Friday, February 06, 2009

Just wondering

Are there NO Democrats above Dog catcher that look at Federal, state and local laws as optional for them?
Can't the Annointed One find *anybody* that doesn't reek of corruption?

I wanted to do another post about driving instruction, but the fail out of 1600 Penna Ave. is keeping me awed.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The most ethical administration 2.0

I guess it'll be known as tax cheat haven.
Now, at least Tom Daschle and his fellow tax cheat have both gotten too much scrutiny about their "honest mistakes" in their refusal to pay their lawfully required taxes.
Because, ya know it's not like the IRS is going to go after a big time Dem like they would you or me.
I guess living in the real world where our actions actually have personal consequences makes us different from our lifelong pampered betters who are so much smarter and honest than the commoners they lead.

Hey, didn't they have to fill out a detailed questionnaire about any scandal that might make the Lightworker look like he was grabbing clowns off the street for his administration?
I guess tax fraud doesn't rise to the level of embarrassment when you make a habit of as many laws as you need to in order to get elected.

This guy

Needs to be something in upstate New York besides a leather flogger.

Tell us how you really feel about St. Hillary.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I bet it's because they're mostly white

or that they voted for McCain as the reason The Enlightened one is letting citizens in Kentucky suffer and die in the aftermath of a huge ice storm.

You remember, the One that ripped Bush for having FEMA and the Navy on the back side of Katrina?
This is what they're reporting about Mr. Omnipotent from the source:

Local officials were growing angry with what they said was a lack of help from the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. In Grayson County, about 80 miles southwest of Louisville, Emergency Management Director Randell Smith said the 25 National Guardsmen who have responded have no chain saws to clear fallen trees.

"We've got people out in some areas we haven't even visited yet," Smith said. "We don't even know that they're alive."

Smith said FEMA has been a no-show so far.

"I'm not saying we can't handle it; we'll handle it," Smith said. "But it would have made life a lot easier" if FEMA had reached the county sooner, he said.

But hey, help is on the way...
FEMA spokeswoman Mary Hudak said some FEMA personnel already are in Kentucky working in the state's emergency operations center and that more will be arriving in coming days. Hudak said FEMA also has shipped to 50 to 100 generators to the state to supply electricity to facilities like hospitals, nursing homes, and water treatment plants.

Hudak said travel is still dangerous in some areas and communications are limited.

"We have plenty of folks ready to go, but there are some limitations with roads closed and icy conditions," she said.

Yep, those 50-100 gensets are going to make a huge dent in an ENTIRE state.
Not that you'd know, your boss being from Hawaii and needing his 80+ degree thermostat setting, but they have these things called snowcats that are designed for those kind of conditions.

Oh, wait!
That was last week when High Priest AlGore was in D.C. shilling his AGW scam, and we don't want to ruin it by actually responding to a deep freeze catastrophe, do we?

H/T to The Jawa

KKKarl Rove

The mastermind of the BusHitler election campaigns is going on trial to a hearing held by the Democrats this week.

I'm wondering a couple of things here.
First are they going to use the American flag there, or are they going to go all out and resurrect the one that belongs in that environment? You know, the red one with the yellow design on it.

Then when they convict him will they use Bush's sekrit gulags or reopen the camps that the very Democrat FDR used on his own citizens?

Friday, January 30, 2009

Kind of fitting, actually

Mrs. Trainwreck sent me this link from the NYT.

And given their boosterism of the trillion dollare re-election buy out, this recipe seems appropriate.
Especially since I was thinking along those lines in linking a pork recipe to every 'enhancement' to the bailout bill.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The PETArds banned Superbowl ad

Because Cassi said I had to run it.

I heard that this was banned because it was too sexy????

Oh, Gawd!!!!!!! Is that the moronic Paris Hilton?
The same one that did the "do me' burger ad while getting off washing a car?

Yeah, I guess they're better lovers since cucumbers don't roll over when they're done.

Monday, January 26, 2009

OK, it's a start

Now I just have to get vids of big boobed healthy young women blowing up a 4" x 8' bag and tying a piece of 4" pVC conduit into a knot without it kinking.

Then I need to find out why my meta files won't work here.

What do you think?
Should I be more somber and businesslike?

Ok, I just got done redoing the entire thing.
No matter where I looked I couldn't find a template for a *Contact us* template, GIF or whatever it's called. And I couldn't figure it out when I went to the page source either.
I don't know how you IT guys (and gals) do it as a real job. I'd be punching myself silly if I had to do computer work all day.

But I guess if you know what you're doing, it's alot easier.

Continuing our photo exploration

of the most nuanced and gravitas filled administration in modern history.

I *know* that I've seen Joe Biden before he became a grave and stoic thinker.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Blue is the new red?

Is that why they came out with 'Barry little blue book'?
To parallel someone else they have a philosophical connection with?

That's right folks, your very own pocket book of Obama quotes, and writings.

Printed in a size that easily fits into pocket or purse, this book is an anthology of quotations borrowed from Barack Obama's speeches and writings. POCKET OBAMA serves as a reminder of the amazing power of oratory and the remarkable ability of this man to move people with his words. His superb and captivating oratory style has earned comparisons to John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, and this historic collection presents words that catapulted his remarkable rise to the American Presidency. It is an unofficial requirement for every citizen to own, to read, and to carry this book at all times.

Didn't Hitlers soaring oratory and ability to move people with his words have something to do with big governments solutions to the Weimar Republic?
Nahhhh, WE have a Constitution, and the Dems wouldn't think about marginalizing their political opponents until they had complete control of the House and Senate.


Just out of curiosity.
Am I the only one who sees a resembelance between these two?


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Heard at work yesterday

A new definition of standard and automatic.
As in "Is your new pistol a standard or an automatic?"

Friday, January 23, 2009


How does everyone like their new magic Unicorn?
What color was yours?
What was it's name? Mine was Benito.
He's now in the freezer waiting until I can't afford meat any more.

Yes I got off early.
Haven't had a 40 hour week since Christmas.
I really need to get my conduit bender on the market.
Problem is, they took out about $700 less withholding than they should have, and I need to come up with at least that. Which leaves little for materials that should make a 30% profit.


Fugging Gawd!
If it's this bad after one day of the New Regime...

What is America going to look like in four years?
Or two when the next election is scheduled for the Congress.
Will clueless automatons still think Republicans are in charge?


H/T Bushwack

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


To paraphrase Rob-
I was proud of my country when being proud of my country wasn't cool.

From the Office of the President Elect

Dear News Media,
We are sorry that in the onrush of events that we were unable to properly prepare a timely press kit for you.

We understand the time constraints you have, and have rushed to put this kit together.

As we will soon morph into another arm of the inner security team, we wish to leave you with a token of our appreciation of all you've done for us, and hopefully will continue to do.

So without further ado, feel free to come by and pick up your official Obama press kit.

Thank you again.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A little back ground

Remember all the times President Obama and his appologists mentioned how the uneducated were forced to go into the military. How they couldn't hack the outside world, and were so limited that they needed the guarenteed jobs in the military?

You know typical Liberal condescention.
Millions took an oath similar to President Obama.
It goes something like this:
I (state your name) do solemnly swear to do my best to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
And Millions were able to do this without having the officer repeat himself repeatedly.

Are you trying to tell me that the best we could put up as President is this guy?

How many times did Bush f*ch up his oath?

HEY! What can a parrot do better than a sitting President?
Repeat four one line responses without help.

Can't you just feel the competence oozing out of every pore?

Today is it

The day when Mr. Wonderful is officially coronated.

I fully expect the world to come to a complete stop and be unrecognizably paradisaical when I wake up tomorrow, and have my magic unicorn on it's way via UPS Thursday.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I knew it!

I knew I should have tethered that mouse trap when I put it inside the skirting.
Now I have a mouse (or whatever) dragging around a peanutbuttery mouse trap.
It'll probably end up dying in the wall right next to my bed, too.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Some job skills are universal

As an electrician everyone I work with knows basic things, these are encompassed in a 'law' called the National Electric code.
Some of these even a helper should know...
You can only put 360 degrees worth of bends in an uninterrupted run of conduit- that's 4- 90's, 2-90's and 4-45's, 3-90's and 2-45's...etc...
Any wire that is not white, green, tan, bare are considered either grounds or neutral. All others carry varying amounts of voltage.

That is an American standard that all electricians know.
If I had a helper that didn't know those basics, he wouldn't be working with me very long.

Now the Omnipotent One is asking his buddies in Congress to give Tim Geithner a pass as His new Treasury Secretary.
This college grad who's made his living in high finance all his life didn't know he had to pay taxes as an independent contractor?
Isn't that as basic as ballencing the books?

...And Congress is giving him a pass on it!
'It was an honest mistake, just ask Charley Rangell (D-the hood).'

BULLSHIT, it was tax fraud. It you or I tried that, the IRS would be on us like a freight train and just as caring.

A comment from the afterlife

Tojo wants us to forward a comment to the Hammas terrorists.
Basically he's calling them a bunch of pansies and telling them to man up and face their enemies (like their women and childeren are).

I see your behavior and it just leaves me aghast.

I can understand the surprise terror raids and rocket attacks against an enemy. I've done that sort of thing myself, ask the Americans about Pearl Harbor. However what I do not understand is why you all start acting like a pack of whiny little bitches the moment the Israelis start fighting back.

Where are your balls?

Imperial Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, we woke up the sleeping American giant, and it handed us our asses on a plate.

Did we go whining to League of Nations, saying that they were being "disproportionate?"


Because the Japanese are true warriors in the tradition of Bushido. When we pick a fight, and get slapped back, we don't cry and get our Iranian funded proxies to scream and rant in the United Nations. We fight, take our lumps, and win or lose, accept the end, and take responsibility for our actions.

Friday, January 16, 2009

I just noticed this

I don't know how long it's been in the sidebar, but then again I try to ignore most website advertising.

I recognize the sauerkraut on the dog, but what IS that other white stuff?
I know it's not onions.

I know it's not cheese....

It looks like the entrails of a small animal.

Pick a spot and match your speed

That's the main idea when entering a limited access highway.
It works, too.
What doesn't work is you meandering up the on ramp at 40 MPH and expecting traffic to magically get out of your way.
OR, you're so intimidated by an under powered F-750 hauling a backhoe that you back off the gas a your merging- forcing him to use his brakes and then take the next three miles to get back his speed.
Stopping abruptly isn't a good idea either.

And in other driving I've told the girls if you're late you can't makeup time by driving stooopidly.
You'll either get a ticket or be in a wreck, and either of them will make you even later.
The wreck will take even more time and cost a hell of a lot more, too- if your lucky enough to be unhurt.
Not to mention all the people on the road behind you waiting for the wreck to be cleared will *hate* you with a passion and hope you die a horrible death.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Israel: "our bad."

Maybe this stuff wouldn't keep happening if the U.N, would crack down on terrorists using their stuff for cover.
You know, using U.N. ambulances for transporting Hezbollah weapons.
Looting U.N. humanitarian supplies.
Firring rockets from U.N. schools.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I hope I made AlGore cry yesterday

See, we were out in the sticks when we ran out of propane for the pear burner and needed to bend two sticks of conduit.
So I fired up the big Vermeer trencher and ran it at full throttle while I heated the conduit from it's exhaust.

I wonder what else I could have done to affect the 'kitten of the sea' just to make the PETArds cry?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Repeating a post

In which I linked to Xran and his simple timeline on the RoP, and how you can refer to Hammas supporters as Nazis.

It's about a year old, but still pertinent.

BTW,,,doesn't Hajj Amin al-Husseini (bff's with Hitler, Himmler and Eichman)bear a striking resemblance to George Carlin?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

That dumbass that cut you off yesterday?

Yeah, the one that shot across four lanes to the off ramp with a cell phone jammed in his ear.

Guess what he's looking forward to getting in about 18 months?

Doesn't that thought make you feel safe?

Saturday, January 10, 2009



How do you fit $3 million in a Zodiac?
Very carefully, or you might capsize.

Friday, January 09, 2009

I'm sorry...but

Am I the only one who saw the PETArd thing about renaming fish into "Sea Kittens" before?
I mean, it was almost six months ago when they came up with this thing.

Now all the *cool* bloggers are getting onto the *Sea Kitten* thing?

Doooods, they started this almost six months ago, I may have even tossed off a post about it. So, one of the 'Big Bloggers' saw it and ran with it- now you all have to do the obligatory posting?

Isn't that kinda ...insescestual?

So does that mean we're supposed to call them "Kitten of the Sea?"

The price of gas is going up

Here it's gone up about a quarter in the last two weeks.
I heard something on the radio that the increase is because of the Israeli/Gaza war.

Ok, I can buy that, because we what kind of OPEC powerhouses both of them are.
Added to the fact that they control the strategic access small part of the eastern Mediterraneans shoreline.

And the fact that the Palies couldn't keep an oil pipeline working if their lives depended on it.

Yep, I can see the thinking behind this price bid-up.

OHHH,,,that blue U.N. truck the IDF blew up? That has Pali occupants, what kind of rocket was it hauling?