Friday, April 17, 2009

Oops, our bad

See- we didn't *really* mean to break laws about spying on American citizens, we're just a bunch of inept Libs.

But, hey the Gray Lady doesn't have a real problem with it because it was the Unicorn Riders people spying on Americans.
Which is completely different from the BusHalebrntonMcHitler administration tracking known terrorists.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm surprised

According to the Gay Patriot Tea Party maps, that there is a Tea party in Brownsville.
You'll notice the white area between Brownsville and the nearest one west in El Paso....
Guess which region voted for Obama last year?

Brake lights...

They mean something.

If you're an @sshole with a phone jammed in your ear hitting 70+ in a traffic gap coming up on a group of cars doing 50, you might think about SLOWING . THE. F^CK. DOWN.

Especially if ALL the cars have them on.


I usually make a habit of watching traffic through the car in front of me, that way I have a heads-up if the one in front of me has their head up their @ss.
Of course that doesn't help when the guy behind thinks brake pads cost alot and doesn't want to put any more wear on them than necessary.

Next driving lesson,,,,,the zipper!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A conversation

We had this last night and I'll try to be even handed even though I'm paraphrasing:

Me: I'm thinking about going to the dentist for replacement fillings.
Her: I still need to go (for some kind of deep gum surgery).
Me; And it has a six month wait- when are you going to make the appointment?
(It's been a year since she first mentioned it)
Her: I'm putting it off because of the pain.
Me:They'll give you some good pain pills when you're done.
Her: I'm not worried about *after*, I'm dreading the pain of them *doing* it.
Me: Why?
Her: Because they're going to slice my gums!
Me: Yeah. So? They have plenty of Novocaine.
Her: What?
Me: Novocaine, that they shoot into your jaw until your tongue is numb and you can't feel a thing in your mouth.
Her: I've never had Novocaine.
Me: What? How do they take care of cavities over there? (In the U.K.)
Her: The attendants (nurses) grab each arm and hold you down as the Dentist drills.
Me: I'm only two years older than you and I've *never* had a drill in my mouth without Novocaine.
Her: That's why everyone says English teeth are so bad, they don't go to the dentist because of the pain.
Me: I don't go to the dentist because of the cost.
Her:But you have dental insurance from my work.
Me: How? I'm off your health plane because I'm on [medium-large electrical companies] plan.
Her: I didn't take you off that plan.
Me: See if it's still in effect, but when you took me off your health care, i bet I was off the dental, too.

That's the British National Health Services- NHS if any one's Googling it.

I saw this one day

It was at a Shell station when I was filling up.

And my first thought was 'isn't nitrogen a gas?'
Then 'they're using a gas in my gas to clean my engine?'

Ok, chemical nerds lets hear it...

You can tell

There was a massive holiday that the Mexicans celebrated.
Wally world looks like it was hit by a plague of locusts.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Every time I try to run AdAware today, it keeps getting stuck on the same file.

And I can't find in when I search my computer files, of course I don't have the entire file name either...

I guess I'll try to uninstall and reinstall it.

Do you feel his pain yet?

See we have roofer who fell off a roof and is now paralyzed from the waist down.

Thing is, that he's an illegal.
Who used three different names and another false one to get a SSN.
And over $500,000 of what is going to be free health care.

And he's sueing for workers comp.

And he tested positive for dope.

And he's got a lawyer..probably not a very good one based on this quote:
""This guy paid taxes. He paid higher taxes than me," Hastings said. "But now, no one wants to help him."
-Or- they pay 'really' well for semi-skilled labor in FLA.

So now the Lightweight wants to bring up amnesty yet again.
I wonder if he remembers what happened how well that was received when he was a Senator?
...OH, wait! He probably doesn't, because he was campaigning to be President at the time and couldn't be bothered with doing his Senate job.

Thursday, April 09, 2009


Got nothing but I did figure out why the traffic has been so bad this week.
And why we've had so many wrecks.

It's Mexican holy week and they're all in San Antonio to celebrate.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

"The most dangerous legacy of the cold war"

According to President Urkel is nukes.

You remember them, the ones that only responsible nations have (so far).
The ones that haven't been used in over 65 years.
...And when we DID use them, killed less people than the firebombings of Tokyo, Dresden or Coventry.

If it were me, I'd have to go out on a limb and say that the most dangerous legacy was the Lefts infatuation with socialist totalitarianism.
Oh,,,and the millions of unregulated AKs, HE rounds and fanatics that use them at the drop of a turban.
Anyone want to guess when the last time a 70 year old AK was fired in anger?
How about less than a minute before you read this?

Thursday, April 02, 2009

58 seconds in

Watch it.
This is the same guy who blew off the British Prime Minister, and who's wife refused to do a meaningless courtsy to the head of the longest running democracy in the world.

and remember how he shows respect to our flag?

And guys, I'm not even going to how badly the representative of America is showing his ass to every one he need to help us here.
But he bows to greedy oil producing islamic dupporters of terrorism, and gives the Queen of the United Kingdom (not Brittan Barry- there is a difference- yeah, it takes nuance, don'tcha know) a cheap plastic ipod...whith your own teleprompter reads.

Keep staying classy.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Too big to fail

Who came up with that idea?
It must have been a Liberal who blew off their history classes.

So let me ask just how big do you need to be to be too big to fail?

As big as the first Egyptian dynasty? The second?What about the fifth?
As big as the Roman empire? The wealth and might was brought down by ignorant selfish citizens who kept voting more .gov perks and privileges. ...and uneducated savages.

As big as the Spanish empire? The British didn't so much fail as they got tire of the responsibility and booted the kids.

As big as the Soviet Union?

I'd like to know if those selfish, greedy, self serving politicians in Dee Cee think America is too big to fail, too?

Monday, March 30, 2009

When I can afford it

I'll be sure to buy Motorola stock.
Just to piss off the Libs.

I wonder what other stocks will be doing well that are linked to Israel?

Lets see if I've got this...

So *now* we're not going to attack Pakistan?

Or will we when it's politically expediant?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Steel on steel

And straps on the rest.

That was the general rule when I was driving flatbeds for Arrow.
The idea is that chains will be strong enough to keep your load where it belongs.
You also use chains on wire spools because of the weight.

The general idea of strapping and chaining is that you make the load part of the trailer. That way if something bad does happen, it won't spill all over the highway and innocent four wheelers.

This is what I noticed when I got to the Wally-world parking lot this morning.

And as I was leaving...

You notice that he's only got five straps on that almost 48 feet of square steel tubing, didn't you?
When you see something like that, you really should think about getting ahead of him or what you'll do if that load ends up on the road.

San Antonio has a Tea Party!

At least this one is at a time people can make it.
If any one in the San Antonio are is free on April 15 between 6PM and 8PM, it's at Raymond Russel park just north of the Rim on I-10W (just below The Dominion).

There's a chance that Glenn Beck may show up, too.

I'm going to try to attend, depending on work and how I feel that day since it'll ad another 20 minutes to my commute.

H/T to JD

I guess this is Bush's fault too

But some how, after running the numbers, my taxes are on the minus side for the same jobs we've had since last year- with a payback.
But on the better side, we only owe a little over $500 instead of the $1600 I was looking at in Feb. I almost have that in my wallet, since I've been forcing myself to take out $50-$100 every time I deposited my check.

Not that it's good that we owe money, but now I can decide on an autoloader or wood tools.

OH, and I need to change my W-4 so they start taking out $15 a week for the Messiahs tax break, since it'll be taxed next year as added income.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

If you CARE!

Remember to turn your lights off tonight for an hour.
It might save the planet!!!!11!!!!one!!

Even the North Koreans are showing the way.

...And with president El Douche in charge we could soon follow suit.


...because we 52% wanted it.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Let it go man...

Some things just aren't worth it.

...And I *know* the FD wasn't being nice to the bodywork.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Plastic models

You know, the kind you used to pay under $5 for at the dime store when you were a kid.

I got off work early, but had to be back for (an unpaid) mandatory safety meeting at 4, so I ended up at a nearby mall.

I wandered into a huge nationwide hobby store looking for an idea for Karen's new Arts and Crafts/Mission style book case(with pie safe door panels) and ended up in the model section.
I didn't recognise any brands off hand, but did notice the price. These same kind of models you used to put together in an afternoon and destroy with your friends the next
day (what? You didn't?) are now going for between $35 and $50- $18 to $25 for balsa planes.
Including two jets.

Go figure, so I left with 5 pieces of felt for small display cases.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wait 'till they find the science lab

The nanny state American style.
It's short, so you get the whole thing...

A North Side high school has been evacuated as a precaution after a chemical was found in the school Monday morning.

A Level 1 HazMat situation was called about 10:45 a.m. at Senn High School at 5900 N. Glenwood Ave., according to Fire Media Affairs spokesman Quention Curtis.

The school was evacuated as a precaution after a chemical believed to be chlorine was found near the pool, Curtis said.
No injuries have been reported but crews remain on the scene as of 11:05 a.m. the Mideast school of conflict resolution
I want one.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Obamas new Dept. of Ed. chief

At least he has some idea about how the real world works.

...And I bet he doesn't have the requisite tax problems:

We also have a perfect candidate for his Sec. of Ag. from the Lege. in Fla.

The Obama theme

No comment needed, I think:

If were talking about the economy:

My, there are certainly alot of clean and articulate negroes in that administration-isn't there?

Friday, March 20, 2009

A quick gunnie question

I stopped by my gun shop for some caps and a box of .38SPL.
As I was waiting for the crowd to thin, I was looking at autoloaders*.
Since Karens experience with her .380 Thunder (Bersa)we only have revolvers.
-In .38SPL (cuts down on redundant ammo).

Anyway, I was kinda Jonesing for some affordable brass throwers and in looking at their sparsely stocked shelves, I have a choice of either 9MM or .40S/W..

Which would be better for defense and more-so cheep(er)target shooting?

An $1,100 .45 colt or S/W 1911 style is out of my price range, so we're looking at the imports.
...Which are the 9MM's and .40's left over form the choice picks.

*Google seems to have a spell check problem with autoloader...wonder why?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You just have to ask youself

What were they thinking?

I grabbed my last pair of spare safety glasses yesterday and in looking for a replacement supply- came across these,,,,,specimens.

Go look and tell me if you think those would be a big seller in the construction industry.

The only reason I'm looking for other than my Crews is that I'm looking for a replacement for my Navy 'burner shades' that I liberated from a welders kit.
They were shade 5 green real glass and metal framed that look kind of like this example at E-bay, except the lenses were more rectangular.
I guess I could buy them and do the John Lennon look.

I wonder what kind Jamie Hineman has om Mythbusters?.....
I could do those, too.

Link fixed

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The irony bone

Some people are born without it.
Some have it surgically removed when entering politics and a rare few strive to overcome it by strength of pork.

No matter how, but all who are up in arms about the contractually legal bonuses to AIG execs are exhibiting a fine lack of Irony.
Since these same DeeCee pols are the ones that cause the entire mortgage melt down and the ensuing financial blowdown are the same ones who rewarded themselves with almost $5,000 of your money in pay raises.

ANd an additional $40 million in added office budget.

Congress (And then Sen. Obama- when he wasn't running for President) forced the banks to make bad loans and covered them up with the money sieves of Freddy-Maye, and protected them from any kind of correction when Bush tried. As a matter of fact, they and their pets in the Lamestream Media tried attacking him as some kind of Simon LeGree.

Now that the chickens are coming home, they attack those that they forced to do their bidding AND refuse to even look at themselves as long as they have a target to divert attention from the core reason for this Carteresque boomlet.

*Throws a clue east towards D.C.*

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Meh....we'll see

It looks like our 'gallant French allies' are looking at becoming members of NATO again.

Because Sarkozy is somehow less anti-American (Anglosphere?) than the rest, or because they've gotten tired of paying for their own defense military and the bullets used to fire on unarmed Liberians?

All of my life I've been seeing the anti-Americanism of the French, the sneering poseing of someone who's national language sounds like someone straining on the toilet.
The Socialists and Comunards who rewrote their WWII history and ignored the 60th anniversary of D-day.

So now they decide that after America elected a Socialist, it's OK to be a NATO member and all the American money that'll come their way- for doing nothing but signing a piece of paper.

Personally, I'd rather have a former Soviet satellite as a member- one who *knows* what liberty is about.

Friday, March 13, 2009


You can thank Cassy for this little mind turd.

PETArds want to make George Clooney flavored tofu.
Made with actual Clooney sweat.
From a used gym towel some fan picked up off the locker room floor.

Think about that next time you grab some bean curd.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Here's an idea

for all you people who know your way around coding.

How about a competative blogroll site that's nice and user friendly ....and has free referrals to linking blogs?

It can't be that hard to make a cache to user sites with some kind of RSS feed to notify of new postings.

I don't know that much about pay-per-click or advertizing, but people do make money at them.

Sorry, can't help it

While reading True Blue Sam's blog, I couldn't help but think of this: