Saturday, March 03, 2012

Just out of curiosity

Can't the House do anything to stop President Trotsky?

He keeps taking more and more unlawful authority, and no-one is even raising a voice in protest.
The House controls the purse strings, can't they (if they had the stones) to shut down Obamas illegal mandates?

Death match 2012

Srsly- it's not what you think...

Bad news for president Anti-Midas

Looks like GovtMotors is going to stop making the Trabant.

Well, Romney does need an attack dog

Because HE won't dirty his manicured hands to do effective campaigning against "Hte WON". He's already said that in his comments about Santorum.
The one where he forgot the mudslide of negative ads his people put out about Newt and was telling people he had no used for mud against the president..or something.

You know -just like McCain.

So the Establishment candidate is going to need someone to throw punches while Mittens poo-poos the need for dirty work.

As far as I can see, it's going to be Christi or Rand Paul as Veep material- right ANN COULTER?

Happy winter!

If you're not too worn out from shoveling, or if you're snowed in go here for more winter fun.

You might want to mute the sound because of the LOUD annoying ad that autoplays.

Friday, March 02, 2012

So, is Sandra Fluke really a slut?

If nothing else she's apparently very health conscious and NOT on the parents health insurance.
How old is she? (oh, she's 30) If she doesn't have health insurance in that over priced school she's going to, somethings wrong. (Oh...she picked that school BECAUSE they didn't cover contraceptives....)
Maybe Big Education should look to helping the poor students instead of enriching the 1% who call themselves professors?

$1,000 a year for contraception, huh?

Maybe this fits better 
Maybe she's worn out the back seat in this car

Psalm 133 v.1

Because it's our birthday today.

I don't think this idea will fly

Sorry, couldn't help it, but after seeing pictures of the newest flying car- I have doubts about it being a big hit.

Aside from the $279,000 price tag, it's got HUGE blind spots, and kind of looks longer than a pick-up.

Not to mention that that dooch who was tailgating you and then cut you off will want one.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

So,,,What is it with Mormons and baptisms?

The post-mortemesly baptized Anne Frank, and now they're doing Danial Pearl.
So, what does it do? They're dead and had been before this death baptism,,,or whatever they call it.
Do they automatically get PCS orders from their Heaven to the Mormon Version?

"Sorry Anne- just got these PCS orders for you to go over there. Don't ask, it helps to just do whatever stupid chit they want- it's no big deal, put up with it and enjoy a ham sandwich."

Do the Mormons get extra credit when the world finally stops because they spiritually converted them to a religion they may never have heard about?

What a waste of an evening, huh MEEchelle?

Because slumming with those plates of aged Rib-eye for the peons who served in Iran didn't pony up the usual $35,000 for your presence.
Did you know it was bad luck to make a toast with water?
I hope so for your sake in November, Barry.

Liberals will be dancing in the street

Because Andrew Breitbart unexpectedly died last night.

Just Damn...

On this date -in 1861

On this day in 1861, the 2 1/2-year history of the Butterfield Overland Mail in Texas came to an end. The Butterfield line began operations on September 15, 1858. It carried passengers and mail between St. Louis, Memphis, and San Francisco, a distance of 2,795 miles. A government contract called for the company to carry letter mail twice weekly in both directions in four-horse coaches, or spring wagons suitable for carrying passengers. Each trip was to be completed in twenty-five days. The postage rate was ten cents per half ounce. Passenger fare was $200 each way. Stage service in Texas was terminated in March 1861, when an agreement was made to modify the contract and move the route northward out of the state.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

This is cruel...but you'll LYAO

"What's in my mouth?"

I think the girl is going to be a You-tube star..

Join the US Air Force!

We take our off time seriously- and expect you to, too!

I just got this in my e-mail box:

I've been expecting this

I even told you it was going to happen back in mid January (I think).

Boy is mom going to be pissed.

But at least you're out of her basement.
And it's going to be coming soon to a basement near you- America :-)

Because Anonymous is finding out that nothing is anonymous when you can't help but leave digital fingerprints wherever you've been.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

1000 words

The country that brought you "The Road Warrior"

and 'Crocodile Dundee' has THIS for a national anthem?

So much for our ideas from "Quigley" huh?

But at least we know about your bum who stole a kangaroo- or something....

And now it's time,,,to sing a song..

to all our companeee...eM-I-c-KAy-E-Why...m-o-u-s-eeeeeee....

You know, Jimmy was probably getting good money for being there.
But do you think he was going after Annette, or any of the other Minnies?

If we expected to hear the cries of racism here-

We'd be waiting a long time for race hucksters like Al Sharpton to call John P. Holdren on it.

If anyone besides a Liberal- who is one of the Chocolate Jeezus advisers- said the kids from big families were stupid, the Lamestream media would be peeing themselves in outrage.

Because who do you think of when you hear of a modern huge family and questionable intellect?
Bitter clingers or 'urban' welfare queens?

I guess I'll go listen to the crickets.

I stand corrected. He wasn't talking about *Urban kids* being stupid.
He was talking about Rick Santorums family.
Silly me. I missed THAT codeword dog whistle, didn't I?

Nothing right now- content later

Just in case anyone was wondering a Mooney 3" pilot operated regulator runs around $5400 delivered. But, HEY- it's the air Force.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The 'Peter Principle'

I think I'm already there.

Not really, I've just been out of the natural gas thing for a while and I'm making things too complicated because we're working on an AFB.
Plus the company is just getting an office down here again, so we need to set up all our accounts and find out who has what.

But on the other hand I'm getting good money right now for sitting in front of the computer and shuffling e-mails and answering questions.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Suprisingly enough I don't have much to say about "Walking"

Shane is/was a cop and he is/was a firearms instructor.
Why is he carrying Mexican? Surely there are enough holsters around that he doesn't have to take a chance of damaging  his tackle for Andrea when they leave.

I now know that this show is based on a comic book graphic novel *eyeroll*, but seriously...
Taking "Hell on Wheels" off for  "Comicbook Men"????

To steal an acronym from 0bama- WTF?

Is it me, or does Andrea suddenly seem to look a lot older this season?

Your feelgood video of the day

I kind of feel bad about this

I got 80% on this test.
But, on the other hand college educated respondents got 55%.

I misread the Federal on and missed another answer.

More Islamic riots in Pakistan?

Because there are Korans in a sewer trench?

Somehow I doubt it, but that won't stop the White House from apologizing anyway.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Looking at my blogroll

I noticed Chris over at Day by Day has another post up for Sunday.
Which is cool, because I like to read a week at a time.

Not that any of that matters, it just reminded me of an ad I'm hearing on my 1200WOAI talk radio station of a new sports bar that opened on the north side of San Antonio.
It's called the Tilted Kilt.

I guess the owner is one of those bitter clingers, huh?

Shooting yourself in the foot?

So I was somewhere and ended up on a site that mentioned online anonymity, and hiding your info from hugely intrusive search engines with their sneaky data gathering bots.

So do I need to send this snip over the the Failblog?
Because no-one who had the technology would trace you on a private search engine, would they?

So,,,, when is Big Sister going to declare it to be an act of domestic terrorism to anonomise your surfing?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Obama is taking credit for the oil boom?

I shouldn't be surprised at him taking credit for something he had nothing to do with, just like taking credit for Bush's plans to get out of Iraq in 2011.

Anyway, I was getting my Poly pipe fusion certs back up and was talking to some of the guys (and gals) who were there from the (BOOMING) s. Texas oil patch.
They're putting in miles of 18-24" Poly gathering lines for that Eagleford development.

The only thing the FED.GOV has to do with the whole thing is to enforce regulations.
Regulations that come from PRIVATE companies drilling on PRIVATE land which are then transported by PRIVATE companies on roads build by PRIVATE citizens paying taxes.

Those miles of plastic pipe, BTW- are made from the OIL that we have to import.

Lets see if I have this right....

Enron was cooking the books and lost it's investors millions, so the chief CEO and other higher-ups got thrown in prison.

But whenever a Democrat gets caught doing something illegal that costs their investors millions in losses- it's chalked up to 'being sloppy.' Right N.J. Gov. John Corzine (D)?

Steal historical documents from the Library of Congress,,,Hey, Sandy Burgler didn't mean to put them down his pants, he's just sloppy.

We ran Global Crossing into the ground and lost investors millions,,, hey, we were sloppy with our books.

So Uncle linked to a picture

He said it was possibly the best picture on the internet.

This makes me wonder, does Barry know MEech has a two headed war Unicorn?