Thursday, March 17, 2011

Reason # 6453 to pack heat

To protect yourself against packs (prides?) of feral cats the size of dogs.
Oh wait, it's Australia- they don't need those icky guns because they might hurt someone.

I hope they don't have rabies in Oz.

~~Link fixed~~

What would you do in the Zombocolypse?

Take this test to find where you would fit.

Happy St. Patricks Day!

And in related news from this unimpeachable source, comes the news that our Chicago Jeezus is also related to Jefferson Davis.

In a reference to his American ancestry, Obama writes "while one of my great-great-grandfathers, Christopher Columbus Clark, had been a decorated Union soldier, his wife's mother was rumored to have been a second cousin of Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy."

We got some free hockey tickets last night

So we went to see the San Antonio Rampage Beat Milwaukee.
I can't remember how long it's been since I watched one. We had a pretty good time, except for watching three assholes pounding on the glass whenever there was an Admiral in front of them. Everyone else was having a good time and chilling ...except fot those assholes.

I told Karen- they have to be Yankees, probably from Philly.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mr. C, would be sooo ashamed of you right now, Richie

Ummmm........what's a bracket?

Her name

Is Carly Foulkes

In case you didn't recognize her without her red and white sun dress at T-mobile.

Thank you Mr. Obama

Those "extra large" ones weren't a whole lot bigger than the usual ones that range from 33 to 48 cents.

Since we've got people freaking about radiation

Well the radiation that's 5,000 miles away and makes good scare stories instead of the stuff supplied to the clowns of the TSA- yes ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and FOX, I am looking at you.

I know it's cool to be in Japan breathlessly babbling about damaged reactors, but it's not sexy to badmouth a bad plan using bad tools pushed by the guy YOU put into power.
I'd probably be safe betting my next paycheck on the fact that those lethal TSA X-ray machine reports don't even get past the pre-screening intern, much less on your desk.

Because the report is leaking out- in spite of the 'most ethical-and-open' the world has ever seen (Version 2.0) about how abysmally inept your people are with their math.

Still, the government said the results proved the safety of the devices.

“It would appear that the emissions are 10 times higher. We understand it as a calculation error,” TSA spokesman Sarah Horowitz said in a telephone interview.

The snafu involves tests conducted on the roughly 250 backscatter X-ray machines produced by Rapiscan of Los Angeles, which has a contract to deliver another 250 machines at a cost of about $180,000 each.

No wonder we've never seen any pictures of TSA bigwigs anywhere near those amped-up X-ray beams.

But at least they're going to decide to show up at a Congressional hearing today.

Maybe someone will ask them to defend their need to even be IN airports since they can't even find the things that started that whole security farce.
Especially when they admitted they aren't needed.

The TSA spokeswoman Davis insisted that the traveling public was not at risk.

"There have been a number of additional security layers that have been implemented on aircraft that would prevent someone from causing harm with boxcutters," she insisted.

"They include the possible presence of armed federal air marshals, hardened cockpit doors, flight crews trained in self-defense and a more vigilant traveling public who have demonstrated a willingness to intervene."

As you may have noticed

-or not since I don't have that large of a following, I haven't said much about Japan.
There are a lot of others talking about it and all kinds of opinions on it.
All the way from "f- them, I still remember Pearl Harbor" to "Zo-my-gawd! Het NUklear reactorz iz going to BLOW. UP!!! Then melt to the earths core and EXPLODE. THE. WHOLE. PLANET!!!!ELEVEN!!"

Sure it's bad. They were hit by an earthquake that broke a tectonic plate and tilted the earths axis a couple degrees. How that will affect global warming, we haven't been told yet. But they're an advanced people, probably even ahead of us. They build chit to stand earthquakes and most of it did withstand it. What did them in was the water that hit them right after and caused the problems at those reactors. I never did think we were looking at another Chernobyl for several reasons, and one was the kind of reactor it is which the Daily Gator lays out pretty well.
First- it was in JAPAN. The same country that was on the receiving end of two atomic bombs. Any nukes would have to be the safest possible design out there.
Second- It was build by capitalists who gave a chit about what could happen if something went wrong. If for no other reason than their financial well being.
Third- It was a completely different design which used less dangerous fuel than Russian ones do.

As far as the panic stricken reporting going on, remember that theses people are pushing an anti-nuke agenda. Elevated radiation doesn't automatically mean dangerous. I can turn off my A/C and the temperature inside my house becomes 'elevated' from the arbitrary temperature I decided to put it at. These 'journalists' are the same people who couldn't tell you off the top of their heads what temperature water boils at.

Also, something a lot of people are starting to remember now, and talk about- is just how many nuclear tests have been conducted without the disastrous results hoped for by the MSM.

It's a little over 14 minutes and has a kind of slow start and finish:

There, feel better?

The Japanese will come through this fine and be back making tentacle pr()n faster than you think.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

That's odd

Usually when I get a bump in my sitemeter it comes from a link from a bigger blog.
Today it seems like just more random hits than usual.

How's this for self defence?

Sorry Jay, check your local laws because it actually...shoots.

...And if anyonr has $800 to throw my way, my birthday is coming up next month.

No...E-bay has no double standards

They're as Liberal as you'd expect from a Cali company.

Look for anything gunnish...(.357 pistol) and you get 91 auctions

Try a pr()n star out and you can order anything you want to pay for.

But I'm cheap and prefer to just 'tube' my porn.

Monday, March 14, 2011

This is what fighting evil really looks like

It's not sitting around chanting tired slogans in a drum circle.
It's cold and crappy and miserable and you think you'll never warm up.

Then it gets worse.

Ask a question- get answers

It just dawned on someone in the place where Great Briton used to be that we're not hearing about looting in Japan.

This is quite unusual among human cultures, and it’s unlikely it would be the case in Britain. During the 2007 floods in the West Country abandoned cars were broken into and free packs of bottled water were stolen. There was looting in Chile after the earthquake last year – so much so that troops were sent in; in New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina saw looting on a shocking scale.

He's surprised that a conservative culture that isn't inundated by Balkanized illegal aliens awash with a Liberal entitlement mentality would actually respect each other.

He's getting a lot of answers.

I bet he'd be surprised to know that here in gun and bible clinging flyover country would act pretty much the same- because were not immersed in the Liberal gimme attitude we've been seeing in Wisconsin. Including the ones we'd hope would be the ones protecting us.

It's "I"gor

With the emphasis on the "eye".

Look who just got a new job!

Setting new precidents daily

Look! Team 0 just found a new way to crash the Dollar.

Yes, the same guy who couldn't figure out he owed the IRS money when the international bank he worked for GAVE him money to pay them just told the world that he's quite happy with China taking over as the next big thing.

Is George Soros happy yet?


Have some pi!

Making cats do un-natural things

I learned today that you can use a flashlight beam to get a cat to run over a dog.

See, I was playing with The Instigator and Goliath (think almost Great Dane sized Dalmation-looking-thing) was lying down at his food bowl.

So, I was letting the cat chase the light and not look where he was going and looking at Goliath chowing down without a care in the world- and I wondered what would happen if I ran the light right across him?

Both of them got a WTF? moment at the same time.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I'm busy being the president.

Speaking truth to...............ummm unions

It really puts things into perspective when you roll tape on Wisconsin union protesters and the cut of "Life of Brian" fits right in.

I'm glad Ann Althouse has at least one fellow traveler up in that loony bin on Lake Mendota.

H/t to Powerline who wouldn't even notice the few hits from here.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Now that I've dug up mindless timewasters

...Because nothing ever goes away on het intrawezz
I think we'll start a new tradition called juvenile interaction.

Lets start off with how to turn yourself into a Wisconsin union thug!

Juvenile, and proud of it!

Thanks to Alan for inflicting this on you.

Like Fat Albert says

"He's like school in the summer class."

Was this before or after his 45 second 'I feel Japans pain' soundbite?
That he held a reception for another group of Chicago thugs at the White House.

And he scored a jersey, a ring and a mini Stanly cup to go alongside the nobel prize that he got for doing nothing.

That manly ring dwarfs his whole hand- doesn't it?

Speaking of two-faced political hacks...

Just remember- Republicans aren't your friends.
They're just doing what they have to do to con you into voting for them again.

Kaufmann: Sounds like you’re getting out of the Alaska bill.

Helland: Oh yeah, I’m getting out of it after I end up on a blog.

Lukan: The Alaska bill – what’s the Alaska bill?

Helland. I’m the dirty hatchet man for the caucus. Something nobody wants to do. Some dirty, nasty job. I’m the one who gets dropped in you know why, ’cause I’m expendable.

Kaufmann: The crazy, give-a-handgun-to-a-schizophrenic bill.

H/T-Between Two Rivers

The vile hag from Alaska

No you Liberal, quit wetting your diaper-not "her."

Lisa Murkowski (RINO) wants to keep killing black babies on our dime.

You know, not to sound too Liberal here, but you'd think if she was making all that big money (and perks that she soooo wanted to keep)- that she'd have someone to do something about those gray roots, don't you?

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Texas Lege is looking at illegal immigration

and trying to see what they can do about it.
Since Republicans took over both houses last year (thanks Nancy) we've got a good chance to try fixing things on the state level- since DeeCee isn't bothered by it.

One State Rep. Paul Workman (R-Spicewood) has introduced bill creating a 'guest worker' program for illegal immigrants.

See,this brain- instead of finding illegals and sending them back, and stopping all the .GOV handouts- wants to give them some kind of state workers visa.

"This is a way for these people to come out of the shadows, for the state of Texas to know who is here, we will have an opportunity to run background checks on them," Workman said.

He says the bill also removes the incentive for the growing problem of trafficking in illegal immigrants in Texas.

His bill would require any illegal immigrant who wants to work in Texas to pay $4,000 and obtain an 'resident immigrant registration card' which would be good for eight years.

He says the state would perform a background check on the individual, and his or her employment would be monitored by the state. The individual would pay state taxes and would participate in the normal commercial activity of the state.

Dude, did you used to be a Democrat?
You want these people who are pretty much thriving by NOT paying income tax, or insurance, or getting a drivers license (even though they drive anyway) OR paying the $1000 to get their green card- to PAY $4000 to lose all that in exchange for being in your database?

Really? They must have really good drugs in Spicewood.

Oh, AND they won't be immune from deportation either.

Yeah, I can see Texas being overwhelmed with those requests right now.

I try not to listen to the worlds smartest negro

  1. I hear too much of that arrogant voice on any MSM that can push a soundbite- FOXheadlne news-radio I'm looking at you. Those Liberal sycophants have had his soundbites on more in two years than they had Bill Clinton in two TERMS.
  2. The only thing I want to hear him say is "I'm in way over my head, so I quit."
But I read some of what he says.
In his 'folksy' talk he did about bullying yesterday:

He said that even he felt out of place growing up.

"I have to say, with big ears and the name that I have, I wasn't immune," said Obama, who moved around a lot as a boy, being born in Hawaii and growing up there and in Indonesia. "I didn't emerge unscathed," he said.

Didn't he spend most of his youth in muslim countries? Muslim countries that we're supposed to look to for guidence on how to better ourselves? Barack wasn't muslim enough?

Well now we understand your passive/aggressive when confronted by someone wth balls compared to citizens that you hold power over.
Thanks for the insight, Barry.

You can thank Jennifer for this

She's over here.

It has to be turf wars

The Chicago machine against Tammany Hall.

There are some New York Democrats who are going to turn themselves in to the Feds. Eric Holders DoJ no less for corruption.
Being as one is black and Eric Holders ethnocentric Department of (social) Justice is still going after them- and they are both Democrats, What else are we to believe?

Sure they've been looking at them since 2007, but the fact that Eric Holder didn't order the investigation dropped like a hot rock when it involved "one of his" people should tell you something.

But then again, I'm not a Liberal and don't do nuance very well...

Two things offspring related

SiL had just got transferred from Okinawa to Japan.
Thing-2 felt that earthquake in Camp Pendleton.

I really feel bag for the Pacific wide devastation those people suffered, and it won't get better anytime soon since no-one will be stepping up to take charge of relief efforts.

And some of those atolls are only feet above the ocean.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Does anyone in the MSM pump their own gas?

I'm just wondering because we haven't heard anything like we did last time gas was rising this fast. Waitamimmuit- It's rising FASTER this time than it was when the lamestream media couldn't cry loud enough about the BusHHalburtonMcHitler administrations manipulating prices.

I mean, I don't know why it might be news that gas prices have gone up 67% in the two years that our Chicago Jeezus took charge.
Thanks to all those unicorn farts and alternative energy- we don't need that oil that we are barred from drilling for. Anywhere on easily available land or under a mile of water. We'll et the Russians and Chinese drill because we know they care about the gulf more than the people who live there, and with better (Chernobyl, anyone?) technology than we have.

BUT--we still have private entrepreneurs who can come up with real alternate energy.
Bluesun showed us a car that runs on water. (No, it's not perpetual motion, it uses water [light bulb icon] for fuel.

Then we find that someone's been checking out steam-punk technology over in the P.I. and came up with a power source that collects and processes energy emitted throughout the aether. AND it's been examined and verified by the P.I. DoE. So we know it's not a scam (he said with a straight face).
This is where all of Obamas unicorns have been lately instead of working over here- they've been putting their magic together to make something ---MORE.
Yes, not only is it a perpetual motion machine, it even puts out MORE power than it takes in. I wonder when we'll be throwing our tax money away investing in that technology?