I just wanted you to know that although I'm not a registered Republican- I generally vote that way.
Given the choices I see now between the four main contenders, I just wanted you to know that I'll be sitting home on election day.
Because not only did I stand still and watch you walk to the left- your two main candidates are what I would politely call rhinos.
John McCain may somehow have gotten a good conservative score, but every time I remember something important coming up- he's sided with the Democrats,,,,,,,,,,,,and that Amnesty bill with his name on it just cinched the saddle there.
Romney changes his positions more than I change my socks, and his Government healthcare isn't two years old and already in debt.
Send me a real conservative and you have my vote.
I wrote this blog post, BTW....I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils.
Have a good next four years- you've earned it.
Do you think I was too harsh? Flogging the blog too much?
Should I have just stayed home and let them wonder where everyone was?
Think I'll hear anything back from them?
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
You pervs just won't give up on the Chelsea Clinton nipple s
Will you?
Ok, I guess you've got to be desperate coming here to look, seeing as I can't stand the Clinton mafioso.
Anyway, why don't you hit the *IMAGE* or *PICTURE* button on your search engine before you go looking at blogs that should have better taste than to show CHELSEA CLINTONS NIPPLES.
I mean, really.
You absolutly have to be completely taste dead to want to see CHELSEA CLINTON NIPPLES anyway.
The Bush twins have it over Chelsea any way you turn them- looks, personality, their humanitarian works,,,,,
Ok, but remember- I already told you she has her dads nipples:
Ok, I guess you've got to be desperate coming here to look, seeing as I can't stand the Clinton mafioso.
Anyway, why don't you hit the *IMAGE* or *PICTURE* button on your search engine before you go looking at blogs that should have better taste than to show CHELSEA CLINTONS NIPPLES.
I mean, really.
You absolutly have to be completely taste dead to want to see CHELSEA CLINTON NIPPLES anyway.
The Bush twins have it over Chelsea any way you turn them- looks, personality, their humanitarian works,,,,,
Ok, but remember- I already told you she has her dads nipples:
Looks like the 'Maverick" won Fla
So we don't *really* have a lot of choice,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AGAIN.
And all the pundits and prognosticators will tell you to hold your nose and vote for the lessor of two evils.
I'm tired of having to pick the dregs of the vote.
I want a REAL conservative to vote for. Not some manufactured 'conservative' that uses highly selective highlights of a 30 year record to try to convince gullible Americans that he *really* IS a conservative after all.
If I have to vote for evil, I'll go all the way.
Here's my candidate now.........
You may have read about him, and you can get his bumper stickers here.
The greater of all the evils...............
And all the pundits and prognosticators will tell you to hold your nose and vote for the lessor of two evils.
I'm tired of having to pick the dregs of the vote.
I want a REAL conservative to vote for. Not some manufactured 'conservative' that uses highly selective highlights of a 30 year record to try to convince gullible Americans that he *really* IS a conservative after all.
If I have to vote for evil, I'll go all the way.
Here's my candidate now.........
You may have read about him, and you can get his bumper stickers here.
The greater of all the evils...............
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
You just can't make this up
Even more reasons that we want government healthcare in America.
An 11-year-old boy from Britain, who was partially deaf for nearly 10 years, was suddenly cured when a thick piece of cotton popped out of his ear, according to a report in the Daily Mail.
Jerome Bartens was diagnosed as deaf in his right ear when he was just two-years-old.
Over the next nine years, he struggled to live a normal life as a young boy — but everything changed when he felt a sudden pop in his right ear while playing a game of pool with friends.
He put his finger in his ear and pulled out a tip of a cotton wool bud that had been wedged in his ear since he was a toddler.
I know our Dr.s are rushed, but at least they *look* at the patient because unlike Big Gov- the Dr.s here can be sued for missing something obvious like that.
An 11-year-old boy from Britain, who was partially deaf for nearly 10 years, was suddenly cured when a thick piece of cotton popped out of his ear, according to a report in the Daily Mail.
Jerome Bartens was diagnosed as deaf in his right ear when he was just two-years-old.
Over the next nine years, he struggled to live a normal life as a young boy — but everything changed when he felt a sudden pop in his right ear while playing a game of pool with friends.
He put his finger in his ear and pulled out a tip of a cotton wool bud that had been wedged in his ear since he was a toddler.
I know our Dr.s are rushed, but at least they *look* at the patient because unlike Big Gov- the Dr.s here can be sued for missing something obvious like that.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Does anyone know of a website that can tell me how to replace the back glass on a '04 Mitsu Montero Sport?
I know how, but being it's a Mitsubitchi, and all- Japenese, I figure it won't be as straightforward as an American vehicle.
I went to change the oil yesterday in the back yard- with LOTS of gnarly, twisted Mesquite trees, and a very dirty rear window. I was maneuvering to my *ramp* and before I could change from shifting out of reverse from the columb (my Chevy) to the floor shifter (the Mitsu) I rolled into a stub of an old branch about two inches in from the bottom right of the window. The only reason we have glass back there right now is because of the window tinting (and lots of clear packing tape).
I can get a used one installed for $150 at a body shop. I guess my mentioning the extra $200 not going to a pistol made him decide to give me a break.
Karens birthday is comming up and hopefully she gets a new bed, and I can talk her into letting me have this.
I know how, but being it's a Mitsubitchi, and all- Japenese, I figure it won't be as straightforward as an American vehicle.
I went to change the oil yesterday in the back yard- with LOTS of gnarly, twisted Mesquite trees, and a very dirty rear window. I was maneuvering to my *ramp* and before I could change from shifting out of reverse from the columb (my Chevy) to the floor shifter (the Mitsu) I rolled into a stub of an old branch about two inches in from the bottom right of the window. The only reason we have glass back there right now is because of the window tinting (and lots of clear packing tape).
I can get a used one installed for $150 at a body shop. I guess my mentioning the extra $200 not going to a pistol made him decide to give me a break.
Karens birthday is comming up and hopefully she gets a new bed, and I can talk her into letting me have this.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Can't you hear her strident voice right now?
Looking out for the disenfranchised?
"I hear all the time from people in Florida and Michigan that they want their voices heard in selecting the Democratic nominee.
"I believe our nominee will need the enthusiastic support of Democrats in these states to win the general election, and so I will ask my Democratic convention delegates to support seating the delegations from Florida and Michigan. I know not all of my delegates will do so and I fully respect that decision. But I hope to be President of all 50 states and U.S. territories, and that we have all 50 states represented and counted at the Democratic convention.
Because she's eitherclueless about can't remember WHY their delegates aren't counted *now* OR she thinks the clueless voting public is.
I guess she also overlooked the little thing from the DNC that says those delegates will be divvied up *AT* the convention.
But that's ok, history will be changed to meet her memory, when she's back in power.
AND she'll get us the healthcare that we deserve.
AND make the planes run on time.
All HAIL El Douche!!
"I hear all the time from people in Florida and Michigan that they want their voices heard in selecting the Democratic nominee.
"I believe our nominee will need the enthusiastic support of Democrats in these states to win the general election, and so I will ask my Democratic convention delegates to support seating the delegations from Florida and Michigan. I know not all of my delegates will do so and I fully respect that decision. But I hope to be President of all 50 states and U.S. territories, and that we have all 50 states represented and counted at the Democratic convention.
Because she's either
I guess she also overlooked the little thing from the DNC that says those delegates will be divvied up *AT* the convention.
But that's ok, history will be changed to meet her memory, when she's back in power.
AND she'll get us the healthcare that we deserve.
AND make the planes run on time.
All HAIL El Douche!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Welcome to another installment of weekend nose art
Just couldn't help posting this
Friday, January 25, 2008
Everything old is new again
This time it's the looming water shortage.
Remember it? Last time around it created the 4-flush toilet because Congress forced everyone to get one.
I don't know what the big deal is, the earth is 70% water; and when Global Warming hits full force in 10 years, the oceans will be almost fresh water because of the resulting ice melt.
That alone will raise the sea level by 300 feet and dilute the oceans so only minimal de-sal will be needed.
I'm sure AlGore will be selling Sodium Chloride offsets, too.
Oh, and we're running out of dirt...again, too.
Remember it? Last time around it created the 4-flush toilet because Congress forced everyone to get one.
I don't know what the big deal is, the earth is 70% water; and when Global Warming hits full force in 10 years, the oceans will be almost fresh water because of the resulting ice melt.
That alone will raise the sea level by 300 feet and dilute the oceans so only minimal de-sal will be needed.
I'm sure AlGore will be selling Sodium Chloride offsets, too.
Oh, and we're running out of dirt...again, too.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I am definitely putting Rick Moran on the blogroll
I was going to link a post from him (via Say anything -which is giving F/F fits)about how the Clinton machine will do anything to anyone to get over...
That would have been a good excuse to use El Capitains photoshopped Hillary image..but it can wait. (another thank-you-very-much to Bill Gates and VISTA)
I was scrolling down looking for the post in question when I saw this one that pretty much echos my sentiments.
But I must confess to being totally uninterested in who gets the Republican nod for the nomination from here on out. I will, like Bob Krumm, vote for Fred in the Super Tuesday primary in Illinois. I will then be able to sit back and watch with amusement as the party turns handsprings trying to make John McCain acceptable to most of the rest of us.
By the time the convention rolls around, McCain will be seen as a savior, just the right man to defeat Hillary Clinton. We can then be further amused as McCain loses handily to Clinton, admittedly as a result of factors largely beyond his control but which could have been mitigated by nominating someone who didn’t deliberately (and with apparent relish) piss off conservatives for much of his career. McCain’s questionable stands on core conservative issues are expertly covered up by his campaign. But Mark Levin exposed the senator’s record in a devastating piece in NRO that included these legislative measures with McCain’s name on them:
McCain-Feingold — the most brazen frontal assault on political speech since Buckley v. Valeo.
McCain-Kennedy — the most far-reaching amnesty program in American history.
McCain-Lieberman — the most onerous and intrusive attack on American industry — through reporting, regulating, and taxing authority of greenhouse gases — in American history.
McCain-Kennedy-Edwards — the biggest boon to the trial bar since the tobacco settlement, under the rubric of a patients’ bill of rights.
McCain-Reimportation of Drugs — a significant blow to pharmaceutical research and development, not to mention consumer safety…
McCain’s disdain for the party and for conservatives will almost surely come back to haunt him in November if he is the nominee.
Or let’s say the unexpected happens and Daddy Warbucks outlasts McCain and buys his way to victory. Here’s a guy who wouldn’t be able to remember what he said previously about an issue, the end result being he would end up flipping and flopping so much the media would have to keep a scorecard as to where he stood on an issue on any given day.
And Remember, Mitts state (Commonwealth?)"universal Healthcare" plan is only two years old and almost a BILLION Dollars in the red already- AND they're fining 'the rich' for ,,,,ummmm being rich in Mass. Because they're either paying too much- or not enough for health insurance.
Huckabee isn't much more than a white Alan Keyes- with less ethics and a better PR machine.
And Rudy has enough baggage to give the MSM enough ammo to blow another grand canyon wherever he's campaigning.
That would have been a good excuse to use El Capitains photoshopped Hillary image..but it can wait. (another thank-you-very-much to Bill Gates and VISTA)
I was scrolling down looking for the post in question when I saw this one that pretty much echos my sentiments.
But I must confess to being totally uninterested in who gets the Republican nod for the nomination from here on out. I will, like Bob Krumm, vote for Fred in the Super Tuesday primary in Illinois. I will then be able to sit back and watch with amusement as the party turns handsprings trying to make John McCain acceptable to most of the rest of us.
By the time the convention rolls around, McCain will be seen as a savior, just the right man to defeat Hillary Clinton. We can then be further amused as McCain loses handily to Clinton, admittedly as a result of factors largely beyond his control but which could have been mitigated by nominating someone who didn’t deliberately (and with apparent relish) piss off conservatives for much of his career. McCain’s questionable stands on core conservative issues are expertly covered up by his campaign. But Mark Levin exposed the senator’s record in a devastating piece in NRO that included these legislative measures with McCain’s name on them:
McCain-Feingold — the most brazen frontal assault on political speech since Buckley v. Valeo.
McCain-Kennedy — the most far-reaching amnesty program in American history.
McCain-Lieberman — the most onerous and intrusive attack on American industry — through reporting, regulating, and taxing authority of greenhouse gases — in American history.
McCain-Kennedy-Edwards — the biggest boon to the trial bar since the tobacco settlement, under the rubric of a patients’ bill of rights.
McCain-Reimportation of Drugs — a significant blow to pharmaceutical research and development, not to mention consumer safety…
McCain’s disdain for the party and for conservatives will almost surely come back to haunt him in November if he is the nominee.
Or let’s say the unexpected happens and Daddy Warbucks outlasts McCain and buys his way to victory. Here’s a guy who wouldn’t be able to remember what he said previously about an issue, the end result being he would end up flipping and flopping so much the media would have to keep a scorecard as to where he stood on an issue on any given day.
And Remember, Mitts state (Commonwealth?)"universal Healthcare" plan is only two years old and almost a BILLION Dollars in the red already- AND they're fining 'the rich' for ,,,,ummmm being rich in Mass. Because they're either paying too much- or not enough for health insurance.
Huckabee isn't much more than a white Alan Keyes- with less ethics and a better PR machine.
And Rudy has enough baggage to give the MSM enough ammo to blow another grand canyon wherever he's campaigning.
There's beer in the fridge and munchies in the cupboard.
So sit down and watch this.
Mein Fuher, I CAN WALK!
Oh cr@p. I was putting it away and saw the SONY logo.
Now I have to deep scan for rootkits.
Thanks alot SONY, appreciate your customer concerns!
Yep, the customer is #1 with you aren't they?
So sit down and watch this.
Mein Fuher, I CAN WALK!
Oh cr@p. I was putting it away and saw the SONY logo.
Now I have to deep scan for rootkits.
Thanks alot SONY, appreciate your customer concerns!
Yep, the customer is #1 with you aren't they?
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
So, is anyone else having troubles with Fire Fox?
Is it getting kinda wiggy on two completely different computers, running two completely diferent Win OS and two completely different versions of FireFox?
Both are freezing up, the Vista (F/F 3.0 Beta) just freezes up and the screen goes hazy (thanks Bill for your wondeful VISTA nannyism).
Is it getting kinda wiggy on two completely different computers, running two completely diferent Win OS and two completely different versions of FireFox?
Both are freezing up, the Vista (F/F 3.0 Beta) just freezes up and the screen goes hazy (thanks Bill for your wondeful VISTA nannyism).
Monday, January 21, 2008
Goodnight Emily
Hey kiddies, guess what today is!!!!!!!!!
That's right, it's Martin Luther King day, as you're probably either sick of hearing- or had all forms of the PC MSM brown nosing a guy who's been dead for forty year turned off.
Don't tell me they're going overboard on all this reporting on parades and marches and politicians getting up on a pulpit (even the Godless Liberal ones) and gushing about "THEMessage" because they care about him.
If he wasn't black, and you weren't afraid of being labeled a racist hatemonger, you wouldn't give this day any more attention than you do Veterans day.
I'm just glad I had Charlie Daniels to listen to in my truck.
Don't tell me they're going overboard on all this reporting on parades and marches and politicians getting up on a pulpit (even the Godless Liberal ones) and gushing about "THEMessage" because they care about him.
If he wasn't black, and you weren't afraid of being labeled a racist hatemonger, you wouldn't give this day any more attention than you do Veterans day.
I'm just glad I had Charlie Daniels to listen to in my truck.
Ohhh, my sweet Lord
NOW it turns out that it wasn't the complete incompetence of the Democrat political machine that caused all the problems in N'awlins.
It was Big Oil.
It was Big Oil.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
It almost looks like I'll be sitting this next election out
Except for the fact that I'll be voting for Quico Conseco.
And maybe some third party that represents my hopes for America.
Original image stolen from Squakbox noise.
And maybe some third party that represents my hopes for America.
Original image stolen from Squakbox noise.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Texas Border coalition
It's a bunch of landowners and municipalities along the texas border- naturally.
These people don't want a fence (just like K.Bailey-Hutchinson) to interfere with their culture and trade.
They've gone to court to stop the gov't from finally trying to build the fence along the border.
All say they'll fight the fence, because it would interfere with their lives.
OK, the rest of America wants a fence to keep the trash out.
Y'all make your choice- we put up a fence in front of you, or behind you.
......And, no- there'll be no 'do overs' when you're over-run by the third world.
Gaaaahhhhhh.....who am I kidding?
We all know that as soon as some minority (finally) complains about illegals taking over, we'll be throwing half the treasury at the problem- trying to fix it retroactivly.
These people don't want a fence (just like K.Bailey-Hutchinson) to interfere with their culture and trade.
They've gone to court to stop the gov't from finally trying to build the fence along the border.
All say they'll fight the fence, because it would interfere with their lives.
OK, the rest of America wants a fence to keep the trash out.
Y'all make your choice- we put up a fence in front of you, or behind you.
......And, no- there'll be no 'do overs' when you're over-run by the third world.
Gaaaahhhhhh.....who am I kidding?
We all know that as soon as some minority (finally) complains about illegals taking over, we'll be throwing half the treasury at the problem- trying to fix it retroactivly.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Another thought on the 'Maverick' Mc Cain
I was listening to Michael Medved on the way home.
He mentioned that several conservative Senators had endorsed John McCain, and used that to bolster his McCain-as-a-conservative argument.
He asked a caller who questioned Big Johns record- why would those Republican conservatives back McCain if he wasn't a real conservative?
The answer, Michael is another question:
Which other Republican Senators are running for President?
They have a vested interest in getting one of them in the top seat, just so they can have a *BIG* lever in steering the course of the next four years of policy.
Or am I being too cynical?
He mentioned that several conservative Senators had endorsed John McCain, and used that to bolster his McCain-as-a-conservative argument.
He asked a caller who questioned Big Johns record- why would those Republican conservatives back McCain if he wasn't a real conservative?
The answer, Michael is another question:
Which other Republican Senators are running for President?
They have a vested interest in getting one of them in the top seat, just so they can have a *BIG* lever in steering the course of the next four years of policy.
Or am I being too cynical?
Welcome back to "pinup" fridays- Nose art
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I guess the vast majority of Republicans
Updated with a John McCain speach to a Democrat meeting- during his 2004 Presidential run.
Have the memory capabilities of a goldfish.
Since the maverick John Kennedy-McCain-Feingold is polling well above the negative numbers that he should be, if the voting public remembered all he voted against in his whoring for the Legacy Medias approval.
Ok, he's a war hero. He took what the Viet Cong could throw at him and walked away.
Good, I can respect that.
What I cannot respect is the fact that in the following forty years- he has actively sided with the Democratic party, or undermined the conservative ideals of the Republicans more than he's helped his party.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is launching perhaps his harshest attack yet on his own party and his gushiest praise of Democrats.
"I believe my party has gone astray," McCain said yesterday, singling out GOP stands on environmental issues and racial set-asides.
"I think the Democratic Party is a fine party, and I have no problems with it, in their views and their philosophy," he said. "But I also feel the Republican Party can be brought back to the principles I articulated before." J. McCain 2004
I can't forget that.
I will not vote for someone who is so transparent in working against everything I believe in- except the GWoT- that the Left wants to see him in charge of my country.
Nope, ain't gonna happen.
I'll stay home instead.
Have the memory capabilities of a goldfish.
Since the maverick John Kennedy-McCain-Feingold is polling well above the negative numbers that he should be, if the voting public remembered all he voted against in his whoring for the Legacy Medias approval.
Ok, he's a war hero. He took what the Viet Cong could throw at him and walked away.
Good, I can respect that.
What I cannot respect is the fact that in the following forty years- he has actively sided with the Democratic party, or undermined the conservative ideals of the Republicans more than he's helped his party.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is launching perhaps his harshest attack yet on his own party and his gushiest praise of Democrats.
"I believe my party has gone astray," McCain said yesterday, singling out GOP stands on environmental issues and racial set-asides.
"I think the Democratic Party is a fine party, and I have no problems with it, in their views and their philosophy," he said. "But I also feel the Republican Party can be brought back to the principles I articulated before." J. McCain 2004
I can't forget that.
I will not vote for someone who is so transparent in working against everything I believe in- except the GWoT- that the Left wants to see him in charge of my country.
Nope, ain't gonna happen.
I'll stay home instead.
Dear F-150 drivers
Can I ask you a question?
Why in the F*CK do you all have to drive like speed-freaks on crank EVERY. F*CKING. TIME. the WEATHER. is BAD?
It was cold and windy as h3ll this morning, I was almost rearended but two F-150's because I was only doing 75 (at 6:15AM). Look @sshole, I can only go as fast as the other TWO HUNDRED cars in front of me. You saw the line of taillights when you tried pushing me out of the way.
Also, DICK!, I stop when the light is red, I'm *NOT* going to run a red light because you woke up late.
I bet that the majority of accidents involved an F-150 today.
I don't see (as many) Chevy drivers driving like d1ckheads, or Ram drivers that much. I guess it has something to do with driving something more expensive (with the increased maturity) than a Ford.
Why in the F*CK do you all have to drive like speed-freaks on crank EVERY. F*CKING. TIME. the WEATHER. is BAD?
It was cold and windy as h3ll this morning, I was almost rearended but two F-150's because I was only doing 75 (at 6:15AM). Look @sshole, I can only go as fast as the other TWO HUNDRED cars in front of me. You saw the line of taillights when you tried pushing me out of the way.
Also, DICK!, I stop when the light is red, I'm *NOT* going to run a red light because you woke up late.
I bet that the majority of accidents involved an F-150 today.
I don't see (as many) Chevy drivers driving like d1ckheads, or Ram drivers that much. I guess it has something to do with driving something more expensive (with the increased maturity) than a Ford.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
So, Romney won in Michigan
And that means exactly what?
That he collected the Republican delegates? What else, since the vote was open to anyone who wanted to claim that they were a Republican for that day.
The only excluding factor in that vote was the fact that the Libs who couldn't even force themselves to pretend to be a Republican for a hour or so didn't vote for Mitt or the Maveric.
...Ohhh and the Democrats who actually respect the sanctity of the vote. All five of them.
And that means exactly what?
That he collected the Republican delegates? What else, since the vote was open to anyone who wanted to claim that they were a Republican for that day.
The only excluding factor in that vote was the fact that the Libs who couldn't even force themselves to pretend to be a Republican for a hour or so didn't vote for Mitt or the Maveric.
...Ohhh and the Democrats who actually respect the sanctity of the vote. All five of them.
The ACLU- defining deviancy down
We have the next chapter in the Larry Craig colonoscopy.
This time they're claiming that those having sex in a PUBLIC bathroom (I guess) have the same expectation of uninterrupted wild monkey s3x that they would in their own bedroom.
Because in the same trial/ charge was the fact that Craig invaded the privacy of the next stall over by inviting the occupant to ,,,observe his "wide stance."
We have the next chapter in the Larry Craig colonoscopy.
This time they're claiming that those having sex in a PUBLIC bathroom (I guess) have the same expectation of uninterrupted wild monkey s3x that they would in their own bedroom.
Because in the same trial/ charge was the fact that Craig invaded the privacy of the next stall over by inviting the occupant to ,,,observe his "wide stance."
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Hope you all had a good Tuesday
Mine really sucked.
...AND time was so slow the secondhand traveled as slowly as the minute hand usually does.
It was supposed to rain today, so the foreman had us work inside- wiring switches and outlets.
Something a helper could do with a week on the job.
We're behind on the buried stuff, but bossman didn't want us on raw dirt.
Gawd, how. absolutely. depressing. working in a dingey, chilly, depressing school.
...AND time was so slow the secondhand traveled as slowly as the minute hand usually does.
It was supposed to rain today, so the foreman had us work inside- wiring switches and outlets.
Something a helper could do with a week on the job.
We're behind on the buried stuff, but bossman didn't want us on raw dirt.
Gawd, how. absolutely. depressing. working in a dingey, chilly, depressing school.
Monday, January 14, 2008
When is a donation not a donation?
When it's required.
But, I guess if you're a non-profit organization.
I'm looking at drivers ed classes for Thing-2's birthday and see that Curbbuster is a non-profit foundation that requires a $99 donation for their course.
But, I guess if you're a non-profit organization.
I'm looking at drivers ed classes for Thing-2's birthday and see that Curbbuster is a non-profit foundation that requires a $99 donation for their course.
The mechanics of jerkymaking
There are as many recipes as you want to look for on AlGore's intertubes.
I usually use a cheap brisket because I'm making it to chew on, not enter into some gourmet jerky contest.
Whatever kind of meat you use, there are two ways to slice it, depending on how chewy/ hard you want it. Cutting on a short bias (across) the grain will make it easier to bite and chew, while cutting with the grain will give you a chewier piece.
Putting the meat in the freezer until it's semi-frozen will make it easier to slice thinly (1/8"- 1/4").
While you're freezing the meat is a good time to make the marinade of your choice, from sweet and sour all the way to burn-your-tongue-off hot. Just find (or create) a recipe you like.
Slice your meat and put into a container that you can refrigerate without too much hassle.
I like to use 1 gal. freezer bags because they can seal the air out.
Refrigerate for at least 4 hours- more for stronger flavor- I usually toss mine in the fridge overnight.
To jerkify, I use the oven- set at about 180 for four hours or so.
Put the bottom rack on the bottom position and use foil for a drip catcher.
Skewer your meat with shish-ka-bob skewers and let hang from the top rack set on the top position.
When finished to your liking (soft, brittle chewy, etc,,,) let cool and put into a clean freezer bag, and refrigerate because ALL the responsible site tell you too. Me, I just throw it in the truck and snack till it's gone. The original purpose of jerky was to preserve meat for a long time....
Hope that helped, Vern.
I usually use a cheap brisket because I'm making it to chew on, not enter into some gourmet jerky contest.
Whatever kind of meat you use, there are two ways to slice it, depending on how chewy/ hard you want it. Cutting on a short bias (across) the grain will make it easier to bite and chew, while cutting with the grain will give you a chewier piece.
Putting the meat in the freezer until it's semi-frozen will make it easier to slice thinly (1/8"- 1/4").
While you're freezing the meat is a good time to make the marinade of your choice, from sweet and sour all the way to burn-your-tongue-off hot. Just find (or create) a recipe you like.
Slice your meat and put into a container that you can refrigerate without too much hassle.
I like to use 1 gal. freezer bags because they can seal the air out.
Refrigerate for at least 4 hours- more for stronger flavor- I usually toss mine in the fridge overnight.
To jerkify, I use the oven- set at about 180 for four hours or so.
Put the bottom rack on the bottom position and use foil for a drip catcher.
Skewer your meat with shish-ka-bob skewers and let hang from the top rack set on the top position.
When finished to your liking (soft, brittle chewy, etc,,,) let cool and put into a clean freezer bag, and refrigerate because ALL the responsible site tell you too. Me, I just throw it in the truck and snack till it's gone. The original purpose of jerky was to preserve meat for a long time....
Hope that helped, Vern.
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