Thursday, January 11, 2024

So it begins

 Making bacon.

 After I finally got a digital scale that goes to two digits for the Prague #1 powder.
The first one is a Butt/shoulder  that hopefully will result in Buckboard bacon after I smoke it.

The other attempt is two pork loins of about four pounds each to hopefully get Canadian bacon out of it.

I had to wait for the scales because you don't want to use too much Prague powder/pink cure or whatever else you want to call it. luckily there's a  page for that.

On the second one I put in for 14 days- I'm going to try adding some liquid smoke and seal it back up, then finish it in the oven to see if there's any real difference between real smoke and liquid.


  1. I am going to try the Canadian bacon. Sounds good.

  2. The Buckboard sounds interesting.
    I just use zip lock bags and haven't vac-sealed it for the curing. Might have to try that.

    1. I just put a little vacuum on it to get most of the air out of it, then sealed just because I didn't want pig juice all over the fridge in case it leaked.

    2. I just put the zip loc bag on a baking sheet in the fridge because yes, there is leakage sometimes !!

  3. There's smoked and mesquite smoked. I home cured/mesquite smoked pork belly bacon in the fall. My taste buds voted it "outstanding".
    Cletus Valvecore
