Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The clouds

They sit over there and mock us........

Monday, August 12, 2013

Ummm.......... such a weird way

A complete Escher staircase of performance art.
That only an Arts Appreciation major could decipher:



Sorry couldn't help it- have a happy Monday

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Remember the msm jumping on Romney about his dog?

The one where they didn't have room in the wagon?

At least they found a way to bring him along WITH them, instead of as baggage as a second thought ...because he might look good in some photo-op.

How many BBs is the first bricklayer planning on losing?


Just wondering if it was the content of the picture or the fact that it came from Wirecutter that Fb wouldn't let me post a link.

It's kinda gross, so I'm putting it under the fold.

 It's not anyone I know, I just stole it from Wirecutters blog.
That really must have hurt when all that painkiller wore off.

Monday, August 05, 2013

You heard it here first

Remember that next week when little, or nothing happens from our closed Embassies and threats to "The Homeland" (WTF.... do they mean America?) where you heard it first.

After it's all said and done, we'll be hearing about how the massive, all-encompassing illegal spying on Americans stopped whatever it was they claimed was going to happen.......and they need to protect us even harder!.


--Oh! Look! they're bombing people they can say were terrorists, just like Bill Clinton did during Monica-Gate.

UAV missiles +40...American privacy.... dead.

1,000 word essay on dogs

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Mike Rowe distills Liberalism down

I don't know if he meant to do this, or it just happened.
I know his Silicone Valley audience didn't groke it.

Anyway Mike distills the Liberal mindset about feelings instead of results in about six minutes:

H/T to...I can't remember :-(

Friday, August 02, 2013

Your earworm for today

Because I like to share things:

Brought on,,, ironically from these guys:

Well, isn't that refreshing?

See- we don't have a Cowboy in the White House now, so we can prctice all the "Smart Diplomacy" the Democrats want.

Then they're surprised when a real leader- who knows whats best for his country makes a move without telling a panty-waist White house what he's doing.

So Snowden has safe (as possible in Putins Russia) harbor and the 0boma administration is caught flat-footed again.

BUT they want to convey how deeply disappointed they are with their fellow communists for making them look weak and flailing.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Assad knows an Anti-Midas when he sees one

I guess he knows for sure that 0bama is going to do more than just speachify his support to the rebels, otherwise he wouldn't be so sure of victory.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

illegitimus non tatum carborundum


Comments open for two days.

I thought my readers would have known that phrase- especially since I know I have ex-servicemembers reading this..

It translates roughly as "Don't let the dirty bastards grind you down."

Sunday, July 28, 2013

First Greece

Now Cyprus.......

THIS is why I don't want my money in banks.
0bama will be doing this before his second term is up.

.....Even harder than the EU.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Lets see if this gets any reaction

Yeah... if it will only save one life..........

So the "mostopen and honest" administration we've had since the Clintons it talking about mandating ALL POVs have WIFI so they can "talk to each other".

No, I can't see anything going wrong from that proposal that those Bureaucrats who were appointed by president Anti-Midas.

It's not like there are people who'd go out and maliciously hack someones car to intentionally cause wrecks, or maybe some .GOV spy agency tracking every move of every vehicle on the road?
Naw....the same government that racks it's own citizens internet, phone and money transactions would NEVER think to track innocent citizens...would they?

then we have the auto-update features...."UPLOADING an important update" Then your car slows down and you're told that you must turn off your car for the updates to install.........or it'll do it for you.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sorry about that last Helen Thomas post

Have some boobies-

One more virgin for the jihadies

There you go guys,something to look forward to when you reach Allha-land:

Friday, July 19, 2013

So, how does a Viking say

You f&cking @ssholes!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sometimes you just have to share


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The newest spokesperson for "Urban Yuts"

The new media darling and interpreter between old white folks and hip urban 'culture'.

OOooops, sorry - I was in a hurry..........

Monday, July 15, 2013


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Watching reruns tonight

You know, Dagney Talbert Taggert is the kind of woman I could really have a relationship with.
I like smart women who aren't airheads.

She just needs about another 20-30 pounds to make her hot instead of good looking....


Sometimes you just auto-type......

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bait and switch!

Where's the half-nakkid women I clicked over to see?

That's why I like the FEMEN girls- they aren't afraid to flaunt it.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday Rule five- top ten

Because I can-

This one because she reminds me of a SeaBee UT I knew In Rota, Spain PW.
(she probably wasn't this hot...but......) Irish surname, blue eyes and not such a full figure...but she could work her @ss off and put guys to shame;.......................And those lips........

Um, hunny-- you're not reading this blog, are you?

Just because-belly fat! And she didn't let small minds stop her from showing her assets;
Seriously- if we're looking at the definition of hotness--we need to stop at her.
AND... i bet she has fur,, where G-d intended it to be,,,,,

Besides, you know girls are supposed to have curves,
...And lots of them...

AND, yes - I like it when I offer a woman a steak and she chooses ALL the trimmings and a beer.
Ok, 'nuff said-
Lets put one of ours on a magazine!
because you can't be flaunting them without consequences............

Ooooh,,, just two inches more gravity,, ,Gawd.....

Monday, July 08, 2013

So THAT'S why the blog has been loading so slowly

And I thought it was either the latest WIN-update of the newest FireFox.........

Sunday, July 07, 2013

So Barack- tell us agin

just how environmentally unsafe an oil pipeline would be?

Considering it's stationary and covered with yards of dirt, instead of moving through populated towns?
Like that oil train in Lac-Megantic, Quebec that's burning and spilling crude oil all over?

But, then again, I bet if we dig far enough- we'll find a HUGE contributor to you owns that RR..........

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Just saying-

Hogans Heros- on You-toob:

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Happy Birthday AMERICA!

FUK yeah!

Beginning this Rule-5 Independence Day with a lullaby

Sort of: And some hotness of the Sirens :

of which we have-
Christi Taylor...who seems to have lost weight in this pic (she's the heavy one):
Musetta Vander.. the other hot one:
OK, one more:

And saving the best for last, who reminds me a little of a boss I had on Port Aransas- except boss was a red head and bustier.... who probably could probably fold you inside-out if she wanted to...and you'd love it....

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The littlest dog

She heard me filling the dog bowl came out of the bedroom to see what I was doing-
This is what she was doing when I came back for the other bowl:

Saturday, June 29, 2013

One man against one tank

Who will win?

Friday, June 28, 2013

Stretch your mind-

I guess I should have made a closer shot.

Bonus question would there be a P-3 inside?

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rule-5 Thursday late edition

I finally got something in the searches that i don't think I did before- Thick White Girls :-)

                                                  (You know, I think she's in one of my favorite pr()n shorts...)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

With this latest Supreme Court ruling...

About how they can over-rule a California election.
I am now sure that my vote counts for nothing, because the will of the People can't trump some judges Power hungry Political correctness.

An election doesn't mean anything when the DoJ is more corrupt than the people they hanging and the Unions program in the results they want.
I hear Panama uses American dollars, speak English, have good gun laws and the land is cheap.
I wonder if they can use any electrician/operators down there.....

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Some things are just wrong

I know it probably works for what it's purpose is, but still it's wrong.

Ganked from Olegs blog.

Friday, June 21, 2013

The difference between us and them

Even psycho-billy rockers get the difference between us and them.

The difference is that WE aren't trying to force them into living the way we want them to live......

Or, maybe it's because they're just a little band out of Texas?
No, Not them........

These guys:

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Rule-5 the Serena files.

In light of the kerfluffle of Serena's statement about not getting blind drunk when you're a 16 year old girl, we dedicate this Rule-5 day to a common sense hottie-

...And you know you a screen door.

Now for the NSFW (maybe a) photoshop-

And the Twitterverse is all in PSH about Serena Williams

And all the right people are outraged.

In case you haven't heard, Serena had an interview with Rolling Stone and said something that most adults would have agreed with........30 years ago.

It was and is common sense, but Liberals are up in arms for actually connection cause ans effect.
This is the comment that made the twitterverse scream:

Are you ready? Got you face covered and one eye peeking out?

Here it is...
Are you sure you want to go there?


"...I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember? It could have been much worse. She’s lucky."

That's it.
Now they want her to walk it back.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Age check

Who remembers this phrase?

"And now for something completely different."

Still nothing worth posting

We have that Clown Posse in Chicago-by-the-Potomac still as incompetent as ever, the MSM trying to look like they're still not in bed with 0bama, and the usual crap from overseas.

How about something a little more upbeat?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

They forgot one


Seriously- NO!

And f&ck NO!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

It's not like there was any precident for it, was there?

You know- someone using a thumb drive to download and spread Americas secrets throughout the world...

Ok, I can see that happening in this administration full of incompetent people.
But to not have at least password protection on access levels your not allowed at is.........well- typical of unaccountable and uncaring bureaucrats everywhere, I guess.

Good thing we have the MSM thinking that at least sometimes top security leaks are bad.........

Friday, June 14, 2013

They say everything comes in threes

That's what happened this week.
First it was $775 for the A/C
Then mom passing
And lastly the S-10 sounding like it has clogged Catalytic converters and no power.

On the good side, after the blower motor didn't succeed in burning down the house, I talked to the insurance agent and found out someone negotiated a good policy for us as far as fire and weather damage.
And I'm able to drive the spare/emergency vehicle while I'm trying to resupply a flat bank account.

Monday, June 10, 2013

So there I was, watching "All Creatures geat and Small"

On Netflix when Karen came by and started watching it with me.
She was saying how she used to enjoy it back in England. Then we got to talking a little about the other shows we Americans know from over there..Monty Python and Benny Hill.

So she made the obervation that of coures we wanted to see that because of the semi-naked women.
Which i heartily agreed with, and then pointed out the fact that Helen wasn't wearing a bra in this episode.

Wherein she called me a perv, and I replied that I never denied being one.

Just one more insight into Casa Trainwreck.

Guns for girls

They're not what you think-

More below the fold for faster loading~

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Grace under fire

Alternatively titled- Oops.......

On the other hand, he's the only one I saw try to show proper respect.......

Saturday, June 08, 2013

The caliber wars have been settled.

Can't argue with that, can you?

Friday, June 07, 2013

I'm going to go out on a limb here-

Remember those "Ricin tainted" letters sent to 0bama, Bloomberg and others in the hoplophobe camp?

They caught the sender, and I'm going to bet that she's a(nother) registered Democrat.
Either trying to frame her husband (they're getting a divorce.
OR did it to creat sympathy for "the cause".

Or both.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

After all the Presidential luuuv shown by Gov. Christie

is he still Anne Coulter's golden boy for the next presidential election?
Or is he just another RINO?