I went looking for ammo a while ago so I could finish sighting it in.
I bought it cheap-ish with a ghost ring site and started sighting it in, then something came up and it sat in the corner of the mud room for about three years.
After I decided to finally get it sighted in, I went looking for cheap (okay- less expensive) ammo.
Okay, we'll look at plan B- see what I can get for it ......
$200- $250......
I was bitching about it on a local FB page and started getting offers on it, but I had to start my 4- 14 hr shift the next day.
FB pulled it about three days in for selling fire arms. At least I didn't go to the restricted barracks this time.
I guess I could sell for $200 and use that to defray the cost of a Henry steel Big Boy in .357- which I have plenty of because of the two revolvers in that caliber plus the wife and her .38+P.
The only thing I don't like about Henry's (and it's probably a million to one chance I'd ever encounter this problem) is that after it gets pulled from the mag- it's free floating until it's shoved into the chamber.
If it ever comes to that, I'll be using the one the .GOV doesn't know I have.
Chambered in a completely different round.