Monday, August 28, 2023

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

So, now the Left is cancelling Queen.

 You'd think that having a popular gay singer singing a song about pedophilia would be right up their aisle.
Especially when they were the front-runners of praising girls with a huge ass.


 But the scolds on the Left are going to continue to cancel everything until they cancel themselves.

So to piss off a Marxist....

Monday, August 21, 2023

Monday, August 14, 2023

Your Rule 5 Monday puzzle for Aug. 14


The big one below~
And lets see if I can slip a Kate Upton in here that they haven't hidden...

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Ripped from the headlines

 Stealing elections.... To protect Democracy.

Pelosi orders her sheeple how to vote in Ohio. To keep it easy to change their constitution...... For Democracy. 

The Biden regime making excuses about keeping the womyns (pay) down. Because if it wasn't for double standards, Democrats would have none at all.

Looks like Lying Joe has finally hit a breaking point when lying about Beau's death (in Iraq).... Keerist where is that "eye roll" emoji? 

Well, a lie is the go-to play for Leftists and the entire CoC of the DoJ food chain.. From lying on a FISA warrant to spy on a president through a decorated Naval Acadamy officer down through crooked Special Councils to cops lying on the stand.

You know you're in trouble when Polifact call Bull Shit on a Liberal Dem. ...And a woman of color, yet.

Even the women didn't like Rapino and her girlzz attitudes before they completely bombed out.

Biden showing what he learned about prisoner exchanges from his old boss. $6 billion dollars AND Iranian prisoners to a terrorist country for FIVE American prisoners. Iran has been an enemy state for over 40 years- what were they doing there?

Monday, August 07, 2023

Sunday, August 06, 2023

Said. No. Woman. EvAr...

 "I want my testicles back!"

It's ex has them in the refrigerator "right next to the eggs" BWAHAHAhAhaha.

Saturday, August 05, 2023