A trainwreck in Maxwell
Unfair and Unbalanced
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The value of a fundamental education
is so that you can see through, and laugh at the obvious attention whoring that is the father of 'The Balloon Boy.' I don't know...
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I don't know how to categorize this
I'm looking at the back of an envelope from the Treasury Dept.- specifically the IRS, which happens to be lead by a seven year long tax ...
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They are your people, Democrats
Own it . That's what fifty years worth of social engineering gets you when you tell people how special they are and that they get di...
It's made out of people!
Pepsi is making flavor enhancers out of PEOPLE ! Well, actually the politically correct term is nonviable tissue masses. but, then why shoul...
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I see your Stevie
Mnr : And raise you a video with Stevie on the baton: Yeah,,,and it's till a classic.
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Monday, May 30, 2011
That's my school district they're talking about
And both of the recent grads say basically "screw him, let him stay away.' Because he and his parents are trying to stop a 50 year ...
Does anyone notice distractions on websites?
I try not to look at ads and shiny, glitzy things when I'm reading things. I don't pay much attention to commercials on radio or Tee...
Lets guess who they voted for-
Young (mostly). Lack of foresight. Stupid. Yep, they have to be 0bama voters. ....And, yes- I did laugh at some of them.
What is wrong with just respecting Memorial Day?
The Community Organizer in Chief stopped by Arlington on the way to the golf course and mouthed some meaningless platitudes about the people...
Weekly poll- The Sarah Show
No- I'm not talking about that Liberal semi-cute Jewish comedienne in Hollywood. I'm talking about 'HER", and the fact that...
The Newton poll- results
Our last poll broke pretty much into two camps again with 44 votes, the major vote getter being Newt will never quit ...
Well, that's the kiss of death
Sorry Sarah, but if the 'maverick' John McCain endorsed you it's over before it starts. I like you and would vote for you beca...
I know it's a day of remembrance
But here is something to lighten your day from Brits who love America more than the president.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Look! Book-ends
and a recycled slogan to boot! Prosperity is just around the corner!
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Ok you newsies
Quit picking on MEchelle , it's taking a toll. The turnover, greater than under recent first ladies, underscores the pressure and high ...
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How cloying can you get AP?
F*cking. Just. Gage. Me. With a. Tire spoon. The ' Healer-in-chief '- Krist WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is pivoting fro...
Off to the memory hole
with Anthony Wieners wiener- and the co-ed he was having some kind of private tweetary with. And I notice that the Liberals at Google are w...
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From the people who dare you to question their patriotism
Happy Memorial Day from the Left.
Just wondering
If blackie-O is such a fashion t rendsetter and all, why don't we see the fawning newsies wearing boobi e belts and sweater s they pu...
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Will. You . Stop. That! She said
Why? Because he doesn't like you stepping on his tail. Yes he does. How do you figure that? Because if he didn't, he'd leave whe...
So we've got another loser thinking about running
So all we have is another retread who couldn't even get nominated over a complete RINO, who lost to an empty suit. Sarah is doing her pa...
This should be fun to watch
Sorry to Bushwack and the conservative bloggers out there in the Peoples Democratic Republic of California. But according to the Sacramento...
Friday, May 27, 2011
That's a $2,000 dress?
You've got to be sh1tting m e. It looks like she mugged some homeless woman for it, except for the whole silk looking mini-sweater...or...
For all you would-be BBQ grill makers
Here's a quick PSA about how NOT to blow yourself up when torching a bottle or barrel. Fill it with water BEFORE you make the first cu...
I guess we could blame BP for sea turtle death
But not directly from their spill in the gulf last summer. And the botched aftermath of the most eco-friendly administration America has eve...
I thought even the MSM go tired
of lying about the fasion sense of MEchelle sometime last year? But NOooooo, Yahoo found someone who's taste in fugly clothes are worse...
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Johnny Horton tells a story
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Why yes actually
I do like boogie-
What is it?
A box? No... A cat-house! Thank you! I'll be here all week.
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As the 0bama tongue bath continues
in the British tabloids. We could rephrase part of a headline to say ...'a rather poorly placed photographer.' Not to mention the f...
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