Sunday, October 29, 2023

And now for something completely different




  1. I was maybe 12-13 years old when I saw my first Monty Python episode. I remember it. It was the episode in which they were hijacking a direct flight to Cuba, to go to Luton..... He jumped out of the aircraft and landed on a pile of straw. I didn't get why that was funny. I get it now.

  2. MP is great. Have to ask, how on earth did you upload a 31 min video that had to be larger file size than allowed by Blooger rather than using the embed code, which does allow? Did you run it through a video compressor?

  3. I just embedded the code from that site.
    Maybe it fools it by only doing one episode at a time?

    1. Okay, that makes sense. Embedding code allows for larger files where uploading, unlike a video from your computer where there's a file size limit. Thanks.
