Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Catching up with the latest meme

visited 22 states (44%)
Create your own visited map of The United States

So, Officer Krupke

What brought your attention to this post?

She admitted that?

I don't think Nancy really realizes what she just admitted to when she said:

To my Republican friends: take back your party. So that it doesn’t matter so much who wins the election, because we have shared values about the education of our children, the growth of our economy, how we defend our country, our security and civil liberties, how we respect our seniors.

So, SanFran Nan is admitting that there really is NO difference between the Democrats and Republicans up in DeeCee? She's giving insider words to what the great unwashed murmur amongst themselves?

The Tea Party is actually a second party than the "Politics as Usual Party" section *D* or *R*.

Thanks Nancy, I hope someone uses that quote next year.

Look! It's Megan McCain!

She's in a pr()n video, but she's not taking credit for her real name.
Way to show how much of a progressive Republican you are Megan.

What kind of a scam is thus?

Or is this guy so full of himself that he thinks he'll be mobbed if he uses his hunting name?

I see "THEY" are targeting FireFox

I just got a warning of massive spyware and virus infections on FF. It's not as scary looking as that MS ZOMYGAWDYOURCOMPUTEZZ-GOINGTOBLOWUP one for MS.

Guys, you need to try harder m'k?

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Zygote of Obamakare

is making an exploratory committee into running for President- again.

Yes, you read thar right, Mitt Romneycare is going up against Obamacare in trying to see who can B.S. the American people into screwing themselves even farther into an unrealistic financial .... quagmire.

Mitt Romney- vote for another Republican loser!

If you want, I didn't because I don't even want to waste that time I could be picking up cat shite.
That's how not worth my time Mitt is, ok?

The next time TSA gropes a 6yr old girl

Someone really needs to get a buddy and start playing this on a ghetto blaster...

I bet they get arrested.

I was looking for something else..

When I came on this .gif
....And I just couldn't not pass on some Gwen Cooper, because you know you miss her.


She says You're welcome.

Color me surprised

You know, that video-op of obama running up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
What I'm surprised about is that no one has put the Rocky theme in there yet.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Should I?

Like I said, it's a $2 cut and if the 0bominator didn't throw the economy into reverse, and then hit the gas- I wouldn't have a problem with it, because the expensive truck gort paid off.
The problem is, with that pay cut- will I be able to AFFORD that 110 mi commute every day at $5/gal gas?

Look at this picture

It's Helen Mirren going through an X-ray machine at LAX.

But that's not the reason I put it up.
Look at those TSA perverts. One of them looks like she's standing on the recieving side of that radiation machine.

I don't see anything that looks like a radiation badge on either one of them.
Nor do I see any kind of certification on the machine like I'd see on a hospital X-ray machine.

Good thing we have Obamacare for when she gets cancer, so we won't be having to pay for all those expensive cancer treatments-huh?

Found it!

The poll was the problem.

I don't know what in that code was interfering, but as soon as I took it off the posts, it went away.

The results were:

Groucho with 9 votes
Brian with 8
Obama got 2 (whoever you jokers are)
and Charlie 1

How much do you think this cost?

I've seen this on several blogs now, but nobody has mentioned one thing.

NO President goes anywhere, to meet anyone without everyone and everything being examined far in advance.
It's not like Rocky Obama decided to just hang with the peasants on the way to the links.
Because the Secret Service won't even let him walk in Central Park.

Or check out the Arugula prices.

Or drive the 5-MPG limo to the car wash so he can mingle with his peeps.

How's this?

Bushwack is going to get his pick and start prying all the bad coding that somehow ended up in the template when he gets time.

So I'm putting it how it would look once that brown cr@p is gone.
I do like the white on blue text, so that'll stay.
Anything else?


E-gawd, sorry about that color.
I ajusted it on my laptop and only now got on the main computer.

Hope this is better.

More of that hopie-changyness

I thought the iWON was going to spread oil ecofriendly biodegradable lubricating fluid on the troubled waters of the world.
We were going to have peace in our time by getting rid of dictators who supported us and replacing them with....well we haven't thought it through that far....but Mubarak is gone!!
So we don't really have a dog in that rioting that's going on in Egypt today- right?

I mean because last time they were rioting and the army wasn't shooting into the crowd- but there was a friendy dictator- so it was a CHANGE needing to happen so the Mosum Brotherhood could hijack the "democracy" that was starting.

But we hear nothing from Mr. Hopieness about the army taking charge because his buddies are set to take over, and a few hundred bodies are really nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Unless we can somehow blame those evyll Rethuglicans...

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Not even an earworm

There was a video back in the mid `80's that had John Candy talking about his brother as a segue to the song. They were sitting around a table and john was saying A real honor student. Yes your Honor, no your Honor- No contest your Honor..."

I had a guy in my fire team who was always saying that in his Joisie accent- "yes yowa Hona, no yo Hona, no contest yo Hona."

I can't remember the song, or who sang it, but it must have been a hit because it was in the box in Rota, Spain's EM Club.

Ok, an earworm from way back then

Making a bug a feature

How do y'all like my new dress?

Something is locked in the HTML editor because I can't change any background color or I get an error code saying that color is not supported.

Hmmmm....maybe if I click that little *help* button for known issues...

Way to stand up for principals there John

I said "Maybe John Boehner remembers who put him where he's at. That maybe he's not another spineless Republican. He may actually shut the .gov down on principle."

I was wrong.

He cave for half of the minuscule cuts that were on the table.
Way to go House Leader! You showed them- and us -how we can expect you to act when REAL cuts are on the table.

I wonder if there's going to be a viable third party out in time for 2012?

Friday, April 08, 2011

Tired of all this free time

I guess I'll go back to work. Since I haven't heard anything from the .gov contractor who was going to make me a small cog in the military/industrial complex.
Or the Navy background checks.
Or the office grunts of Sens. Cornyn or Hutchison who I asked to look into why it was taking over SIX MONTHS to make some basic inquires.

I was in the area dropping off an app to drive a post office truck, I decided to drop by the old workplace and see if bossman was still pissed off about me cracking that windshield, and if not could I come back?

Well, they're picking up work again, but not like it used to be, so they offered $2 less. I reminded them that I was the one who used the bucket truck to fix parking lot lights and they made good money for that, so my Super said he'd do what he could.

As I was just getting ready to merge into I-35 ProDriver called and asked if I wanted a job...
So, at least i have choices without moving, anyway.

So, what's wrong now?

I all of a sudden have a brown background for a header?
-And can't change it...

Thursday, April 07, 2011

The line in the sand

Interesting that Prezident Kickazz decided to make it now, when he knows how bad press may actually ooze out about troops not getting paid.
He decided that NOW was a time to show he had some kind of balls and stand up to fiscal responsibility.
I wonder if Michelle had anything to do with it?

We're going to shut down parts of the .GOV and not pay our military whilt food stamps, welfare payments and the other titsuckers get theirs, but my grandadughter is going to end up eating CAT FOOD because Obama hates military dependents and wants to see them STARVE!

OBAMA HATES MILITARY BABIES! He wants them to starve in the dark!
Obama will be driving eight Suburbans in Williamsburg while my daughter is walking to dsaycare because she can't put gas in the car!

Obama lives it up while military babies eat cat food! (oops- used that already, sorry it just rolls off the tongue)

Dude, it's a public restroom

Why don't people check before the sit on a toilet?
I mean as nasty as some of those people are, I hate to even think about sitting down- much less without even looking.

So I wonder how many times that guy complained of guys peeing on the seat before he got glued?
Seriously guy, do you get sick a lot?

So, tongues are wagging about Bristol's paycheck

And the fact that she made a tad over a quarter million dollars as an anti-pregnancy ambassador,

I know it seems like a lot of money for an 18 year old- and it probably is for most kids. She's not a normal kid and neither are Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian who got their massive amounts of cash for doing even less at that age.

I don't see any mention of the fact that the sperm donor probably got more than that for dropping trou for a photo shoot, or that the Liberal toole hasn't paid child support in forever.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

A question on phraseology

If you're in a store where the 5lb log of e .coli-burger used to sell for $10, then it dropped to $9.88 and we'd say it took a .12% drop- right?
Then if we walked our happy butts to the same place the next day and saw the same tube of e .coli-burger for $11.33- would we call that a 13% jump in a consumers prices?

Like the bell peppers that used to be 33 cents are now $1.24.

Good thing the Consumer price index doesn't look at food, or our economy would look a whole lot worse.

But like President Everyman says we'll have to get used to it.

He hasn't tried that "I feel your pain" line yet, has he?

Her name

is Kate Middleton

But you don't usually see her like this

I thought I'd bring her out before you got tired of hearing her name in the next two weeks.

The poor girl looks cold, doesn't she?

You know you would like a screen door,

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Barack Obama want's to kill black babies

and won't take no for an answer.

He said this morning that he would veto any bill that stopped funding Planned Parenthood.
Or cut funding for the EcoNazis in the EPA.

“What we can’t be doing is using last year’s budget process to have arguments about abortion, to have arguments about the Environmental Protection Agency, to try to use this budget negotiation as a vehicle for every ideological or political difference between the two parties. That’s what the legislature is for, to have those arguments, but not stuff it all into one budget bill.”
Can I remind you BARRY- that if YOUR DEMOCRATS had passed the budget back when they were supposed to...SEVEN MONTHS AGO- that we wouldn't be having this discussion right now.

“What we can’t do is have a my-way-or-the-highway approach to this problem,” Obama said. “Because if we start applying that approach, where I’ve got to get 110 percent of everything I want or else I’m going to shut down the government, we’re not going to get anything done this year, and the American people are going to be the ones who suffer.”
That's how you DEMOCRATS acted for the entire time you had the entire .GOV under your complete control.

Lets shut down the government and remind everyone just exactly WHY there was no budget for 2011 under Nancy Pelosi and Dirty Harry.

Ohh, you want content!

Been AFK putting in some realtime apps in because I'm starting to think that I'll never hear from Kay Baily-Hutchison or John Cornyn and that security check because I didn't include a huge donation for them to take an attention of my asking for help.

Our newest and greenest pet is really getting restless. She's either egging, or reabsorbing them, but she's still looking for a good place to lay.
I can't let her out because she sees a nice cave and want's to make a lizardly beeline for the cats litter box.

Or if she gets out to the living room,

... she shows how much of a lesbian she is because she loves to eat the carpet............

Thank you, I'll be here all week!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Anzio and the Italian job


You know how light a lever action rifle usually is.
Even after beefing it up, it's still not going to have a lot of inertial dampening.

But if you're a masochist, the bidding's almost over- hurry!

My 1903 probably outweighs that by a good three pounds and with my shoulder probs- would render me ineffective for a week.