Thursday, October 27, 2022

You want to play that game- Paypal...


I can use a credit card on E-bay or anywhere else that uses you.
Because when your PR nightmare -that you lied about- died down, you went ant decided you were going to censor people for wrongthink.... AGAIN!

Here's how to do it-
You can't close your account if there are limitations, unresolved issues, or a balance. Here's how to close your PayPal account:

  1. Click the Settings icon next to "Log out."
  2. Click Close your account under "Account options."
  3. Enter your bank account number if requested.
  4. Click Close Account.
Here is how to close your account via PayPal app:
  1. Log into PayPal App.
  2. Click on Profile icon on upper left corner. 
  3. Scroll down until you locate Close your account.
  4. After selecting Close your account, click on Close Account button.


  1. IDK how it works, maybe they can't hurt you with your account number, but I'm wondering if closing that one and opening another would be a good idea.

    1. Having your name would let them surf your social media for wrongthink.
      And how far back would they go? I heard of cancel culture going back to when the targeted were tweens.

  2. I used paypal once several years ago to buy a straight razor. It was the only form of payment he would accept. That credit card I linked to that account has had the numbers changed at least twice. Not worried about paypal, simply refuse to use it.
