Saturday, July 14, 2012

Micro-stamping and you

So I read around thee intra-toobz how the forces of evil are trying to get micro-stamping as some kind of de-facto standard on new fire arms.

I was at Tx Thunder last week before going home on a rain day. I had about $350 in gift vouchers to spend, so I looked at a .357 in nickle (don't know the model) that I didn't like because
  1. I didn't like the slop in the cylinder lock-up
  2. It turned backwards to what I'm used to.
It also had a spur used for the firing pin.
An exposed spur that anyone with a piece of Emory cloth could have wiped out that micro-stamp in less than five minutes.

So I traded in my credits on a scoped .22 Henry...Which I could also jimmy the Micro-stamp with a judicious touch of JB weld.

I'm sure you've all seen the video of how to make a double-headed 16d form nail into a firing pin of an AR15/M-16 with almost no advanced machining required- right?

So you anti-freedom Libs who want to disarm honest citizens with your Barbara Streisand gun prohibitions can't win.

JB Weld
A file
A lathe
A nail can't win.

So, the majik is back?

After three years of hearing the same thing read off the TelePrompter, people are starting to faint again?

Or is it more to do with something else? Over packed H.S. gyms or maybe the Screen Actors gild is planting these people to ad ...excitement to an otherwise boring and worn out play?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why should 0bama show up?

The bro-s at the NAACP are kind of getting their collective noses out of joint because the second first black president sent his cracker Veep to their meeting instead of wasting his time fist-bumping the homies in Houston.

Really, Romney wasted his time talking to people who would never in a thousand years vote for him- why should the Chocolate Jeezus bother with people who are going to vote for him no mater what?

Just throwing this out for discussion

If anyone ever did find a way to make a real perpetual motion machine- it would be totally useless except for a viewing oddity.

Because it would have to be positioned somewhere in space where all gravity was neutralized and there was nothing touching it, much less being driven by it.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

So we have the newest scam for the gullable

Basically it's from the well known fact that president Everyman has a secret stash that he uses to help the poor and downtrodden.
All you have to do is type in the red numbers on the back of your SocSec card, or in another scam- give the hustler your identifiers and they give you a routing number to pay your mortgage, electric bill ...or even buy your gas.

I wonder where people got the idea that Barack would pay for their shit?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy birthday Nikola

Not only was he an eletrical innovator, his ideas made good music:


Sunday, July 08, 2012

...And will this "emergency" happen befor or after Nov. 6?

Inquiring minds are curious, but know it'll  be before January 2013.

When you bring this Executive Order (that doesn't even have a number) into operation and take over the nations communications?

Do you notice that it's always been the Democrats who put people in detention camps, and(except for Lincoln) deny Constitutional guarantees?

Changyness and me

In the last 3  1/2 years I'll tell you how our Wally-world visits have changed.

Back in Jan. '09 we had:
Store brand bread for $.74
Meat that wasn't the best, but affordable
Shredded cheese bags for about $6.25
Miracle Whip for about $2.25
A head of iceberg lettuce for about $.50
Green bell peppers for about $.33
A pound can of coffee for about $4.50

Now, in July `12
Store brand bread for $1.25
Meat that cost like a good cut and leaves 2 cups of water when you cook it
Shredded cheese bags for almost $9.00
Miracle Whip for about $3.75 (on sale)
A head of iceberg lettuce for about $1.00
Green bell peppers for about $.88
A pound can of coffee for about $7.50

I'd *really* hate to see much more change....

Saturday, July 07, 2012

It's been over 20 years

Since I was in uniform.

Even now when I talk to a military Officer, I have to stop myself from throwing a salute.

The Jeezus rests

On the 1st, 2nd and 3rd  days of July- the Chicago Jezzus rests.
---Because flying around in taxpayer supplied luxury is hard work--
On the fourth, he had a photo-op with the military before partying like a king.

On the fifth and sixth, he had two Canadian made buses flown to Ohio to campaign about jobs in America...or something.

In four working days, I got in 37 hours- because if I don't work,,,I don't get paid.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

An Independence Day message

From someone who really appreciates American ideals:

No wonder 0bama hates him so much.


Which national symbol is 0bama going to close down all day for a photo-op?


Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Three good reasons to hire a vet

I've nicknamed them Larry, Daryl and Daryl.

All can probably remember what their *under 21* drivers license looks like, but can't hold more than one idea in their heads at one time; much less think ahead.

I've told them over and over that the fastest way to get something f*cked-up here is to just *drop* it on the ground when I'm on the backhoe, or they're driving around.
I've told them that the next time they just drop something and I end up putting it in the dirt pile- they'll find out just how easy it is to take three steps to lean it on a tree instead of having to dig it out of that dirt pile...with broken shovels, because they just *drop* them too.

I've had it. the Super has had it, and we had a talk with them this morning and not one word made it through their self...whatever. You could see it in their eyes just how we were wasting their time trying to get them to think ahead.

I should have sent them all home this morning, but we needed to get some pot-holing done.
We finally got a number on an ex-AF guy who was in Red Horse- who boss and I can relate to, I just wish we could find more vets wanting work in San Antonio- we'd have a kick-ass crew!

Then, after we get three blocks worth of rocks picked up by hand- Larry, Daryl and Daryl can sit home and not listen to "the man" as long as their UI lasts.

Monday, July 02, 2012

The securty forces

Of Casa Trainwreck

2- dogs
1- puppy (who is ONLY alive because he's going back to Camp Pendelton in Aug.)
1- small black cat
1- house tribble

Looks like there was a hot reaction to the SCOTUS ruling Thursday

It was so hot that it melted my neighborhoods amp and I've been without internet until just a while ago.

Yeah, lets get someone in that'll replace those Alzheimer patients with  people who understand what the Constitution means.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I just got done paying a snail-mail bill

Actually, I just wrote the check and put it into the envelope.

I put one of those "forever" stamps on the envelope and wondered...

Now that the USPS is in the red and never going to black again- how long before they rescind that "forever" part of the stamp and start requiring extra postage?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

In a story headlined completely opposit of it's meaning

we have from Fox Business news- "Americas most corrupt states".
And you would be surprised which states were on that list.

No New Joisey
No California
No Illinois
No New Yawk

How about
Michigan? (well it has Detriot and Unions...)
N. Dakota
S. Carolina

Because they weren't looking for actual corruption, but what could cause corruption.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Here's to ya, Jerry

But I didn't think of it first:

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Where to start?

Well, lets start with this- the hugely inept and bumbling bureaucracy called the TSA- who I'd like to remind you has NEVER stopped a terrorist in the ten years they've been active- is now on the fast track to be some kind of information clearing house.

And yes, this did clear the Republican House.

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), the bill's sponsor, said the legislation is a "common sense approach" to fighting terrorism. The House passed the bill May 30 and the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs is now considering the bill.
In an interview with The Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp, Speier said the bill creates "fusion centers," where TSA can provide intel to local law enforcement and emergency management officials. 

Fusion Centers!

"We have put in place through TSA a very elaborate system [in airports]. We all go through those metal detectors and those secondary searches. And we've put a lot of focus on the airlines for good reason. But we have neglected the mass transit components, generally speaking," she said.
Speier said 2 million people fly each day, compared with more than 5 million who ride the subway each day in New York City alone. She pointed out that the most recent terrorist attacks have been on mass transit. Also, when U.S. Special Forces raided Osama Bin Laden's compound last year, intelligence gathered revealed the next attack was intended for mass transit.

And when was the last time anyone tried to hijack a plane with the guns, knives and explosives the TSA let aboard airplanes?
When was the last time anyone tried to hijack or blow up an American subway?
Especially with everyone watching for something like that?

The TSA has already admitted that it's not effective and is a danger to the traveling public and the economy because of their ill-trained workers.

The guy who drove this truck

The E-bay ad says he was a Ford mechanic-

Must not have been a very good one judging from his battery connections........

1000 words

The difference between the Air Force and all other services:

Because no one else needs reminders...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Equal rights

Well Rep. Ackerman, it looks like your work is done

You can retire with the knowledge that your 30 years worth of "fixing" education has given you the results you wanted.

As far as this record partisanship wedge you're complaining about, how much did you have to  stand aside to let it happen through the likes of SanFran Nan, and the rest of the communist hacks in your party?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I'm sure glad to live in a "Right to work" state

That way I don't have to worry about coming up with an additional $778 per year just to keep my job.

Because Texas has a problem with that whole "Union" thang....

But- hay.... unions are for the little people.............right after they spend money to support the Democrats ant their Union Bosses (who can't even remember how to do the job they used to do).

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Actually, I think the right term is cobbles, or potatoes, or river rock...South San Antonio has them between 3-4' deep wherever you dig.

This is less than 1000 YDs of trench:
...The silver ones, not the brand new painted ones....
We're using those on the outside teeth instead of Tiger Teeth becaus we need the 25.5" the .GOV specs call for.

I'll make a deal with you lady

I'll start being concerned with AGW and everything else you are trying to put out when YOU start acting like it's a real problem-K?

Not when you give an interview that tells all first world economies that they need to become existence foragers to protect Gaia...or something...right before the G-20 meets (in person) in Rio.
Those people...with the hundreds of planes and tens of thousands of tons worth of carbon footprint.

Monday, June 18, 2012

How's that democracy Egypt?

One person, one vote, one time.
Because you just threw away any chance you had to be anything but a third world shithole, just like all the other Islamathocracy.

And you thought sexual assault was bad before...
And, sorry Christians- the muslim in the White House isn't going to even THINK about giving you asylum.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

It's Fathers Day...

So where is the Clint Eastwood marathon?