Thursday, June 20, 2013

And the Twitterverse is all in PSH about Serena Williams

And all the right people are outraged.

In case you haven't heard, Serena had an interview with Rolling Stone and said something that most adults would have agreed with........30 years ago.

It was and is common sense, but Liberals are up in arms for actually connection cause ans effect.
This is the comment that made the twitterverse scream:

Are you ready? Got you face covered and one eye peeking out?

Here it is...
Are you sure you want to go there?


"...I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember? It could have been much worse. She’s lucky."

That's it.
Now they want her to walk it back.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Age check

Who remembers this phrase?

"And now for something completely different."

Still nothing worth posting

We have that Clown Posse in Chicago-by-the-Potomac still as incompetent as ever, the MSM trying to look like they're still not in bed with 0bama, and the usual crap from overseas.

How about something a little more upbeat?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

They forgot one


Seriously- NO!

And f&ck NO!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

It's not like there was any precident for it, was there?

You know- someone using a thumb drive to download and spread Americas secrets throughout the world...

Ok, I can see that happening in this administration full of incompetent people.
But to not have at least password protection on access levels your not allowed at is.........well- typical of unaccountable and uncaring bureaucrats everywhere, I guess.

Good thing we have the MSM thinking that at least sometimes top security leaks are bad.........

Friday, June 14, 2013

They say everything comes in threes

That's what happened this week.
First it was $775 for the A/C
Then mom passing
And lastly the S-10 sounding like it has clogged Catalytic converters and no power.

On the good side, after the blower motor didn't succeed in burning down the house, I talked to the insurance agent and found out someone negotiated a good policy for us as far as fire and weather damage.
And I'm able to drive the spare/emergency vehicle while I'm trying to resupply a flat bank account.

Monday, June 10, 2013

So there I was, watching "All Creatures geat and Small"

On Netflix when Karen came by and started watching it with me.
She was saying how she used to enjoy it back in England. Then we got to talking a little about the other shows we Americans know from over there..Monty Python and Benny Hill.

So she made the obervation that of coures we wanted to see that because of the semi-naked women.
Which i heartily agreed with, and then pointed out the fact that Helen wasn't wearing a bra in this episode.

Wherein she called me a perv, and I replied that I never denied being one.

Just one more insight into Casa Trainwreck.

Guns for girls

They're not what you think-

More below the fold for faster loading~

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Grace under fire

Alternatively titled- Oops.......

On the other hand, he's the only one I saw try to show proper respect.......

Saturday, June 08, 2013

The caliber wars have been settled.

Can't argue with that, can you?

Friday, June 07, 2013

I'm going to go out on a limb here-

Remember those "Ricin tainted" letters sent to 0bama, Bloomberg and others in the hoplophobe camp?

They caught the sender, and I'm going to bet that she's a(nother) registered Democrat.
Either trying to frame her husband (they're getting a divorce.
OR did it to creat sympathy for "the cause".

Or both.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

After all the Presidential luuuv shown by Gov. Christie

is he still Anne Coulter's golden boy for the next presidential election?
Or is he just another RINO?

Thursday Rule-5 Guess the series

Shouldn't be too hard with my Brown Coat readers:

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Send in the Federal Marshals today

have them padlock the doors to all the IRS buildings and tell them that they have untill noon Monday to produce what was ordered.

If the don't do it, send them to prison like they routinely threaten taxpayers with.
How else are you going to get their attention?

Link with auto start video @ the bottom.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Breaking news on womens health!

A new study tells how to stop breast cancer before it starts.
Guys will be all over the "cure".

Experiments found that physical pressure led cells back to normal growth patterns, and that even after compression was no longer applied, the malignant cells stopped growing.

Rule-5 Thursday...on Friday

Because I lost a day over memorial day.
Since there has been a small bruhaha about a certain young celeb from a (typically) hypocritical stylish magazine  run buy Liberals.
...And I didn't get any good leads on today's topic- you get a fat Kate Upton.
And you bad Photoshop this week-

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

So, what was the bomber that flattend Frankfurt?

A friend posed on my FB page.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Enjoy your day off

These guys earned it for you-

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Saturday, May 25, 2013

When one dog gets fed-

They all get food.
No matter what they look like............

Friday, May 24, 2013

How could this happen?

Wasn't this supposed to have been 'fixed' during the first stimulus?

 Emergency response officials say no one has died, but divers are still searching the Skagit River for possible survivors after the Skagit River Bridge between Burlington and Mount Vernon collapsed this evening.

Or at least the second where the Lightworker stood in front of some almost new bridge in Ohio- or something- and told us the second stimulus was going to 'fix' what they didn't before.
Because if it saves only one persons life............

The National Transportation Safety Board tweeted that the agency is investigating the collapse.
The bridge, built in 1955, was considered structurally deficient in 1992, and functionally obsolete in 2000 and 2010, according to the National Bridge Inventory.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Your Rule-5 Thursday

With curvy blonde women.
AND your bad photoshopped blonde is.........

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Vision evoking phrases

Whenever I hear some Dee Cee spokes-flack using the focus group tested phrase "boots on the ground"- I don't see troops going into action.
I remember this kind of boots on the ground.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Cutting to the bone-
Before the sequester-

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Well, that's done

Four days worth of switching underground primaries to a temporary feed.

The hole for the new feed, the old feed and the temporary feed (spliced inside the pull box).
What you don't see is two 6" steel 90's from the conduit under my toe, two more 6" steel 90's coming in from the trench on the left and two 4" from the right side of the pole base.

Aaaand the (almost) finished product: where that hole used to be:

Saturday, May 18, 2013

So- what you want me to believe is

That unelected, uncaring, unresponsible career bureaucrats- who resoundingly contribute to the Democrats didn't know it was illegal to go after anyone not Liberal enough?

That they didn't know any better? That in their book any means to getting their Chicago Jeezus re-elected was ok?

And now the chairman "can;t remember" anything? Sounds like someone needs to go to jail until they DO remember the truth.

But we know only some small fish will get fired.

And rehired at another Federal gravy job as a reward.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Your Feel-good video of the day

In Venezuela-

Hey, you could have gotten my earworm...Stacy's Mom.

Via Peter.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Rule-5 Thursday- Searches answered

This time we're looking at "Gun Girls"- always a good topic.

The things I go through for you- You don't know how many of theses pics I rejected because of the Rule Two violations.

This weeks bad photoshop has been changed to just a bad girl-

Wednesday, May 15, 2013