Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Get a grip, people

I'm getting tired of seeing this

Elon is picking up passengers from the ISS.
It's been in the works for months.
It's no more newsworthy than his 100th round trip.

It's *****NOT***** a rescue.

A rescue would go something like
"Drop everything you're doing and see how fast you can get to Apollo 13 because their Oxygen tank blew up!"


  1. True. Not a rescue. BUT- NASA sent them up but couldn't bring them back safely.

  2. (Conspiracy theory of the Day:) I think it turned into a research project for long term stays in space to gather more medical info for Mars missions.

  3. There were important things happening at the time. NASA was trying to save face, Biden would have left them forever if it meant allowing Musk to bring them home, and there was no space Uber to call for a backup. I see it as a rescue from a feckless administration.

  4. Think of this as useful PR. Were they in dire need of rescue? No. But Nasa didn't go get them. Call it a rescue to rub everyone's noses in the fact that private enterprise did something a government agency failed at.
