Sunday, September 15, 2013

Guess what day it is today?

One of the more memorial political speeches- and no teleprompter!

The end of the battle of Britain.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I've got a whistle.....

Oh!  Did I say that out loud?

I thought Seattle was full of Liberals?

And if it's full of Liberals, then by their press- they should be tolerant and accepting of others differences- right?

Then WHY do the Seahawks need to have undercover cops provoking fans with opponents jerseys?
AND a $75 online course to pass before they can be granted the blessing to continue to pay vastly inflated ticket prices?

I seriously can't see why anyone would pay that much for such hassles and restrictions..............

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

One of the good things about an enhanced phone structure

Is that it meets most of the military's requirements, like my Casio Ravine II is that it's pretty much waterproof..... And it took good pictures.
Until some dumb-@ss breaks that little floppy holder and leaves the charging plug off.
Then it accumulates sweat moisture inside and there is no where for it to evaporate to.

So NOW I have a cam-phone that's still working, but give that foggy Playboy look to anything I try taking a picture of.

And I've still got 5 months on the plan,,, and I don't know if Verizon works where I want to buy the new firing range homestead.
The one we're really interested in (10.75 acres for $67,250) is in my IX range while karens Spring was showing 3 bars..........

So MSGT B....
Here is probably the last pic form this cam-phone:

Oh? No!!!!


Jessica might work as a name

In the same way as Vera works as a name for a Callahan fullbore autolock.

Besides, with a bunch of fast cars associated with the song anyway.......

Monday, September 09, 2013

So- Now that 0bamas "Red Line" was crossed

....Sorry we all heard wrong- 0bama didn't say that, it was "the world" that said that..................

Are our Liberal friends going to try to tell us that 0bama is *this* smart?

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Everyone else has been running with it

So why not?

H/t to whoever I ganked it from..........

Friday, September 06, 2013

Yes I'm cold and heartless

And yes, I LMAO'ed at this:

THAT is why white people (or any responsible parent) should not allow rap in their house.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

So i was looking for a truck name

...And I ended up through a u-toob wander at this interview with Joan Jett (yes you would) and the sexism in  that progressive infested entertainment industry-

..........ANYWAY.. if you can drag your eyes from the screen.......

It's kind of hard to come up with a name for the new truck, given that i like it enough to give it a name.

If it it was a `66 C-10, her name would be "Proud Mary"

Or if she was painted black, we could call her "Black Betty"

Then this on came on, but I'm still a Navy guy and don't want to push a premonition too far, so this one won't be on the chalkboard....

Throw your truck name into the ring...

How about "Eddie"? (had one (a Seat- prounounce Sey-at) in Spain that never died...--um ,,,Named Eddie)

So the Democrat controlled Senate

Is going to vote to allow President Peace Prize to unilaterally and without any UN support- lob a bunch of missiles ....somewhere into Syria?

Good thing we don't have a Cowboy in the white house...going off half-cocked and getting a coalition up and the UN votes before he went in unilaterally with Democrat votes from both Houses.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

I really need

to redo my blogroll again.

Any suggestions?

Sunday, September 01, 2013

So we went to the car place yesterday

I'd e-mailed the sales guy about the truck i wanted..from the site- with the stock number on it, and he told me that they have it on the lot right now. I said "cool, we'll be down tomorrow morning."

We got there ands as we were waiting for him to finish up some customers paperwork, we looked at trucks and I told K- - this is the one, except it's a dark charcoal grey.

The sales guy made it and said he'd get "YOUR" new truck, and he went off and brought "this" back
This one still for sale.. 16K miles.


"That's NOT the one I asked about, that one was darker grey that that silvery-white thing."
--"Are you sure it was different? They do make mistakes while describing them."

"I saw the pictures of that one and this one, that one was at R-- M-C---- Toyota."
--"let me see if I can find that one for you, if I can't- is the color a deal breaker for you?"

"Yes, the last five times I've gotten a vehicle it's been some shade of silver and I only got them because I had no choice. I hate that color and now I don't *have* to buy a color I don't like."

Well, we found it at a different franchise of the same dealership for $1,000 less. Still had 16K on the odometer.

We paid cash and the finance guy *still* wanted to convince us to take a loan because -somehow paying interest on top of the truck price-- "Would save you money."

We said no.
I drove a year and a half old Ranger off the lot for less than I paid for a Mitsubishi Montero Sport at Maxwell Mitsubishi of San Marcos, TX.......... with less hassle. . . and a better taste in my mouth.

 That back glass is begging for a nice white SeaBee decal, isn't it?

Ripped fromDrudge this morning

Feet off the desk!

Is that supposed to be some "manly" pose OR is he showing what he thinks about expensive gifts from the British people?

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Happy Labor Day weekend

Try not to do something U-toob worthy :-)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

So, what was Kurt up to today?

Nothing, just the old grind...

Monday, August 26, 2013


Yep, me too.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pontiac was still making Firebirds into the 2000's?

No wonder we had to bail out GM for $50 Billion...

And I'm still waiting for the "Tee" that says "$50 billion and I didn't even get a truck out of the deal"

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Everything is a crisis

...And when you have a crisis things must happen in the fierce urgency of 'now!'*


Anyway, it just occurred to me that I was half right on my prediction of those "credible threats" to our mid-east embassies.

Ok so nothing happened
I was wrong(so far) that the NSA would take credit for stopping them via their massive privacy invasion of American citizens.

Now, since we haven't heard- are those Embassies still empty, or did someone in this administration grow a pair and tell people  to go back?

* Seems I remeber something like that from 0bamas favorite author Saul David Alinsky .

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A space filler

Chicks with guns!

And something to make Liberals wet their pants-

Sunday, August 18, 2013

This is why the Republicans are going to lose again

According to Newsmax up at the RNC meeting last Thursday  in Bhaaastin, Chris Christie wowed them all.

Those that they call conservatives are fine with running the RINO Christie for our next presidential loser in 2016.

Asked if Christie could be an attractive candidate in parts of the country outside the Northeast, Phillips shot back: "You bet he'd be. He's not Mitt Romney, who doesn't have a hair out of place and looks as though he stepped out of [GQ]. He looks and talks like a regular guy, and that is appealing everywhere. If Christie runs, he's a candidate I'd strongly consider backing for nomination."
 Of course you would, that's why we had McRINO and Romney the last two times.

And they stand there and look at the icebergs as they  buy their tickes on the Titanic...
Duprey also praised Christie's speech, saying he "really drew cheers when he recalled how he's not afraid to take on public-employee unions. And we liked when he said the way to succeed in politics is to say what you're going to do and do it."

Stressing that he must remain neutral in the 2016 race because of his party office, Duprey did say he "liked when Gov. Christie said people would disagree with him and that when you want someone who will agree with you all the time, 'Look in the mirror.'"

"In many ways he's like John McCain at all those town meetings. I was with him in the New Hampshire primaries in '08 and '12. He's not afraid to tell people when he doesn't agree with them," Duprey said


Friday, August 16, 2013

Homeward bound

For John, the Feral Irishman-
Here's my trip home, if it did it on the way to work, all you'd see was headlights and tail lights.

Sorry about the video and sound quality- I don't have a high tech window suction holder, just a 12GA wire from work......

Changed the settings...
Try it now Angus.

UPDATE (the second)
Bonus points to those who can tell which military base i was leaving.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

I know- I'm an evil, unfeeling Conservative

But I just can't dredge up any sympathy for the rich 1% in Maratha's Vineyard who voted their Chicago Jeezus in...twice.

Even After he showed how he appreciates them in his first term.

All I can say is 'It sucks to be you"- I guess. Enjoy your god-king.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The clouds

They sit over there and mock us........

Monday, August 12, 2013

Ummm.......... such a weird way

A complete Escher staircase of performance art.
That only an Arts Appreciation major could decipher:



Sorry couldn't help it- have a happy Monday

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Remember the msm jumping on Romney about his dog?

The one where they didn't have room in the wagon?

At least they found a way to bring him along WITH them, instead of as baggage as a second thought ...because he might look good in some photo-op.

How many BBs is the first bricklayer planning on losing?


Just wondering if it was the content of the picture or the fact that it came from Wirecutter that Fb wouldn't let me post a link.

It's kinda gross, so I'm putting it under the fold.

 It's not anyone I know, I just stole it from Wirecutters blog.
That really must have hurt when all that painkiller wore off.

Monday, August 05, 2013

You heard it here first

Remember that next week when little, or nothing happens from our closed Embassies and threats to "The Homeland" (WTF.... do they mean America?) where you heard it first.

After it's all said and done, we'll be hearing about how the massive, all-encompassing illegal spying on Americans stopped whatever it was they claimed was going to happen.......and they need to protect us even harder!.


--Oh! Look! they're bombing people they can say were terrorists, just like Bill Clinton did during Monica-Gate.

UAV missiles +40...American privacy.... dead.

1,000 word essay on dogs