Saturday, August 05, 2023

Monday, July 31, 2023

Your Monday Rule 5 puzzle for July 31

This one's hard because it's a collage five pics of the same chick.

The big one below the fold~

Monday, July 24, 2023

Your Rule 5 puzzle for July 24- updated with the right numbers


The big one below~
Did anyone do the Katarina Witt one last week?

Monday, July 17, 2023

Your Monday July 17 Rule 5 puzzle


The big one below the fold~
And the original site isn't covering Katarina Witt, so we'll give her a try, too.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Your (not) Rule 5 Monday puzzle for July 10

 Something different today.

The big one below, as usual~

Monday, July 03, 2023

Your Monday Rule 5 Independance Day version



The big one and an add-on below the fold.
... If you search for "patriotic gun bunnies" duckduckgo will show the only chicks with an American flag around holding AKs....

Friday, June 30, 2023

Talking to Liberals

 Or dyed in the wool full on socialist sheeple.

I just finished - got done? Fed up?
With trying to have a conversation with one where everything I said was met with some kind of attack and no kind of recognition at all that I might have legitimate reasons for it except that I was an unchanging far rightwing asshole and HE was the "independent voter who does THE research" except for looking at Far Rightwing bought-and-paid-for yadayadayada..."

I really don't go in for the hating a group just because, but I fucking hate ideologues that lie to themselves about who they are and won't admit anyone not in lockstep with them can be not wrong.

I know I'm going to get into it with him again, but I won't waste days of on again off again back and forth.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Dylan Mulvaney-

  The guy who sank Butt Light (thought the same about it before him,,, but)

He hasn't done anything to make himself look more feminine than dressing in drag and overacting the part of whatever he's pretending to be.

What if---
He saw a perfect opportunity to mash Lefty alt-worship in the face AND make big Bux off of it?
Then at night, he takes off his 'little girl' dresses, puts on a pair of cargo shorts and a wife-beater -opens his and account and laughs his ass off while drinking a good beer?

Monday, June 26, 2023

Your Monday Rule 3 puzzle for June 26


The big one below the fold~

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

So long, thanks for all the fish

 Today, if you don't remember is the End Day of the world according to the prognostication five years ago of the most widely known high school dropout- St. Gretta.

Now the climate will be crashing and Mother Gaia will turn to a glowing cinder... or not because it quit being GlowBull warming and now -since the climate didn't co-operate- it's Climate Change!

Aaand she's wrong, just like AlBore has been for the last 23 that he's been getting fantastically wealthier over his climate scam.
Just like the 'hockey stick' guy who's busy destroying historic climate data that doesn't agree with his computer projections.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Your Monday Juneteenth Rule 5 puzzle

 Because nerdy chicks are hot, too.

The big one below the fold as usual~

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

So I got an offer on Rancho Snakebit today.

 It's from-
Reelvest Properties
539 W. Commerce St #7120
Dallas, TX 75208

They offered me out of the blue the same price I paid (cash) for it almost nine years ago including taxes and fees. (The mineral rights were all screwed up and the lawyer fee was included on the final to clean it up)

The county tax assessor thinks it's worth almost four times what we paid for it.

I almost feel like returning their offer with a "LO fucking -ELL! and a counter-offer for $750K, but they didn't include a SASE and they're not worth the price of a stamp.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Your Rule 5 Monday puzzle for June12

Her favorite color is Chrome


...Okay, stainless. But then I couldn't include this vid to listen to while you play, could I?

As usual, the big one below the break~

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

It was the dark of the moon on the 6th of June

In a Kenworth pulling logs.
Cabover Pete with a reefer on, and a Jimmy Hauling hogs...

Monday, June 05, 2023

Your Moday Rule 5 puzzle for June 05- fixed-


The big one below the break~

Monday, May 29, 2023

Your Monday Rule 5 puzzle for May 29

 And you may need the extra time on this holiday to do this one.

The big one below the break~

Monday, May 22, 2023

Your Monday Rule 5 puzzle for May22


The big one under the fold~

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Got wood?

April spun off from Parks and Rec. to sell milk

Monday, May 15, 2023

Your Monday Rule 5 puzzle ver.2.0

Because- Obviously a gun bra was too spicy for Jigsaw Planet...

The big one below the break~
...And maybe one they didn't cover?

Your Monday Rule 5 puzzle for May 15


The big one below the break~

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Range Report--

Thing Two brought her sprogs over to the farm to get some basic gun safety learning.
She was shooting the Heritage six .22 and I was standing next to it- sitting against the tailgate -in line with the forcing cone when it didn't lock up quite right and the forcing cone shaved part of the bullet.
It caught me right above the collar bone.

Sprog 2 learned his 4 rules and after some trepidation, liked shooting that little .22 revolver.
He's too small for a full sized rifle, but he'll grow into it.

Monday, May 08, 2023

Your Monday Rule 5 puzzle for May 8


The big one below the fold~

Monday, May 01, 2023

Your Rule 5 puzzle for Monday May 01

 UPDATED with the right link to the big one.

Sorry guys...

And the big one~

Friday, April 28, 2023

Have you ever noticed

 That on a lot of these cell phone games, if it's like one on one or a team vs team.....
That the good guys are blue and your opponent is red?

Couldn't be aby kind of subtle thought manipulation there at all.

Could it?

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Way to go FJB

My stocks are down $20K from last week.

I guess that's how much people appreciate your running again.
But, then again I can understand that because we can't indict a sitting president.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Your Monday April 24 Rule 5 puzzle


The big one below the fold as usual~ 

Monday, April 17, 2023

Your Rule 5 Monday puzzle for April 17



The big one below the fold, as usual~

AND FYI- it's my birthday this week in case you wanted to surprise me with something.
But not really I'm covered in the .357 revolver area.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Your Rule 5 puzzle for Monday April 10

 Heavy hitter

As usual, the big one below the fold~