Friday, September 30, 2011

GMAFB Puleeeze!

So, we're supposed to believe that MEEchelle decided to stop at the local Target- all by herself- with no prodding because she missed being with the common people?

And that no-one noticed a parade of black limos being driven by guys wearing sunglasses at night- escorting a black woman hidden by a ballcap?

Did anyone notice that the huge store suddenly only had white guys wearing shades and suit coats and a few carefully chosen "shoppers" to mingle with?

Yeah, those hicks in flyover country think I'm one of them now..

Gawd are they stoopid!

OR is this a store that's used to drug dealers and pimp-biatches doing their shopping like this- so it was unremarkable until a photo was 'leaked'


I honestly can't remember EVAR seeing a Target store that empty...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tell ya what Beverly

Lets suspend those pesky Congressional elections AFTER the citizens have a say in the 2012 elections.
That way the ones who got us into this mess won't be around to continue f*cking it up.

Still feel that way?

...Or will your lapdog media accuse Republicans of usurping the Constitution?

A change in the postal service

In a new money making idea, they'll be putting living people on postage stamps.
This is a way to make money by selling stamps to collectors (so they don't have to actually - you know- deliver the mail.

I wonder who'll be the first one to be honored?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hey Robespierre, how'd that changiness work for you?

The next three months Robespierre reigned supreme. he nominated all the members of the Government Committees, placed his men in all places of influence in the commune of Paris, and assumed complete control of the Revolutionary Tribunal.

However, as his power increased, his popularity waned. On May 7 Robespierre, who had previously condemned the Cult of Reason, advocated a new state religion and recommended the Convention to acknowledge the existence of God; on June 8 the inaugural Festival of the Supreme being took place. Meanwhile, the pace of the guillotine grew faster; public finance and government generally drifted to ruin, and Saint-Just demanded the creation of a dictatorship in the person of Robespierre. On July 26, the dictator delivered a long harangue complaining that he was being accused of crimes unjustly
(It was Bushes fault!). The Convention, after at first obediently passing his decrees, next rescinded them and referred his proposals to the committees. That night at the Jacobin Club his party again triumphed. At the Convention the following day, Saint-Just could not obtain a hearing, and Robespierre was vehemently attacked (the 9th of Thermidor). A deputy proposed his arrest; at the fatal word Robespierre's power came to an end.

He fled to the Common Hall, whereupon the Convention declared him an outlaw. The National Guard under Barras turned out to protect the Convention, and Robespierre had his lower jaw broken by a shot fired by a gendarme. The next day (July 28, the 10th of Thermidor), he was sent to the guillotine along with Saint-Just, Couthon, and nineteen others.

So they had an "undie" run today

To make a point about Utahs "uptight" laws.

Participants donned bras, panties, nightgowns, swimwear or colorful boxer shorts — and some added political messages by expressing support for causes like gay marriage on their chests, backs or legs.

Looking at the picture, I'd say they need to rethink the whole semi-nekkie thing unless they want re-enforce that whole 'cover that fugly up' ideas.

BTW- who's Les?

No Barry,

Don't even think about it.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

So, we're watching TweeWee

And this Subaru commercial comes on:

...And I asked her- "Did you notice the front end?"

"No- why?"

"Because if he wasn't texting, he'd have seen the car in front of him was STOPPED."

So, I'm looking for different recipes

Actually I'm looking for something to make carrots to go with stuffed pork loin and cottage fries. has a thing that you put in what you want and they give you a list.
There are some surprises in there.
Some of them are a real stretch- so much that I can't see anyong getting past the visual to actually taste the dish...

Really, sorry but I think I picked that up last time the dog barfed.

For you electricians out there

Stolen from my cousin

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sorry, some things just jump out at you

Ya know? And then you just can't help but run with it.

Just like Slick Willey is doing with his newly unleashed Republican h8ing.

"Then I took Monica's head ..."

Political polling again

Now we have a blow-out for the creepiest Dr. Who villain in the Weeping Angles at 55% an 18 Votes with The Empty Child asking 6 voters "Are you mu mummy?"

As always, you can vote here, but it won't count.

Which question will hurt more?
Which question will leave a mark?
How many people did Watergate kill? 
Who do you want to answer that 3 AM call? 
Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago? Is America as respected throughout the world as it was? Are you better off than you were four years ago? free polls 
Yes, three of those questions DID come from Ronaldus Maximus.

Now if we can only get our candidate to remember how Reagan took the fight to the Dems...
Instead of "toning down the rhetoric" and having a "civil discourse with our friends across the aisle..." Gag. Me. John.

Just to clear things up about those $16 muffins

That you thought were costing too much for .GOV functionaries.

The source I heard on the radio said it was for a whole breakfast.
There now don't you feel better?


Why does the .GOV have to have it's taxpayer funded conferences at the HILTON hotel anywhere?
Don't we pay enough for lavish buildings for them to find unused space built and maintained by the taxpayer?
-Or are they too good for some public venue?

Overall, in 2008 and 2009, the Justice Department held or participated in 1,832 conferences at a cost of $121 million, the report said. The conferences examined by auditors, on topics from drug enforcement to violence against women, were held at elite hotels — including the Omni Shoreham and the J.W. Marriott in Washington and the Grand Hyatt in Denver — that added service fees of roughly 20 percent to the food costs.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Paging Dr. Hanson, Dr, Hanson of NASA...

Just curious here Doc-

This is your NASA satellite, that you put into orbit and have (supposedly) tracked as long as it's been up there. Now you can't figure out where or when it will land.

Because the flightpath is complicated by it's tumbling.

Maybe you should have put more money into those tracking computer programs than the ones that supposedly can predict how an exponentially more complex climate will act.

That and the whole pie-ing of the climate data that took your eyes off the things YOU put in the sky....

I forgot to mention that NASA says in the semi-likelyhood of something crashing through your roof tonight- DO.NOT. PUT. IT. IN. YOUR. MOUTH.

Because those college educated rocket scientists know that the first thing we do in flyover country is put something steaming and glowing into our mouths,,,just like an inbred five year old.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ok Jonathan Brian of Kennedy H.S.

Who Proudly proclaims that he's not only a teacher at Kennedy H.S. in San Antonio, but a government teacher as well.

Sit down and shut up- you just got burned by Godwins Law:

How many of you have done everything you can to ruin your country?

Just raise your hand:

It's amazing how he looks like he'd be a walk-on in South Park- doesn't it?
Trying to kill Kenny.

Waddaya mean we're out of money?

It wasn't two months ago that you people in DeeCee raised out debt ceiling by the unrealistic amount of some $1.5 TRILLION so President Zero could keep throwing it down the septic tank without having to do it again before election day.

Now you're telling us we're BROKE??!!??

And that unless we raise the spending limit AGAIN that the .GOV will have to shut down?

Before you let it shut down- pass a law that ties the military salary to yours, that way your betters will still get paid- just like you clowns who keep getting us into this crap.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hey, who's that cute blonde in the back row?

The one that would have had the attention of the MSM- except for the classless "it's all about me!" of the boy genius.

Ya- dat's him right in the center of attention.

Where he thinks he's belonged ever since his typical white grandmother rescued him from an unstable communist mother...

Oh, yeah- I fergot

Happy gay daze to you military guys, and Chaz...

I guess the Air Force is the same all over the world- huh?

Umm, no guy,,, there are clues...

So, we had another speech today, huh?

Mr. Nobel Prize went up to the U.N. to give a speech about a speech he gave last year that said that last years speech wasn't really what he meant.

Or something...

Then somewhere before or after, he met with Abbas and talked about their not asking for a state- right now.

How much does anyone think that will cost us- in money we don't have?

Of course he talked at Israel, too, and they got the usual nothing.

Have we got any lawyers in the audience?

Because Legal insurrection has now way to email the Perfezzer for the likelihood of this being able to be used against the union bosses stirring hate in their members.

I was just wondering if this was workable for the next DoJ with a competent director.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So that makes it sooper tactical?

But we wouldn't really expect much more for GFWs, would we?

Found here

An urgent request from Facebook

Please copy & paste this to your status if you are constantly being asked to copy & paste something to your status by friends who copy & paste things to their status. Many people won't copy & paste this but my true sarcastic friends will copy & paste it because they know this was copied & pasted from a dear friend in need of more stuff to copy & paste...thank you! And don't forget the heart...♥

Monday, September 19, 2011

...And here I was thinking thos 'Gun Walker" FFLs were innocent dupes

who were forced to violate federal firearms laws under duress.

How gullible I am:
The tapes were recorded approximately mid-March 2011 by the primary gun dealer cooperating with ATF in its "Fast and Furious" operation: Andre Howard, owner of Lone Wolf Trading Company in Glendale, Arizona. He's talking with the lead case ATF case agent Hope McAllister.

Because I was lead to believe that those FFLs didn't really want to sell guns to known felons, but you have all kinds- I guess old ANDRE HOWARD was one of those fast operator/low drag wannabe Fed who would do anything asked of him by those 'Agents' so he can get close to them for some kind of street cred- or something long as it doesn't worry his mind about that pesky 2nd Amendment

Because people like him have an "IN' with their buddies- until their buddies find that having buddies like LONE WOLF TRADING and ANDRE HOWARD are too much of a liability and find a way to slide them off to the ones they don't want to talk to..

Sunday, September 18, 2011

When the anti-capitalist revolution starts

It will be livecasted by the money grubbing site and captured by Sony, Motorola, LG and various other capitalist tools.

BTW- did everyone walk there, because using buses and airlines would only fuel corporate greed.

Dude! Did you just listen to what you just said?

Seriously guy, I know you're just mouthing things others poured into your brain the last time you were passed out over your bong, but....duuude....

Seriously? A cap on contributions to corporations?
Like who's going to enforce that and how much will it be?

H/T to 3 Boxes

Look! More teabaggers trying to starve kids

Because they couldn't just be greedy New Yorkers out to make millions by defrauding the .GOV in some  preschool meals program.

I don't know what to say about this

At an old Halloween article.

I mean "Oh my Gawd" get that man a top hat and a bike horn!

So could driving a car, Christine Michele

But on The Tonight Show, Bachmann repeated her claim twice. "Again, it's something that potentially could have dangerous side effects," she said.

You know, Mrs. Bachmann, you're really starting to get into Ross Perot territory with your continued harping on the HPV injections.
Not to mention the soundbites you're giving the Democrats when you finally lose most of your support for riding that Gardasil horse to death with your Jenny McCarthy-like lies truth-stretching about non-existent mental retardation.

Hey Michele O'Donnel- There were parental opt-outs built in!
Not to mention that Perry backed down on the thing when his constituants said "Hell NO!"
You on the other hand are dragging this out longer than the entire thing went on here in Texas.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I was reading some old Q&A's

over at Jeffs Gunblast site, looking for something that caught my eye about rifles in .357 where I came across some questions from Oz about guns in America.
It's a long search down, so I'm grabbing the whole thing:

Hi Jeff I'm a gun owner and live in Australia. We hear all to often about these shootings in schools in the US, innocents killed many injured both physically and emotionally, good folk scared for life. You know more people are killed with firearms in the US each year than are killed on our roads in Aus plus firearms incidents! What is being done about this appalling loss of life Jeff? I'll tell you...... nothing because the average American ego is so large the average American cant pull their head out of their ass to see the light of day. Kids can buy firearms and ammo! What sort of appalling lack of CIVIL RESPONSIBILITY is this. Is the average American proud of this ability to arm themselves? And for what ? To people outside the US looking in, it seems that Americans are paranoid ! Seriously this is how it appears, so much for "living in the land of the free" I love your web site, but heads need to put together, laws changed and the penalties need to fit the crime, here's a thought Jeff. If the ruling was that if a felon commits a crime and has in their possession a firearm, weather it has been produced or not during the robbery/assault a mandatory 20 years jail sentence with NO CHANCE of parole is imposed PLUS time for the offence, I would think twice! Something has to be done Jeff, its all fun and games playing with "big boys toys" but passing the responsibility of owning firearms off to your Constitution is not any kind of responsibility at all!


Mike Hodgson

March 7, 2008

and Jeffs reasonable response (that would probably surprise Libs who think all gun owners are savages)
Firearms have been available here for over 200 years, yet it wasn't until our government created "gun free zones" that these tragedies started taking place. These low-life shooters are going to schools to do their shootings, where they know that no armed citizens will be present. When I was in school, many of us has guns in our pickup truck gun racks on school property, yet we never even thought about opening fire on our classmates. The availability of guns is not the problem, it is the evil that is in the hearts of some people. What you do not hear on the news is how many times lives are saved because someone was armed, and stopped a shooter from doing violence. We arm our police, as you do yours, yet in doing so we are just hiring others to do that which we should be willing to do ourselves. It is every citizen's responsibility to protect our own families, friends, and neighbors from those deranged, evil people who choose to do us harm. Adding a mandatory twenty years to the sentence of someone who has just murdered six people is not a deterrent, and most of these scum take their own lives anyway, after their deeds are done. The police cannot be everywhere at once, and usually they can only show up in time to write a report. If someone tries to do me harm, it is my responsibility, not that of the government, to protect myself. Our society today devalues human life, with the gruesome violence in movies, television, and video games. As a nation, we no longer teach our children the ways and teachings of Jesus, but allow them to do everything that they like, get everything that they want, and suffer no consequences for their actions. That some grow up to be selfish, disrespectful, hate-filled brats should not come as a surprise to any of us.

Then an apology like an adult-

I guess I may have overstepped the mark with a couple of comments I made, I'm sorry. What you have written does make sense to me. I guess we are from two very different worlds when it comes to survival and thinking about it, if lived in the States I would probably carry one myself.

I guess I went off half cocked so to speak!

Keep up that great web site.


Mike H :}

And a reasonable response-
No problem at all. I welcome differing views on any subject. I would prefer than people were nice to each other. It is shameful what some do to their fellow man. I do not think that gun control can ever stop violence. A case in point is our prison system. Access in and out is strictly controlled, and there are more police per capita in a prison than anywhere in the world. Guns are strictly forbidden. There are no guns inside the prison buildings, yet murders, rapes, beatings, and robberies still take place in that controlled environment, everyday. Without an armed populace, gangs rule. Evil people will always do evil things. Your comments are always welcome. It is good to hear other opinions on the topic.


So, all this brings up the fact that within half a century, no one can remember how their country was (U.K. or Australia) before their gun bans took affect.
Their laws were probably as loose, or looser than we have in America today, but even then there was no blood in the streets and disagreements met with gunfire.

Someone might remind them of what their country was like before those gun bans and the PC army turned the people into mindless emoting mouth breathers.

Because Liberalism is all about control

Someone controlling your actions.
Lets take a perfect example of a Liberal elitist in the form of newly elected Mayor Rahm-

Who is giving people a choice (yay!) to either-
Join his  fitness plan (boo!)


PAY $50/mo because you don't.(BOO!)

The program includes an initial screening that focuses on preventative care for asthma, heart disease and diabetes. City employees would then receive wellness training to achieve long-term health goals, including weight loss.
Smokers wouldn't be penalized,(YET-ed) but they would be encouraged to quit. Advisers overseeing the program will monitor progress on a bimonthly basis, and those who reach their goals could see their health care premiums reduced.
"We will help you be a good steward for your health," Emanuel said Friday, "but if you choose not to, you'll pay that price and that is the price you'll have to pay."