Wednesday, June 14, 2023

So I got an offer on Rancho Snakebit today.

 It's from-
Reelvest Properties
539 W. Commerce St #7120
Dallas, TX 75208

They offered me out of the blue the same price I paid (cash) for it almost nine years ago including taxes and fees. (The mineral rights were all screwed up and the lawyer fee was included on the final to clean it up)

The county tax assessor thinks it's worth almost four times what we paid for it.

I almost feel like returning their offer with a "LO fucking -ELL! and a counter-offer for $750K, but they didn't include a SASE and they're not worth the price of a stamp.


  1. if we ever get in charge again, we should pass a law that county/state tax have to buy the property for what they assess it if the owner wants. i'd sell in a second.

    1. been saying similar for a long time !!!!
      Guvmint says my house is worth "X", great, now the guvmint can find the guy who will pay that to me.

  2. First, everything from an idea to real estate is worth exactly what you can get someone else to pay for it, no more, no less.

    If an offer for real estate isn't in the form of a Real Estate Purchase Agreement Contract, signed by the potential buyer and accompanied by a deposit, then it's not an offer.

  3. “Rancho Snakebit”? How did you come by that name?

    1. When we bought the land and 70+ year old house, it seemed like everything I touched had something wrong.
      From a problematic water well to Knob and Tube wiring in the house.
      I was living in Hondo (about 85 miles west of Seguin) and working on things after work and weekends.

  4. The recently assessed value of my property is approximately 1/4 of the recently appraised market value. Guessing that's because it is agricultural.

    1. My 18 acres is zoned A1 (agricultural with Apiary and Disabled Vets exempt). But with the flood of refugees (Carpetbaggers?) from blue states coming here, farms are being bought out by developers all the time.
