Sunday, September 02, 2012

I just bought a new battery for the S-10

Since when does a regular lead-acid battery- for a small V-6 cost on the plus side of $100?

It's just a farging car battery, and not even a marine battery.

Has the 0bama administration gotten so intrusive with the EPA and regulations that they tripled the cost of a 690 Amp battery in three years?

How did the people at Instagram not know

About "Rule 34"?

Or at least that anything in Al Gores intratoobz will somehow become  a pr()n magnet when it gets popular?

But that's ok, because Mark Zuckerberg and his crew at FB will be sure to disable all things that make a site interesting.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

The Second Commandment

Thou shalt make no graven image before me...

Yeah, well Democrats only think of the Lord when they can use him to get over on other people...

And as for worshiping their Boy King....

What was that about the wrath of God?

The Anti-Midas strikes again.

Cast out first the beam out of thine own eye

Before removing the mote from thy brothers.

So we learned last week that the State Dept. has a Chief Diversity officer- or something.
He doesn't like some of our common phrases-
Hold down the fort
Going dutch

Rule of thumb- which he got wrong because he's (probably) a Lib.
The rule of thumb was either estimating whatever they called a yard back then, OR an inch (the length of the last joint)

But being a Liberal, he want's everyone else to give up their common phraseology to go with something even less specific and longer to say.

BTW Chief..............isn't YOUR title kind of demeaning to  our Indio-American Amerinds?

Friday, August 31, 2012

Why are we still wasting our tax dollars on the TSA?

The hugely intrusive and bungling bureaucracy that hasn't stopped a terrorist in over ten years now can't tell if a passport was expired a year ago.

An American passport.  (caution, video auto starts when you get there)

And we're paying HOW much for these people?
AND they want to expand into every part of our lives????

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Oh, the poor little house Tribble

She's some kind of short faced long-haired cat...Persian- I guess.

She has doubled her weight from the time she was rescued and now looks like a fat raccoon without the striped tail.
I made deep fried gizzards tonight- almost as good as *Chester's Golden Fried* but available after 11AM.

The dogs got some and so did the littlest dog.

Poor Stompy could only smell because she can't (or doesn't know how to) eat anything that's not processed into little stars or fish shapes.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dear New Orleans

It looks like Isaac is going to visit you.
So I have to say in all sincerity 'Go f*ck yourselves."

I'm STILL tired of hearing about N`awlins and how G.W. Bush hated black people and your whining about hoew we...America somehow OWES you something, and that it's our responsibility to take care of grown adults every want.

I hope your chocolate Jeezus does what you want him to do, but a lot has changed since the last time: You have a Republican Governor and a Republican Mayor who will do what they can to actually HELP you--instead of waiting for days to declare an emergency so that FEMA is late and the president looks bad.

Monday, August 27, 2012

To steal an expression from Leeann

...And not a f*ck was given all day. (On that end of the trench...)


So, please elaborate WaPo

as to just *how* this electric company will be able to control my A/C without shutting off my oven.

Because at my house BOTH are on the same 220V lines.

...Or do you have some super sekrit way of telling my A/C  to stop working and leave everything else on?

Yeah- I didn't think so- because I have STUPID appliances that are too old to join Big Brother in the pursuit of .GOV controlling every aspect of my life.

BUT don't worry citizen, only the scoff-laws will  be affected!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hurricane Isaac on track to N'awlins?

This ought to be interesting.

Now we'll be able to see just how well a 'chocolate' president can take care of a 'chocolate' city.

Because, naturally a Democrat will be sure to make FEMA perform miracles for the .GOV dependents who reside on the dole and depend on Democrats to take care of their every need.

Good thing 0bama doesn't hate blacks.

Can't he just use his godlike powers to like....reduce the rise of the oceans until Isaac is done?

Happy National Dog Day

Yes they have a site and everything.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ya know, I shouldn't be saying this-

Because it might make some Lib question my racist attitude...

I'd really like to have a couple beers with AlphonZO Rachel.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Replace your divot!

Mr. president-

He looks like hes someone trying too hard to be cool for the press corpse, doesnt he?

So, riddle me this...

If everyone who doesn't worship the ground the Boy-King walks on is racist.

...why is it that before the slut eruptions- Herman Cain was doing so well in the racist Republican primaries?

AND, since he quit, where are all the WHITE women accusing him of sexual...whatever?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Stupidity leading to overtime

So we were supposed to be getting a delivery of 6" PVC conduit this morning.
I got called to come to the yard and wait to offload the trailer because the ruck was just clearing the commercial vehicle inspection ---on a Federal Military installation.

So I go back and get the forks on the backhoe and wait...

...and wait

...and wait

...and grease the machine

...and wait (and punch out for lunch [at 8:30AM because the Ferderal beareaucrats say we HAVE to take lunch so we now have to spend an extra 30 min working in the heat])

...Until I call the boss (who's supposed to be escorting him to the yard) and find out that he's through inspection, but still sitting at the inspection yard.

..."Just wait there till he decides to move and I'll call you".

..."F*ck it- he's still sitting there, go back to work and when he's had his nap, we'll unload it".

Somewhere around 1:30 (1330 for you military types) Boss tells me that they're sending another driver who'll get here about 4- 4:30...BTW, when is your 40 up?
--At 4:30, or 4:15 depending how you look at that :09 on Sat.
--Um, why are they sending another driver?
...That dumb-ass got busted for drugs when they checked his truck.
--NO! He knew hes was coming onto Lackland the sekrit .GOV installation, and didn't drop them off somewhere? Gawd what a dumb-ass, now he's looking at Federal problems.

So I spent over 13 hours at work, but only got paid for 12.75 because bureaucrats just HAVE to micro-manages adult workers.
I ended up with 42 hours, and am off tomorrow.

NOW, as a PSA to all you non-driving plodders.
When you're driving west on HWY 90 in TX and the sun is  in your eyes- get in the FARGING granny lane if you want to go under 75 MPH.
Don't sit in the hammer lane and pace the RV going 65- it pisses people off (really).
Then they'll tailgate you until you come onto a nice long left turn cutout and pass your slow-ass there--kicking up grass and gravel as they do.

-I'm going to try that next time ;-)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Enjoy the dialogue

Have a listen to the companies best workers:

I swear, if my dogs had opposable thumbs- they'd get more done in a day than the other three...and they'd listen better.

(BTW, spell-check: opposable *IS* a real word) (Even Google agrees)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Someone really needs to photoshop this

And take that tug out of the picture-

Stolen from the Boston Herald.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

What we got this week from the 1%-in-Chief

His $400,000 taxpayer job this week consisted of:

Monday, August 13, 2012
9:40 am || Departs Chicago
10:55 am || Arrives Omaha, Nebraska
11:25 am || Delivers remarks at a campaign event; Bayliss Park, Council Bluffs, Iowa
5:15 pm || Delivers remarks at a campaign event; Herman Park, Boone, Iowa

Tuesday, August 14, 2012
 11:25 am || Delivers remarks at a campaign event; Nelson Pioneer Farm & Museum, Oskaloosa, Iowa
4:00 pm || Delivers remarks at a campaign event; B.R. Miller Middle School, Marshalltown, Iowa
7:55 pm || Delivers remarks at a campaign event; Waterloo Center for the Art, Waterloo, Iowa

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
12:25 pm || Delivers remarks at a campaign event; Alliant Energy Amphitheater, Dubuque, Iowa
5:35 pm || Delivers remarks at a campaign event; Village of East Davenport, Davenport, Iowa
6:50 pm || Departs Moline, Illinois
10:05 pm ET || Arrives White House
The first lady will be traveling with the president

Thursday, August 16, 2012
 10:15 am || Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing  (A half-hour briefing???)
10:45 am || Meets with Secretary of State Clinton
12:30 pm || Lunch with Vice President Biden
1:45 pm || Meets with Secretary of Treasury Giethner

Friday, August 17, 2012
 11:00 am || Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing  (Nothing serious going on out there, is there?)
11:30 am || Meets with senior advisers


Saturday, August 18, 2012
 10:00 am || Departs White House
11:35 am || Arrives Manchester, New Hampshire
2:00 pm || Delivers remarks at a campaign event; Windham High School, Windham, New Hampshire
4:35 pm || Delivers remarks at a campaign event; Rochester Commons, Rochester, New Hampshire
6:05 pm || Departs Manchester, New Hampshire
7:45 pm || Arrives White House

This is not a parody

I heard this on the Joe Pags "Weekend" show yesterday coming home from work:
The iWON called a N.M. radio station for an interview

Here's a shorter version if you don't want to be forced to listen to the underexposed Chicago Jeezus:

200 years ago today

The USS Constitution dismasted and beat the HMS Guerriere like a redheaded stepchild in the War of 1812.

This was when she got her name "Old Ironsides" from the way the cannon balls bounced off her 21" thick oaken sides.

She will be making way under her own sail today, the second time in over a century to make a victory lap outside Boston harbor.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Here comes Honey-Boo-Boo????

WTF does TLC think they're doing?

All I see on the previews is a bunch of fat, inbred hillbillies and some pig.

One of the snippets they have is "You'll laugh untill you cry"-ET

UMMM, no--- I cry that this crap is actually going to be some kind of hit in this America.

From FB

Lets do it again, only harder this time!

Because GM is going to need another bail-out.

On top of the one where we *the taxpayer* are still out some $26 BILLION from the first one in wothless stocks.

Stocks that were basically stolen from the rightful owners so that the Chicago Jeezus could repay his UAW union thugs for getting him set up at the Chicago-on-the-Potomac.

So are we going to at least get a Tee that says something like "I didn't get a pick-up from the last bail-out, but at least this time I got this Tee-shirt."

Friday, August 17, 2012

Just give him a No-Shave chit

Then you don't have to be getting lead around in legal circles because of the Army jihadi.
Thats what is going to happen anyhow with that Armed forces court of appeals gets done.

Then Hasan can go onto his next set of legal/muslim pranks to get more time away from the Courts Martial he's looking at.
Because it's all a game now that he's decided to go all Islamic fundi, and anything he can do to screw America is what he's all about.

Dude! How old are you?

SRSLY- you've got to be in your 40's.

And getting dropped for trying to get an autograph from that skank?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A perfect prediction of the next election

With the history of deception and the Nov. 6 results:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

We put our cable on hiatus for a while

Because frankly, we couldn't pay the DirectTV fees.

Now that I'm getting paid good money to run a backhoe and try to push some west side denizens to do work- we can start paying for content again.

The problem is- Karen got a Netflix account and there is absolutely nothing I really want to pay $65/MO for on TeeWee.
I'm watching old Discovery shows and the History Channel before it became the "American Pawn-Pickers *on ICE* channel.
Tonight I'm watching Discovery's "How the Universe works" with the Big bang as the center attraction.

They have all kinds of smart people up there telling us how the universe started from nothing and expanded into what we know now.

But we ALREADY knew what happened- we just didn't have lots of smart people telling us what happened, we just had some monks writing their lives away to tell us what happened.
...And it's pretty accurate to what the smart scientists are telling us.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

I'm sure the next set of shows will prove Geneses right again when the planets form...
 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

So, everything old is new again?

They didn't say if the princess had a tramp stamp for her  ... admirers to appreciate.

Monday, August 13, 2012

I'm glad to see

That people are starting to get involved (or curious) since Paul Ryan was #7 on Bings popular searches this morning.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A little FYI

In case you're making anything with bananas in it-
-one banana is about 1/2 cup if the recipe insists on "not" telling you how many bananas you'll need for two cups of banana mash.

  • Why are we not supposed to keep bananas in the refrigerator
  • or paper sacks
  • what is the difference between baking powder and baking soda? (aside from the acid reflux thing)