Still on the old computer because Kurt bought the wrong power supply...
So a repeat because I love her grin.
The big one below the break.
Still on the old computer because Kurt bought the wrong power supply...
So a repeat because I love her grin.
The big one below the break.
And I almost forgot what day it was...
I'm on the backup tower, so this may have been used once, but she's worth doing again.
As usual, the big one below the fold~~
I wonder how long this'll stay up.
The big one below the break~~~
You Army guys probably have some weird number name for it....
The big one below the fold~
If the news lets me.
Stan and Ollie (you youngsters probably never heard of them) dance to '500 miles'.
It was made by the guy who did 0bamas semi-Comunist-Che looking one.
Why did he make her look so............................white?
And I see that he included her homage to what got her started in politics with he Pearl Necklace.....
Or the intern that wrote this.
I really doubt that you realize that this tweet is describing the ENTIRE Federal .GOV right now.
He was a Corporal as a Public Affairs Specialist.
So I'm betting his S.S. code name is Joker....
Then he used the GI Bill to go to OSU then to Yale.
So Waltz............ go fuck yourself when you're bagging on him for going to Yale.
In 1981 at 12:01-
MTV was launched.
It went from total music to music and skits to....whatever it is today.
So I wonder when they told Joe that he's out.
His aids wrote that he's supporting Kamala now.
How long are they going to hold off the scorched Earth policy they'll enact when they're sure Trump is taking over?
Will they wait and hope someone can have some kind of a chance against Trump, or just start burning things now?
The MSM, Schumer and the rest have been calling for violence and attempted assassination of Trump for the last eight years.
You celebrate plays about his assassination and now you're coming out with being "horrifiied" about your people doing what you told them to do.
Just shut the fuck up.
After reading this-
"Now the story has been reprised because of the Lady MacBeth situation
going on at the White House, where it has been revealed that Jill is
sitting in on high-level meetings at the White House and Hunter has been
his dad's wingman at presidential meetings as sort of his secretary.
Apparently, nobody takes notes anymore. "
What kind of security clearances do either of them have?
I really doubt that someone who was kicked out of the Navy on drug charges can get any, much less anywhere near what he's (and her) are hearing at those meetings.
Because apparently there was too much boob, or they didn't like her finger...
As usual, the big one below the fold~~
It's scheduled to hit the coast sometime early Monday morning.
So I want to remind everyone to hold off till thew last minute to go hoarding milk, bread and TP. So you can take to social media and complain about how they're not stocking the shelves.
I'm not really worried about us in Seguin, because we're a good 3 hour drive from Corpus, plus we already HAVE a months worth of everything but booze.
The first A-G blogroll is gone again.
I just had the thing rebuilt two days ago.
I guess that's what happens when you give up on something that has opinions you don't like and quit updating, or something.
I can't not put this reminder up About how well 0bama's third term is going.
I come on just now and my A-G blogroll is completely gone.
I searched my cookies, but only have 10 of the 15-18 I used to have and can't remember what they call themselves.
If you're a blogger (still plugging away) and don't see your blog here, leave a comment.