Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Jeezus Keerist!

A little over half a tank of gas in a crew cab F-250.

That's in a free state.
..After the price dropped 20 cents.


  1. $3.29 9? Count your blessings. If you lived in my Podunk town under Gavin Newsom's control the 27.422 gallons you bought would have cost you just under 143 bucks. And that's only if you bought it at the cheapest place in the county. ($5.21 per gallon)

    1. Addendumb- That 'cheapest place in the county' is now $5.69 a gallon. It went up 48 cents overnight.

  2. That's still $0.29 per gallon cheaper than here, even after the price dropped last night by six cents per gallon.

  3. 45 for my Colorado today. Some 14 gallons of e85 as I recall. Luckily I only need to do that once a week.

  4. BEST ECONOMY EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I go by the content/gage and fill it when it drops by a quarter of full. The gas prices do not go down, go for the cheapest. There is little difference in octain. But then in my V.W. beetle I can drive every way in need to go.

    1. I try to fill all my trucks at half a tank.
      It hurts a little less that way.

      That F-250 has a 52 gal. tank, so maybe I need to start filling it at 3/4 of a tank.
