Sunday, April 17, 2011

Megan Mcgloverful

From Atlanta.

Normally when I see someone with dreadlocks, I tune them out as some kind of leftie doper that hasn't had a bath in weeks, but this video makes the exception.

She's got a great rant going on about how cold it is in Atlanta, but the best part starts at the three minute mark, and she's right.
Ok, the two minute mark is pretty good, too.


I will NOT be joining you on twitter.
As a matter of fact, for you hijacking my site until I either open the task manager or click your Ok button (which is going to send me somewhere I DON'T want to go)- I'll stop using Yahoo! all together.
How's that?

Especially since FF doesn't have any specific ways to block you except for downloads.

First it was the Kennedys

Then the Bush's who were the upcoming political family.
Now we're looking at the Paul family political dynasty in the name of Robert?

Well, I guess it could be worse- they at least care about the budget.

I so wish I had a C&R right now

It's a 1909 Marlin 1893 takedown

The receiver is even fitted with the unique factory "Hepburn" combination adjustable rear sight

Sorry, let me wipe up that drool.....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Only from the Left could we be entertained

by the outrage of offended vagins about photoshopped pictures of meat as "not-meat".
See, there is a big bru-haha going on over at Quarry-girl about pictures of vegan food that wasn't vagin food, and they're offended that they'e been admiring it for years...or something.

I don't know how they thought they weren't looking at meat anyway, because the pictures show something that looks natural. I've actually seen fake meat, and it looks nothing like real meat.
Or to put it in Quarrygyrll language:
Do you like looking at pictures of meat? How about a juicy beef burger, covered in egg mayonnaise with cow fat dripping off? Perhaps some soft, meaty chunks of chicken breast in chicken stock and cream? What about a pork sausage, oozing in pig fat, fresh from the slaughterhouse? OK, let’s tone it down a little. Perhaps you like to look at egg mayonnaise potato salad, made with eggs from those poor battery hens that are dead basically from the moment they are born. How about creamy mac and cheese made with real cow’s milk, pulled painfully from their sore and tender udders, infused with antibiotics, pain and anguish?

Anyway, these vagins are all het up over some non-meat-that-IS-meat stock images and are so up in arms that the paper
...we’d wait with bated breath for the US Mail to deliver our copy. We’d eagerly flip through, reading all about the latest veg stuff, salivating over the amazing pictures, trying out a vegan recipe, and maybe even discovering a restaurant in our home town through one of their reviews.

it’s sad, then, that the pictures we’ve been drooling over for years are actually of MEAT! Veg News has written tens (possibly hundreds) of articles extolling the virtues of a vegan lifestyle, while purchasing rock-bottom priced stock photos of MEAT, EGGS, DAIRY and other completely non-vegan things.

And then goes into FAR more research on said paper than they ever did on their Chicago Jezus- until the paper, Vegnews had to print an apology.

—Yes, from time to time, after exhausting all options, we have resorted to using stock
photography that may or may not be vegan. In an ideal world we would use custom-shot
photography for every spread, but it is simply not financially feasible for VegNews at this
time. In those rare times that we use an image that isn’t vegan, our entire (vegan) staff
weighs in on whether or not it’s appropriate. It is industry standard to use stock
photography in magazines—and, sadly, there are very few specifically vegan images offered
by stock companies. In addition, it’s exceedingly challenging to find non-stock imagery that
meets the standard necessary for publication. We would love nothing more than to use only
vegan photography shot by vegan photographers, and we hope to be there soon.

This is as fun as watching monkeys fling shiat at each other.

But I am helpful, so here are some truthful stock photos for you:


Things that make you go--oook

Like finding out that at least 123 people who used the whirlpool in the Playboy mansion fell sick out of an unknown number who used it.

I mean can you even imagine yourself wanting to get in where there HAS to be Gawd knows how much bodily fluid is incubating...
I can just imagine every surface in that party pad as just being...sticky.

Well, I was thinking of a laptop for the main PC

When the desktop went south again. I was thinking it's as powerful as a tower and if we wanted, we can always unplug everything for portability.

What I wasn't really thinking about was that the laptop is protected from voltage surges through it's charger.
That tower made it through this summers rolling black-outs with no problem and the few outages we've had since.

Until that voltage spike we just had.

Then I had a gray screen of death with a pink line on top.
After I tried rebooting, we have the blue screen of death.

And I still have to see how much we owe that tax cheat- Tim Geithner.

I powered everything down for five minutes and we're good to go.

Friday, April 15, 2011

It's not only physics

where Newtons laws work.
Especially those ones about actions causing reactions.

....or you could use another blast from the past with the whole- I did a snake good, but it bit me anyway parable.
You know the one where it ends up ..."you knew what I was when you saved me" thing.

Enjoy this video, but be prepared to hit pause a lot because it's in Hebrew and the subtitles are hard to read.

Yeah, those people who need a country status.

But, then ,,,if they DO get status as a*real* country,,,,and they keep rocketing Israel- that's an act of war. Isn't it?
And Israel can just hammer the sheit out of them until they surrender?

Ok, sounds good to me.

Here's a tip for gun sellers

If you're selling something that's not mainstream,,,like everyone knows it.
Say a WIN '94 30-30, or an M1903-A3 30-06.

lets say you have a Beretta 1873 lever action .357 rifle and you want to sell it online.
Maybe you could break out of the mold of just cutting and pasting the websites vague description and TELL me about your rifle.
Take some pictures, tell me what kind of safety I'll be getting.
I know it's right out of the box, but tell me how it feels. How is the trigger?
Is there a firing pin interlock?

I'm not there, This is the first time I knew Beretta made a lever action rifle.
Is it like a Puma that has some BS safety that you have to work around every time you shoot?

From the miniature pictures I see, it looks like I can put a peep sight on it, or is the case just too weak to handle tapping?

I'm not going to spend $700+ on something I *might* like without a little more input.


Starting a little early

But one to not pick up some easy blogfodder, I'm appropriating this preliminary Republican candidate list from Jim over at The Travis McGee Reader.

And my thoughts on each one.

--Michele Bachmann, congresswoman, Minnesota

She seems real enough, but can we afford to lose her in the Senate?
Especially with that idiot moron who stole the election Al Franken drooling as the ony other vote?

--Haley Barbour, Mississippi governor
Seems conservative enough

--John Bolton, former ambassador, Bush II's point man in Iraq
YES! Please.....

--Herman Cain, Godfather's Pizza
YES! The first real American black President.

--Mitch Daniels, Indiana governor
Meh, We'll see... Mr. B says no- maybe he'll tell us why?

--Newt Gingrich, former U.S. House speaker, Georgia
No Farging Way! Way too much baggage, nice to see you making nice with SanFran Nan over Cap-N-Tax.

--Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor, Fox teevee star
Another LOSER from the 2008 suckage on a ballot.

--Jon Huntsman, former ambassador to China
....Wasn't he a Clinton guy? Wrong Lib, he's >Obamas boy.

--Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor, VP candidate 2008
Wonderful, but she'd probably be better behind the scene. I would vote for her in a heartbeat, but she's probably not electable.

--Rand Paul, Kentucky U.S. senator (if his dad opts out)
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

--Ron Paul, Texas congressman, former LP presidential candidate
Remember Ross Perot? That's all I'm going to say about the nutjob.

--Tim Pawlenty, former Minnesota governor
Conservative enough, I guess.....

--Mike Pence, Indiana congressman
Conservative enough, I guess.....

--Buddy Roemer, former Louisiana governor
Conservative enough, I guess.....

--Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts governor
YGTBSM The Godfather of ObamaKare. A plastic man trying to pretend to be not a Liberal.

--Rick Santorum, former U.S. senator, Pennsylvania
Conservative enough, I guess.....

--John Thune, South Dakota U.S. senator
Conservative enough, I guess.....

--Donald Trump, businessman, casino operator, teevee star
At least he understands how money actually works


Jeb Bush ex-Governor of Fla.
Just NO. We have enough fake conservatives in DeeCee already.

Alan West Ret. Col. Fla Rep
I would LOVE to vote for this man, but right now, we need him where he's at 2018 definitely!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How fucking dare you, Pete Meachum

To compare Republicans in the House who are against that pitiful trimming of the budget that we got from Boehner to that communist bitch Hanoi Jane Fonda.

Dude, you've been in Washington way too fucking long. You're starting to sound just like your fellow travelers on the Left that Nancy Pelosi wants to see back running the RINO party.
The same kind of political hacks that got us in this mess in the first place.

Tell your boss, Kevin McCarthy to got blow himself too- because if he didn't feel the same way, you wouldn't be talking those same DEMOCRAT talking points you read on your favorite blog- the HuffPo.


Kaptain Kickass wants to cut $400 billion in Defense spending

over the next decade to bring our deficit down.
Maybe we could go a little further and - like have everyone share that pain.
Like Scrooge McObama wants everyone to sacrifice a little.
So why not EVERY cabinet department cut $400 Billion?

$400bn x 15 Cabinet departments= looks like $6 Trillion dollars to me.
If the Defense can do it while fighting three wars, why can't his political apparatchiks do it?

So Kobe Bryant is homophobic

or something, because called the ref a fag.

Well, here's something for any gay readers I might have.

This would be fun to watch

Except this global climate wrecking news will be buried.

Who knew that Hemp was bad for the environment? Since Those dopers are all in on the "Global warming climate changieness" thing, we know they'll do the right thing for mother Gaia.

Because nothing says comedy better than potheaded Liberals getting hit upside the head with real life.

Got milk?

Look at the dogs drinking old milk.


The only cat we have in the house took one sniff and walked away.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Hello Sweetie"

I brought you a present.

Now, Sweetie- I'm going to teach you how to drive with the brakes off....*

*You had to be there, it's a TARDIS thing.

And since Mike W. was disappointed in certain parts of Dr. Songs anatomy, you get a double hit of ...Companionship in Miss Martha Jones:-D

Go over here

It's safe for work, but not maybe, diabetics.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Catching up with the latest meme

visited 22 states (44%)
Create your own visited map of The United States

So, Officer Krupke

What brought your attention to this post?

She admitted that?

I don't think Nancy really realizes what she just admitted to when she said:

To my Republican friends: take back your party. So that it doesn’t matter so much who wins the election, because we have shared values about the education of our children, the growth of our economy, how we defend our country, our security and civil liberties, how we respect our seniors.

So, SanFran Nan is admitting that there really is NO difference between the Democrats and Republicans up in DeeCee? She's giving insider words to what the great unwashed murmur amongst themselves?

The Tea Party is actually a second party than the "Politics as Usual Party" section *D* or *R*.

Thanks Nancy, I hope someone uses that quote next year.

Look! It's Megan McCain!

She's in a pr()n video, but she's not taking credit for her real name.
Way to show how much of a progressive Republican you are Megan.

What kind of a scam is thus?

Or is this guy so full of himself that he thinks he'll be mobbed if he uses his hunting name?

I see "THEY" are targeting FireFox

I just got a warning of massive spyware and virus infections on FF. It's not as scary looking as that MS ZOMYGAWDYOURCOMPUTEZZ-GOINGTOBLOWUP one for MS.

Guys, you need to try harder m'k?

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Zygote of Obamakare

is making an exploratory committee into running for President- again.

Yes, you read thar right, Mitt Romneycare is going up against Obamacare in trying to see who can B.S. the American people into screwing themselves even farther into an unrealistic financial .... quagmire.

Mitt Romney- vote for another Republican loser!

If you want, I didn't because I don't even want to waste that time I could be picking up cat shite.
That's how not worth my time Mitt is, ok?

The next time TSA gropes a 6yr old girl

Someone really needs to get a buddy and start playing this on a ghetto blaster...

I bet they get arrested.

I was looking for something else..

When I came on this .gif
....And I just couldn't not pass on some Gwen Cooper, because you know you miss her.


She says You're welcome.

Color me surprised

You know, that video-op of obama running up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
What I'm surprised about is that no one has put the Rocky theme in there yet.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Should I?

Like I said, it's a $2 cut and if the 0bominator didn't throw the economy into reverse, and then hit the gas- I wouldn't have a problem with it, because the expensive truck gort paid off.
The problem is, with that pay cut- will I be able to AFFORD that 110 mi commute every day at $5/gal gas?

Look at this picture

It's Helen Mirren going through an X-ray machine at LAX.

But that's not the reason I put it up.
Look at those TSA perverts. One of them looks like she's standing on the recieving side of that radiation machine.

I don't see anything that looks like a radiation badge on either one of them.
Nor do I see any kind of certification on the machine like I'd see on a hospital X-ray machine.

Good thing we have Obamacare for when she gets cancer, so we won't be having to pay for all those expensive cancer treatments-huh?

Found it!

The poll was the problem.

I don't know what in that code was interfering, but as soon as I took it off the posts, it went away.

The results were:

Groucho with 9 votes
Brian with 8
Obama got 2 (whoever you jokers are)
and Charlie 1