Thursday, April 28, 2011

Feeling you pain Alabama

With all the things President Laser-like Focus has going on, he finally got around to showing his concern for the people of middle America.

Except that he didn't exactly give a speech, because- you know how self effacing he is and all...

I'm going to go out on a limb here

and say that this FBI attempt to 'fix' zombie computers is going to end-up with prosecutions.

The background is that they took down the top of a huge botnet that infected computers with maleware called 'coldflood'. Now the FBI wants to go to individual infected computers and fix them.
How are they going to find these infected computers you wonder?

It would be a complex procedure. First, the agency would have to identify the machines, a time-consuming process that would entail combing millions of IP addresses and correlating them to ISP records. For computers located outside of the U.S., it would have to involve foreign authorities.
Where have YOU gone on your computer?

But at least we won't have to worry about a G-man in the house because they'll be fixing them remotely...without looking at your files, or anything like that.

"The process does not affect any user files on an infected computer, nor does it require physical access to the infected computer or access to any data on the infected computer."

Said the mouthpiece of the most open, honest and ethical administration since Bill Clinton.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

To whoever was driving through Junction, Tx

Thanks a f*cking lot for throwing you lit butt out the window.
The last time we had any rain was before Christmas and everything is tinder dry.
Not that you care because because you're probably one of those imported @ssholes who ended up in San Antonio because your brand of socialism forced you out of a job.

At least that smoke I'm smelling isn't exactly close.

Lets try this one

We're going to arm Libya's rebels soon. How long before we see them in A'stan?
As soon as they can load the plane
Three days
A week
Never! Those are freedom fighters free polls

Just to clarify. By them- I meant the arms and body armor.

I told you he had it

And if Trump wouldn't have forced him to release his long form birth certificate now- he would have as soon as he stepped out the gates the last time in 2013.

If he hadn't done it now- he'd be all- like "i PWned U" LOLOLolol

Because that's all he was waiting for- to make birthers look all Loose-changie and the attention it was pulling from other things he didn't want attention on.

BUT,,,don't worry Barry- people will now start asking if the "Most open & Honest Administration in US history" (Ver- 2.0) showed a fake certificate.

If you're wondering about all those half mast flags today

Hubert J. “Hub” Schlafly Jr. has died.
If you hadn't heard yet, he's the inventor of the original TelePromter.

Obama reported to be speechless.

Thank you Jennifer for the Jen-launch!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Remember those Egyptian riots back in Feb.?

How we had to force Mubarak out because those were "pro democracy" rioters?
That anyone that mentioned radical Islam was biatch-slapped for being islamaphobic and told they were only wanting freedom from oppression.

Yeh, we know which way that vote is going, don't we? And, it'll be called an unexpected outcome. Just like it'll be unexpectedly the last election until the next uprising.

Even though we're cutting down forests

to print trillions of worthless Dollars, the guy who couldn't figure out he had to pay income taxes. Even when the IMF gave him the tax money to pay it with.
Tim Geithner says he favors a strong Dollar.

"Our policy has been and will always be, as long as I will be in office, that a strong dollar is in the interest of the country," Geithner said at a New York conference organized by the Council of Foreign Relations.

"We will never embrace a strategy to weaken the dollar."

Who stupid do they think we are?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Good on you Chicago

You're the ones that set up the Community Organizer in Chief to climb his political ladder of Socialism.

I really hope you're enjoying what you helped give the rest of the country.

In other news, I just had an interview as a CDL instructor down in Alice.
It's a 308 mile round trip. It sounds promising, and if you're looking for a job and have a CDL-A with over five years experience- you might want to look at Excel Drivers Services out of Aurora, Co.
But I don't know if I can afford moving there unless the pay is "really" good with Obamas Wiemar Republic right around the corner.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I don't have many I 'have to see that' movies

But this one kind of hits my funny bone like an off-shoot of Harold LLoyd/3stooges/John Candy stapstick comedy.

...OR the Democrat Party 2011-

I don't like the modern comedians- I guess I don't have that BEN stiller gene that makes me laugh. I can see the humor, but he's not funny to me.
OK, you can ceremoniously de-link me now...just make sure you tell everyone were I am in your de-linking post when you do-

...And if you go chasing rABbits...

Guess what the Community Organizer in Chief was doing today?
Yep, for twelve hours.
But it was for the children.

The more we see of this ass clown the more I know they had a time machine and were secret Republicans-

Jefferson Airplane- 50 years ahead of the Obama administration...

Kicking the tires

I do, but not on a car.
I don't know why that term got started on car lots, because you can tell just by looking at a car if the tires are low.

On a big truck with two tires on each side of the axle, you can't just tell by looking if one tire is low.
So, lacking anything else- you kick it to see how solid each one is.
Actually, I've always had better results with a hammer because I can feel the different way it bounces if one of the duals is lower than the other one.

Another useless thing I've seen is that blowing non-existent smoke from the muzzle.
I saw River do it last night on Dr. Who.

The original reason for blowing DOWN the barrel was to help burn off residual embers in the firing chamber before you poured more black powder down the barrel. Otherwise it would flare-up and burn you.
That's why you see artillerymen swabbing the cannon barrel before shoving powder down again.
That's also why you don't pour black powder from the flask directly down the barrel, because then you have your hand around a black powder grenade.

Of course that need went away when they came out with the metal cartridge, but I guess old habits die hard and we see old movies carrying it on.

...And in other -not news

President Laser-like Focus went golfing again yesterday up at Andrews AFB.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Amy? Amy Pond, hurry up- it's almost time!

And you're not even dressed for a cross-dimensional trip.

Well, that's better-

Now get in the TARDIS, we have a schedule to meet- don't you know?
We have to be in Kurts TeeWee tonight at 8 O'clock- 7 for the rewind.

And look! River will be there slapping leather, too!

I guess people will believe that

If they want to believe that's the reason President iWON and MEchelle weren't invited to the Princes' wedding.

Palace officials said that only crowned heads of states are traditionally invited to royal weddings, and that political leaders who are not from the 54-member Commonwealth of nations, such as President Barack Obama or French President Nicolas Sarkozy, weren’t sent invitations.

Unless you know how to operate a search engine.

Q: Why did president reagan not go to diana's wedding?

A: Prince Charles and Princess Diana invited then President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy to their 1981 ceremony - though she came alone because the President was too ill to travel following an assassination attempt on him. Mrs Reagan also attended the wedding of Prince Andrew to Sarah Ferguson in 1986.

That's because you didn't think it through

as usual. That's why you're always surprised by what you call 'unexpected consequence' and the rest of us call a logical progression.

That's exactly what happened in Seattle when they decided to green-up to help Gaea.

The rain gardens installed by the city last summer and fall haven’t worked as planned.

Instead of solving problems, they have created new ones.

The gardens, which look sort of like shallow, sparsely planted ditches running between the road and sidewalk, fill with water – and stay filled. Some of the rain gardens drain over the course of hours or days, but some become miniponds until the city comes to pump them out.

Now the financially pressed city will have to spend $500,000 to fix the rain gardens. And after the fixes, the gardens will do less of what they were designed to do: keep runoff from sewers to prevent overflows.

Instead of getting real engineers in that understood hydraulic flow- they got artist and landscape designers to put these pre-swamps in, so instead of a slow drain through filtering rock, they did whatever they did.
Now most of these fancy bar ditches are mosquito breeding quagmires.

But they have a solution! Yey!
After they spend double the money to redo those 'rain gardens' they'll plan on replanting them...

The sloping ditches are planted with red-twig dogwood and huckleberry bushes, grasses and sedges – all plants that don’t mind soggy soil. The rainwater soaks into the ground rather than flowing into the city’s stormwater or sewer system.

Instead of planting trees that are soggy soil tolerant, here in Texas we have plenty of Mountain Ceders we'll GIVE you. The beauty of these trees is that they actually suck up water.
But we don't expect you to take us up because, you know, that might actually work.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Oh, bummer Michelle

She had to cancel her Lenin's birthday Earth Day celebration in some DeeCee park because of weather.

It was raining. They were afraid she'd melt.

Which reminds me of this picture of two Ivy School grads....

MEchelle Obama

Loving America since 2008-

And even more now that she can run things.

Remember back in 2003 and 2004

When gas prices were going through the roof? (so we thought)

Who was raising a big stink about it being Bush's fault?
Bloomberg news and their hit piece.
Americans are paying 30 percent more for regular gasoline than a year ago, an average of a $1.94 a gallon, and a poll by American Research Group May 3-6 showed voters becoming concerned. Oil futures have averaged $28.62 a barrel since Bush took office, 42 percent higher than the average during Clinton's two terms. Oil reached a record $41.38 a barrel on Friday.

Thurston Kerry III (who was in Viet Nam) via Fox-
SEATTLE — Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (search), visiting a swing state with rising prices at the gasoline pump, is blaming President Bush's foreign policy for high energy prices he says endanger national security.

The LA Times
Experts have a lot of good reasons to explain why prices are going up at the moment: unrest in the Middle East, gas-guzzling cars and greed among the oil producing nations, among others. But there is another culprit that is being ignored and that is making the problem far, far worse in the U.S. than elsewhere: the decline in the value of the dollar.

"Instability and danger in the Middle East are driving up the price of oil," the Massachusetts senator said in remarks prepared for delivery Wednesday in Seattle

The NYT-
INDIAN WELLS, Calif., April 22 — President Bush spent an Earth Day marked by record-high gas prices promoting his support for hydrogen-powered fuel cell cars, but Democrats said that the vehicles were years away from reality and that the president needed to do more to relieve sticker shock at the pump.

The WaPo-
With oil prices still climbing, President Bush is coming under increasing criticism for his handling of the burgeoning political issue of gasoline costs, not only from Democrats but also from administration allies in the oil-refining and chemical industries.

But In commemoration of Lenins birthday today, we'll be mentioning that hugely deafening silence from the ideological progeny of Tas and Pravda in their putting any mention near their black plastic Chicago Jeezus.

You notice, I didn't even bring up Darth Cheney?

Obama- always on the wrong side

So, knowing that it will never happen--I ask rhetorically- Where are the cries of outrage from the anti-war peaceniks?

If it were Bush that jumped into Libya and was backing Al-Qaida rebels that just beheaded a captured soldier, it would ba all over the news- instead of being broken on the Jawa Report. It includes vjdeo of the people Obama wants to see in power yelling Allah Akbar as they saw off the soldiers head.

...And these are the people who are going to get advanced weapons and training from us, the taxpayer.
To be sent to A-stan to be used against our troops.

AND- we'll never hear the lapdogs of Obamas press corps mention anything about war crimes, like you'd hear if Bush any Republican was stupid enough to get involved in Libya.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Nissan Leaf

They have a new commercial out for it.

They call it the value of Zer

The first time I heard it, I was like all WTF???
If you had Zero air pollution, we'd all be dead. Oxygen is a powerful ,,,oxidant- it eats things. CO2 is a buffer gas, like Nitrogen and plants NEED CO2 to produce oxygen. Without air pollution we'd be- the moon.

And that zero dependence on foreign oil will never happen as long as your buddy in the White House keeps banning us from using our own oil.
...Even IF we could fuel with some exotic fuel that cost pennies, we'd still need it to produce PLASTIC!

Zero percent gas, 100 percent electric.
Where is this majik electricity going to come from? 0bamas Unicorns are about used up, and skittles use corn sugar that is used to make the ethanol that the lobbyist from BIG AG got Congress to mandate and then PAY for.

Not to mention just how unfriendly to Gaia all that advanced electronics are- nor should we think about all those poisons injected into the earth mother when producing the heavy metal that makes those batteries,

Rose Tyler? Glad to meet you, I am the Doctor

C'mon then. Off to the TARDUS, and I'll show you worlds you've never dreamed of...

If you do a search for Billie Piper with your safe search disabled, you won't be disappointed...

I see the Reno Sheriffs Dept

Has three new members coming on board soon.

GLENDALE - Three Glendale police officers who took a patrol car on a joyride to Las Vegas no longer work for the department, it was reported today.

Officers Patrick Hamblin, Fernando Salmeron and Mike Ullerich were separated from the department about three weeks ago, a city representative said.

Details of the personnel investigation were not released.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Dr. Mohamed Morsy, media spokesman and member of the Executive Bureau of the Muslim Brotherhood(MB) demanded that US Congress hold a special session to hear directly from the MB about their programs as Congress held a session recently with the MB.

Dr. Morsy stated on Al Jazeera Satellite Channel that US fears of the MB are unfounded. He rejected the intervention of the US in Middle Eastern affairs and accused it of seeking to dominate the region for the exploitation of its raw materials,

That's a good way to change minds.
Too bad that most Americans don't take too well to enemies demanding things- and Obama isn't running things over there anymore.

See the disgusting rest at Weasel Zippers, if you want.

I don't know if I should be proud of this, or not

How many Justin Biebers could you take in a fight?

Created by Oatmeal

Or if I could have gotten more by round housing him so hard his guts would splatter out his butt instead of sending his little Bieber-ball into his throat.

H/T to Borepatch.

So I'm looking at this empty gallon of wine

Four liters, actually.
I have the honey which BTW- costs almost a dollar more that last month (thanx Barry).
I watched this video again-

And said- lets give it a shot.
I got the water, the tubing, the orange -then headed to the pet zone and got this bubble check-valve for my airlock.
I drilled a hole in the cap, and am now waiting for the silicone to cure before sanitization tomorrow.

I wonder how much I could increase the ,,,bite if I did something illegal like freeze the non-alcohol out when it's done in about four months....

Her name

is Georgia Moffett.

You don't really want to imprison her,

Because, after all- she's the daughter of a Time Lord!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's Koch Industries, you illiterate imbeciles

Not the Koch Brothers, you mouth breathing Leftards.

Jesus Christ, I thought you were the ones supposed to be so intellectually superior that you would be able to tell the difference between a worldwide petroleum giant and a mom and pop office supply company.

But then again, you are products of those school teachers that called in sick for a week straight up in Madison- so you probably never heard the term...reading comprehension.
That means- reading comprehension- that you read the entire thing and make ALL the words make sense, instead of just picking ONE word to get all stupid on.

Off with his head!

In another incidence of a PATCO member f'ing up in the control tower, we have queen MEchelle's plane having to abort a landing at Andrews AFB. (Barry was waiting for her on the links)
This unforgivable mishandling of Blackie-O's time and comfort will be handled in the usual White House way. Incompetently, with back peddling finger pointing all around.

NOTE- Now that I know PATCO is part of the Teamsters union, I REALLY wonder why we're all of a sudden hearing about the sleeping problem that we hardly ever heard about before....

How much more nannyish are we going to go?

Now we're blaming stupid kids who don't study on dehydration?

More money we don't have to make sure kids have WATER in school?

For the fark sake Mechelle- go find a cause that doesn't cost us even MORE money.