What kind of a cage? For what?They (her humane society) rescued an Iguana and she adopted it.Why in the f*ck did she adopt a lizard? And what's wrong with the aquarium it's in now?She felt sorry for it, and the thing is too small. It might even loose it's tail...It's a reptile, it doesn't know how small the thing is, and Iguanas have a detachable tail anyway.She sent some pictures of what she needs.....Grumble....So I looked at it and after designing one that was easily transportable (because tools and assembly are not her forte), I made a bill of materials which came out to about $100 before tax.
Who's going to pay for this?We'll get whoever adopts it to buy it.Then I remembered- we have
horse panels out back. Kewl,,, All I need is a new sawzall blade and some tie wire.
...and some heat source for the shelf, and a branch, and something to keep it from overturning it's food and water.
UPDATEThose Ryobi batteries sure don't last long below 95 degrees, do they?
If I had an extra sheet of plywood, I could get away with one and a half horse panels and a solid back at 5'H x 5' 10"W x 2'W.
UPDATE- Part the secondIt, apparently it's a she, is in her newly expanded world and completely flummoxed at being able to stretch out. The dogs now have live TeeWee to watch, with real animals!