Monday, February 10, 2025

Your Rule 5 puzzle for Monday Feb. 10



The big one below the break~

Friday, February 07, 2025

Monday, February 03, 2025

Your Monday Rule 5 puzzle for Feb. 3

 I wonder if this is going to trigger (heh) anybody.


The big one below the fold, as usual~~

Monday, January 27, 2025

Your Monday Rule 5 puzzle for Jan. 27



The big one below the fold~

It's been a week since he took over

 Looks like he's accomplishing things.

How many LBTQRST people have been murdered, persecuted or rounded up to be put int Hte CAMPS!!!!one!!!! ?  Because that what we voted for -right🙄

Monday, January 20, 2025

Your Monday Rule 5 puzzle for Jan. 20


The big one and a gimme after the break ~~

Today's the day!

Now we can start unfucking America.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Monday, January 13, 2025

Your Rule 5 puzzle for Monday Jan. 13



The big one below the break as usual~~

Monday, January 06, 2025

Your Rule 5 Monday puzzle for Jan. 06

  I was looking for winter gun girls and was going to copy one when Hanna showed her pretty little head and I just had to pick her.



The big one after the break, as usual~~

Saturday, January 04, 2025

The traditional letter from one president to the next.

 I don't know who or how, but someone got the first copy Brandon's letter to Trump-



January 1, 2025

(Dictated but not read)

Are you recording this? I said are you recording this, dammit. You're not very good at this, are you? I'm only going to said this once

Dear Donald,

My name is Jill Biden and Dr. Joe Biden is my wife. You must be pretty pleased with yourself, you son of a bitch. The only reason you won this election is because I didn't [indecipherable]. Why do you think I chose President Kabbalah Haggis to be, excuse me, vice president on the ticket? Because she can't do it, Jack. You should be thanking me. If it weren't for that conniving cu—, well, I shouldn't say it, Nancy Pelosi and her monstrous jugs. What gives her the right? Like a couple of bowling balls in tube socks. Can you even—I'm not being rude. It's just the truth.

Anyway, Camelot is one of the dumbest broads you'll ever meet, and I mean that literally. I've met some real dingbats over the years. Jane Fonda, Sally Jessy Raphael, Strom Thurmond's second wife, what's her name. All of Hunter's girlfriends. No one wanted Comma to run, but I endorsed her anyway to send a message. Barack, that slick bastard with his college words and jazz cigarettes, thought he could waltz in and take all the credit. I could still take him, easy. I'd have more money than him, too, if Hunter wasn't such a fuckup. Chinese diamonds, my ass.

Anyway, they said I wasn't compliment to serve. What a load of—I can still make love to my wife like a 25-year-old. Standing up, kneeling down, in the bath tub, on the Resolute Desk, you name it. I'd like to see him try, Barack. He can barely throw a baseball. No one ever talks about it, but have you seen how fat Michelle has gotten lately? Unlucky, as the Irish say. Of course he was jealous of my legacy. Most transformative since FDR. The polls said I was going to win. So did Joe Scarborough and his Polack mistress. Did they really think prancing Tim Walz was more manly than Joe Biden? I killed a German Shepherd with my bare hands and a cast iron skillet. The press covered it up because they're cowards.

Anyway, congratulations. You're about to inherit [indecipherable] in the history of the United States. We ended the oil embargo and the trucker's strike. Thanks to me, Brezhnev is on the ropes, Osama bin Laden is on the run, and Saddam has never been weaker. They said it could never be done, but NATO is part of Finland now. We cured cancer, and finally beat Medicare once and for all. The situation in Afghanistan should be monitored closely. I would strongly urge you to consider a timely and orderly withdrawal of American troops from the country so the Afghan people may finally achieve their dream of a peaceful democracy that respects the rights of women.

Anyway, I think what I will miss most about the White House is all the kind strangers telling me which doors to go in and out of at a given time. I tried to go for a walk in the Amazon rainforest the other day. Very confusing, on account of the absence of doors and lack of instructions about where to go. Speaking of South America, I've never been a big drug guy, but I must say I've grown rather fond of the stuff they've been shooting me up with these past few years before public appearances. Maybe they'll give you the same treatment. Now, if you'll excuse me, Jake Sullivan is here. We're going to play our little game where he chases me around the house before nap time. Gotta go!

Yours cordially,

Joseph R. Biden

P.S. Did you know that when you're president they let you pardon literally anyone and there's nothing anyone can do to stop you? I didn't believe it at first, but it's true. Stop it, Jake, that tickles! 

(Dictated but not read)

Monday, December 30, 2024

Your Monday Rule 5 puzzle for Dec. 30

 This is the first pic that came up when I searched for "gun bunny New Years"- so you get two this week.



And now the girl



The big one below the fold as usual~~

Monday, December 23, 2024

Your Rule 5 Monday puzzle for Dec.23



The big one below the fold~

Monday, December 16, 2024

Your Rule 5 puzzle for Monday, Dec. 16



The big one below the fold, as usual~~

Saturday, December 14, 2024

But..... MuH demokracy!

 Lets see if I got this right..

Trump wasn't the tyrant he wanted to be because his staff wouldn't let him be.

FJB is using his last 90 days to go all scorched Earth dumpster fire.....  But his staff of 0bama loyalists can't (or wont) try to stop him.

And the media is fine with it.

Monday, December 09, 2024

Your Monday Rule 5 puzzle for Dec. 9



The big one below the break, as usual~~~

Monday, December 02, 2024

Your Rule 5 puzzle for Monday Dec. 2


The big one below the fold~~~

Sunday, December 01, 2024

You always wanted to know this

What IS a Nougat?

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Monday, November 25, 2024

Your Monday Rule 5 puzzle for Nov. 25



The big one below the fold~~


Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 18, 2024

Your Monday Rule 5 puzzle for Nov.18

 The weapon, not the girl....


The big one below the break~~

Monday, November 11, 2024

Your Rule 5 puzzle for Nov. 11


AND the E-4 Mafia representing for Veterans Day!

The big one below the fold~~

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Just out of curiousity

 Are all those blue states that got their panties in a wad in 2004 and 2016 about the Electoral College.
They made some BS pact to get around it by pinky-swearing to give their Electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote.

....................Remember that?

It looks like Orangemanbad might win the popular vote, too.
Are they still going to pledge those votes, no matter what their state does?

Stop laughing!

Another "Downfall" (Hitler losing his shit) video dropped on Tweeter.
It inludes Kamala, her celebrities, P-Diddy and PEANUT!

Monday, November 04, 2024

Your Rule 5 puzzle for Nov.4


The big one below the break~~

Monday, October 28, 2024

Your Monday Rule 5 puzzle for Oct. 28



The big one below the break~~

Monday, October 21, 2024

Your Rule 5 puzzle for Monday Oct.21



The big one below the fold, and a test to see how far I can push....

Monday, October 14, 2024

Your Rule 5 puzzle for Monday Oct. 14

 Since Hannah got some appreciative responses, here she is again in her natural element.


The big one below the fold~~

Monday, October 07, 2024

Your Rule 5 Monday puzzle for Oct. 7


The big one below the break, as usual~~

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Too risque for FB

FB says this Melchett/ Darling sketch goes against community standards.

But they'll allow a video of a dog being thrown off a bridge.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Blogger pics is working again

I finally got the power supply (never give someone with a zero rating a chance on E-Bay) hooked up to the new computer.
I guess it needs one of the latest OS to work.

So to make up for the lack of puzzle previews, I give you Cassandra Peterson in all of her (semi) naked glory after the break....
In the rare instance that someone might not want to see her.....