Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Old habits die hard

Don't they Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN)?

We just had the head of your party tell you to dial down the hate-speech at your pep rally in Tucson last week, and here you are on the House floor calling people you disagree with NAZIs and comparing them to Goebbels.

“They say it's a government takeover of health care, a big lie just like Goebbels," Cohen said. "You say it enough, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, and eventually, people believe it. Like blood libel. That's the same kind of thing...

Didn't our betters just tell everyone to siddown and shut-up?

I guess that doesn't apply to the SEIU Union thugs.

Are those CROSSHAIRS targeting the developer?
But...isn't that like HATE SPEACH?

But, then again they are the modern day version of 0bama's someones Brown shirts.

In the irony department

...Yes Lefties- we do understand that word.

In the irony department, we have the new Governor of Hawaii saying that not only is he going to show everyone the Won's birth certificate, he remembers being in the birthing room...or something. Because even back then 0bama was"special".

Abercrombie told the Los Angeles Times last week. "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born.'

But.....they can't FIND 0bama's birth certificate in the archives.

This is my shocked face :-O

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Oh. that's why

We haven't heard the daily diarrhea of leftist hate from Sheriff Dipshit Dupnik lately.

After the 0bama call of 'you're doing a good job, Dupie' -he's suddenly shut his pie hole.

Well it looks like it might be too late for our mujado loving Sheriff of Pima 911, because the people he works for don't want his kind around.

All righty then...

Let watch as the Religion of Piece(s) rushes to give aid and comfort to their fellow Muslims after this last earthquake the had.

After all, we always hear about how they're always looking out for their fellow muslims... except when their killing them for believing in the wrong sect.

...Or being a woman.

...Or gay.

...OR Christian.

,,,OR ????

More of that love from the Left

They don't know what they're talking about, but can't stop anyway.

Doan want no white folk here

at our MLK rally.

Even if he's a bronze statue.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dear RNC

It looks like it's almost time to look at candidates for the Presidential primaries- from what I'm seeing.
Just to let you know, if I see any of these retreads on my primary ballot-

...And none of these-

Who is that hot babe behind him?

You can forget about me throwing my vote your way on the general election.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oh noessss!!!!!

They went and arrested Trip Fisk!

No, Abdullah they'll never destroy a minaret

Their President loves Islam, he'd never let them shoot back at a mosque.

More love from the Left

Because it's not hate speech when they do it:

Stolen from Geek Warrior.

Friday, January 14, 2011

I sure am glad I don't have Comcast as my internet provider

Because I like going where I want and reading what I want without the NAACP and Al Sharpton setting racial quotas on my intratubz.

If it doesn't mean what it says...

Then what does it mean?

Or should I ask your anti-semite buddies in the Democrat party who are much more nuanced than I can possiblly be?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

And up in the Great White North

We have Liberals weeing all over themselves about a 25 year old song:

...because they're either talking about Michael Jackson or Elton John...
while ours are still trying to demagogue that wacko in AZ.

What were we missing during the entire term of Bush 2.0?

The word was gravitas.

The undisciplined audience was bad enough to provoke criticism from observers across the political spectrum, and that leads to some questions. It is said that the event organizers cannot be blamed for the behavior of the crowd. Is that really true? They staged this thing like a pep rally, complete with rush-week T-shirts bearing the rock-concert name of the event, “Together We Thrive.”

So it wasn't so much a memorial service

as it was a pep rally with tee shirts, joking and cheers for your favorite hate pitcher.

Spectators also roared when Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik was shown on the large screen. Dupnik drew praise and criticism after he blamed the rampage in part on extreme political rhetoric, bigotry and hatred.

Just wondering- did that overflow crowd get free tees, too?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A miracle in Tucson

The Chicago messiah sat next to Giffords in the hospital and she opened her eyes.

After changing the water to wine healing the sick, he went to implore all Americans- even the typical white people to not let this tear us apart.

TUCSON, Ariz. – Summoning the soul of a nation, President Barack Obama on Wednesday implored Americans to honor those slain and injured in the Arizona shootings by becoming better people, telling a polarized citizenry that it is time to talk with each other "in a way that heals, not in a way wounds."

Ok, your side start first.
because every time something like this happens it's your coonyaus in the MSM and Leftie blogs that start dancing in the blood and pointing fingers.

BTW-ABCNEWS,,,,,Palin wouldn't have "found a way to become part of the story. And she may well face further criticism for the timing and scope of her remarks."
If you all in the Lamestream media wouldn't have called her out for cheap political points.


The more that is known

About how Sheriff Dipstick Dupnik handled our wack-job, or didn't- the more it stinks. Especially since Prezident Kickazz called him up to congratulate Lt. Dangle the Democrat Sheriff Dupnik on the way he was handling the press.

Because nothing gets past the Deputies of ....

PIMA 911!

What kind of chit ARE they hiding?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It belongs to Abby

That skull you cops found in the evidence room marked "skull" belongs to Abby.

Yes, Abby...

Abby Normal.

The government still has a stake in GM

And getting people to buy their electric Edsel, so why not do everything we can to make gas as expensive as possible?

Because making gas $6/gal by 2012 will make a car that gets 60 miles on a nights charge more competitive with the internal combustion engine.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dude, you're a Democrat

Are you really sure you want to go down that road?
Rep. Robert Brady (D-Pa) wants to-
make it a federal crime to use language or symbols that could be perceived as threatening or inciting violence against a federal official or member of Congress.

"The president is a federal official," Brady told CNN in a telephone interview. "You can't do it to him; you should not be able to do it to a congressman, senator or federal judge."

"You can't put bull's-eyes or crosshairs on a United States congressman or a federal official," he said.

Getting back to a more relaxed scene

Pour a bowl of chips...

Refill your glass of soda...

Get away from that TeeWee, it's bad for your eyes!

A hearty welcome

to all of you Luddite lovers that came over!

If Sheriff Dipshit Dupnik was a Republican

Firstly he probably wouldn't be spouting off continuously and unrepentantly about hate speech.

Secondly- the MSM would be all over the fact that he knew our wackjob was dangerous and let him run free...
I was kind of wondering why we haven't heard anything about his parents. Kind of curious, isn't it that within hours we knew all about the 'balloon boy' and his parents? And we knew about the VA Tech shooters background.

Do you think the Liberals in the Lamestream media might be hiding the fact that mom works at the Pima Co. Parks Dept?

At the time of the shooting, I was kinda wondering why there wasn't any kind of LEO's kinda hanging loose, given that Rep. Giffords has repeatedly been the target of threats and vandalism. But, given how he's a complete Liberal, his department is probably as amateurish as Lt. Dangles office is.

Has anyone realised

That if this Arizona wack-job had yelled "Allah Akbar" before he started shooting- that the MSM would still be trying to find a reason he did it?

You know that 'innocent until proven guilty' thing?

If you're a leftist who happens to be a Sheriff in Arizona, you don't need any evidence to accuse your political opponents of inciting a crime.

Even the Liberal Geraldo Rivera has a problem with that Liberal Sheriff playing politics with this shooting.

Are their any Democrats out there that want to walk this thing back?
Especially since more and more evidence is pointing to the fact that he was one of your unhinged Leftists?

But...maybe that Liberal Sheriff is right about violent political rehtoric being the cause...
** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”

Alan Grayson (D_caveman)
Well, my response is — and by the way, I have trouble listening to what he says sometimes, because of the blood that drips from his teeth while he’s talking. But, but my response is this: he’s just angry because the president doesn't shoot old men in the face. B-by the way, when he was done speaking, did he just turn into a bat and fly away?

“We have to put end to the style of politics, and that means getting rid of Republicans entirely.”

Alexi Baldwin (famous Lib)
“If we were living in another country, what we, all of us together, would go down to Washington and stone Henry Hyde to death, stone him to death, stone him to death!” said Baldwin. “Then we would go to their house and we’d kill the family, kill the children.”

Sunday, January 09, 2011

All this finger pointing going on

From Hanoi Jane tweeting her accusations of rightwingedry, to the Lamestream media dumping him with teabaggers and the militia.

Where are all the voices calling for calm and time to figure out his motives like they did when a moslim shot up soldiers at Fort Hood?

Yeah, I know the difference is a white female Democrat and the shooter wasn't a moslim.
So, let the hate and accusations fly.


It looks like our rightwing nutjob was a KOZsack.

UPDATE: part the second"

Don't wast your time Googling anything on our Lefty would-be assasin because, as usual- Google is scrubbing those intratubes of anything bad about our 'disturebed' manchild...who only did it because te gun made him do it.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

In light of the NYC union snow protest

The work slowdown during their last blizzard, and the acusations that the union was in payback mode for the city trying to cut costs.

Lets revisit that loader video, and see if them trashing that SUV was just two imbeciles, or a deliberate act?

But what about the poor and the elderly?

Or the ones on the wrong side of that digital divide?

How are they going to be able to get that internet ID?

So now- in order to enhance our privacy- we need to use our national internet ID?
So you can track us- but not 'really' track our surfing habits- because it's for the children,,,or something.

I remember all the way back to 2007 when the Left had a streaming conniption fit when Chimpy McHtler wanted to listen to people talking to international terrorists.

Because Socialism is so much fuzzier when a Democrat is in charge.

Friday, January 07, 2011

So,,,Jessie Jackson Jr., jr

The son of the Revrund, want's to remind people the at one time in history.
Black people were counted as only 3/5 of a person.
Who want's to let the Revrund JR, jr know that that number was pushed by Yankees in the Liberal northeastern states when they were debating the Constitution.

Also, speaking of racial overtones- racist white people (who voted for 0bama) are leaving the party of their Klanish roots for the Republican party.