Saturday, May 26, 2012

If you can watch this video all the way through

You either have the intellectual armor of an Abrams tank, or you'll be on the negative side of the IQ meter from the double whammy of Meggy Mac and Al Sharpton:

I guess I should note that the very independent Meggy Mac isn't letting the ideas of watching you figure crowd out what ever political insight she has...

Friday, May 25, 2012

How much did this week cost us?

Monday- Chicago--> Joplin, MO--> the White House
Tuesday-No public sched.
Wednesday-White House--> A.F. Acadamy(Colorado Springs, Co) -->Denver -->Mountain View, Cali -->Atherton, Cali -->Redwood City, Cali
Thursday-  San Jose, Cali --> Des Moines, IA (visits the newest wind company to fail Newton, Iowa) -->
the White House
Friday- Jeezus rests.

A 3 1/2 day weekend

Be good!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Democrats real war on women

Because some of the biggest sex discrimination against women is from Senate Dems, and the worst offenders are ladies females themselves.

Dian Feinstein pays her female staff $21K less than the males -about 41% difference.
Barbara Boxer, another prominent Lib from Cali pays her female staff  $5000 less per year.

But you won't hear that when they try to push the the "Paycheck Fairness Act" through when Congress returns from break. Besides, it won't affect them anyway- Congress isn't bound by the laws it sets on us peons.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Can you imagine what their ratings would be if

CNN wasn't the default setting on every airport TeeWee and motel lobby in the country?

Kind of like what would 0bamas likeability be if he didn't have the MSM running tongue baths of propaganda about him 24/7?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ok, technically speaking

it's a man, an Elf and a Dwarf:

Monday, May 21, 2012

I see they get their fashion sense from their mother

Hey, if 0bama can use his kids in his re-election campaign- they're fair game!

The hollow sinet eye splice

Also known nowadays as hollow braided rope and how to splice an eye in one.

The one he's showing you is a Brummel (basically a locking buried splice) that you preppers would be handy to know.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Just out of curiosity

Do you think America has in it anymore to fight a total war?

I mean balls out and f*ck the civilians to win?

I just watched a (different selection) video over at Sams place about the extermination camps of the Nazis.
Here you go:

In one scene it shows the absolute devastation of carpet bombing cities.
That's what brought up this thought--
Are we to 'civilized' to really bring the hurt to a country that despises us in ordr to win a war?

I'm thinking -not anymore.

Because -
a) People willh8 us
-or b) Zomygawd the work court....

No, we'll never end-up leveling cities again,,,no mater who they are- because the military leadership is to PC to really fight wars.

How's your day so far?

You got breakfast and are sitting there surfing the web, looking for some excitement.

Wanna go for a boat ride?


...And be sure to leave that entitlement mindset behind, too.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I know I have Ron Paul supporters here

Personally, as I've said before, I look at him like an even more loose screwed Ross Perot.

I know you don't want to hear anything bad about your version of Barack Obama, but seriously-

Your people are gaming the system to try to force an unwanted candidate on the majority at the RNC by hijacking the delegates.

Is that how you want to win, seriously?
Playing loose with the rules and blowing off the intent of the bylaws?

I didn't want Romney, but I refuse to vote for someone with worse foreign policy than Obama, maybe even more antisemitic than Obama.

Sometimes you get what you wish for- then what are you going to do?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sad sight on the way home

On the side of the road is a light brown puppy.

I don't know the story, but it's dead and bleeding from the mouth.

It also has a red leash on it.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Anyone up for an airshow?

If you're in the San Antonio area this Saturday, the CAF will be hosting one in Hondo starting at 10AM.

The B-17 Bomber Texas Raiders and the Marine B-25 Bomber Devil Dog are the headliners at this year’s Hondo Army Air Field Fly-In, sponsored by the CAF’s Tex Hill Wing, based in Hondo; the City of Hondo and STRA; and Hondo Area Chamber of Commerce.
     Other aircraft include types of nearly all aircraft used at the airfield throughout its history, first as the world’s largest
navigation school, and later, during the USAF’s flight screening program. About three dozen aircraft will be on static display at the airport, including rare Warbirds such as several P-51 Mustangs including Miss Marilyn and Glamorous Glennis (formerly owned by the famous test pilot and USAF Gen. Chuck Yeager); a P-63 King Cobra (an F-model so rare it is the only one in the world); a DH-82 Tiger Moth from the 1930s; a Stearman Stamp; several T-6s and L Birds; a
Beechcraft 34A Mentor; SNJ/T-6; SNB/C-45; SNJ and T-6s; PT-19; T-28 Trojan; Fairchild F-24; and a B5N Kate.

In which the author goes Godwin from the start

Where have we heard this before?

Some egotistical arrogant asshole who is head of a cult of personality decides that he and his party need to take over the .GOV because the people are to stupid to make decisions any more.

Then we have break-ins in the leadership offices.

Next will be a fire

Them they'll blame a retard
Then we'll hear about some communications hijacking

Finally we invade a country that has never done anything to us---

Now it's time to suspend the elections, because now is NOT the time to change leaders and miss the continuity of our struggles!

Because I'm a rebel and all...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Romney- the anti-McCain


Many of the current strategy discussions are centered on not falling into the traps McCain did: looking wobbly as a leader and weak on the economy in the final weeks of the campaign. The private discussions include ruling out any vice presidential possibilities who could be seen as even remotely risky or unprepared; wrapping the entire campaign around economic issues, knowing this topic alone will swing undecided voters in the final days; and, slowly but steadily, building up Romney as a safe and competent alternative to President Barack Obama.

McCain, according to Romney advisers, blew it on all three scores. And of the three, the most conscious effort by Romney’s team to do things differently will be in the vice presidential selection process. One Republican official familiar with the campaign’s thinking said it will be designed to produce a pick who is safe and, by design, unexciting — a deliberate anti-Palin. The prized pick, said this official: an “incredibly boring white guy.”

So we're NOT going to get Alan West, Marco Rubio, Newt....
Hmmm... Oh, no F*ing way am I going to vote for a Romney/Suckabee ticket!

McCain’s effort has had a stylistic influence, too. McCain was spontaneous; Romney is rigid. McCain’s high command was improvisational; Romney’s Boston headquarters is disciplined. “McCain liked operating by the seat of his pants, which worked well for him and the press, but didn’t always work so well for the staff,” said a senior Republican operative close to both campaigns.

Steve Schmidt, a top official on the McCain campaign, acknowledged the need for Romney to do things differently, saying that every major decision in 2008 had been made “through the prism that we were running in the worst political environment any Republican presidential candidate had ever faced — it was just horrific.”

“That drove a culture of risk-taking and animated every aspect of the campaign,” Schmidt recalled. “The Romney campaign is in a totally winnable race, and their actions reflect that. They’re more cautious where we were more elbows-out.”

A 'culture of risk taking??? WTF?? McCain couldn't even STOP calling 0bama "My friend" when he was supposedly badmouthing him.

Jezzus Kerist- you people are pathetic and deserve to lose to that Communist.

Fckng srsly-
. But a Republican official familiar with the Romney campaign’s thinking said the vice presidential search will be more rigorous and will likely produce a candidate a lot less flashy than McCain’s running mate, then-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

DOOD- the ONLY reason the 'Maverick John McCain' got the numbers he did was BECAUSE of Sarah Palin.
We are so going to lose this election to a Trotskyite....

The new Meme

The Bowline knot

Pronounced Bo-lin.
It's a handy knot to know if you need to make a loop in the end of a line and still be able to untie it when you're done-

I have to admit that I am not a shipwright

Nor do I have much nautical insights, BUT I do have common sense.
Judging from the pictures I see in this article, those highly educated archeologists didn't have even that.

It took them three months to build what looks like a 25-30' boat from an example dug up somewhere.

Three months to slap some planks together and they didn't even think about pouring pitch on the holes to waterproof it.

So it sank as soon as it hit the water.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day....

You two @ssholes at Wal-mart.

Look guy(s)- just because YOU forgot Mothers Day doesn't mean YOU have to run people down with your carts and block an entire aisle looking for something in the next aisle over because YOU didn't bring a list.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

I wonder.....

Naw...those cops are in a union- He wouldn't disarm them...especially the minorities:

We finally see Democrats shying away from their Boy King

This is why can never see me voting for anyone that still has a (D) behind their name.

It took two years of the troika of 0bama, Reid and Pelosi to cram an unpopular and unconstitutional ObamaKare through the Congress.
They did it with tricks, lies, bribes and false accusations against their opponents, not to mention barely legal, and absolutely ammoral procedures to get it passed on a partyline vote.

And no one with a (D) behind their name had a problem with it...until it dawned on them that they had an election in 11 months.

NOW- their Chicago Jeezus has pissed into the faces of mainstream America (Bitter clingers) and the people with a (D) behind their name are only now -because of the election in November- finding they have a problem with their Unicorn Riders finally evolved stance on gay marriage.

Using the Constitution like toilet paper, no problem- BUT we have to convince these shlubs to reelect us one more time before they forget  what we pulled on them with Obamacare.

You need to go "like" this guy

He's one of those guys that if he was a Jew- Liberals would have no problem in saying He's a *self hating Jew*..except that he's black.

And he see's what's behind the curtain.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Something occurred to me just now

I was reading some posts at the Gay Patriot, and the reactions of the true believers.

If Satan was running as a Democrat, he'd still get the Liberal votes. And the Union votes
Even if he were to run as he really looks- red fur, horns and cloven hooves--AND telling everyone that Dante's 'Inferno' was the  new reality if he got elected.

He's still get almost half the votes and the MSM would be right behind him digging for dirt on his opponent...Moses and the years he spent as a 1%-er.

(Besides, he's Jewish, ya know...)

How much did we lose on J.P. Morgan-Chase in the first bail-out?

I'd look it up, but I'm too lazy, I know it was in the tens of BILLION$.

Now, are we going to be on the hook again to do *something* to bail them out of this $2 billion trading loss they gave themselves this month?

Because, just like the first time this is what happed--again:

The bank's strategy was "flawed, complex, poorly reviewed, poorly executed and poorly monitored," Mr. Dimon said Thursday in a hastily arranged conference call with analysts and investors after the stock-market close. He called the mistake "egregious, self-inflicted," and said: "We will admit it, we will fix it and move on," he said.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Anyone know what's going on with North?

Darth Cheney was there years ahead of 0bama

That evil caricature of homophobic hateful Republicans has been on the record as supporting gay marriage since before the 2004 election.
Darth Cheney didn't receive any (positive) MSM coverage of his beliefs eight years before president Gutzy-call got forced into it by Sheriff Joe's gaff.
And now Shep-the-radio-programmer at FoxNewsRadio is forcing me to turn off WOAI twice an hour because his Chocolate Jeezus had to step forward on the gay marriage thing.

Some horses have toys

Some even have their favorite ball.

So do some dogs- but not as cool as Joels.

Towards the end, you can see a slightly annoyed Petunia on her branch.

Unsurprisingly I didn't get an answer

There was an article in the Register-Star about an artist opening some kind of performance art center in Hudson, NY (upstate,,,out in the sticks).

Not just any kind of performance art- this is marathon performance art.

The 65-year-old artist said the institute will be part art center, part school, for ephemera performances involving video, opera, film, music, dance and theater in an environment that erases the boundary between artist and viewer as both don white lab coats and interact constantly.

Due to the marathon nature of the works, tired or sleeping visitors reclining on “durational chairs” will be rolled by an attendant to a sleep area and rolled back when they awake,  all the while remaining a part of the performance piece.

Abramovic is famous for pushing the limits of her physical and mental endurance as a way of expanding her inner-most feelings and fears — and sometimes those of her viewers.

In one of her longest duration pieces, during a retrospective of her career at New York’s Museum of Modern Art in 2010, she sat in silence during the hours the museum was open, making eye contact with members of the public who sat across from her

Not only is she going to force the hicks and anyone else who see her to watch the entire boreing thing, but she's going to teach OTHERS how to do the same thing.

The article doesn't say- and I didn't get any replies to the e-mails I sent about four days ago asking---WHO is paying for this?
From the lack of information, I'm going to assume it's us.