Tuesday, June 13, 2006

An answer to one of my commenters

For this post.

Hi sig94,
I thought you might be someone I have on my blogroll with almost the same name, so I sent him an e-mail with the answers. He's from upstate NY and as friendly as you'd expect from someone up there.

Here's some answers for you about Black Powder revolvers.

There are two basic types the Colt like I have, and the Remington.
Loading both is the same. Here is a fast and dirty rundown.
  1. At the start of every shooting session you pop a cap on each cylinder to blow out any oil and cr@p that might be in them.
  2. Use a seperat powder measure to load the chambers- if there is an ember and the powder cooks off you don't want to be holding a BP hand gernade.
  3. I use wonder-wads and then the ball. Other methods are ball over the powder (I use Pyrodex)and then grease (non petrolium).
  4. Seat the ball. The balls are oversized to make a tight seal in the chamber. You should peel off a small ring of lead when you seat the ball.
  5. Pointing in a safe direction, place the primer caps. There are two basic sizes (not counting muskets) number 11 and my pistol likes number 10. You can use #11 but need to squeeze it alittle so it doesn't fall off. That is usually the cause of chain fire- the fire from the next chamber igniting the open hole of the nipple.
It's easier to load using a loading stand to keep the pistol upright.

As far as cleaning, I take it apart and drop it into boiling water for about 5 min. and clean it like any other pistol. BP is alot more corrosive than modern smokless so you HAVE to clean it ASAP after shooting. I've heard that Windex w/ ammonia makes a good stopgap untill you can do a good cleaning at home.

To fieldstrip a colt, simply knock out the barrel wedge and it'll be in three basic parts- the barrel, the cylinder and the reciever. Use a well fitting screwdriver to remove the handle screws and the handle. You are now ready to drop in your pot.

If you want more info, here is an in depth article about the care and feeding of a cap and ball revolver.
I have a gunsmith book that says a brass frame is good for 700- 1500 rounds- depending on how hot you load it. My colt seems to like about 23 grains. More or less and the accuracy suffers. It's also impossible to overload a (modern) BP revolver. just remember DO NOT use modern smokeless powder.

Now, go buy one and have fun! You can make BIG holes and lots of smoke with a good looking wall hanger.

(UPDATE) The rear site on a Colt is the hammer, but you shouldn't have much trouble getting used to it- since it'll disappear on it's own.
Did y'all hear about the latest cheat?

CAN you hear the latest cheat?
Kids are downloading this ringtone to let them know the answers to their test questions have arrived.

Supposedly adults can't hear it. I tried, had to turn it up beyond what I usually set at but could hear it. Kinda sounds like an old vacuum tube TV that was a little out of adjustment. You know, that annoying whine?

I don't know why they allow kids to have cell phones in the classroom anyway, guess I'm old fashioned that way- expecting kids to be in school for education and learning to think like an adult (oops, thinking of the moral examples nowadays- lets scratch that one) instead of just socializing.

Via Deans World
When is a civil war NOT a civil war?

How about when Bush has nothing to do with it?

I know, it's all the EEeevil Israelis fault that Hamas and Fatah are at each others throats, again.

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has placed his security forces on high alert after deadly factional violence in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Mr Abbas ordered troops to take control after gunmen loyal to his Fatah group set fire to Hamas offices in Ramallah.

Violence flared after earlier clashes in Gaza, where two people were killed.

The Palestinian Authority has been dogged by a power struggle since Hamas won elections in January, ousting Fatah from government.
Senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, an ally of Mr Abbas, told the BBC he was worried by the extent of the violence and concerned at the breakdown of law and order.

Things are slipping outside of our fingers like sand
Saeb Erekat
Palestinian negotiator
"I'm so alarmed, I'm so concerned, things are slipping outside of our fingers like sand.

"I think we're exerting maximum efforts, [but] we're not really undermining the underlying difficulties and complexities facing us."

Dude, do you have any idea WHY you human rats have no concept of peaceful accommodation?
Maybe it's because your brown trash society has focused on violent reaction to anything you see as ,,,,well,,,, an excuse to kill and main women and children.- with the blessing of the humanitarian watchdogs of the UN.
Everytime Israel gives up whatever y'all demand- it isn't enough and you send one of your drugged-up human bombs into a daycare center and then get yet ANOTHER pass by the same people who are all over American "atrocities".
I know it never occurred to you human cockroaches that maybe you all ought to maybe GROW UP, or at least just kill yourselves, and quit bothering people with a goal of something other than turning the rest of their neighborhood into a chithole like your "country".
I also notice that the vaunted Moslim brotherhood isn't doing a whole lot to help you.
I guess they know you.
I'm also curious as to WHY you think that you deserve Judea, anyway? The Jews have been there centuries before your perverted pedephile prophet MoHAMmed (Piss be upon him) brewed up your death cult. I also seem to remember That y'all pretty much decided to leave on your own when the U.N. made Israel a country.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Well, THAT explains why there are so many crappy drivers in Texas

(Aside from the illegals that don't bother to learn to drive, that is.)

I'm looking at the requirements for home taught drivers ed.
Here are two direct quotes from the TxDPS site:

How are the Classroom and Behind-the-Wheel Instruction Log Records utilized?
Classroom and Behind-the-Wheel Instruction Log Records are for the instructor's use only. You will enter the date of completion after the required hours for each specified unit title and driving time. These record logs are for instructor use. You may be required to present this form as proof you have completed all objectives outlined in the Parent Taught Education Program.

The student must take a written and vision examination prior to receiving the Texas Driver License Instruction permit. However, the skills (driving) test will be waived for teenagers who complete both classroom and behind-the-wheel portions of a Texas driver education course. The instructor participating in the Parent Taught Driver Education Program has the option to waive the skills (driving) test or require the student to pass the skills (driving) test administered by DPS prior to issuing a Class C driver license.

That's right, SUVsoccerMom can gundeck the entire drivers-ed thing and get Buffy a drivers license without cheerleader Buffy ever driving her brand new Bimmer- or showing she even knows where the brake is.

The way they drive in San Antonio is proof that new drivers are being taught by drivers without a clue, or common courtesy.
Well, I'm glad I'm not alone here

Alternativly titled "Hang-up and drive!"
I'm NOT the only person in America that thinks cell phone use should be banned while driving.
Approximatly 2/3 of Americans agree with me. Granted, it was a small sampling- but hey, major news stories have been planted on less.

The poll of 849 adults, of which 69 percent owned cell phones, was conducted in March and announced this week. While 29 percent of respondents said they did not want such a law, 65 percent said states should ban drivers from talking on cell phones.

Previous studies have suggested that kill thousands of people every year and create traffic jams. Even hands-free phone use has been shown to slow driver reaction times. Study leader Michael Traugott of the University of Michigan said the poll results show that people understand these risks.

"I think this is a reflection of inherent concerns about driving safety, as well as the concern about accidents due to cell phone use," Traugott told LiveScience.

60% would also ban them in planes.
Some 60 percent of those surveyed said they would maintain the ban on cell phone use in airplanes. Whether they owned a cell phone or not, the respondents were equally likely to support that ban.

"The concern about cell phone use in planes may relate to the fact that it is an enclosed space and people can't walk away from loud conversations in a way they can on land," Traugott said.

Cell phone use in public places was said to have irritated 60 percent of the respondents, but only 43 percent support banning cell phone conversations in places such as restaurants, theaters or museums.

And just like Congress they don't want a complete ban because: "They seem reluctant to impose restraints on their own behavior."

The problem isn't with the cell phone it's self, it's the distraction caused by talking to someone completly removed from your situation.
Not only do you have someone trying to tell Timmy the temp how to replace the toner in the copier you are causing traffic problems by having your head in the office and not in the car. Wether you have a handheld or hands-free phone your speed is changing and you probably aren't keeping track of changing traffic conditions. Add to the fact that you're sharing the road with people who never learned to drive right, or forgot all but the basics you throw in someone behind the wheel who isn't paying attention -you're looking at a wreck waiting to happen.

I notice that MADD hasn't embraced the prohibition on cell phones like they want to embrace every other "safety" issue that comes down the pike. I guess they don't care that talking on a cell phone causes you to drive like you're over .08 BAC -drunk.

Like I said before, it's not the item, it's the distration caused. Truckers have been using CBs forever- remember the CB craze in the 70's? Truckers need both hands to drive and shift- BUT they talk to other drivers and are aware of changing traffic and what to watch out for.

I also think that private companies should be allowed, if not encouraged to block cell phone signals in resurants and movie theaters. If you can't restrain yourselves and act like a civilized person- someone will have to make you respect the rights of others around you.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Jenni has a Bush joke

Sorry, but I'm an EEeeeevillllllll conservative- and all I can think about with this looming 'pandemic' is ,,,,,,,

SWINE FLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!

My memory must be slipping because I thought it was another Dhimmi Carter thing. Turns out That, too was a result of the U.S. electing a Rethulican and the flu thing was "just retribution" (if you believe in a higher being,,,)
Ok, all you wannabees

I got 19 out of 20 on this quiz, and I was a "Bee", not a "Squid". How well can you do on Navy slang?

And speaking of "bee's", I am delivering 'honey' now.

NO, I'm not driving a "honey waggon", it's corn syrup.

Friday, June 09, 2006

I thought that officers were supposed to be smarter than the average bear

But we have 1st Lt. Ehren Watada, 27 who joined the army in 2003 and is now realizing that there is a war on. Just to let you know- he doesn't want to go now.

"I feel that we have been lied to and betrayed by this administration," Watada said Tuesday in a telephone interview with the Seattle Times from Fort Lewis. "It is the duty, the obligation of every soldier, and specifically the officers, to evaluate the legality, the truth behind every order — including the order to go to war."

His attorney, Eric A. Seitz, says Watada submitted a letter to his command in January stating he had serious reservations about the Iraq war and felt he could not participate in it.

Did he think that by enlisting in combat arms- that he'd have a say in how he was assigned? What kind of dumb@ssed college grads is the Army taking nowadays?

Joe Hitt, a civilian spokesman at Fort Lewis, an Army post about 40 miles south of Seattle, confirmed that Watada is a member of the 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, the Army's first Stryker Brigade Combat Team. The unit held a deployment ceremony Friday and will begin leaving later this month for its second mission in Iraq.

Hitt said the Army is aware of Watada's plans but has no comment.

Watada, a native of Honolulu, enlisted in the Army in 2003 after graduating from Hawaii Pacific University. He reported for boot camp in June of that year and began officer candidate school two months later.

The article goes on to proudly link him with other comunist socialist anti American peace activists.

So what we have here is a college grad who joined the Army DURING a war and went into combat arms- instead of say the Supply corps, or Engineers- and wants to pick and choose his assignments. Probably with the cavet that he doesn't hurt anybody in carrying out his mission.
,,,,,,,,Unless of course, they're EEeevil Republicans.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Sorry, nothing today

You Are 48% Cynical

Yes, you are cynical, but more than anything, you're a realist.

You see what's screwed up in the world, but you also take time to remember what's right.

And in other worlds- if you're tired of "dolphin free tuna" get some yourself. Gamecheat- hit the merman and mermaid to go up a level, and be sure your sound is on.

Next, how many faces can you find?

Lastly, if you didn't get to waste money check out the last big Gay masterpiece, go see it in "Bunn-O-vision"

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Why is it

that the fleet, descendants of wolves that we have living in our homes; the efficient predator that can run down prey for miles.

Takes 10 f*ing MINUTES to go through an outside door?
I mean, c'mon, you're piled right behind me, and I have to hold the door open for you forever--EVERY time I go through it. In or out.

Monday, June 05, 2006

CNN and I

Did ya ever hear about the falling ratings for CNN compaired to say,,,,FOX?
I have a feeling they're worse than is being let on, because the only ones with CNN on is the public acess TVs in waiting rooms.
I just had my DOT physical today and had to sit through the gas"crisis" ballyhoo, and the Republicans inposing a(n) Anti-gay marraige ammendment on America. Then I got to see the Knockdown, dragout fight of the ,,, well,,,, hour between

The Preach



(Bloggers having fits, or there would be pics instead of links)

The only things I heard in the three plus hours that I was there that I agreed with was that the Republican Congress is out of touch, and the "Anti-Gay" marraige amendment wasn't needed.

Oh, I'm also in excellent shape for a 4(coff) year old fat guy. My Doc doc, told me I'm as healthy as a horse, as far as heart, blood and lungs go- anyway. Cool, I'll be sitting in a new truck (when we move to Hondo) and dry in the rain and cool when it's 100+ in the shade.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Hmmm,,,,,,,that's ALL????

Your Job Dissatisfaction Level is 71%

Your job is a total bummer, and probably the worst job you've ever had.

Your co-workers stink. Your boss is a jerk. And your company is probably in trouble.

Think about finding a new job quickly, even if it's just a not-so-great transition job.

You've got to get out of there as quickly as you can!

Oops, I made a mistake

I was looking to see what kind of health insurance would cost for me if I took the driving job, so I filled out a quote request. In the space of two days, the health spam hsa increased from none to sky high on one of my throw-away mails.
You'd think that someone who was trying to get your business would want to kinda keep your potential profits to themselves, instead of selling your e-address to ALL of their competitors. I KNOW that there are people out there that actusally buy the cr@p sold on spam- that's why so much is out their, but I learned my lesson on asking insurance companies for help online.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

New discoveries

In addition to helping relieve arthritise pain, burn healing, starter fluid, disinfectant for cuts, adhesive removal, grease cutter, and water displacing formula- among others, WD-40 is pretty good at cleaning Black powder weapons, too.

I found that out while drenching the workings of the revolver a while ago.

I just wanted to wait untill I cleaned the thing and remembered to get a pic of it right out of the boiling water. Yes ladies, that's the kitchen sink on the left. I cook, I use it and I'll clean it up. That's how it works in this unenlightened knuckle-dragging conservative cave of mine.

Friday, June 02, 2006

If Rush said it, it has to be true

C'mon you dittheads, you mind numbed robots.....

Just kidding, I listen when I can.
I just heard him on the way home today talking about how the Senate amnesty bill is unconstitutional because the "draconian" fines and back taxes (you pick two of the last five years you want to pay) is. I searched for it and couldn't find it- so no links, sorry

It's not because they're rewarding lawbreakers with citzenship, or anything like that.
It's that the House is the ony one leagally authorized to generate revenue bills (if I remember right). When I parked the truck, Rush was saying that the bill is pretty much dead in the water.

Sorry Rush, but the way the Senate is leaning, they'll just take that little impediment away and give them citizenship for free. I know that Rush is on the cutting edge of societal evolution, but he missed that one big-time.
Maybe (ex-Texas governor) Bush can get a clue from the current Texas governor

Rick Perry wants to deploy realtime cams along the hardest to patrol sections of the border. Interestingly, it's also were alot of the crossings are happening.
"With the voluntary participation of private land owners, the state will begin posting hundreds of surveillance cameras along criminal hotspots and common routes used to enter this country," Perry said. The effort is part of a border security initiative that Perry launched Thursday, saying the state must step up efforts in response to inactivity by the federal government.
The video, which will include night vision, will be available to state, local and federal authorities and will be posted on the Internet in real time, Perry said.
"When citizens witness a crime taking place, they will be able to call an 800-number that will be routed to the appropriate law enforcement agency," he said.
"I look at this as not different from the neighborhood watches we have had in our communities for years and years," Perry said.

He said the cameras would be placed in the "very, very far reaches where it's hard to get to, where there are very few roads in" but where illegal drug activity and immigrant trafficking occur.

The governor also said he'll allocate $20 million in this two-year budget cycle to continue Operation Rio Grande, an ongoing border security plan. That money will pay for officer overtime and equipment such as body armor, four-wheel drive vehicles and night-vision goggles."

Governor Perry also mentioned his old bosses approach to border control:

"Enforcing the border is the federal governments responsibility, but Texas will not wait for them to act," Perry said. "A stronger border is what the American people want and it's what our security demands and it's what Texas is going to deliver."

Great start Gov., now lets work on eliminating some of those incentives to illegals like, instate tuition and state funded entitlements.

Just an aside to all those apologists who say that a multinational business can't determine if documents are real. I didn't graduate from college, but I KNOW that if I have 2 or 10 or 100 workers with the same SSN that something's funny with their documentation.

Comming up soon- Evil, Rich Republicans taxing the "poor" unfairly.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

How not to use a 10 pump BB gun

Joe shows what happens when you play with guns. Be carful, you'll put someone's eye out with that.

I'm at a bit of a fork in the road.
I have two job offers, one for a trucking company and the other a flagpole company.

I'm not getting any younger and the thought of sitting in a nice dry cab in crappy weather (with A/C in the summer) is a definite draw. The idea of not getting rained out helps, too. The drawbacks are that I'd be delivering corn syrup to bottling plants and bakeries inside San Antonio, and they don't offer health insurance. The pay is acceptable, but not huge-I can live on $500- $600 a week. This job will also be moving to Hondo in Aug. which makes it even more attractive.

The flagpole job offers better pay and benefits and not that hard of work- drilling holes and setting poles. I'd be out in the weather and getting rained out. That's not usually a problem in S. Texas, although there are times when we have a front stalled on top of us for days at a time. The pay could make it worth my while, and as it's an expanding company the ability to advance into A/C is inviting.

The trucking job I can start tomorrow because he really needs drivers, but the flagpole job is weeks in the future. The older I get, the more these decisions matter in the future. I dunno, guess I'll just flip a coin- either way I'll be second guessing myself.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Well, I guess I oughtta say something

This is a blog, and blogs are supposed to have enties on a semi-regular basis.

I was thinking of saying something about the tearfull farewell to Katie Couric on some Legacy media TV station or other. Why are they celibrating her last day there? She's going to a rival network to try to bury you.
But, I couldn't get worked up about it.

I was going to say something about St. Hillary befriending the maid.

Illegal immigrants?
Not today.

Sorry, I'm just burnt-out, and unemployed.

I've got a choice of 2 jobs starting in about two weeks, but I'm still waiting for my last two (going on three) paychecks. I took off for a job interview this afternoon, and told her I wouldn't be in tomorrow because of another one. Well, she decided that I wasn't properly thankful to be working for nothing and decided that they'd be able to carry on with the ONE remaining employee without my help -Thankyouverymuch. Guess this is another company that'll be using Mexicans for work Americans won't do. Tthe boss can rant and rave and she can play games with hours and "readjust" their pay,,, and they'll tell their kinfolkto come-on up!

I'm just glad I had the house and truck paid a month ahead, maybe we'll be able to keep above water untill I get the next big checks. I applied for uneployment today, but I'll probably be working when it kicks in- nice huh?

Anyway, I'll be able to work on some pistol display holders.
The bandsaw should be here any time and I can mill out some genUine Texas Mesquite and Live Oak wood for them.

Monday, May 29, 2006

That's odd

I thought that Daryl Hannah was supposed to be a conservative?
But here she is treesitting with a bunch of rich Hollywood libs to save a privatly owned property from it's rightful owner.

The land originally was owned by developer Ralph Horowitz but the city seized it in the 1980s, forcing him to sell it in order to build a trash-to-energy incinerator. When the project fizzled, the land was turned over to a food bank and people began gardening there after the 1992 Los Angeles riot.

Horowitz sued to get the site back and the city settled in 2003 by selling it to him for $5 million, leading to court battles. Eventually, he agreed to sell 10 of the 14 acres to The Trust for Public Land for $16.35 million but the group fell $10 million short and the option expired Monday.

Yep, that's Eminent domain- he had to sue to get it back.

Lets see if I've got this right.
A developer gets his property taken away, and has to fight to ge it back---in L.A.
It's 10 of 14 acres in a coomercial/industrial area, and he can get $16 million for it--in L.A.
Illegal Mexicans have been farming it since the Rodney King riots of 1992.

Are you with me so far?

"The inner-city site is "a place of safety and respite from the harshness of the concrete jungle ... we just have to save it," actress Darryl Hannah said Thursday from the branches of an old walnut tree where she perched for the day despite her vertigo.

Below her, supporters had created a tent city in the midst of the flowers, bananas, edible cactus, sunflowers and other produce that is farmed by about 350 mainly poor, Hispanic families.

Hannah said she had created an "emergency episode" of her weekly podcast and urged people to support the garden, a green swath in an industrial area southeast of downtown.

The actress is among celebrities supporting the farmers. Folk singer Joan Baez sat in the tree Wednesday and musician Ben Harper and his wife, actress Laura Dern, gave speeches.

Horowitz sued to get the site back and the city settled in 2003 by selling it to him for $5 million, leading to court battles. Eventually, he agreed to sell 10 of the 14 acres to The Trust for Public Land for $16.35 million but the group fell $10 million short and the option expired Monday.

A call to Horowitz went unanswered Thursday. But in recent interviews with the Los Angeles Times, he said he has been unfairly portrayed as a villain for wanting to sell the land for development.

Hill and Hannah said garden supporters were hoping the city or some benefactor would come up with the $10 million and the developer would sell, or that people would raise it dollar by dollar through small contributions. Hill also called on Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to help the farmers.

The Mayor of L.A. wants him to slash the selling price.
So, it's ok for these rich actors and singers to make on the plus side of $16 million for 3 months work,
but the evil land developer has to slash his asking price.

I know that those four millionairs could give have given the buyers a good hand- IF they wanted to put their money where their mouths were. Jeez, we're only talking $10 mil, what about the rest of the celebs that were mentioned? Couldn't they be persuaded to give to the cause?

Typical Liberal hypocracy demanding others to sacrifice in order to make themselves feel superior.
We had ribs last night

The reason I mention that, is the fact that the dogs got the bones.
All of them- and they ate them all.

They aren't used to having that much rich food. I found that out about 3 AM when I had to let them out because they were scratching- urgently.

I found out when I got up at 5:30 just how badly they had to go. I almost stepped in it last night by the door and didn't know it. We're now out of paper towels and I know from experience that toilet paper doesn't hold up well when used on carpet. I have barracades set up and Karen will do the final clean up when she gets up.
I'll be at work. May as well, not that I'll see any money from it for a while but the sooner the subdivision is done-the sooner the payoff.

And in a Memorial Day tribut to the Pigboat sailors, an ex-SeaBee (and bubblehead)gives his tribute to the service. I do believe that Cookie will find a place in my blogroll.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I think this just goes to show how,,, "tetched" they are down south

in Venezuela- the Chaves sycophants that is
- - -And probably the MSM, too.
According to Newsmax, there is a video game out,,,,ummmm
targeting Venezuela.

Chavez supporters in Venezuela's National Assembly suspect the makers of "Mercenaries 2: World in Flames" are doing Washington's bidding by drumming up support among Americans for an eventual move to overthrow Chavez.

"I think the U.S. government knows how to prepare campaigns of psychological terror so they can make things happen later," Congressman Ismael Garcia said, citing the video game developed by Los Angeles-based Pandemic Studios.

Yep, and we all know just how well the Republicans are at getting the socialists leftist Mainstream Media to shut-up and follow the script in regard to national security, don't we?

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I got to level 7

in this blubber bubble bursting game- before I stopped wasting the afternoon.
Ok, tell me why I'm doing this today?

I'm leaving for Pleasonton at 6 AM to pick up some sealing oil in the oil truck, so I can be there when it opens at 7 AM.

I have no idea when (or if) I'll be getting paid, they cut my wages $2, and are putting everyone's time sheet under the microscope to disallow everything they can.
Also, the boss wants us to work Memorial Day.

Because I haven't got another job, yet.

Friday, May 26, 2006

It occurred to me after the Senatorial cave-in

that the only ones up in D.C. who give a rats @ss about what's good for the country is the lower house of Congress. They'll be facing Bush, the Senate and the Legacy media in standing firm against rewarding lawbreaking activity.

Maybe it would be a good idea to write your Representative and either give them moral support or a reminder that they're only their because of your vote.
Here's even more proof that the Senate needs a reality check this November

The House is alot more in tune with the majority of Americans than those special interest leeches in the Senate.

In case you didn't know- amid the B.S. that got all the attention in D.C. yesterday, the House passed (again) a bill to allow drilling in ANWAR. The Senate will most likely reject it--again.
I wonder if the oil prices will drop as fast as they rise whenever the mid-east has a hiccough?

Somehow I doubt it.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Captain, the Romulans Brits have engaged their cloaking device

That is all.
Como usted puede saber*

el senado aterrizado de la aristocracia llevó a cabo un voto hoy en apenas cuánto desean para recompensar lawbreaking. Todos sabemos que el dinero habla; ahora sabemos quién tiene escuchar los bolsillos profundos, más bien que los mejores intereses de los Estados Unidos.

En los intereses de los electrones del ahorro, publicaré la lista de los senadores que no oyeron los intrests especiales así como la mayoría.

Voting to reject the amnesty NEW and IMPROVED NOW, BETTER than EVER revamped immigration bill:

NAYs ---36
Alexander (R-TN)
Allard (R-CO)
Allen (R-VA)
Bond (R-MO)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burns (R-MT)
Burr (R-NC)
Byrd (D-WV)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Dole (R-NC)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Grassley (R-IA)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Lott (R-MS)
Nelson (D-NE)
Roberts (R-KS)
Santorum (R-PA)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Sununu (R-NH)
Talent (R-MO)
Thomas (R-WY)
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)

*As you may know,

the the landed aristocracy Senate held a vote today on just how much they want to reward lawbreaking. We all know that money talks; we now know who's listening to the deep pockets, rather than the best interests of the United States.
In the interests of saving electrons, I'll publish the list of Senators who didn't hear the special intrests as well as the majority.

Daym- you people are gonna have to learn the NEW american language if you want a job. If you don't speak Mexican, you'll only be able to get "JOBS that MEXICANS WON'T DO" and the Senate won't lift a finger to help you.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Just curious here

Am I the ONLY person in America who has absolutely NO interest in "American Idol"?
I turned off my morning talk radio today, and even Foxnews is getting stupid with it.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I'm back

in case you noticed I was gone; and I see by my mailbox that I was well missed by each and every one of you.
My modem went south on me last Sun. during the storm, and after getting my trouble report stuck in their computer, I was scheduled to get fixed last Thurs.--except that the order came through too late to have the parts their then. I was then given Mon. as the appointment,,, no part, so now I'm finally online today.

(UPDATE May 24)
I forgot to mention that on top of the computer heading south, my current employer owes me about $16xx for two weeks that theydidn't have the money to cover checks. Gawd, what a week.
BUT Wildblue is looking for installers @$75 per and an average of 3 a day,,,kinda makes you think...
Sorry about griping, just a kinda crappy week. I did get a good start on the loafing shed cum woodshop, though.