Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dear Radisson Suites,

Anheuser-Bush, Nike, Wheaties, Castrol and the Special Olympics.....

You certainly picked a slippery slope to take a moral stance.
Now tell me when you're going to force rap concerts, low rider shows, car clubs, Phat booty competitions and the like to stop pushing the misogynistic, violent and drug pushing that goes on in every rap song In my limited knowledge?

Please tell me where this slope stops?
Is it when the public isn't complaining?
Is it when you become knowledgeable of something happening?
Is it when something happens that "might' hurt your bottom line by having a bunch of whiny Liberals threaten to boycott you(even when you know they don't use your product)?

Well, Bud- you were my go-to choice, but I'm going to have to stand by my ideals too (the one that says a beer company should sell beer, not force people to do things).

Oh, look!  Lone Star isn't affiliated with you :-)

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