Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Down here in Portland, Tx.

Man, I forgot just how 100% humidity sucks.

Well, off to see how bad the new job is.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I see John McCain Huntsman just formally announced his candidacy

So now, as I've been hearing on the radio that he's going to be the new Reagan- as far as the MSM is putting it out.

The former governor of Utah, Huntsman, 51, is lagging in polls of Republicans but has a high profile in the media and worries the Democratic Obama administration because of his possible cross-party appeal.
Ahhh- another media darling, just like the 'maverick' John McCain.

He promised to conduct his campaign "on the high road" and respect Republican rivals as well as Obama, who leads most opinion polls of the 2012 presidential race.

"I respect the president. The question each of us wants the voters to answer is who will be the better president; not who's the better American."

Where have we heard that before?

But hey! He has all kinds of foreign policy experience because he was 0bamas boy in China.
...And I'd like to remind everyone that anyone who's gotten anything from this administration has bought it- somehow.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Welcome to the third world San Antonio!

Look forward to:
  • More rolling power outages!
  • More unannounced outages!
  • Higher energy costs! No- higher that that.
  • Costlier land!
  • More expensive food!
  • More expensive gas!
  • More unemployment!
  • Intrusive 'smart grid' technologies that regulate your thermostat and other appliances.
But, HEY we're getting rid of those smelly, evil coal-fired multi-megawatt power stations and replacing them with unicorn farts.

"We're glad to see that it will be going away," Environment Texas Director Luke Metzger said in a news release. "We applaud Mayor Castro (DEMOCRAT) and CPS Energy for their leadership in designing an energy future that will bring clean air and green jobs to Texas instead of more asthma attacks and poisoned waters. Solar is clean, never runs out and will bring high-paying jobs to the Alamo city."
...Except that the sun sets at night and the wind isn't always blowing, and how many people will die because of all those new power losses and being unable to afford to run their air conditioners in the 100+ degree Texas summers?

Just out of curiosity- who is the Clean Air Task Force?
According to a study by the Clean Air Task Force, power plant pollution in Bexar County is linked to 282 asthma attacks and 11 deaths every year.

You know a star athlete

and then you have a guy that just shows up for the race- and skis all the way down on his face?
Then the poseur wants to make like they're buds?

Yeah, I thought you knew...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Just out of curiosity

If you were really worried about global warming flooding the coastline,  would you buy an almost $9 million dollar house about a mile from the coast?

Didn't think so, do you wonder if AlGore knows something he's not telling us?

Have I got a car for you! Her name is 'Christine'.

Where were you in June 1988?

I was suffering my last year in CBU 408 to be able to go home with my honorable discharge in my nicotine stained fingers.

I was reminded of the brilliant testimony of one James Hanson(NASA weather geek) while reading this Powerline post about the fraud that is AGW.

I took the time to look it up (about 5 seconds) and to scan through it (about 5 excruciating minutes that I'll never get back), to find that in his entire testimony to the U.S. Senate the sun was never mentioned as a source of heat, light, radiation or...anything. No one in the Senate committee room (which had the A/C turned off) even bothered to mention it either.

He did, however say that AGW was already happening, but they couldn't prove it- and that by now the entire midwest was going to be a new desert.

You know, after reading it to find a screencap, I'm surprised that it doesn't 'really' say anything.
It's a bunch of scientifically worded guesses, and loopholes that say "we think the world is going to get hotter, but can't tell because it's climate and not weather"
But that's OK because we got our message out in this un-necessarily hot room as a point.
I'm also (not really- because connections) that-  all you need to get a hearing in the Senate was some lame piece of paper with a crapload of scientific sounding guesses ...that didn't say anything- to convince the Powers-That-Be to start fucking up the country like they have been.

I can't help it- sorry

The only TEE party the Chicago Jeezus can stand:

Nice photo-op of all three of the leadership chain of command.
But, then it's a military base- who ever heard of someone going postal with a pistol there?

Color me surprised

That nobody has taken a torch to the abandoned Six Flags in 'nawlins yet to start 'reclaiming' steel.

As good as it looks, I'd say no-one's thought about all that copper in those electric motors either...

You mean that excessive exposure to radiation is bad?

That too many X-rays could turn into something we don't want?

“The primary concern relates to radiation exposure,” said Dr. James A. Brink, chief of diagnostic radiology at Yale-New Haven Hospital, where double scans accounted for only a fraction of 1 percent of cases. He added: “It is incumbent upon all of us to limit it to the amount needed to make a diagnosis.”

I sure am glad the .GOV isn't forcing people to have multiple X-rays of unknown dosage operated by people who got their jobs from a pizza box.

Dear Uncle Sugar

Please send money.

The Libyan rebels

BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) – Rebels waging a drawn-out war to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi have run out of money, their oil chief said on Saturday, and he accused the West of failing to keep its promises of urgent financial aid.

You know, we should really be taking this thing seriously, but I can't.

"We are running out of everything. It's a complete failure. Either they (Western nations) don't understand or they don't care. Nothing has materialized yet. And I really mean nothing," rebel oil chief Ali Tarhouni said in an interview with Reuters.

It's not that they don't care or understand,,,
It's more like the ones running your show in NATO are so unused to being leaders in anything except increasing Socialist entitlements that they don't have a clue about fighting a war.
As fare as president Gutzy Kall goes, THESE are the people running his administration.

So good luck with your war and if you're still around in 2013- I'm sure something positive will get thrown your way.

I think we found a winner here

If what it sounds like- the Lamestream media is already starting to h8 on him from the NBC political UNIT
a finger-pointing, finger-wagging and, at times, bombastic,
he boasted.
Of all the speakers of the three-day confab, Perry was the best-received,

Not bad from a 12 sentence political blurb.

AND he knows what we're up against:
“Our opponents on the left are never going to like us, so let’s stop trying to curry favor with them,”
Sounds like we have someone who might have a clue that actually could win.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Going through some pictures

At the 'Red Rat' site, and posting for a wider audience:

A 782 gear inspection on the grinder- Gulfport, Mississippi

Yeah, that was our combat kit (minus the weaponry)back in the `80's.
Aren't you modern warriors jealous?

This was how we landed on Vieques Island ,P.R. for our '84 FEX
That was before those Socialists convinced the Viequens that  they'd be better off without the money the Navy brought them in exchange for being able to use the south end of the island for training.

On this day in 1940

The world heard this:

From the place where Great Britain used to be.

Results for the Leadership poll

Again we have a clear cut winner.

The Iron Lady won by a factor of four 16 @ 67%
against the two tied runner-ups of Fonzie and Rufus T. Firefly with 4 votes @ 17% each.

And president iWON earned his moniker of Zeroman.

As usual you can still vote, but it doesn't count anymore.

Mitt Romney, the 'unemployed' billionair

is still ahead in the Republican polls.He's the Godfather of ObamaKare
He thinks AGW is true science.
He's pro abortion.
He raised taxes in Mass by 3/4 of a billion dollars.

Why is he still on the top of the ticket in polls?
So, I guess that's out next poll-
Will you vote for Mitt if he's against Teh iWON? free polls
Would you vote for Mitt Romney if hes the Republican candidate?
Yes- we need to win back the White House
Third party I'll stay home 
Vote for every Republican BUT him Write-in   
NOTE- there are five choices this time...

My gift to you this Saturday morning

There are some things worth seeing and some that you need eye bleach for.

Guess which one this is?

You're welcome.

Friday, June 17, 2011

What's for supper?



You can't have enough Meatloaf!

Old school

No, it was not Lon Horiuchi this time

Who shot the wrong woman in a hostage stand off in Phoenix, AZ.
So the reason this time wasn't "Hey, she deserved it because she was there."

They're saying that the suspect and her hostage switched clothing.

...But not that they actually, you know shot the hostage, they just
Sgt. Trent Crump said police sharpshooters fired when they thought they saw the suspect threatening the other woman.

It turns out, the person they shot was not the suspect.

Lets all sit in a circle and sing Kumbaya

Because we have a lion(ette) sitting and peacefully eating with an iguana.
Petunia came out to supervise my suppermaking and the little black cat was their getting the stink-eye from Petunia until I put her food down and Integra decided she wanted some greens, too.

Sorry about the quality, but the camera doesn't have a lot of video settings on it.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

If someone was the head of the communication workers of America,,,

You might think he'd be familiar with Godwins Law.
Or maybe Christopher Shelton is really one of those knuckle dragging Neandrthals who can't understand the intratoobzz when he decided to call Chris Christy a Nazi.

You and the Commi Workers Union of America just lost the whole argument..nUUB!

San Fransisco

The no Fun Zone.

First kittens, then puppies and hamsters and now goldfish?

Her name

Is Nadia G.
From the Food Channel.
She's cute and perky, but I can's stand watching her (even with the sound off) because she's from Jersey..with the whole Jersey thing going on.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Remember that sick-out in Wisconsin?

Where those union thugs who are getting big bucks for not teaching kids?
Which dragged on for endless weeks of hippies, drum circles and lies about non-union states and their education systems?

...And the mis-spelled signs and historical mistakes?

Now we have some comparisons from school testing results from the overachieving unionized teachers unions in Wisconsin and that semi-literate state of Texas where the non-unionized teachers don't haul in over $100K of pay and bennies.

I added the blue line in the math graph for Texas to make it a little easier to compare graphs.
I'd like to add something that everyone else forgets in their head-to-head comparisons, that being the 76.3% of lily white kids and 8% hispanics in Wisconsin schools compared to the 34% white bread and 47.9% hispanics in Texas schools.
I might ad that a lot of those vatos don't habla anglis muy bueno, either...

The leadership poll

Since the previous one was pretty much a blowout for Rufus T. Firefly, we have a new and hopefully more divers poll.
Since we need someone with positive ideas for America- that's the question: free polls
Who has better ideas for America?
Rufus T. Firefly 
A girl (Margaret Thatcher) 
President "Gutsy Call" 0bama 

Does president 'Gutzy Kall' have anything to say about this?

It looks like everyone that helped him personally kill OBL is being rounded up by Paki intelligence and then disappearing.

It's like he doesn't care what happens to anyone who puts their lives on the line to help him. I'm sure anyone else who may have been inclined to help us are watching this non-intervention go on and making a lifesaving decision about now.

But then, if we did do something we might make the muzzie Pakies mad and have to send them another billion Dollars to pacify them...

Ok, John- then what?

Yesterday John Boehner gave president Chicago Jeezus a letter informing him that if he didn't come clean about his Libyan adventure by Friday- something bad was going to happen.

As Bill Cosby used to say- Riiight.

0bama's untouchable in his cloak of Liberal white guilt. Anything you try to do even if you have some token Dems on your side will be met with a wall of outrage.
That is if you have the cajones to DO anything when the iWONness blows you off.

Hope you have fun on your golf outing that's tearing the presidents family apart.

I'm going to go out on a limb here

But I feel pretty safe in knowing it's one of those main branch limbs.

Out of these 22 most dirty cities in America (actually it's 21 +San Juan, PR*)-
I'd have to hazard a guess that probably 95% of them are either screaming Liberal or Democrat controlled.
I know Houston and San Antonio have a good healthy population of Dems...

*But then, maybe that wasn't one of those 57 states that the Worlds Smartest Negro hadn't gotten around to until yesterday...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just to give you Libs something to whine about

and try to out patriot a retired Lt.Col. and disabled vets-


...AND you Liberal doosh, he's taking it INTO the water, not letting it drag in a puddle. Just like the Apollo missions took it INTO the vacuum if the moon.
For glorifying it- not degrading it.

there is a difference, but I figure I shouldn't have to school a Lib in the fine art of "Nuance."

And now for something completely different

 Fiddles and strings= Deep Purple