See we have roofer who
fell off a roof and is now paralyzed from the waist down.
Thing is, that he's an illegal.
Who used three different names and another false one to get a SSN.
And over $500,000 of what is going to be free health care.
And he's sueing for workers comp.
And he tested positive for dope.
And he's got a lawyer..probably not a very good one based on this quote:
""This guy paid taxes. He paid higher taxes than me," Hastings said. "But now, no one wants to help him."
-Or- they pay 'really' well for semi-skilled labor in FLA.
So now the
Lightweight wants to bring up amnesty yet again.
I wonder if he remembers what happened how well that was received when he was a Senator?
...OH, wait! He probably doesn't, because he was campaigning to be President at the time and couldn't be bothered with
doing his Senate job.