Thursday, December 09, 2010

I'm a little confused on Blue Suns linkage proposal

Is that Super collider of linkages supposed to go both ways, of just one way?
Because Hsoi linked to me and Blue Sun about it.

But if we're trying to get a gunblogger circle of awesomeness, shouldn't the links only go one way? Because if links were going both ways, they'd like collide- or something and create like, another dimension of fusion weapons- or something like that.

But if all links went the same way, then it would create a vortex of gun blogish awesomeness.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Anything for science...

I don't know if you read Blue sun, but he's an engineering student who want's to try an experiment of linkage.

Basically what he wants to try doing is create a giant Hadron Collider of gunny links that will result in a hole of awesomeness.

I told him it failed two weeks from yesterday because someone left a quarter inch hex nut in there, but we'll run it anyway to see what happens.

Hit the link to get he super collider of linkage going.

That was a near miss

Here I was checking out what was on the TeeWee and almost clicked on Mythbusters, when I remembered that Adam and Jamie were sucking that Pricks d1ck tonight in a very ONELY special.

Hi! Are we p1ssed off yet today?

Here's something you can e-mail your Senators and Representatives.

It's pretty much eleven minutes of watching one young mother in a glass cage because the Phoenix TSA was retaliating against her for wanting them to follow their rules.

I wonder how much that fat blond biatch fagger got paid to stand around hovering over the prisoners personal belongings.

They made her miss her flight, too.

And speaking of breast milk, Merry Christmas!

Wouldn't it be Kewl

if scientists could drag up as much outrage against the questionable procedures use by the global warming alarmists- as they did about NASA?

You heard that NASA thought they found arsenic based life forms and wrote a scientific paper about it, right? It was all over the place (sort of).

Now, after some reading and digesting it, scientists have come out strongly denouncing the flawed science.

Still waiting on that whole climate change thing, though...

Would anyone recognize Kevin Smith?

Does anyone know who Kevin Smith is? Or care?

Well, apparently in his self absorbed world, he's famous for being the "too fat to fly" guy. Because of some incident that he made public lat year with Southwest.

I wouldn't recognize him, or probably even care that he was on my flight if he didn't do something to cause a commotion. which he did by getting to the gate late for a Virgin Air flight.

We pleaded with Manny (the unfriendly face of Virgin America JFK working the gate), pointing out the remaining time (there were still 8 minutes before scheduled departure), and pointing out that the jetway was still attached to the plane. Flying as much as I do (usually up at the front of the plane), I know that the jetway only gets pulled back ONCE THE PLANE DOOR IS SECURELY CLOSED.
Um, yeah dood- they have to CLOSE THE DOOR before moving the ramp.

But why did he get there with EIGHT minutes to spare?

And the next three flights I took, it was the same. Even worse: when you fly first, you board first, sit down... and then EVERYONE files past you. And when you're the Too Fat To Fly guy on a plane? Well, everyone stares. Then the whispering starts. A hundred people look right at you - when you're not on a stage. It kinda blows.
Dude- seriously, if you're on a plane that holds hundreds of people, your first class seat would be separated from the entrance so the great unwashed wouldn't see you.
But instead- Hey, lets wait until everyone has found their seat and stowed their luggage so they don't have anything to do EXCEPT look at a late boarder.

Then be a whiney Lib and cry about it.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Here's a thought about those wikileaks

Arrest Julian, the strangely effeminate man, under the 1917 espionage acts.

Then when his minions spill the beans that he's promised to blackmail Bank of America with- haul them in too and shut down every server and disseminator they were associated with.

Lets see how deep their commitment to 'free expression' goes then.

Oh, and that First Amendment freedom of speech thing? Sorry, that's only for American citizens. Can't have it both ways Julian the Australian.

The Breck girl is now available

The only one with backbone in the Edwards clan has died.

Now John is free to channel her in front of a malpractice jury to go for a record breaking award in another round of pseudo science.

Monday, December 06, 2010

What do these guns have in common?

None of them are regulated.
As a matter of fact you can mail order those pistols for home delivery.

Their brothers have all assassinated a president.

I realize I'm late

But, to the leaders of the ONE religion, Happy Chanukah!
Because what could be cooler than Hannika and Big Band?

Stolen from Merel Yourish- who I don't think would feel bad if Double Tapper found out.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Jeezuz Krist guy-

It's been a week since someone elbowed you.

Let the macho-I'm-a-Jock thing go.
It really doesn't fit.

Really. We've seen how you throw.

The British wife has never played baseball, but could probably pitch closer to the catcher than you, since she at least knows what Rounders are.

"Ok people, this is how it is-"

"You're going to go out there and act like the professionals you are. I have been told that Prezident Kickazz wants a photo-op of youshowing your support."

"You will then assemble in a respectful manor to hear his views and whatever meaningless speech he gives about how he respects you and what ever you're doing here."

"Afterwords any of you who want to may request a face to face meeting..."

Saturday, December 04, 2010

The lizard brain

I mean the brain of a real lizard. an Iguana.

How many times does it need to get it's head stuck before she realizes that she gets stuck? I mean yank herself back with all four feet until her head pops free. Then she climbs the side and does it again and gets stuck so she's hanging by her head until she can twist herself around to drop free- unto the floor of the cage.

There's nothing but skull and skin, so there's no give and it's got to hurt, so how many times does it take?

BTW- does anyone in the San Antonio area want an Iguana (with a questionable tail) for Christmas? I'll probably throw the cage in free. Now with a brand new double door for easy access.

Truth in the strangest places

Like at some DeeCee self love convention made up of Liberal politicians and their fawning media. Where intentionally or not, this speech writer to Prezident Kickazz (who wore a bomber jacket in the 'Stan yesterday- to boost his street cred ,,,or something) made some insider jokes in the first 45 seconds about the people that got Obama elected and then went on to make fun of the way homosexuals feel comfortable in the Republican party before going on to link pedophile priests and the TSA.

The Obama administration, amateurs to the end.

Friday, December 03, 2010

WTF Tater?

Are you dead or not?

You sure didn't look like you were 70.

,,,and I thought drugs made you look older than you were.....

But you're not, Janet

The head Liberal in charge of the TSA, which is in charge of the INS, wants the Dream Act passed so she can concentrate on deporting "real" criminals.

Napolitano said it doesn't make sense for her department to spend time and resources prosecuting young people who don't have criminal records and who didn't have a say in when they came to this country.

Well, Janet, YOU are the one deciding which laws you're going to enforce. Just don't go after kids like you're not going to deport anyone from Arizona!
POOF- problem solved.

I'm going to have to get a new image

For the new happy face of fuzzy socialist America, because this Hitler smiley is going to be worn out in two years.

This time Erik Holders DOJ(for black people) is tracing credit card users without bothering with those pesky warrants.
You know, like the CONSTITUTION says they need.

But, it would be worse if George Bush did it- since warm and fuzzy socialism is better than any other kind.

I just got back from an interview

As I was going through town, I noticed something.

WTF is going on with gas prices? It's another dime higher than yesterday.
The way President Kickazz is going with his energy policy, it'll be over $3/gal by Christmas.
But, I understand- we need to see $7/gal so people would even think about buying his electric Edsel.

Oh, the interview, it was with a local municipality that wanted to pay me less than I'm getting on unemployment.

Now Chris Christi is the bogie man

Because the City council of Camden, N.J. doesn't have any control of their discretionary spending? So now they have to lay off half their police force, because they have to protect all the PC, feel good crap they wasted the taxpayer money on so they can stay in power.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

"Honey? Thing 1 needs you to make a cage"

What kind of a cage? For what?

They (her humane society) rescued an Iguana and she adopted it.

Why in the f*ck did she adopt a lizard? And what's wrong with the aquarium it's in now?

She felt sorry for it, and the thing is too small. It might even loose it's tail...

It's a reptile, it doesn't know how small the thing is, and Iguanas have a detachable tail anyway.

She sent some pictures of what she needs.


So I looked at it and after designing one that was easily transportable (because tools and assembly are not her forte), I made a bill of materials which came out to about $100 before tax.

Who's going to pay for this?

We'll get whoever adopts it to buy it.

Then I remembered- we have horse panels out back. Kewl,,, All I need is a new sawzall blade and some tie wire.

...and some heat source for the shelf, and a branch, and something to keep it from overturning it's food and water.

Those Ryobi batteries sure don't last long below 95 degrees, do they?
If I had an extra sheet of plywood, I could get away with one and a half horse panels and a solid back at 5'H x 5' 10"W x 2'W.

UPDATE- Part the second
It, apparently it's a she, is in her newly expanded world and completely flummoxed at being able to stretch out. The dogs now have live TeeWee to watch, with real animals!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

That's why!

I was wondering why gas shot up by a dime since yesterday.
Yeah, we're in a depression and Kaptain Kickass is doing everything he can to alianate our former allies, so why not stop all AMERICAN drilling in the gulf.

Because we all know that if the Mexicans, Chinese, Cubans or anyone else care more about polluting our waters than we do.
Besides, we need to jack that gas price up so those electric Edsels that GM is pushing look good.

You, Have. Got. To. Be. Sh1tting. Me.

We're past our eyebrows in debt, our great grandchilderen are going to be taxed out the @ss for this fools spending- and now he wants to bail out the farging EU.

For the f*ck sake, is this Communist ever going to stop throwing money away?

Oh Gawd, make it so


You can thank me in the comments

Because I was going to put up a video of Justin Biebers views on immigration.

But it was too stupid even for this blog.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I almost forgot

One of the greatest leaders of the free world was born on this date.

These people are getting HOW MUCH per year?

I'm talking about that C*nt up in the speakers dais acting like a true Leftie biatch.
Rep. Buyer is only trying to do his job for the people he represents.


You say that like it's a bad thing

That dead people are riding your buses up in Chi-town.
Why would you have a problem with that? You don't have a problem when they vote.

It looks like people are abusing some kind of free bus pass for elderly and disabled people.
...And like most things Liberal, was thrown together without a clue and little oversite.

The free-rides program was initiated and hastily sent through the legislature by former Gov. Rod Blagojevich. The program costs the CTA, Metra and Pace between $38 million and $116 million last year, according to a report by the University of Illinois at Chicago.

$38 to $116 million? That's a hellofa spread there, Sparky. Which set of books does that number come from ?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Three million?

YGTBSM- right?

That little girl Bradly Manning had access to the military's Siprnet intelligence system along with almost anyone else who didn't have a criminal record.
3,000,000 had access to secret and damaging information that could be downloaded onto a thumb drive, and now someone is surprised that some traitor dumped it into a communists hands?

I mean, come on- A frigging PFC had access to diplomatic correspondence marked from secret all the way up?
I know she was an intelligence analyst, but put some limits on access, m'kay?


It took them long enough.
You know, I'm not the smartest negro in America, but you think they'd have done something about this after the first batch.

Time for a break

Get your laugh on here.

Lesbians who look like Justin Bieber.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Walking dead

is on now.

Aside from the clueless Hollywood gun stuff.
And the fact that it has to be a lot harder to pull crossbow bolts and pickax heads out of zombie heads than is shown.

It would really skeeve me out to be wearing zombie blood for the whole show.

Did anyone else notice the flag in the RV?
I don't know about the old guy, but somehow- I think he'd be on the front lines of an Obama support group...or a Grateful Dead concert, anyway.