Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Just out of curiosity

 After reading this-

"Now the story has been reprised because of the Lady MacBeth situation going on at the White House, where it has been revealed that Jill is sitting in on high-level meetings at the White House and Hunter has been his dad's wingman at presidential meetings as sort of his secretary. Apparently, nobody takes notes anymore. "

What kind of security clearances do either of them have?
I really doubt that someone who was kicked out of the Navy on drug charges can get any, much less anywhere near what he's (and her) are hearing at those meetings.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve been wondering the same thing about John Brennan for years. Who does someone who was a registered communist party member not only get a clearance, but run the CIA.

    I only had a secret clearance but that was difficult enough and the main focus was any communist ties.
