On the Left side we have- in favor of
- Stifeling the First amendment with his 'election finance reform'
- An ambivilence-at the very least- on the Second Amendment protections
- An intrusive government health care pogram
- Amnesty for our illegal friends
- Tax increases out the @ss
- Higher unemployment because of the previous two
- The 'evil' rich slowing down their disposable spending, which will increase the previous
- The appointing of Liberal Supreme Court Justices- to keep that ol Constitution living and changing as needed.
And on the right we have- No One.
Ohhh, and the republicans are bailing in droves from the House and Senate, too.
I guess the couldn't take the responsibility for the mess that's coming.
And soon-to-be Ex-Senator Hutchinson?
I'll be doing everything I can to derail your run for Tx Gov because of your final vote on the undermining of the border fence.