Saturday, July 09, 2005

Another picture statement blog

Except this one HAS something to say to the islamo-fascists.

H/T Second Breakfast
Via the Vodka Pundit
Still waiting

I'm reading about these so-called moslem leaders and social groups:

*Terror Strikes London

July 7, 2005

Free Muslims Coalition

(Washington, D.C., 7/7/05) The Free Muslims Coalition (FMC), a national Muslim organization with 15 chapters world wide, condemns the London terror attacks and calls on the silent majority of Muslims to stand up against the terrorists who commit evil in their name.

*PMU Statement on the London Bombings

The Progressive Muslim Union of North America (PMU) categorically condemns the terrorist attacks in London of July 7. We mourn the loss of life and injury there as we do everywhere around the world. We offer our condolences and prayers to the families and loved ones of all those affected by this brutal attack.

*Arab News:
The barbaric terrorist attacks in London yesterday were condemned by all civilized nations. In addition to condemning the atrocities, Muslim and Middle Eastern leaders were among the first to send messages of support, sympathy and solidarity with Britain.

Etc, ad-nausium

But, here is a realist on the "Religion of Peace":

And that's why Muslims everywhere face a test in the next several hours. Assuming we're serious that Islam means peace, we must demand that our Friday khutbas denounce the London terrorist explosions in unambiguous and unqualified terms.

Here's what I predict will happen instead. The preachers will express condolences for the victims and condemnations of the criminals. Then they'll add, "But Britain should have never invited this kind of response by joining America in the invasion of Iraq."

And not one public demonstration
As I said, I'm still waiting for the mass protests against this terrorism like that greeted a lie about mis-use of a book
On a bit more liberating note

The ACLU lost an "anti-religious" lawsuit by someone who was "offended" by a Christmas display.

Oddly enough, it was a court in Boston.

What I have a real problem with is that these people who are so, , , ummmm delicate that they have to complain about something that they either happen to see, or go out of their way to be offended by(religion) have NO problem with anything else.
They don't raise a stink about the moral decay of our society-
-the slutty look of young girls (and I like a nice shape- but too young is too young)
- the gratuitous violence in any film or video game,
-the vile language being forced onto anyone with-in earshot
- The separation of education from government schools- replaced by the "theory of the period".
-The tax funded NEA "art":
-Performance of giant bloody tampons, satanic bunnies, three-foot feces and vibrators. — NEA-funded performan

— A novel depicting the sexual molestation of a group of 10 children in a pedophile's garage, including acts of bestiality, with the children commenting on how much they enjoyed the pedophilia. — NEA-funded publisher

— Christ submerged in a jar of urine. — NEA-funded exhibit

— A female performer inserting a speculum into her vagina and inviting audience members on stage to view her cervix with a flashlight. — NEA-funded performance

— A performance of large, sexually explicit props covered with Bibles performing a wide variety of sex acts and concluding with a mass Bible-burning. — NEA-funded performance (canceled by the venue in response to citizen protests)

— A show titled "DEGENERATE WITH A CAPITAL D" featuring a display of the remains of the artist's own aborted baby. — NEA-funded exhibit

— A play titled "Sincerity Forever," depicting Christ using obscenities and endorsing any and all types of sexual activities as consistent with Biblical teaching. — NEA-funded exhibit

If she's "offended" by a religious display, I'n sure she finds no problem with:

— "Kiss it." — governor of Arkansas to state employee

— "For most Americans ... (war with Japan) was a war of vengeance. For most Japanese, it was a war to defend their unique culture against Western imperialism. ... Some have argued that the United States would never have dropped the bomb on the Germans, because Americans were more reluctant to bomb 'white people' than Asians." — Smithsonian exhibit to commemorate the 50th anniversary of VJ Day, later modified due to protests

— "Anglos consolidated their control of New Mexico, acquiring huge holdings from the original owners through fraud and manipulation." — Smithsonian exhibit

— "Ignored were the less honorable aspects of California history — the profiteering, revolts against Mexican authority and Indian massacres." — Smithsonian exhibit, comment on the painting "The Promised Land — The Grayson Family"

— "This predominance of negative and violent views was a manifestation of Indian hating, a largely manufactured, calculated reversal of the basic facts of white encroachment and deceit." — Smithsonian exhibit

— "In the Americas, sugar meant slavery." — Smithsonian exhibit

I'm daring anyone to tell me -aside from being a socialist ploy to remove any kind of religion from public life- WHY is someone offended by a religious display, but NOT raising anything else I mentioned to the same level of "offence".

Tell me the difference.

List via Anne Coulter
WHy don't women listen?

------------------This post deleted for marital harmony-----------------

(UPDATE July 12 2005 7:00PM) I called - - - Kohls is "required by law" (really? I thought they were gouging because they could) "to unless someone in your family is going into the military". So, after paying the other half next month, it's adios Kohls card, and we'll use a card that's not "required by law" to charge 21%. I only told Mrs Trainwreck to get it anyway to get a credit history, I'm sure Visa, or any major card would let her use theirs- IF we wanted more than we need.

( UPDATE July 12 2005)---Yes I am in trouble for this post

Friday, July 08, 2005

The "Religion of Peace" has shown their "love of diversity" yet again

I'm not sure what their aim was this time, last time they pied an election- this time I'm sure it's going to bite them in the ass.

I feel for the Brits, I have 5 of them in my house right now. All those terrorists did was solidify the will of freedom loving people on both sides of the Atlantic. Did they think that a handfull of bombs would scare the Brits into caving? The Empire who withstood the Zepplin and Gotha raids of London in the War to End all Wars? The Nazi bombings that near wiped out the East End? They're used to looking for terrorist bombs and dealing with the aftermath- They have Ireland.

Now you Islamo-fascists want to TRY to destroy the English resolve?
That might happen- - - AFTER the widespread islamic protests against terrorism.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Is anyone else getting tired of the ads on Drudge?

I've got Firefox w/ pop-up blocker, my IE has pop-up blocker and I've got SpywareBlaster, but I'm still having to delete the ads from that site. I guess it's time to cull my bookmarks. You know, go for a good news site instead of a kind of sensationalised gossip column.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Late Independance day post

I'm running behind in my blogreading, but came upon this at Iowa Hawk who let Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi(yes the terrorist) post a 4th of July greeting. It sounds alot like the left over here- well exept for the carbombs.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Trans oceanic perspectives

As I've mentioned, wifes' dad and brother are visiting untill the 10th. Some observations.

* They both can't believe how wide and straight the roads are here- and (relativly) uncrowded. -English roads (and their interstate) grew from cowpaths thousands of years ago.
* Since we live in the country, the unreality that we can step out the back door with our rifles and plink at targets- and how good the 14 yr-old is with her hand-me-down .22!
* 4th of July fireworks and parades- they don't have "organized" fireworkes.
* Fajitas!
* How it's so clear and dark that you can see the smallest stars.
* How quiet and peaceful it is out here.
* Wildlife- deer, roadrunners, humming birds, coons, possums, armadillos.
* Peanutbutter AND jelly- "wonderful, we'd never think of combining them"
* Biscuits and gravy
* The Alamo! (dad's a big John Wayne fan)
* The heat- it's amost 100 degrees in the shade.
* The price of gas- it's about $4/liter over there now - don't you feel lucky?
* The stores open after 8PM and on Sundays.
* Grorcery baggers (they do shopping daily- and bag it themselves)
* Pick-ups and SUVs- how abundant they are here

Just thought I'd update you on the visit.

One thing they don't like is the tax. They're used to the VAT- what the pricetag says- you pay. They had to get used to adding tax to the price.

Monday, July 04, 2005

How American are you?

You Are 87% American
You're as American as red meat and shooting ranges.
Tough and independent, you think big.
You love everything about the US, wrong or right.
And anyone who criticizes your home better not do it in front of you!

via Denita
I hope everyone had a good Independance day

Even if you had a mediocor one, it was better than the one I had.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Happy independence day!

I thought I'd just post an image of the Declaration of independence, but decided to remember how we spread our ideals.

By returning our favor to France in the first part of this last century.

By freeing most of the world in WWII.

We and our allies tried to do the same in Korea.

And we tried in 'Nam , but got blindsided at home.

I can't say much about the mideast in the 80's and 90's.

This guy was called a war monger, but finished throwing the yoke of communism off uncounted millions by using a backbone, and never spilling (our) blood in fruitless glory.

We tried in
, but that turned into an unreported "quagmire".

And last but not least, is Afghanistan and Iraq,;where we are doing a hell-0va job taking one nation out of the 14th century and showing the entire region that they, too can govern themselves through self will.

I'm hopeful that there will be more to write about next year, as long as we remember that we ARE independent Americans first- no matter what your party.
We've recognized that communism socialism doesn't work longer than we've been a country, and I hope the folks in DC will continue to remember that the first attempts at socialism in America failed miserably- (where it almost killed the dream before it could begin); and don't try to renew it again.

*I know there are lots of mistakes, but I have to be at work at 4AM to get things ready for the 4th parade* God Bless America- again.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Do you think there's a reason that 5 of the six are guys?

In these reflecto-prOn?

Not realy safe for work- if your boss wants to look REAL close.

And ,no I'm not spending alot of time here.

Friday, July 01, 2005

For the lack of anything better. . .

A new Army Captain was assigned to an outfit in a remote post in the African desert.

During his first inspection of the outfit, he noticed a camel hitched up behind the mess tent.
He asks the Sergeant why the camel is kept there.

The nervous sergeant said, "Well sir, as you know, there are 250 men here on the post and no women. And sir, sometimes the men have "urges". That's why we have the camel."
The Captain says, "I can't say that I condone this, but I understand about "urges", so the camel can stay."

About a month later, the Captain starts having his own "urges".

Crazy with passion, he asks the Sergeant to bring the camel to his tent.

Putting a ladder behind the camel, the Captain stands on the ladder, pulls his pants down and has wild, insane sex with the camel.

When he's done, he asks the Sergeant, "Is that how the men do it?"





No . not really, sir...They usually just ride the camel into town where the girls are."

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.
Limited blogging ahead
For about the next 10 days, as the inlaws are here from the UK. Unless I can convince father-in-law to post his impressions of America (and the only proper writing this site will see).

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

OOOPS, guess I should have read my e-mail before I did a new template

Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 15:06:13 -0700
From: "Blogger Support"
Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book
To: "kurt p"

Subject: Re: [#236868] No posts to the left of side bar

Hello there,

Thanks for your continued patience. A bug is being addressed by the
development team to resolve the issue you're having. Please be assured
that the bug will be fixed soon. I apologize for any inconvenience it
have caused.

Blogger Support

News alert- 500 more vols. looking for Natalee Holoway

Exept that Aruba's only got like 185 square miles, so they'll spread out to Disney World, and the Bahamas.

Seriously though, we've all seen the media hype about Natalee Holloway, Laci Peterson, Lori Hacking, The teen in Utah abducted by a "homeless" guy and his wife- Samantha(?), and all the others lately.

Remember what they all have in common?
They were good looking lightskinned women (Laci was a Hispanic babe).

When is the last time the MSM made a big stink when a fugly not so good looking black went missing?
The last time I remember that happening was way back when an up an up-and-coming shyster black advocate was first heard from-but we don't want to get into Tawana Brawley again, do we? (Ok, she wasn't reported missing untill she was ready to be found, but she's the only missing black I could remember)
Everything old is new again

As I mentioned at the "old" template, I had this HUGE blank spot next to any writing in my sidebar. I saw the same thing on both computers that I look at the blog with, so assumed that y'all saw the same thing. I asked Blogger for help, but all I got was an automated response. Ok, it's a free site and you get what you pay for.

As I mentioned at the blogfest, I'm almost smack-dab in the middle between Hondo and Castroville, Tx(about 9 mi. either way); being that far out I can only get a 26.4K connection. I decided to download the EV1 "webjet" accelerator, it worked ummmm, not bad for a while before tossing a wrench into Firefox's gears. I couldn't connect, I tried restoring, I uninstalled "webjet",I uninstalled "Firefox and reinstalled it- no help. I couldn't get a restore point past where I'd installed "webjet". It was even affecting IE.

I decided to try the "soft" hard drive reboot. The one where you restart and hit F10 until the restore page comes up and gives you a choice. I chose the one where it would give me back the factory settings, AND keep all installed programs. It restored to factory settings and I've got partial programs.

I did get another FREE 3 months of Norton, but I'd rather have my old bookmarks(the ones I forgot to record) and passwords back(I have them, just have to look them up at each site).

Anyway, Blogger was still screwed-up and no answers forthcoming, so I decided to see if it would make any difference if I changed templates.

This one isn't bad, but if anyone could tell me what to change to give me a wider column I'd appreciate it.

I hope you like the new digs. AND spellcheck is working again, as I now look like I can spell.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Happy 200th Lord Nelson
What p*sses you off?

They can get their *own* damn brains to eat!

What pisses you off?

Created by ptocheia

Via Cadillac Tight

Monday, June 27, 2005

Letter from Grandma

Dear Sweetie:

The other day I went to a local Christian bookstore
and saw a "...honk if you love Jesus..." bumper
sticker. I was feeling particularly sassy that day
because I had just come from a thrilling choir
performance, followed by a thunderous prayer meeting,
so I bought the sticker and put it on my bumper. Boy,
am I glad I did! What an uplifting experience

I was stopped at a red light at a busy intersection,
just lost in thought about the Lord and how good He
is...and I didn't notice that the light had changed.
It's a good thing someone else loves Jesus,
because if he hadn't honked, I'd never have noticed!

I found that LOTS of people love Jesus! While I was
sitting there, the guy behind me started honking like
crazy, and then he leaned out of his window and
screamed, "For the love of God! Go! Go! Jesus Christ,
Go!" Whan an exuberant cheerleader he was for Jesus!
EVERYONE started honking! I just leaned out of my
window and started waving and smiling at all these
loving people. I even honked my horn a few times,
too, to share in the love!

There must have been a man from Florida back there
because I heard him yelling something about a
"...sunny beach..." I saw another guy waving
in a funny way with only his finger stuck up in the
air. I asked my sixteen-year-old grandson in the back
seat what that meant, and he said that it was probably
a Hawaiian good luck sign or something.
Well, I've never met anyone from Hawaii before, so I
leaned out the window and gave him the good luck sign
back. My grandson burst out laughing...he was enjoying
this religious experience too!

A couple of the people were so caught up in the joy
of the moment that they got out of their cars and
started walking towards me. I bet they wanted to pray
or ask what church I attended, but this is when
I noticed the light had changed. So, I waved to all my
sisters and brothers, and grinning, drove on through
the intersection I noticed that I was the only car
that got through the intersection before the light
changed again, and I felt kind of sad that I had to
leave my new-found friends after all the love we had
shared. So I slowed the car down, leaned out of the
window and gave them all the Hawaiian good luck sign
one last time as I drove away.

Praise the Lord for such wonderful folks!


Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Supreme Coup's "Takings Decision" is really starting to avalanch

Not only are cities and towns looking at giving multi-million dollar development companies the property of the less fortunate, now cities are looking at loopholes to declare "Eminent Domain" on other public entities.

Buoyed by the Supreme Court's decision to expand cities' power of eminent domain, New York City filed today to acquire the state of New Jersey for commercial development.

"New York has been facing some very difficult economic decisions," said Mayor Michael Bloomberg. "Building viable economic development strategies for the city has been our number one priority. We think that the Supreme Court decision really opens a door for us, and will allow New York City to finally resolve some of these intractable issues."


"The Supreme Court decision makes it easier for us to justify this course of action in the name of economic development," said Bloomberg, "although actually we could easily have made the case that taking over New Jersey would be analogous to condemning a blighted property. I mean, come on. Have you been there lately?"

New York will compensate the current residents of New Jersey with "fair market value" for their property, a total amount estimated to be well within Bloomberg's ability to pay out of his own pocket. After evicting all current residents from New Jersey, New York plans to add a new Olympic stadium, a Trump apartment complex, international airport, and, most critically, a 4,000 square mile landfill.

The governor of California had this to say: "Dibs on Nevada."
At the crews request is the first recipe for the sea brisket

First ye needs a suitable cut of flesh, me hearties.
I did brisket because it was pretty cheap. Slice what ever cut of manatee you can secure into about 1/4" or so thick slices, there are several ways to do this, and none involve the cutlass--arrrr.

Steal from the galley the following:
  • 1/2 c. Soy Sauce
  • 1/2 c. Teriyaki Sauce (the thick stuff)
  • 1/2 -1 c. Brown sugar
  • 3 Tbs Worcestershire Sauce
  • 2 Tbs Liquid Smoke
  • about 1/4 c. McCormick' grill-mates "Montreal Steak" mix seasoning
  • water as needed

Adjust ingredients as preferred. Grab the cat-o-nine-tails and whisk well.

Keelhaul the meat slices through the mix and place in a flatish trenchard, pour the remaining boogroo over the flesh and marinate in cold storrrrrage over the next 4 watches.

Prepare the rendering ovens. Remove the top grating and cover the bottom with the whalers huge turkey pan ( or line the bottom with ALOT o aluminum foil)

In the galley washrack, get the bamboo skeewers ready, and the grating over the sink. Start skeewering the slices of flesh untill there are enough to go through every slot in the rack, do this untill you run out of room or meat. The Manetee flakes should be skeewered through one end, and be hanging down.

Set the whaling oven to about 175-200 then run the grating intothe top rack space of the kiln for about 6 hours, or so- depending on how long you plan to be asea (the longer it's in, the lower the heat should be). The drying time depends on how dry you want the grub, and how badly your crew has suffered Scurrrrvy.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

We just got back from the Bacchanal on the Comal blogmeet

We cut out REALY early- sorry ZiPpo, but the foc'sul had alot of jimmylegs (S.P.s) doing their duty(and using their loudspeakers), and seadogs on other moored ships voicing weathercalls till early in the morning. I would have run up the signal flags, but avast, I forgot your callsign.

We met El Capitan who drove over from Houston, Dash Riprock who is now working near the old port (San Marcos/Maxwell), the TwoDragon Clan (Denitia and Eric),
the Lord Spats, Beth who's (sorry Beth) memoriable question of the night was "if I were a big spoon, where would I be?", and A.J..

We met at Gruen Hall- running late and sat through the "Hubcaps" a rockabilly cover band for "Buckwheat Zydeco". My prefrence was the rockabilly base viole rather than brassy horns of the Zydeco. But I've spent too much time near heavy equipment to be able to enjoy talking and listening to loud music at the same time, it's one or the other, sorry.

We then retired to the the pitate sloop "Sycamore" and broke out the grog to splice the mainbrace and let our sea lawers review specific atricles of the crews charter.
And now the "Book Meme" via Aelfheld

-Total number of books owned, ever:
Ok, does this mean at one time, or all together? Not alot, I spent 9 years in the Navy, and books take up alot of space and weight. Most are paperbacks.

-Last book I bought: O'Reilly Factor for Kids -by Bill O'Reilly

-Last book I read:The Voice of the Coyote- By J.Frank Dobie

-Five Books that mean a lot to me:
the Combined Federal Pipeline Regulations (really, I run a small gas department)
Robert Heinlein books- I just like them.
Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy -by Douglas Adams
Piers Anthony books- I hope the 16 yr-old doesnt see this, but there are
positive messages in his books.
The Bible- I'm not as good a Christian as I should be, but I have learned how I'm supposed to act from its teachings.
Ok, I've been tagged with the "Five things society at large enjoys, but that I just don't get..." meme

Thanks to Ms Jenni.

1. Rap
Why would anyone in their right mind- especially women- willingly subject themselves to that vile, dehumanizing, violent, sexist crap? I'm a "child of the 70's" and we were into sex, drugs and rock-and-roll, just like our misic; does that mean that the kids today are into drug dealing, prostitution and killing cops? Another thing in relation- why are the PARENTS not doing anything? (I don't allow the filth in my house) And some actually try to be cool and act like they like the cr@p.
2. Cell phones
I don't like to talk on the phone anyway. I just can't understand the need to yell into a little piece of plastic just to pass the time. As far as driving while talking, I just watched Mythbusters comparing drunk driving (.08%) to talking on a cell phone. They flunked a closed road test both times- but failed by a MUCH WORSE margin while driving while talking. As far as the hands-free thing, they are still cr@ppy drivers not paying attention. I'd rather see a hand next to their ear, so I can get a heads-up and avoid the morons.
3. The Pro-sports thing
Ok, I like an ocassional football game. I used to be interested in baseball- untill those union players threw the world series because they weren't getting enough money to play a game.
We have a basketball team here that just won a championship. OK, it's a good thing for the city, what's in it for the poor schmuck who pays out the @ss for tickets in the nosebleed section?
4. Popular news stories.
Ok, is it me or why doesn't everyone just turn the TV or radio off when the same tired, redundant story comes on for the umteenth thousand time about-Michael Jackson, Laci Peterson, O.J. Simpson, Natalee Holloway, some basketball team. a bunch of ill lead M.P.s, and not the least of hyper news this execess.
5. Keeping up with the Jones'
This is a general grab-all of what I never got involed in-deeply. The HUGE, expensive SUV buyer who has no idea where their tires are, and think they bought the road when they saw the sticker price ( note, these usually have a cell phone in their ear, too).
The piercing and tatting of kids whith no adult saying "Do you have any idea what that's going to look like in 30 years?"- the ADULTS that do it (I usually make a point to show the girls)- I ALWAYS want to see a kid with a nose stud preparing MY food- just stokes my appitite because I KNOW how well the "Hand washing rule" works.
Putting your next 5 years wages in someone elses pocket for some useless glittery goodie- because "everyone else has it". The 40 yearolds who insists on wearing his gimmi-cap backwards (let me clue you in here Goober- you LOOK like a 40 something trying to look cool- you DON"T look cool; does the trem "dork" mean anything to you?).

Friday, June 24, 2005

I see I was hit with the "Book"meme also

Thank you Aelfheld.

We're getting ready to head up to the Bacchanal on the Comal so I'll put this on the very top of my "to do" list when I get home.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Ive been tagged by the "5 Things"meme

Well Jenni, It'll have to wait a while. I just saw you while blogtrolling, and I'm kinda running behind in my blogstuff (reading, mostly).

I'm going down to the Bacchnal on the Comal this weekend.
Just some random thoughts, rants, and admissions

Apparently, over in San Antonio there is a bunch of grown men running around in a gymnasium in their underwear in some kind of championship. These overly tall men who put skill over racial equality make millions of dollars a year for playing a kids game.

I've got DirectTv, I'm getting really, REALLY tired of that damn commercial with the fat guy singing about his NFL Choice programming.

Is it me, or are they pushing alot of ugly (ok, women who aren't THAT beautiful)women on anything that has to do with the internet? Look at that blonde on hotmails dating ad( Crap, the head is three times as big as the body could support, and her face is at least a one bagger.

Have I mentioned my wife likes bad Science fiction? Now she's doing the "4400" thing.

Do you realise just how HARD it is to get the trash guys to throw away an old garbage can?

We (Me and my crew) cost our employer ALOT of money today. We had a bad transformer and replaced it. Two problems: half our crew was running late, and we had a floating outage on our minds. As we were raising the new transformer, I got called to the office to review some Gas paperwork. I forgot to tell "Mr. P." to check the nomenclature plate to be sure it was the right voltage. Mistake #1. It wasn't.
We forgot to turn off all the main breakers to the affected houses, Mistake #2.
The rest of the crew got there, hooked up the new transformer, and FRIED everything with a motor, transformer or circuit boards. Computers, Air Conditioners, TVs, DVDs, CD players, a garage recording studio. People were NOT happy.

On a political note.
The Dems are mad at the Bush=Hitler administration for noting their hypocracy, and naturally calling for resignations.
The only "Quagmire" I see anywhere near the Mid-East is KOSOVO- Sen. Kennedy, remember that?
Can you believe what the Supreme Court decided about private property rights(Eminent Domane)? Chee-it, stealing a persons property to let another PRIVATE entity make more money?
I'm STILL waiting for Bush to do something besides giving illegals a welcome mat.
Hey, Amnesty International- when are you going to protect me from being "tourtured" by all those young @ssholes I can hear over a quarter mile away?

Recreation wise.
Blogfest on the comal this weekend.
I need to scope out the Medina river, see if I can get a toobing thing going on from Castroville to LaCoste.
Need to get in touch with the Alamo Muzzleloaders Club, so maybe a blogfest can head further west, make Hondo a "Blogcenter"- or something.
Her dad and brother are comming from the UK, still need to make arraingements for a Javalina shoot.

Moer to come as I think of them.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

So, now moslems want to swear to tell the truth on a Koran

Ummm, excuse me, but doesn't it say that LYING to further your cause is ok?

Well, at least the Judges in North Carolina disallow it in their courtrooms. Untill the ACLU goes in to force the Government to enforce an "estsablishment of religion" (U.S. Constitution) in government courthouses( As long as it doesn't have anything to do with the 10 Commandments, it's ok).

The state's judges will be asked this week to decide whether witnesses in North Carolina courtrooms can be sworn in on a Quran rather than a Bible.

The move comes after Guilford County judges rejected an offer last week by the Greensboro Islamic center to donate copies of the Quran, the Muslim holy book.

In a preliminary opinion issued last week, a lawyer for the Administrative Office of the Courts said that state law allows people to be sworn in using a Quran rather than a Bible, Ellis said. But Guilford County judges told officials with the Islamic center Friday that they would not allow that in their courtrooms.

"An oath on the Quran is not a lawful oath under our law," W. Douglas Albright, Guilford's Senior Resident Superior Court judge, said earlier in the week.

That decision disappointed Syidah Mateen, who tried to donate the copies of the Quran.

"This is a diverse world, and everybody does not worship or believe the same," she said.

Ellis said he is not aware of anyone ever being allowed to swear on anything other than the Bible in a North Carolina courtroom.

Anyone who objects to that may take an oath, which means that they raise their hand and affirm to tell the truth.

Which pretty much gets into conflict with a Religion that tells their adherants that it's ok to lie any time they want to.