Saturday, July 06, 2024

Texas has a hurricaine on the way

 It's scheduled to hit the coast sometime early Monday morning.

So I want to remind everyone to hold off till thew last minute to go hoarding milk, bread and TP. So you can take to social media and complain about how they're not stocking the shelves.

I'm not really worried about us in Seguin, because we're a good 3 hour drive from Corpus, plus we already HAVE a months worth of everything but booze.


  1. We'll get the eastern edge, with the associated rain. I'm way above any danger of a storm surge, but too much rain will keep us stranded until the water on the road goes down.
    I double-checked, and ran my generator yesterday. If we lose power, I can pull out the small window unit and keep at least one room cool for sleeping.

  2. Watching the news for the last hurricane frenzy, they showed everyone buying milk, eggs and bread.
    Why do you eat french toast during a hurricane?

  3. Don't mind me.July 07, 2024 8:49 AM

    Beer run!

  4. No power. Six inches of rain. Wind nearly hurricane strength, and cell signal is spotty. I'm glad the center was over 100 miles away.

    1. And here in Seguin we hardly saw any clouds from it.
      Lil sis south of Katie is out of power but that's about it.
