Monday, February 03, 2014

Good Morning!

All four of us want to help you get started this Monday :-)

Sunday, February 02, 2014

This made my brain hurt just watching it

F&cking just back up driver.
SRSLY! It's a lot easier than explaining what you just did to the truck, trailer and road.

But,,, Wasn't that what Social Security was for?

Before you and the rest of the "People who Know better" stole everything out of AlBores "Lockbox".

Now president Anti-Midas is proposing another retirement scam where the same people who bankrupted SocSec, the postal system, Medicare and everything else they've touched...are in charge.

But to answer Fox's question- yes it will get bi-partisan support because the Clueless party will walk right into another obvious trap where they'll get the blame for the Democrats actions..........again.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Games starting Sunday

Got beer?
Got beer holder?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What is wrong with this picture?

...And I bet the guy was tweeting about the crappy battery the whole time...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Just a little something to remember

Not that a lot of you are out playing on diesel engins without a mechanic on call-out.

But if you ever need to change a fuel filter and don't have a wrench, a tie-down strap would work, too.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Expecting to see rioting in three...two...

On-....! Oh! Wait!
That was the Israeli Embassy, not some Islamic mosque they sent the pig heads to.

Ok, nothing to see here. Nothing will happen.
No riots
No charges.
No anti-muslim persicution (or whatever they claim).

Mom dogs VS cat moms

THIS is What Makes Dogs and Cats so Different.  Don't Miss the Ending!  Hilarious! from iluvanimals on GodTube.

I guess "Someone" is trying to tell us something when an embed from a G0D site won't render on  the g00gle area.....

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Del Rio, TX

Seems to be an awful busy little town.

Don't know if it's from the oil patch, drug runners or the .GOV supplies needed to PROTECT YOUR SECURITY- Citizen. Now shut-up about overbearing government and BTW Suzanne has the bad hind of herpes, not that we'd have any way of knowing that....

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Everything you need to know about the 2014 Oscars






Any questions?
Yeah, I didn't think so, because you're real people who don't really give a sh1t about dancing monkeys.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

An interaction at Wally-world today

The cashier asked the guy in front (think Jack Elam at about 6'8") if he wanted a bag for the blanket and two pillows-
HE said "No thank you, I can handle them."
Her-"Are you sure, they're kind of bulky?"
HE "No, really it's ok."
Her- "But..."

ME- "He doesn't want to choke any fish."
Him" BWahahaha..."
Her- "Huh? He's not buying fish..???"
HE (explaining bags blowing into streams and greenies trying to ban them)
Her- "Oh, now I get it. nobody ever explained why plastic was bad.... I feel kinda dumb right now."

Saturday, January 18, 2014

I am Chewbacca

Which Star Wars character are you?

A quonset hut could work, too

Since straw bales are out of the question (there aren't going to be any available till after harvest season).

 We could go with Penta treated old power poles in either cabin or timber frame option.
This one at CL would really be within the budget. Plus i wouldn't have to worry about load carrying supports.

Of course we have to see what kind of room we have under the oak trees first, and that'll have to wait until the tenant is out at the end of the month.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

One more good thing about the land

I won't be trapped into just one way to work.
Or be trapped behind one clueless fuck in the hammer lane pacing the guy texting in the right lane...both going 50 in a 70 zone.

For 25 farging miles.

I have at least three different routes to and from work as holidays and time require.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Am I being to picky here?

The only thing I see wrong about this video-
Is the stupid, ugly Aquaflage suits they're making the crew wear.

At least let them wear something comfortable nautical, like Dungarees or even a working undress set of blues.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

That Chris Christie thing is sure trying to grow legs, isn't it?

It's almost like he let four people die in an American consulate- or something.

Oh, wait- that's what these same  people tried to cover up- my bad.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The realtor go back to us

The reason it took so long was that it's an estate sale and all the family had to agree on our offer- $112k and mineral rights, with them paying the survey.

It doesn't look like much until you're there. Mrs Trainwereck wasn't impressed until she actually saw it.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Project Daniel Boone

As a reward for getting the land.

It's a Traditions .50 cal Kentucky rifle kit.
The implements of destruction-

Trigger group and firing assy. trimmed and fitted-

Ewwww... the back stock doesn't match up with the fore-stock very well-

MUCH better.
Now on to finish sanding, steel wool and stain.

...Oh and brine for the barrel

Friday, January 10, 2014

Everything old is new again

And this time, they're purposing chain shot (which never was good as anti-personnel rounds) as self defense rounds.

Because somehow splitting a light pistol round into three and dragging a net through the air makes it more of a man-stopper than a hollow point...or something.

Just watch how effective it is against a paper target without any backing;

I guess it's a lot more effective than throwing three fishing weights tied together...but I could do the same damage to the target.

This was originally up at Brocks, but I decided not to trash-up his comments with my take on this scam.

You'll notice that not one video shows the string-shot hitting ballistic gel. Probably because it has the same effectiveness as birdshot.

Here is the spokes-flac's reply when he asked about it:
"...We had them tested by a 3rd party industry leader and
confirmed ~12 to 14" penetrations on the fragments. Keep in mind that we are
not asking you to fully change your personal protection plan, WE recommend a
Smart Stack by loading your first 2 rounds as MI then your favorite Slug
then alternate your mag stack to insure high hit and the comfort of your
favorite slug. I know that our rounds will do the job and that we need to
prove it to you, so we are working on that.

So- I was going to ask if you used the shottie at 5 feet, but that doesn't even shoot a full slug ( it's more like a sabot ) to get that 12-14" penetration. Instead of a 2" self defense snubbie.
I'll sit back to see how good it is when all the cool kids are blogging about this new-and-improved super-killer bullet and the Dems in congress want to ban it.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Spot the non-Liberal

Or- Which is the RINO and which is the independent?

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Now we're in a bidding war..

So, we're looking for land SE of Seguin (which is ESE of San Antonio) which is near the Eagle-ford oil patch.
Every property we've looked at with a well and septic has already been bought.
We found a propert (16 acres, septic and a questionable well with a stock tank) for an asking price of $125k. Our initial offer was $92K, the countered with $112K.

we were going to counter offer with $105, but found out that someone else has put a bid in without even seeing the land....

So we took the $112 and are waiting to see who gets to the owners first.

Monday, January 06, 2014

Of course the NSA is spying on congress

How else do you think they'd get the dirt to blackmail you into approving anything they wanted?

That's awful stupid for a Communist to ask a huge, secretive intelligence organization if it's spying on their leaders- that's what YOU want Bernie Sanders it's a feature of communism, not a bug.

AND- you got the same non-answer anyone with two brain cells would expect.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Not to jinx anything

But hope nobody get an offer in first.

We'll be putting one in Monday, and the tenant says there's a 10 pointer that disappears around deer season.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

FED-UPS is just covering themselves with glory

I bought a set of bedrail covers and a set of stake pocket tie-downs on the same Christmas night.
Dec. 25 and Pay-pal went through on both of them - no problem.

I got the tie-downs Saturday- the 28th.
I got the tracking # for the bedrails on Dec. 26, but nothing on it- now I know why....

Because they didn't BOTHER to pick them up until Monday- Dec 30.
So much for my promised delivery date of Dec 31 at the latest, huh?
I'm just glad I didn't have to pay for shipping.......

They were there this Saturday morning.
Almost 10 days after I ordered them with NO communication from anyone that they'd be late.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

Boy, does someone have plans for this one-

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Keeping the hope up....

Now we need one for the other two farging annoying skanks...lady gaga and Miley Cyrus.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Wherein the author causes Apoplexy in every Liberal that sees this posting.

Where we have a typical whitewash of immigration problems by the AP.

Like most U.S. towns, Watsonville has been formed by waves of immigrants, Croats, Portuguese, Filipinos and Japanese, each arriving with their own language, customs and cuisine. The current surge of Hispanics has brought a Latin American influence.

"For me, downtown Watsonville is like being in a small Mexican town," said Oscar Rios, who was Watsonville's first Latino mayor. "Everyone speaks Spanish. The restaurants are Mexican. It's got a very different feel than a traditional American town."
..... Today, 82 percent are either immigrants, or descendants of immigrants, mostly from Mexico but also elsewhere in Latin America.

Yeah, no shit- and probably half of them are illegal.

Nahara Villalobos, 17, who will be a senior at Watsonville High School this fall, is determined to move up, educationally and economically. Her parents immigrated to California from Mexico about 25 years ago. Her father works on a mushroom farm and her mother is a housewife, caring for Nahara's disabled older sister.

Although she was born in the U.S., Nahara didn't learn English well until she was 9, and to this day she acts as her family translator at doctor appointments, signing leases, filling out contracts and tax forms.

When her family moved onto an all-white block five years ago, it was Nahara who had to explain to her father that neighbors were asking if he was an ex-con, and her mother if she was the housecleaner.

"You wouldn't believe the way the neighbors treated us," she said
So- you're telling me that your parents and the rest of your family have been here for a QUARTER of a CENTURY, and haven't learned English yet.
Are they too stupid, lazy or just don't need to because Liberals are making it so Balkanized that they don't have to even talk to an Anglo/Gring if they don't want to.
An ex-con? I wonder what kind of tats he is wearing?

BUT, wait- something good is on the way....

Hurst said many residents appreciate the Latino influence. "I think a lot of people would like to put the differences of race on the back burners and focus more on economic opportunity and celebrate the diversity of cultures that exist," he said.
As generations pass, towns like Watsonville will become more Americanized, but at the same time some parts of Mexican culture are already weaving into the U.S. fabric, said University of California, Irvine sociologist Susan Brown.
She points to salsa, which long ago surpassed ketchup as the nation's leading condiment. And Brown said American icons like hot dogs and hamburgers are actually the legacy of a wave of more than 5 million German immigrants more than a century ago.
"This Mexican wave is a big group," said Brown, "but we forget that a huge, huge number of Germans came, and we've absorbed them."

maybe you Liberals can start putting race on the back burner because I'm getting tired of having it thrown in my face for everything.
But...GERMANS gave us hot dogs and hamburgers :-) ...They also buckled down and actively tried to become assimilated into America.

So, who's been in my servers memory?

You'd think the .GOV would at least leave me logged into my usual sites.
I gad to re-log in to every site that needs a password this morning.

SO- in that spirit NSA- my Christmas swag:
Ruger Security six in .357, S&W Bodyguard in .38+P but you already know about them -including the serial numbers. Then we have the Dremmel for making things fit on the one you don't know about.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

For the fuck-sake DeeCee get out of our lives!

We don't need you fucking trying to tell a billion Dollar business how to take care of their customers.

Maybe you need to look closer to home trying to fix that $15 trillion well of red ink you've caused and leave Fe-UPS alone.

And yes, he is a Democrat.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A job well done

Merry Christmas to you all!

And don't celebrate too hard.

Who knows where the camera is?