Monday, February 13, 2012

One more reasom soccer doesn't work in America

Because this is what I took away from this article on a soccer star that makes a goal and someone famous dies.

He's a star and has only made FOUR goals since we offed OBL!
A soccer star.

If we had a Field Goal kicker that only made four goals in a year, he'd be off the team.

I'm speechless

I am in absolute awe at the stupidity.

We're broke. Why are we doing this?

That's a bit strange...

No mention of any involvement in the Tea Party.

Because anyone who's going to try killing the Governor of Utah MUST be involved in some of those conservative crackpot protests.

Whoever Nicki Minaj is

I guess she is some kind of performer because she took the time last night to sing a song supposedly mocking the catholic Church...
Well, that's two and a half minutes I'll never get back.
I don't know what was so bad about it, except for the whole act, but it would be bad even if it wasn't a take-off on the Church.

Ok,  Nicki Minaj- or Roman or whatever, lets see how cutting edge you are and do something to insult Islam.

Ten months from now?

Yeah, no problem.
The catholic Church will get over that contraceptive mandate and be eating out of 0bamas hand agin.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

You look for it, I try to deliver

I hope this was the Magenta you were looking for:

What a story of survival.

Go over to Jeffros and read the whole story of a cat called Lucky.

I wonder how the PETArds will take it?

Dear #Occupy

Look this up online:
Romans 13:13 & 14
Then try to explain it your buddies, the union thugs.

Also, as long as I'm there. You godless atheists should really have your speechwriters  look at the context before you start spouting biblical snips that sound good.

But then again, only bitter clingers would get the whole "Brothers keeper" carry on Chocolate Warrior.

I'm not an engineer

But I do understand basic physics and the laws of motion.
So I don't understand how this-
Changes to the rules this year have forced engineers to lower the front of the cars in an effort to improve safety. The regulations are intended to keep one vehicle from intruding upon the cockpit area of another in the event of a T-bone-type collision.
Would make designers choose this to accomplish that idea
Unless they made the weak spot right in front of the tires, because otherwise I can see the first thing to break off would be those vertical pylons under that sharp nose.

Guess where

I'm going to take out the names and places, guess who and where they're talking about.

XXXXXXX-- Xxxx election observers say that presidential hopefuls running against Xxxx-Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx face "biased" reports by Xxxx-controlled media and constant government pressure.

Tiny Cox, who heads the Council of Zzzzz mission to Xxxxx, said Saturday that all four candidates complain that Xxxxx's government is using its "administrative resources" to influence voters, while Xxxxx television extensively covers Xxxx's activities.

Link will be in comments later today.

All of you on the bandwagon for Willard

The ones who are now crowing about his two wins yesterday in The YANKEE state of Main (barely edging out Libertarian RP)- and the win at CPAC.

I'd like to remind you of what you said about the Santorum wins...It doesn't mean anything, you didn't get delegates from Maine.
 “In the long term [Santorum’s wins in Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado\] it doesn’t matter,” said GOP strategist Dan Hazelwood told the Daily News, noting Santorum has simply found a niche in low-turnout, intensely conservatives caucuses.
As for CPAC- I'm glad you won, because the last winner in an election year was RON Paul- and we know ho well that went over.
It looks like the didn't have a CPAC voet in `04, or any for the previous four years of the LAST TIME they got it right in 2000 with Bush- or before.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


What's that white stuff?

I have the TeeWee on as background noise

It's about the only reason I still have cable.

I just changed the channel from reruns of  'The Walking Dead" to SciFi SyFy and the 2012 adaptation of  Jules Verns  'The Mysterious Island'.

What I've seen so far is a reporter from the New York Times being an annoying asshole, and a Southern boy who's the Hollywood idea of a Southern racist (I guess they got the verbiage from their buddies when they know blacks aren't around I'll be watching a rerun-

Thanks for ruining a good book Hollywood.

If was a betting man

I'd lay money down that Nohl Rosen is an Obama loving Liberal.

Who is Nohl Rosen you ask?
He's a guy who saw that Doritos commercial about the Great Dane burying a cat collar.
This one:

And why do you think he's a dark blue Liberal, Kurt?
Because he's got about ten cats and has started a petition to get that Doritos commercial off-air.
-And he's boycotting Frito-Lay and Pepsi until they censor themselves for him...and the other PETArds who want to sign his petition.

You can got to Murphy s place to get the whole story because he deserves the hits and not cat-boy.

Kind of sad in a way

But it does kind of show the hand of chance.
94 years ago an Allied shell landed on a German underground shelter on the Western Front. 21 Germans were buried alive and only recently were discovered.

This makes Planed Parenthood sad :-(

I found this chart from a blog I can't remember now (sorry) that has this chart showing how young adults are coping with the 0bameny.
But HEY! at least they got Komen to cave!

Friday, February 10, 2012

That reminds me

I was on FB and one of the ads I noticed was this one:

and I wondered what's Laurie Dhue doing now?

Oh, I never thought of that!

I've only seen them used for two other things...

But now that you mention it...

Answering PISSED

AND for the guy from Hungary looking for "caroline wozniacki p---y", sorry wrong kind of shaved angry cat.

This new birth control mandate of the Constitutional Scholar

The one that mandates the Catholic Church to provide free contraceptive medicine for their employees, in spite of the First Amendments "separation" clause.

I've been trying to get a take on this in regards to how Liberals would feel if the State forced them to do something ...distasteful with what they look upon as a religion when I came upon this video of Joyless Behar and her take on the Texas law that requires a woman to listen to an ultrasound of her 'unviable tissue mass' before having an abortion.

No, you don't have to listen to the igrn't biatch- I'm just putting it up for perspective.
But she's saying that it's totalitarian in nature and shouldn't be forced,,,yadda, yadda, yadda....

Anyway, the same people who have no problem forcing a branch of the Christian Church to go against their core beliefs has a problem with anything that may slow down the abortion industry.

But then, I wouldn't expect anyone on the Left to see those subtle similarities...because it's not nuanced enough...

One MORE reason the Central Casting guy will never be elected

How can he defend himself against this?

He can explain all day,,,and buy himself full page ads-
But the fact is that Bo-bama rides in his OWN plane. So he can be in Hawaii and then jet back for a photo-op at PetSmart.

So, here I am at the computer

Just got done reading mail and was halfway through Mr. Johnson's post about 'Nam (yea, he posted twice in a month!) When I heard something in the wifes computer/craft room.
I looked in and one of the dogs was eating the cat food.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Boy, dad's pissed

And I can imagine why having had two teen girls myself

And having the self-centered lazy one living here again-

What we need is commonsense TeeWee safety laws

To protect innocent children from the deadly effects of falling TeeWees.

CHICAGO – The deaths of four Chicago-area children since late October after TVs toppled on them are prompting calls for more safety measures and increased awareness.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission says 169 children 8 and younger died between 2000 and 2010 from falling TVs. In all, 245 children died in that period after being crushed by TVs, furniture or appliances. More than 22,000 were treated for tip-over injuries each year from 2008 to 2010.

"This is not as uncommon as people might think, sadly," says John Drengenberg, consumer safety director at Underwriters Laboratories, which sets safety standards for TVs and other products. It puts TVs on a 10-degree incline and tests stability

Because we've been told continuously from the Left that  inanimate objects can take on a life of their own just to kill or main unsuspecting person.

So what does a good Liberal demand?

Gary Smith, a pediatric emergency physician in Columbus, Ohio, and president of the Child Injury Prevention Alliance, says requiring retailers to sell safety straps or mounting brackets with TVs would reduce the problem.

"We wouldn't purchase a car without seat belts," he says. "We shouldn't sell TVs without appropriate safety equipment.
Why yes- make a law to force people to be more safety conscious!

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

On personal self defense and leftists

I saw a picture on a tangentially related post about Rick Santorum just a while ago.

Can't remember the blog, but it was a pic of a Trotskyite being dragged out after glitterbombing him.
What do you think the reaction of the MSM would be if Rick or Newt cold-cocked the guy as he was tossing that glitter?

I'm sure the Left would be howling on anger about excessive violence and the Right would have a new hero.

Mitt Romney would be over in the corner explaining that his butler -Jeeves was the one designated to do the protecting in his house.

Amazing, isn't it?

That even Russian Commies in Siberia have video phones nowadays.
This is supposed to be a Mammoth crossing a river somewhere in the steppes.

But what's even more amazing is the detail that even my first gen videocam had that's lacking here.

Call me a skeptic, but it sure looks like a blurry elephant to me.

But what do I know? I think that AGW is made-up, and there could be enough Mammoth 'experts' around to come to a consensus and settle it with cooked computer mapping.

ZOmygawd- He's got a gun!

In school!

Why yes, back in 1956 they knew it was a good idea for kids to learn about fire arms.

I get search hits from .EDU domains

And except for the ones I know coming from bloggers, they're usually coming from a search engine looking for "shaved cats".

Then they must be shocked by the lack of awe I have for their Chocolate Jeezus and click out as soon as they see my header- them after composing themselves open that page again to see that shaved cat...I can almost guarantee will do it every time.

Dear Chrysler

or should I say FIAT, since they own you now-

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Happy birthday Liz

I forgot yesterday-

(Don't try to understand the woman- you can't. I think she's talking Scots.)

But we did the screaming guitar anthem first (too).

Listen to the first ten seconds of this-
You know if Jimmi tried that at #OWS, they'd run him out- right?