window to work!

Then, I took it up to Houston, where the tranny went on it,,,,

My other favorite vehicle was a '68 Chevy C-10. If I got around to it she was going to be named "Proud Mary" because she never was completely easy....

Ahhhhhh....almost 6 and a half minutes of Tina Turner when she was hot.

OK, your MEME... link your favorite vehicle to a video...

I dare you!

A must read post

And I mean- not just because it's a gunblog.
She nails the historic thang- an explaination of WHY would you want 'that' rusty thing???

Why can you NOT read a blog who's autheress's occupation is "Merchant of Death"?

Thursday, October 26, 2006

WOW, what a thrill

I made #1 on a GOOGLE search!

Yay me.

You just gotta wonder about the hits you get sometimes.

I thought Bush had signed the border bill?

or not...

Or he did in a sekrit ceremony so his friend Vincente wouldn't find out about it.

Then I see this article about Bush finally getting around to signing the bill. Which to my understanding of the Constitution is like two weeks PAST the date that makes it a pocked veto.

So I wrote a note to my Congrescritter Henry Bonilla, asking his take on it.
I was going to cut and paste it right here, but after I copied it and sent it- I copied the first URIL and lost it. So here is the best I can remember:

To the Honorable Henry Bonilla, (I didn't write that, they helped me)

To get off to a pleasant start, I want to let you know that I voted for you last Tuesday, even though I'm no longer a Republican (you lost me when you ran off to the Left).

I see by this article :
Thet President Bush is only now signing the Border Fence bill #(???) which I believe was sent to him from committee before y'all left on recess at the end of September. Since he would have had to sign it within ten days of recieving it (and I don't remember anything about him signing it),
Isn't it considered to have been a Pocket Veto?

Now please tell me why I shouldn't think of this as an empty political trick to bring anti-illegal votes in by signing a dead bill. Considering what his stance is and his friends in big business/cheap labor have historically been. Why should I not think that as of November 8th, the worthless bill will never see the light of day again?

Thank you for your time,
Kurt P

That's pretty close, I don't have the time to try to remember it verbatem because I need to get to E-bay and put another auction up.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Some things just don't mix well

Like water.

A white dog.

And Mesquite sawdust.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I didn't know Tobey Keith was a Liberal

What a bummer, he's on the Yahoo page with the likes of George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and some female who I'm not celeb conscious to recognize.

They're flogging an organization called.....

wait-a-minute...I'll tell you what they're for, and give you a quote- then see if you can guess which international NGO they're affiliated with.

They want to do away with AIDs, poverty and educate the poor children of under-developed countries.

Here's the quote:
....Oh, and they want something done about Darfur, too.

Anyway, the quote:
One million postcards, phone calls and electronic signatures will demand a stronger and more effective U.S. response to the violence and atrocities plaguing the region.
On January 12th , - the 55th anniversary International Genocide Prevention Day - over one hundred advocacy, humanitarian aid, and faith-based organizations launched a coordinated effort to raise awareness of the genocide taking place in Darfur and promote the action necessary to ending it. Specifically, the campaign calls on the United States government to support a larger, stronger, multinational force to protect the civilians of Darfur.

The Save Darfur Coalition and its partners will collect 1,000,000 signed postcards urging President Bush to take action.

You notice just WHO they want to take charge of the Darfur thing?
These are the same people who are calling Iraq "illegal" and "un-necessary" and "unilateral".

I'll let you take a look at their website.

Speaker Pelosi

Kinda makes you cringe, doesn't it?

The L.A. Times has a long, adoring fluff piece on her, but what really shows why the Republicans need to stay in power are one of her last sound bites:

"The gavel of the speaker of the House is in the hands of special interests, and now it will be in the hands of America's children..."

Yeah, Nancy- we don't need that power in the hands of irresponsible selfish kids.

I voted yesterday

Forgot to tell y'all. I was a little busy in the afternoon- with my manufaturing and bustling E-bay site and all...

We have a choice about ballots here in Texas- Paper or electrons.
I chose paper, since it's alot harder to hack than some low-bid software.
I also had more than one Ind. marked along with the majority of Rep.

I'm just wondering with all these cries of "voter fraud"- WHY would anyone decide to go the un-traceable computer route? We all know that most hackers fall into the Liberal realm, so why would I think my vote would go where I want it to-instead of the one-in-(???)five that get sent to the Dem?

As long as I'm thinking of Dems and elections and voter fraud (WHY does that just seem natural?), why is it that all the problems seem to pop-up in Democrat controlled districts? Fla. in 2000, Ohio in '04- the pre-planned outrage in Col. about the slightest preceived impropriety.

Why don't they take a lesson from Chicago? They've been having dead people voting there forever with no problem at all...OH, wait- they sent the mentally challenged Daley down there to co-ordinate the 2000 Florida fraud, didn't they? Well, ya can't win em all.

Or, fool enough to start winning many.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Iraq = Viet Nam, again?

Lets look at this story coming from, surprisingly- Al Reuters.

No, not the Iraq is like Tet. Although you could make that analogy in that we kicked their @sses almost back to China, and the MSM had everyone believing it was a win for the Commies. Same thing in Iraq, we're winning, they're getting desperate and the MSM (and their fellow Communists up in D.C.) are insisting that we cut and run.

Getting back to the story:
LONDON (Reuters) -
Iraq is vital to the world's future and the West cannot cut and run despite growing anxiety over the relentless bloodshed there, Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih said on Monday.

Salih, in London for talks with British Prime Minister
Tony Blair and other ministers, voiced concern at the growing pressure on the British and U.S. governments to change direction in Iraq given the heavy death toll among coalition forces and Iraqis.

He stressed that Iraqi forces were gradually taking over responsibility for security but said Iraq needed the "enduring support" of the international community to combat what he called "a difficult onslaught by terrorists."

Asked about a pledge by Australia's opposition to pull the country's troops out of Iraq if it wins the next election, Salih said: "I do believe there is no option for the international community to cut and run."

"The fate of Iraq is vital to the future of the Middle East and the world order," he told reporters.

U.S. military deaths in Iraq in October have reached at least 85, making it the deadliest month for Americans this year and raising pressure on
President George W. Bush before Congressional elections next month in which Republicans could lose majorities in both houses.

Yes, we- the good guys- are winning over there. We don't hear alot about it because the Libs want us to pull out now, so they can declair Iraq a defeat for Bush Co. America.

If we pull out now it will do two things that I can see:
  1. Leave Iraq to the tender mercies of Michal Moors 'Minute Men' to behead and torture to death ANYONE that didn't actively help them. Ala Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos, and the rest of the blood soaked S.E. Asia that we left hanging.
  2. We'll lose any and all credibility we ever had in the Mid-East. We have a history of cutting and running when the cost got too high- from Reagan all the way up to Clinton. They see us as a paper tiger that deserves to be conquered- and we do if we just run away...again.
I don't know what the Iraq answer is, but leaving the Iraqis hanging isn't one of them. I'd also like to remind you that we were in the WW II Axis countries for over 30 years working on their transition to becoming peaceful democracies. ( We may have overdone it in Germany,,,but).

Sunday, October 22, 2006

John Hawkins on the fence

Someone needs to walk up to the bubble those guys are in, knock on it a few times, wait for someone to come to the door, and then yell, "Have a public signing ceremony, talk about how much you can't wait to build that wall, and start acting like you're the President of the United States, not the President of Mexico!"

In his post on politics VS the border fence.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I wonder if she does the tires?

Here we have an interesting auction on E-bay.

She calls it a "true no touch car wash". I wonder if she's talking about "don't touch what I'm using" -no touch.

It is SFW and she's got 12521 views and bids for $29.01

Friday, October 20, 2006

Gawd I hate trojans

Not the Greeks, or the latex sleeve either.

Had something pop up the other night. It looked like one of those greyish Microsoft warning boxes.
I deleted it, and it kept popping back up, so I go to the source site...something like "downloadourprotectionnow.scam" and defenatly know I don't want to click on it.

I turn off rhe computer for the night and the next day about an hour into online stuff- the connection is lost. Ok- call Wildblue tech support to ask what's wrong in Larado now.
Nothing- and we went through the whole troubleshooting list- including re-aquiring the IP three times until she suggested my network card was bad because the IBM laptop got right through...

Great, now the "big" computer is down for the count- with all the important stuff on it.

THEN- I remembered the "warning", look at the desktop,,, and there is a brand spanking new icon saying 'click me!!" with absolutly NO information except like- install.exe.
Into the bin it goes, and reboot the hard-drive to factory settings.

POOF- wallah--I have internet again! Now I have to put everything back.

I finally got the 18 yr-olds computer online, too. It's an ME with 15G and lots of teen cr@p on it.
I forgot the all the security settings I had in the router, so couldn't get it to work until I got into the router settings here. I finally got it working, downloaded AVG, spybot, adaware -and ran updates and searches on all of them.
Cool, we're cooking with gas, now...untill I tried downloading ME upgrades from Microsoft.
I've tried three times with the "Scanning for available upgrades" ding-"upgrades available"...and it won't initialize, just sits there like a federal beureaucrate.

ME is out of date anyway, there will be no updates, so one computer will be able to be free of IE completly, anyway.

OK, I'm trying to look at the bright side.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A GOOGLE server error

That's what I got when opening my blog.

Am I like, being a bit pre-paranoid?

You know, seeing what's fixing to happen before it starts? Being one of the first to start "connecting the dots" before all the dots are out there? Knowing how Liberals operate in their love of expression and "diversity of opinion"? Seeing how they're purging You-Tube of "objectionable content", I think I'm the mute that saw the Emporers new cloths before the kid actually shouted it out.

I did a feral cat post

...And the exact opposit would probably be this dogblogging pic...

Guess what Karen's doing?